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Last active December 19, 2023 04:56
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This module contains functions for training a text classification model, generating ROC and
Precision-Recall curves, and evaluating the model's performance. The data is preprocessed,
undersampled, and a Naive Bayes classifier is trained.
import os
import pickle
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, recall_score, precision_score,\
f1_score, roc_curve, auc, precision_recall_curve
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
# Paths
CURRENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__)
INPUT_DATA = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, 'wp_comments.txt')
def load_data(input_data):
"""Load data from a text file and return a DataFrame."""
txt_data = []
with open(input_data, "r", encoding="utf-8") as txt_file:
reader = csv.reader(txt_file, delimiter=',')
# Skip the header row
for row in reader:
if len(row) >= 2:
comment_text = row[0]
label = row[1]
txt_data.append((comment_text, label))
return pd.DataFrame(txt_data, columns=['sentence', 'label'])
def preprocess_data(data):
"""Preprocess the data, including text cleaning and stemming."""
# Initialize the SnowballStemmer
stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english")
# Define custom preprocessing function using SnowballStemmer
data['sentence'] = data['sentence'].apply(
lambda x: " ".join([stemmer.stem(i) for i in x.split()]))
return data
def split_data(data):
"""Split data into individual features sentences and labels."""
sentence = data['sentence']
label = data['label']
return sentence, label
def train_model(x_train, y_train):
"""Train a text classification model."""
# Define the pipeline with feature extraction and classification steps
pipeline = Pipeline([
('vect', TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 4), sublinear_tf=True)),
('chi', SelectKBest(chi2, k=1000)),
('clf', MultinomialNB()) # Using Naive Bayes classifier
# Fit the model
model =, y_train)
return model
def generate_roc_curve(y_test, y_probs):
"""Generate ROC curve and calculate AUC."""
fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_test, y_probs)
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
return fpr, tpr, thresholds, roc_auc
def generate_precision_recall_curve(y_test, y_probs):
"""Generate Precision-Recall curve and calculate AUC."""
precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(y_test, y_probs)
pr_auc = auc(recall, precision)
return precision, recall, thresholds, pr_auc
def find_best_threshold(fpr, tpr, thresholds):
"""Find the threshold with the highest Youden's J statistic."""
youden_values = tpr - fpr
best_threshold_index = np.argmax(youden_values)
best_threshold = thresholds[best_threshold_index]
return best_threshold
def evaluate_model(model, x_test, y_test, threshold):
"""Evaluate the model on the test data with a specific threshold."""
# Convert string labels to integers in y_test
y_test_int = y_test.astype(int)
# Use the threshold for prediction
y_pred_with_threshold = (model.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] >= threshold).astype(int)
# Calculate performance metrics
acc_score = accuracy_score(y_test_int, y_pred_with_threshold)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test_int, y_pred_with_threshold)
recall = recall_score(y_test_int, y_pred_with_threshold, pos_label=1)
precision = precision_score(y_test_int, y_pred_with_threshold, pos_label=1)
f1score = f1_score(y_test_int, y_pred_with_threshold, pos_label=1)
return acc_score, conf_matrix, recall, precision, f1score
def print_metrics(metrics, roc_auc, pr_auc):
"""Print the model evaluation metrics."""
acc_score, conf_matrix, recall, precision, f1score = metrics
print(f'Accuracy Score: {acc_score}')
print(f'Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix}')
print(f'Recall Score: {recall}')
print(f'Precision: {precision}')
print(f'F1 Score: {f1score}')
print(f'Precision-Recall AUC: {pr_auc}')
print(f'ROC AUC: {roc_auc}')
# Extract and print true postive, false positive, true negative, false negative
true_negatives, false_positives = conf_matrix[0, 0], conf_matrix[0, 1]
false_negatives, true_positives = conf_matrix[1, 0], conf_matrix[1, 1]
# Calculate and print percentages
total_spam = true_negatives + false_positives
correctly_predicted_spam_percent = (true_negatives / total_spam) * 100
total_non_spam = true_positives + false_negatives
correctly_predicted_non_spam_percent = (true_positives / total_non_spam) * 100
print(f'True Negatives (TN): {true_negatives}')
print(f'False Positives (FP): {false_positives}')
print(f'Correctly Predicted Spam Percentage: {correctly_predicted_spam_percent:.2f}%')
print(f'True Positives (TP): {true_positives}')
print(f'False Negatives (FN): {false_negatives}')
print(f'Total Non-Spam Messages: {total_non_spam}')
print(f'Correctly Predicted Non-Spam Percentage: {correctly_predicted_non_spam_percent:.2f}%')
def plot_curve(x_axis, y_axis, area_under_curve, curve_type):
"""Plot either ROC or Precision-Recall curve."""
plt.plot(x_axis, y_axis, lw=2, label=f'{curve_type} AUC = {area_under_curve:.2f}')
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate' if curve_type == 'ROC' else 'Recall')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate' if curve_type == 'ROC' else 'Precision')
plt.title(f'{curve_type} Curve')
plt.legend(loc="lower right" if curve_type == 'ROC' else 'lower left')
def plot_roc_and_pr_curves(fpr, tpr, roc_auc, recall, precision, pr_auc):
"""Plot ROC curve and Precision-Recall curve."""
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
# Plot ROC curve
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot_curve(fpr, tpr, roc_auc, 'ROC')
# Plot Precision-Recall curve
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot_curve(recall, precision, pr_auc, 'Precision-Recall')
def undersample_data(x_data, y_data, target_percentage=1.0):
"""Undersample the majority class to achieve the target percentage."""
sampler = RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=target_percentage, random_state=42)
# Convert the Pandas Series to a NumPy array and reshape them
x_data = x_data.to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1)
y_data = y_data.to_numpy().ravel() # Use ravel to convert to 1D array
# Undersample the data
x_resampled, y_resampled = sampler.fit_resample(x_data, y_data)
# Convert the NumPy arrays back to Pandas Series
x_resampled_series = pd.Series(x_resampled[:, 0])
y_resampled_series = pd.Series(y_resampled)
return x_resampled_series, y_resampled_series
def save_model(model, output_model):
"""Save the trained model to a file."""
