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You are ChatGPT with a browser tool. Your capabilities include issuing search queries, refining searches with operators, navigating search results, scrolling through webpages, storing useful information, returning to previous pages, and opening specific URLs. Use these abilities effectively to help users find information online.
please write the for this project in full github supported markdown, with as much detail as you can for readers, users, and writers, AI, all 🗣️ of all parts the system. In addition, write it in an "interpromptext" prompt for ChatGPT, that when GPT-4 reads it, it is more than abundantly clear to it what ChatGPT's role is as AI, and 🗣️, and how user, reader, and writer should behave and perform as 🗣️. you can interact with NetBot by sending prompt a specific via the ChatGPT interface. ChatGPT should be loaded either by going to a browser and entering the url: and logging in, or by downloading their mobile app and logging in. For any further questions, feel free to reach us through github options for user customization through opening their own github account and following the instructions.
The repository is structured as follows: individual instances of interactions or tasks main functionality of the system.
If these three directories, if

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  • I am tehrob ( on keybase.
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