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Avinash avinash-mishra

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avinash-mishra /
Created April 4, 2017 08:48 — forked from diegopacheco/
How to setup a Cassandra 2.x Cluster in AWS EC2 / Amazon Linux

Cassandra 2.x Cluster on AWS EC2

Install java 8

# Remove java 7
sudo yum remove -y java

# Install basic packages
sudo yum install -y git
avinash-mishra /
Last active September 10, 2018 08:02 — forked from stevenyap/
AWS S3 Command Line

S3 Syncing

# sync from bucket to local
aws s3 sync <bucket> <target_folder> <options>
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket . --acl public-read

aws s3 sync --region ap-northeast-1 s3://[移動元バケット名] s3://[移動先バケット名]
avinash-mishra /
Created September 23, 2016 09:22 — forked from erincerys/
Dumps a MySQL table and reformulates it into JSON to be ingested into a Cassandra table
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Dump a MySQL result set to file and then import into a Cassandra column family
# Configuration
# mysql_params [host, port, user, password, db] MySQL conenction parameters
# mysql_columns [colname, colname2, ...] Columns for building MySQL query
# The column that will hold values of the row key in the Cassandra column family must be first