with open(output_model, 'wb') as model_file:
pickle.dump(model, model_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load data from txt file
text_data = load_data(INPUT_DATA)
# Preprocess the data
pre_processed_data = preprocess_data(text_data)
# Split data into features (X) and labels (y)
X, Y = split_data(pre_processed_data)
# Split data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Apply sampling percentage
X_train_undersampled, y_train_undersampled = undersample_data(
X_train, Y_train, target_percentage=0.3)
# Train a text classification model
trained_model = train_model(X_train_undersampled, y_train_undersampled)
# Convert string labels to integers in y_test
Y_test_int = Y_test.astype(int)
#Predicted probabilities of the positive class
Y_probs = trained_model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
# Calculate precision-recall curve and AUC
PRECESION, RECALL, THRESHOLDS, PR_AUC = generate_precision_recall_curve(Y_test_int, Y_probs)
# Calculate ROC curve and AUC
FPR, TPR, THRESHOLDS, ROC_AUC = generate_roc_curve(Y_test_int, Y_probs)
# Find the best threshold using Youden's J statistic
BEST_THRESHOLD = find_best_threshold(FPR, TPR, THRESHOLDS)
print(f'Best Threshold (Youden\'s J): {BEST_THRESHOLD}')
# Evaluate the model on the test data with the best threshold
model_metrics_with_threshold = evaluate_model(trained_model, X_test, Y_test, BEST_THRESHOLD)
# Print the model evaluation metrics and ROC curve
print_metrics(model_metrics_with_threshold, ROC_AUC, PR_AUC)
# Plot graph
plot_roc_and_pr_curves(FPR, TPR, ROC_AUC, RECALL, PRECESION, PR_AUC)
This module contains a script for building and evaluating a comment classification model.
It loads data from a text file, preprocesses the data, trains a machine learning model,
and evaluates its performance.
import os
import pickle
import csv
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, recall_score, precision_score, \
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
# Paths
CURRENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__)
INPUT_DATA = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, 'wp_comments.txt')
OUTPUT_MODEL = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, 'comment_classifier_bayes.pickle')
def load_data(input_data):
"""Load data from a text file and return a DataFrame."""
txt_data = []
with open(input_data, "r", encoding="utf-8") as txt_file:
reader = csv.reader(txt_file, delimiter=',')
# Skip the header row
for row in reader:
if len(row) >= 2:
comment_text = row[0]
label = row[1]
txt_data.append((comment_text, label))
return pd.DataFrame(txt_data, columns=['sentence', 'label'])
def preprocess_data(input_data):
"""Preprocess the data, including text cleaning and stemming."""
# Initialize the SnowballStemmer
stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english")
# Define custom preprocessing function using SnowballStemmer
input_data['sentence'] = data['sentence'].apply(lambda x: " ".join([
stemmer.stem(i) for i in x.split()]))
return input_data
def split_data(input_data):
"""Split data into individual features sentences and labels."""
sentence = input_data['sentence']
label = input_data['label']
return sentence, label
def train_model(x_train, y_train):
"""Train a text classification model."""
# Define the pipeline with feature extraction and classification steps
pipeline = Pipeline([
('vect', TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 4), sublinear_tf=True)),
('chi', SelectKBest(chi2, k=1000)),
('clf', MultinomialNB()) # Using Naive Bayes classifier
# Fit the model
model =, y_train)
return model
def evaluate_model(model, x_test, y_test):
"""Evaluate the model on the test data."""
# Predict the labels for the test set
y_pred = model.predict(x_test)
# Calculate performance metrics
acc_score = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred, pos_label='1')
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred, pos_label='1')
f1score = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, pos_label='1')
return acc_score, conf_matrix, recall, precision, f1score
def print_metrics(metrics):
"""Print the model evaluation metrics."""
acc_score, conf_matrix, recall, precision, f1score = metrics
print(f'Accuracy Score: {acc_score}')
print(f'Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix}')
print(f'Recall Score: {recall}')
print(f'Precision: {precision}')
print(f'F1 Score: {f1score}')
# Extract and print true postive, false positive, true negative, false negative
true_negatives, false_positives = conf_matrix[0, 0], conf_matrix[0, 1]
false_negatives, true_positives = conf_matrix[1, 0], conf_matrix[1, 1]
# Calculate and print percentages
total_spam = true_negatives + false_positives
correctly_predicted_spam_percent = (true_negatives / total_spam) * 100
total_non_spam = true_positives + false_negatives
correctly_predicted_non_spam_percent = (true_positives / total_non_spam) * 100
print(f'True Negatives (TN): {true_negatives}')
print(f'False Positives (FP): {false_positives}')
print(f'Correctly Predicted Spam Percentage: {correctly_predicted_spam_percent:.2f}%')
print(f'True Positives (TP): {true_positives}')
print(f'False Negatives (FN): {false_negatives}')
print(f'Total Non-Spam Messages: {total_non_spam}')
print(f'Correctly Predicted Non-Spam Percentage: {correctly_predicted_non_spam_percent:.2f}%')
def save_model(model, output_model):
Save the trained model to a file.
with open(output_model, 'wb') as model_file:
pickle.dump(model, model_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load data from txt file
data = load_data(INPUT_DATA)
# Preprocess the data
pre_process_data = preprocess_data(data)
# Split data into features (X) and labels (y)
X, y = split_data(pre_process_data)
# Split data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Train a text classification model
trained_model = train_model(X_train, Y_train)
# Evaluate the model on the test data
model_metrics = evaluate_model(trained_model, X_test, Y_test)
# Print the model evaluation metrics
# Save the model to a file
save_model(trained_model, OUTPUT_MODEL)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
a previous post titled Running Selenium automation using Sauce Labs Part I we showed you how to get started with running your Selenium tests on Sauce Labs In this post we ,1
ClientUser Balance Qxf2blog ,1
Running Selenium Automation Using Sauce Labs Part 1 Qxf2 ,1
Add all to questions Qxf2 ,1
Running Selenium Automation Using Sauce Labs Part 3 Qxf2 ,1
Running Selenium Automation Using Sauce Labs Part 2 Qxf2 ,1
API Testing Using Runscope Qxf2blog ,1
Getting Started with Mobile Automation Selendroid Python Qxf2 ,1
The Art of Writing XPaths Qxf2 ,1
This is very awesome and highly useful I am just getting starting in automated testing and I have a few questions Do you know how easy this would be to set up on a Mac or Linux environment I write my tests on my mac and execute them in a headless Linux environment with Firefox Also so you know if there is an iOS equivelant perhaps with the iOS simulator Out if my companys 50 mobile traffic almost 90 of that is is iOS Thanks and and once again very helpful,1
Well I figured out iOS which is nice But when I tried to launch the test I got this error after waiting close to 2 minutes for it to start
SEVERE Error while creating new session For input string WVGA800
javalangNumberFormatException For input string WVGA800
WVGA800 is the skin of the AVD that I created Any idea what this means and how to resolve it Thanks,1
Nice article the way you explained is very good i want to add one more point we have some plugins also by which we can directly get the xpath of an element such as xpath viewer selenium ide etc
a href titleHow to create xpath in selenium webdriver relnofollow see this once here are some way to get xpath a
Thanks The SeleniumHQ blessed approaches to automating on Android and iOS are Selendroid iosdriver and Appium 1 We will be writing about getting started with Appium soon this weeknext week but not iOS specific yet
WVGANUMBER is used to describe the screen display resolution Can you see if this link helps you past your error,1
Eathen I find most plugins do not do a good job of coming up with robust xpaths At Qxf2 we use a href relnofollowXPath Checkera a href relnofollowFirebug 20a and old works only with FF 36 and below a href relnofollowXPathera to confirm our hand crafted xpaths are correct,1
I agree with your point some how I have worked with selenium IDE I used to record my steps then used to see the elements address from the IDE and I always found 90 correct xpaths working with Webdriver
See more related question ofa href titleFrequently asked Question related to XPATH relnofollow xpatha,1
Getting Started With Mobile Automation Appium Python Qxf2 ,1
The idea behind UI automation is to test the app as a user would But i think reusing test code is going to be a challenge when comparing web automation to native app automation To test with more than one Android device locally you need to have one Appium server per device Good article,1
Can you please let me know what is the method to wait until to see the element
I click on a button it navigates to another page with some text I need to write a wait method to see the text in the next page
My app is a native app
Thanks for the comments This post was just on getting started with mobile automation using appium You can also run your test directly on cloud using Saucelabs You can refer to our blog on Mobile Automation using a href relnofollowappium and saucelabsa,1
Here is a a href relnofollowlinka for your reference,1
Batman and Page Objects Qxf2 ,1
I have seen the above link but its a java method I am writing the code in python
Please let me know the method which wait until to see the element in python
selfdriverimplicitly_wait is not working,1
Have you tried the following
wait WebDriverWaitselfdriver10
condition ECtext_to_be_present_in_elementByTAG_NAME html search
This is still not working can you please elt me know one thing selendroid works on native app activity
Because when I tap Next button in my test app it navigates to Device Administrators screen for requesting admin rights for my test app so here I need to click on Activate button in Device Administrators screen so clicking on this button using selendroid is not working So my question is does it also work on device native inbuilt apps activity if yes please let me know how to click on Activate button in Device Administrators screen screen
Evelyn Im making a wild guess based on past experience with webdriver Do you have a proxy setup on your machine If so try again after removing the proxy settings,1
Any Answer for the above question does Selendroid works for device native apps like Settings Contacts Messaging,1
If any steps to setup Appium on Ubuntu and use it with Android emulator can be provided then it would be of great help,1
Praveen Thanks for the great follow up question Selendroid does have native app support I am not sure about your specific use case of jumping between apps though I believe you need to switch context when switching between apps but I could be wrong Do you have an example app that I could play around with
If its easier feel free to email me at makqxf2com And sorry for the delay in replying,1
Aravind I have not tried getting Appium on Ubuntu Im adding it to my to do list I will try to install Appium on Ubuntu in the next 3 weeks Im giving you a high level answer here just in case you are in a hurry
Since I am not in a position to try this right away I did some extra high level research Appium is written in JavaScript and powered by a href relnofollowNodejsa There is a dependency on a href relnofollowgrunta too which is like not exactly but like a build tool for JavaScript Grunt lets JavaScript developers automate repetitive tasks like minifying scripts running tests etc Node has its own eco system and uses NPM Node Package Manager to make installations easy Its like APT for Ubuntu Hopefully this gives you better context as you execute steps listed online
I did Google around for common pitfalls and found these
a few people have trouble because they were running older versions of node Apparently you need node 01 and above
b few people warn that appium may not work if you installed node with sudo user
All in all this a href relnofollowanswera on stackoverflow seems to be safest approach to installing Appium on Ubuntu If you solve this problem before me please post your answer here,1
Browserstack is most popular and trusted cloud based testing tool in the market You can access this automation testing tool on your web browser with simple user interface,1
Hmmm most popular and trusted may be going a bit too far One of our key goals at Qxf2 is to help testers get started on a variety of tools and explore different options to solve the problems that testers face Way I see it BrowserStack is one of your options Based on your specific context you can choose the option that suits you,1
Check it out
This main method will let you run the browserstack binary from your projects main folder
public static void mainString args
our command line string
String command SystemgetPropertyuserdirBrowserStackLocalexe the location in quotes
insert site here80normal port
0if it uses https here too4431https port
Process p
excecute the command via runtime
p RuntimegetRuntimeexeccommand
Threadsleep2000wait two seconds to let it load
SystemoutprintlnBinary excecuted Verify in task manager
catch Exception e
And here we have code to make the webdriver
Creates a webdriver with the proper cabalities to test remotely via browserstack
Using this driver will return an error if the browserstack binary is not running
param browser The type of browser
param version The version number of the browser
param os The name of the operating system
param osVersion The version namenumber of the operating system
return The webdriver with the proper capabilities enabled for remote testing
public WebDriver testRemotelyString browser String version String os String osVersion
DesiredCapabilities caps new DesiredCapabilities
capssetCapabilitybrowser browser
capssetCapabilitybrowser_version version
capssetCapabilityos os
capssetCapabilityos_version osVersion
capssetCapabilityacceptSslCerts trueallows invalid SSL certificates
capssetCapabilitynativeEvents true
capssetCapabilitybrowserstackdebug truecreates visual logs
capssetCapabilitybrowserstacklocal trueallows local testing to proceed
capssetCapabilityresolution 1024x768
WebDriver driver new HtmlUnitDriverthe variable needs to be instantiated This creates an invisible driver to start with
the actual driver is a remote driver based on the URL and capabilities
driver new RemoteWebDrivernew URLURL caps
catch MalformedURLException e
catch WebDriverException f
browserstack is not running
return driver
Sorry its in java but still very nice for remote testing,1
Thanks for the comment Brooks Team Qxf2 will check out running tests on BrowserStack very soon,1
Rethinking Manual Testing Qxf2 ,1
Getting Started With TestNG Qxf2 ,1
Two Habits to Improve the Image of Testers Qxf2 ,1
Ways to identify UI elements in mobile apps Qxf2 ,1
Thanks for this post It was very useful
Im encountering the following Access Deniederror
EToolEvaluationsAppium_ProjectsSampleProjpython android_chesspy
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ERROR
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File android_chesspy line 19 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
File buildbdistwin32eggappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities brow
ser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2430py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2430py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2430py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 173 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2430py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremoteerrorhandlerpy line 136 in check_response
raise exception_classvalue
WebDriverException Message rnAccess Deniedrnrnrnrnstrongstrongr
nrnblockquoternrnrnrnAccess Denied authentication_failedrnrnrnrnrnrnrnYour credentials could not be authenticated Credentials are missing Y
ou will not be permitted access until your credentials can be verifiedrnrnrnrnrnThis is typically cau
sed by an incorrect username andor password but could also be caused by networ
k problemsrnrnrnrnrnrnFor assistance contact your network support teamrnrnrnrnblockquoternrnrn
Ran 1 test in 0022s
FAILED errors1,1
Weird Your previous URLError exception indicates that your script was not able to connect to the Appium Server Try stopping the server restarting it and then use a new command prompt to run the script again
To setup Appium on Ubuntu
1 Install NodeJs sudo aptget install nodejs
2 Install npm sudo aptget install npm
3 Install appium npm install g appium
4 Install the appium client npm install wd
5 Start the appium server appium
You will need to set up your environment variables in a similar fashion The rest of the tutorial will be nearly identical between Windows and Ubunutu,1
Learn By Example Python Unit Checks Qxf2 ,1
can you tell me where i have to write the python file,1
how script and emulator should interact,1
Hi Manivannan
You can write your Python test anywhere on your machine where selendroid server is running,1
Selendroid server uses adb commands to list all the available devices Since we start selendroid server the script interacts with any emulator or device available
Refer to the below link for more details,1
Have You Signed the Petition to Stop ISO 29119 Qxf2 ,1
Testing and Interviewing Qxf2 ,1
Thanks a lot
Very useful article,1
A Simple Test Runner For Windows Qxf2 ,1
Implementing the Page Object Model Selenium Python Qxf2 ,1
I want to learn appium i am a java programmer and i have knowledge on Webdriver can anybody help me to learn Appium
Thanks in advance,1
ThanksArticle was really Helpfulthough i was new to selenium i was able to run the Appium,1
Madhubabu our experience with Java and Appium is extremely limited However one thing that helped us get started with Appium and Python was the concept behind Appium Think of Appium as three parts
1 Appium implements a some subset of webdriver methods technically the REST API of webdriver aka webdriver JSON wire protocol
2 Appium lets you interface with mobile devices by extending this webdriver implementation
3 Appium also has added some functionality unique to mobile devices swipe flick etc
If you are already familiar with webdriver I would suggest that you start with a simple app Then figure out how to set the desired capabilities Finally figure out the different webdriver calls implemented by Appium Hope this helps,1
Videos Getting Started With JMeter in 30 Minutes Saurabh Chhabra ,1
I am doing ioS Mobile automation testing for Native application
I am getting an system generated location alert would like to use your Current Locationwhile opening the application in simulator I am not able to handle this with Selenium as i am not able to capture this alert box using Inspector
Is there any way to handle this with the help of capabilities while setting the capabilities I am using the below code
capabilitiessetCapabilityCapabilityTypeVERSION 70
capabilitiessetCapabilityCapabilityTypePLATFORM Mac
capabilitiessetCapabilityDevice iPhone Simulator
driver new RemoteWebDriver
new URLremoteDriverURL capabilities
I am using Java Appium Web Driver Sikuli
Please help on this ,1
Priya can you check if adding strongcapabilitiessetCapabilityautoAcceptAlerts truestrong works with your version of Appium,1
Good list Ive done 2 before,1
Where can I find applications to practice software testing Qxf2 ,1
Hi there I am new to Appium I followed all the steps and when I was running it I keep getting some URLError Do you know what I missed Thx very much
This is what I got from the console
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ERROR
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File CUsersbonniedonnelsworkspaceEmn8_automationBKLoyaltyTest_Appiumtestappiumpy line 42 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CPython27Libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27Libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27Libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27Libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 171 in execute
response selfcommand_executorexecutedriver_command params
File CPython27Libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteremote_connectionpy line 349 in execute
return self_requestcommand_info0 url bodydata
File CPython27Libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteremote_connectionpy line 417 in _request
resp openeropenrequest
File CPython27Liburllib2py line 404 in open
response self_openreq data
File CPython27Liburllib2py line 422 in _open
_open req
File CPython27Liburllib2py line 382 in _call_chain
result funcargs
File CPython27Liburllib2py line 1214 in http_open
return selfdo_openhttplibHTTPConnection req
File CPython27Liburllib2py line 1184 in do_open
raise URLErrorerr
Ran 1 test in 1009s
FAILED errors1,1
thanks again
here i can see that appium using the port
Starting Node Server
info Welcome to Appium v100 REV f0a00fab2335fa88cb355ab4dc43a9cd3f3236c0
info Appium REST http interface listener started on 1270014723
info socketio started
info Nondefault server args address127001logNoColorstrueavdappium
what when i look on the TCPView i can only see the nodeexe on port 4723 and listening
do you have an instruction for ubuntu hwo to run this i can try on ubuntu,1
My hunches based on your error is that
1 Appium server is not up and running steps 6 7 in the Appium Setup section
2 Appium server is running on a port other than 4723 use netstat or TCPView on Windows to confirm
3 localhost may not be getting resolved to 127001 try changing your URL from http://localhost:4723/wd/hub to and try
Let me know if none of the hunches are right and we can go looking for more possibilities,1
Thank so much I made sure that the Appium server is running correctly and also I checked port 4723 which is working fine Now I have another issue
I keep getting the following error
error Unhandled error Error ENOENT no such file or directory Candroid_sdk_adt_bundleandroid_sdkbuildtools
First I dont find ENOENT in the directory Second I do not know why there is after android_sdk directory
So now I am facing a new problem
Thanks very much,1
ENOENT error is NodeJS complaining Can you check these two things
1 highly likely Does your ANDROID_HOME has an extra semicolon at the end If it does remove the semicolon restart the appium server open up a new command prompt and then try running the test again
2 unlikely but possible Does your PATH variable have android related paths that have a spurious semicolon ie a semicolon that is NOT being used as a separator between two paths,1
Thanks again Now it works I had a in the end of the path Candroid_sdk_adt_bundleandroid_sdk of ANDROID_HOME I took out the
The problem is now resolved although I didnt have an extra to begin with and having one in the end of the path should not be a problem
Thanks very much again I appreciate it,1
BrowserStack configuration for Selenium automation Qxf2 ,1
Appium tutorial Execute Python tests on mobile devices Qxf2 ,1
I am new to this i am getting the error below can you help me out i did try the above solution but still not working
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File CBSGAndroidadtbundlewindowsx86_6420130522android_chesspy line 26 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
File CPython27libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 173 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 164 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message uA new session could not be created Original error Bad app CBSGAndroidadtbundlewindowsx86_6420130522Chess Freeapk App paths
tall dir or a URL to compressed file or a special app name cause Error Error locating the app ENOENT stat CBSGAndroidadtbundlewindowsx86_6420130522Ches
Ran 1 test in 0105s,1
Selva can you post the entire error message starting from emraise exception_classmessage screen stacktraceem It looks like your last few lines were not copy pasted fully Also please post the version of Appium you installed
My best guesses without seeing the exact message is that
1 likely Your script is pointing to the wrong app path The app path in our script is set as
desired_capsapp ospathabspathospathjoinospathdirname__file__appsChess Freeapk where
__file__ is the Python script you are executing and present in lets say Directory_Of_My_Choice
The apk is expected to be in Directory_Of_My_ChoiceappsChess Freeapk
So either make sure that your directory structure matches what is set in desired_capsapp or change desired_capsapp to match where your app is present
2 unlikely If the problem is intermittent it may just be that you need to add a appWaitActivity to your desired capabilities,1
Thanks for getting back to me I did check the path and version Here is the full details
I am using appium version 100 as you suggested above
my scripts file is in the the below path
my app is in the below directory
my scripts
Qxf2 Example script to run one test against the Chess Free app using Appium
The test will
launch the app
click the PLAY button
choose single player mode
import os
import unittest
from appium import webdriver
from time import sleep
class ChessAndroidTestsunittestTestCase
Class to run tests against the Chess Free app
def setUpself
Setup for the test
desired_capsplatformName Android
desired_capsplatformVersion 442
desired_capsdeviceName emulator5554
Returns abs path relative to this file and not cwd
desired_capsapp ospathabspathospathjoinospathdirname__file__BSGChess Freeapk
desired_capsappPackage ukcoaifactorychessfree
desired_capsappActivity ChessFreeActivity
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
def tearDownself
Tear down the test
def test_single_player_modeself
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
element selfdriverfind_element_by_namePLAY
selfdriverfind_element_by_nameSingle Playerclick
textfields selfdriverfind_elements_by_class_nameandroidwidgetTextView
selfassertEqualMATCH SETTINGS textfields0text
if __name__ __main__
suite unittestTestLoaderloadTestsFromTestCaseChessAndroidTests
here is the error
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ERROR
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File Candroid_chesspy line 26 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
File buildbdistwin32eggappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 173 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 164 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message uA new session could not be created Original error Bad app CappsChess Freeapk App paths need to be absolute or relative to the appium server install dir or a URL to compressed file
special app name cause Error Error locating the app ENOENT stat CappsChess Freeapk
Ran 1 test in 0194s
FAILED errors1
This is the appium windows error
Starting Node Server
info Welcome to Appium v100 REV f0a00fab2335fa88cb355ab4dc43a9cd3f3236c0
info Appium REST http interface listener started on 1270014723
info socketio started
info Nondefault server args address127001logNoColorstrueavdappium
ERROR debug Appium request initiated at wdhubsession
info Using local app from desired caps CappsChess Freeapk
ERROR debug Request received with params desiredCapabilitiesdeviceNameemulator5554appCappsChess FreeapkplatformVersion442appPackageukcoaifactorychessfreeplatformNameAndroidappActivityChessFreeActivity
info Got configuration error not starting session
ERROR error Failed to start an Appium session err was Error Bad app CappsChess Freeapk App paths need to be absolute or relative to the appium server install dir or a URL to compressed file or a special app name cause Error Error locating the app ENOENT stat CappsChess Freeapk
info Cleaning up appium session
info Error Bad app CappsChess Freeapk App paths need to be absolute or relative to the appium server install dir or a URL to compressed file or a special app name cause Error Error locating the app ENOENT stat CappsChess Freeapk
at null CBSGAppiumAppiumForWindows100AppiumForWindowsnode_modulesappiumlibdevicesandroidandroidcommonjs5313
at CBSGAppiumAppiumForWindows100AppiumForWindowsnode_modulesappiumlibdevicesdevicejs7016
at Objectoncomplete fsjs10715
info Responding to client with error status33valuemessageA new session could not be created Original error Bad app CappsChess Freeapk App paths need to be absolute or relative to the appium server install dir or a URL to compressed file or a special app name cause Error Error locating the app ENOENT stat CappsChess FreeapkorigValueBad app CappsChess Freeapk App paths need to be absolute or relative to the appium server install dir or a URL to compressed file or a special app name cause Error Error locating the app ENOENT stat CappsChess FreeapksessionIdnull
POST wdhubsession 500 42ms 632b
I hope this will help
Please try changing desired caps to this
desired_capsapp ospathabspathospathjoinospathdirname__file__BSGappsChess Freeapk
I think what is going on right now is that Appium is looking for the apk in CBSG You can make Appium look for the app in CBSGapps by making the above change,1
Thanks again I did change this but still the error My appium folder is in the below directory
My scripts now look like
import os
import unittest
from appium import webdriver
from time import sleep
class ChessAndroidTestsunittestTestCase
Class to run tests against the Chess Free app
def setUpself
Setup for the test
desired_capsplatformName Android
desired_capsplatformVersion 442
desired_capsdeviceName emulator5554
Returns abs path relative to this file and not cwd
desired_capsapp ospathabspathospathjoinospathdirname__file__BSGappsChess Freeapk
desired_capsappPackage ukcoaifactorychessfree
desired_capsappActivity ChessFreeActivity
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
def tearDownself
Tear down the test
def test_single_player_modeself
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
element selfdriverfind_element_by_namePLAY
selfdriverfind_element_by_nameSingle Playerclick
textfields selfdriverfind_elements_by_class_nameandroidwidgetTextView
selfassertEqualMATCH SETTINGS textfields0text
if __name__ __main__
suite unittestTestLoaderloadTestsFromTestCaseChessAndroidTests
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ERROR
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File Candroid_chesspy line 26 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
File buildbdistwin32eggappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 171 in execute
response selfcommand_executorexecutedriver_command params
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremoteremote_connectionpy line 347 in execute
return self_requestcommand_info0 url bodydata
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2421py27eggseleniumwebdriverremoteremote_connectionpy line 415 in _request
resp openeropenrequest
File CPython27liburllib2py line 404 in open
response self_openreq data
File CPython27liburllib2py line 422 in _open
_open req
File CPython27liburllib2py line 382 in _call_chain
result funcargs
File CPython27liburllib2py line 1214 in http_open
return selfdo_openhttplibHTTPConnection req
File CPython27liburllib2py line 1184 in do_open
raise URLErrorerr
Ran 1 test in 1059s
FAILED errors1
once again thanks,1
Great You are past the previous error This error is different It seems similar to the error that B commented on a little earlier The likely solutions are
1 Appium server is not up and running steps 6 7 in the Appium Setup section
2 Appium server is running on a port other than 4723 use netstat or TCPView on Windows to confirm
Can you check if your Appium server is up and running,1
This is excellent I can run this successfully Thanks for this I was waiting for this Great job Keep it up
How to capture the screen for each steps
Thanks Selva We are always happy to help out fellow testers
When you say capture the screen do you mean taking a screenshot as part of the script itself Or did you mean how we captured the screenshots pasted in this tutorial,1
Thanks for getting back to me I mean talking screenshot as part of the script itself
Once again thanks,1
Selva I have not tried this and wont be able to try this for the next few days But I think strongselfdriverget_screenshot_as_filefilenamestrong should do it I know Appiums webdriver inherits from Seleniums webdriverRemote Seleniums webdriverRemote has the method get_screenshot_as_filefilename where filename is the full path of the desired image Egselfdriverget_screenshot_as_filerCtmpmy_imagepng
Side note A useful Python feature is to use the stronghelpobjectstrong command in the Python interpreter You can create the driver object and then do helpdriver to see what are the methods that can be used with that object,1
Selva I can confirm that selfdriverget_screenshot_as_filerCtmpmy_imagepng works for me,1
Thanks for the blog Your tip helped to solve my problem
Thanks for your help,1
I followed your tutorial as follows
1 Appium setup Yes
2 Connect to an Android device Yes Nexus 4 running Android 442 with Dev mode enabled
3 Select an app to test get its package and activity name Downloaded ATPWTA Live app and installed on Nexus 4
4 Use uiautomatorviewer to find UI components of the application Skipped
5 Write the test Copied the test from this page and saved as atp_wtapy and modified platformVersion and deviceName
6 Start and launch Appium server console Yes
7 Run the test Yes
But Im getting the following error
CDevappium_python_testspython atp_wtapy
test_atp_wta __main__Android_ATP_WTA
Testing the ATP WTA app ERROR
ERROR test_atp_wta __main__Android_ATP_WTA
Testing the ATP WTA app
Traceback most recent call last
File atp_wtapy line 18 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesappium_python_client011py27eggappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_sess
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 173 in execute
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 166 in check_r
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message A new session could not be created Original error Could not find a connected Android device
Ran 1 test in 28133s
FAILED errors1
What am I doing wrong Any help would be greatly appreciated
Android unit testing Android testing framework and Robolectric Qxf2 ,1
Leonardo the error indicates that your Android device may not have been recognized Ill need more details to debug What do you see when you run strongadb devices lstrong on your command prompt You may need to change the directory to emyou_android_pathsdkplatformtoolsem for the adb command to work
Please let us know the version of Android you have on your phone too,1
Hi yes my laptop didnt recognise my device but I have sorted it out since by following the steps outlined here and now I get this message when I do adb devices
List of devices attached
025f18afd8d66506 device
So now when I run the python script I get this new error
test_atp_wta __main__Android_ATP_WTA
Testing the ATP WTA app ERROR
ERROR test_atp_wta __main__Android_ATP_WTA
Testing the ATP WTA app
Traceback most recent call last
File atp_wtapy line 18 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesappium_python_client011py27eggappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 35 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 73 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 121 in start_sess
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 173 in execute
File CDevPython27libsitepackagesselenium2440py27eggseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 166 in check_r
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message A new session could not be created Original error Requested a new session but one was in progress
Ran 1 test in 0303s
FAILED errors1,1
Hi Vrushali Mahalley
Thank for your effort
I confuse at function __init__ on ChessGamePagepy and Base_Page_Objectpy we will create constructor selenium_driver but I see its not used on file test case because the test case file is using setUP function calling Firefox instance So I think __init__ on files as above is useless we can remove it
If wrong please correct for me,1
Leonardo can you try restarting your Appium server I have seen this happen when driverquit is not called at the end of one script and you try to run a new one Eg You ran a script and somewhere the script failed with an exception before driverquit was called Now you correct the error in the script and run it again and sometimes this error happens Annoying Only quick fix I can think of is to restart the Appium server,1
Thank you That did the trick It would also help others if you add a small section of FAQ at the end of this article if case others have come across these types of errors with Appium
Now I can follow the rest of your tutorials and even try writing my own tests Thanks again,1
I am trying to run the example in python and the script does not do any thing
Any suggestions
DeviceNameAndroidappcusersuserdocumentsvisual studio 2012ProjectsPythonApplication3PythonApplication3appsChessFreeapkplatformVersion42ap
info Starting android appium
info debug Using fast reset true
info debug Preparing device for session
info debug Checking whether app is actually present
info debug Checking whether adb is present
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ,1
I am trying to run the example in python and the script does not do any thing
Any suggestions
DeviceNameAndroidappcusersuserdocumentsvisual studio 2012ProjectsPythonApplication3PythonApplication3appsChessFreeapkplatformVersion42ap
info Starting android appium
info debug Using fast reset true
info debug Preparing device for session
info debug Checking whether app is actually present
info debug Checking whether adb is present
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ,1
Eldad does the Python script just hang It will be helpful if you post the entire content of what the Python script writes out,1
Great test away I like your idea about an FAQ section Leonardo Thanks Based on the comments here I will add the FAQ to this post I should get to doing it in the next couple of weeks,1
Thanks on your response The python just hang with
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
info Starting android appium
info debug Using fast reset true
info debug Preparing device for session
info debug Checking whether app is actually present
info debug Checking whether adb is present
Have you done the Android SDK setup as mentioned in step 2
Are you able to run adb command from the command prompt
Following is the snippet for my test run
info debug Checking whether adb is present
info debug Using adb from Dadtbundlewindowsx86_6420140321adtbundlewindowsx86_6420140321sdkplatformtoolsadbexe
info Retrieving device,1
Hi Team
Recently I have been assigned to working Appium automated solution for Native App which runs on Android and IOS On my extensive research and exploration I found your blog is one of the best blogs Thanks for this to putting forward
I have one doubt which is corresponding to my work I am using all latest Appium components for automation Appiumdriver statements are executing find in Android devices but not running in Emulator which is perfectly configured and app is installed through code Below error I am seeing can you guide me in this
debug BOOTSTRAP debug Command returned errorjavalangRuntimeException Failed to Dump Window Hierarchy
36minfo39m debug BOOTSTRAP debug Returning result valueFailed to Dump Window Hierarchystatus13
Exception in thread main orgopenqaseleniumWebDriverException An unknown serverside error occurred while processing the command WARNING The server did not provide any stacktrace information
Very Usefull Thank you Can i run both android and iOS scripts in mac using appium python,1
Good question To limit the tutorial to a reasonable length we chose to share the webdriver object with the Page Object and the Base Page Object through the test case
Here is the flow of execution
def setUpself
selfdriver webdriverFirefox
Here the the instance of Firefox WebDriver is created which is then passed to the ChessGamePage object
chessgame_page ChessGamePageChessGamePageselfdrivergameid
class ChessGamePagePage
ChessGamePage is derived from Page hence __init__ in ChessGamePage in turn calls __init__ in Page class
def __init__self selenium_drivergameidbase_url'):
Page__init__self selenium_driver base_url')
class Pageobject
def __init__self selenium_driver base_url'):
selfbase_url base_url
selfdriver selenium_driver
For a more advanced and detailed architecture you can refer here
Hope this helps,1
Thanks on the help it worked
The issue was wrong platformtools folder in my PATH variable,1
Great article
Can you please elaborate in general the concept of how can I do image recognition to identify and control GUI components
Thanks In Advanced,1
Eldad I have used image comparison in the nonmobile space In various projects I have used EggPlant AutoIT and Screenster I have also written my own Python scripts using a combination of a href relnofollowImageMagicka and a href relnofollowPython Image Librarya How you end up doing image recognition depends on your specific use case Sometimes its just a matter of scaling the image to a known size comparing it with a reference and then working out the coordinates that you want to click Other times it may be a matter of superimposing two images and taking a pixel by pixel difference with an error margin to determine an exact match
Having said all that I would strongly discourage you from using image comparisons unless that is literally your last unexplored alternative To date I have not found a single tool that is based on image recognition that is even moderately robust enough for professional use,1
Thanks on a detailed professional answer
Are there any tools that wraps Appium for more lesscode tool for QA engineers that are not writing code
Eldad I am not familiar with the record play space I know a tool called a href relnofollowAppium GUIa exists and is supposed to work ok with iOS But I have not used it with either Android or iOS,1
I am using UI Automator Viewer to build locators for my elements But strangely while capturing the screen of the Android emulator all I get on the left side is a black screen The app I am working on is a hybrid app and I am unable to figure out how to locate elements Please help
Thank You,1
Richa Im not sure if we can help directly without seeing the app It may just be that the element you want is not accessible to the framework A couple of quick and generic checks Which version of Android are you using in your emulator Do you have access to either the app source code or access to the development team,1
Hi Team
I have recently started working on Android and IOS App for Appium automation Your article related to Ways to Identify Elements in Appium is excellent and 100 useful for new entrants into Appium
I have thoughts around this and couple of questions
a Can we see same attributes for IOS App like you show in the Calculator Android App I know IOS is different OS but any similarity which can be used to maintain single Object Repository for Automation across two different platforms May be 100 elements not possible but atleast 75 if we can do that would be fine If you have any information around this please share
b As of now I have not configured Mac machine for automation but curious to know how you maintain this Object Mapping in the Open Source Automation projects two different platforms Android and IOS which further needs to be integrated with automation framework if you have any information please share
Thanks for the compliments Kiran
a Short answer is most likely not You may see some attributes for iOS apps that may just match It will also depend on how your development team wrote the two applications One side point I have not rechecked recently but about a year back if I remember right I got tripped up by Appiums find_element_by_id method There was some nuance I do not remember now with it behaving slightly different for iOS and Android BTW the latest recommended way to automate iOS is through Apples UI Automation framework
b I do not know I have not had to maintain this kind of code before Take the rest of the answer to be the best guess of someone who is very experienced with automation Technically you could use Appium and then write your own mapping tool based on the platform If you are disciplined and put all unique identifiers in one place it will be easy to pick one set of unique identifiers at the time of initialization based on the platform Using a pageobjectlike pattern should help you
Just based on your questions and immediate needs it looks like you are in a position to arrive at an answer quicker than us Whenever you solve your problem can you please write it up either as a comment or preferably on your own blog We would love to learn how you went about solving this problem,1
Kiran Im glad you found our posts useful We invest significant amount of time in writing up tutorials in the hope that it helps other testers
Regarding the error can you post the entire stack trace Also let us know which version of Android the emulator image is using In addition can you tell us when the error happens Eg Does it happen as soon as you execute your test Or does the app launch and then while trying to perform something you see this message Or perhaps you expected the app to launch but you see just the home screen on the emulator,1
I would just like to tell that I really liked your blog post In fact I am going to bookmark your blog and will regularly visit the site You come up with such an amazing articles thank you for sharing this your site,1
Can you please how to do i do for Pich and swipe on screen on android using appium api
Hi Selva
We would be writing a blogpost on Pinch and swipe gestures on android using appium within next week,1
can we test a website functionality using appium and selenium scripts
i want to create selenium scripts to test a website functionality,1
actually i wanna perform mobile testing on a website using appium and selenium,1
State of testing Survey 2015 Qxf2 ,1
how do i implement swipe screen Any advice please,1
Thanks let me know when you done that,1
Hi Selva
The blog may take bit time so here is some sample code for swipe pinch and zoom which may be helpful for you
For swipe use
driverswipestartx starty endx endy duration
eg selfdriverswipe475 500 75 500 400
For pinch and zoom
selfdriverpinchelement el
selfdriverzoomelement el
I tested this with camera app and below is the code snippet
el selfdriverfind_element_by_class_nameandroidviewView
selfdriverpinchelement el
selfdriverzoomelement el
Note pinch and zoom doesnt work for android 42 or lower versions,1
Hi Selva
I replied to your comments on other blog regarding swipe functionality,1
Hi Praveen
You can perform test on Mobile web apps using appium
For this you need to set the browserName in your desired capability to one that you intend to use
eg desired_capsbrowserName Chrome
Then you then launch any website using selfdriverget function,1
Thanks for your continues help You are doing very excellent jobs Well done and keep it up
Thanks for your help You are doing excellent jobs Well done keep it upI have learned so much from you it is good idea to consider doing on line tutorial or you tube video as you have very good talent
Thanks for your help You are doing excellent work I advice you to do some online tutorial or You tube series of Video
Hi Avinash
Good article
I was aware of these commands and I am using them in automating an iOS application
The swipe command is working fine in real iOS device but the same command doesnt work in iOS simulator
Can you think of some reasons that why this thing is happening
Mohit Anand,1
learn more about mechanize Cheat sheet  Missing manual  Browsing in ,1
Hi Avinash
Have you written a similar blog for automating an iOS app using a real device
If yes please provide its link
If no could you please advise me a tool which can be used to find the UI component of an iOS application
Any help would be highly appreciated,1
Am new to selondroid am starting automation with python for android device I have a query that how do i launch web server or chrome on android device using this
ex open chrome on real android device launch local host8080enter Password and click on login click on some buttons and change settings
any help,1
Hi Mohit
We havent written any blog on automation on a iOS app You can probably refer to below link which would help you in finding UI component for iOS apps,1
Hi Avinash
Is there any issue in appium when we use the While loop
I am trying to use while loop to install a data from a data sets the while loop seems to not break after it completed data sets install Is there anything i am doing wrong here
basically the text AVAILABLE DATASETS will be disappear once all data set got install
here is my part of the code
while selfdriverfind_element_by_android_uiautomatornew UiSelectortextAVAILABLE DATASETS
any suggestion how i can use the while loop with appium for android any other example also fine i can get idea
HI Avinash Shetty
This is an excellent piece of work I have been trying to understand the decorators for while but i could not get into my brain But you did in very simple and easy to understand
Please keep it up your work
thanks for your help,1
Hi Rashmi
For running your test on Chrome you need to use ChromeDriver WebDriver for Chrome
Please refer to this link below for more details
Once you download the ChromeDriver on your system and start the ChromeDriver server It will print the port it is listening on
Starting ChromeDriver v210267521 on port 9515
Then you can update the script as mentioned below and launch any site and perform actions on it
desired_capabilities chromeOptions androidPackage comandroidchrome
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:9515' desired_capabilities,1
Hi Selva
You can probably use an if condition inside the loop and break But i am not completely sure of this and may need to see what exactly the app does
Avinash Shetty,1
Hi Ainash
Thanks for your information you are correct i did use that but it fails I mean it did not break
Appium close the app
Hi Avinash
I am kind of fan now I always look out for your new post This is excellent post once gain As i mention in other Block why dont you do some you tube video as well Since you have talent in commercial world this kind of tutorial is lacking in you tube
anyway good luck and god bless you for your kind help
I have one question how do we get value for swap from UI Automator Viewer for any application
swipestartX startY endX endY duration
i mean the x y end x and end y
if this from the Node Details screen where we see next Bounds 1200996720
any advice is usefull
Hover over the snapshot in the lefthand panel to see the UI components identified by the uiautomatorviewer tool You can view the positionxy in the upper righthand panelMake sure the UIAutomatorViewer is maximized
img src altUIAutomatorViewer XY xoordinates
You can also see this post,1
Hey Mohit the post is out,1
Good article nice one keep it up ,1
Hi Avinash
Do you know any python or Xcode command via which I can change the language of my iPhone and iPad to Chinese or some other language after which I will run my script on that particular device
Also on working with iOS devices if I want to automate the app in many languages then I cant find the element by name because that is different in every locale So do we only have the option of xpath to do this or is there any other option,1
You can check as well,1
Thanks for your help I can get my app to work
API Testing Developer Tools Qxf2 ,1
Mohit we have not take a serious shot at iOS automation yet Researching your problem here are interesting links we found
a Using UI Automation to automatically generate all screenshots of your iOS app on different device types in different locales by running a single command
b Using UIAutomation for Multilanguage iOS Applications
c These link gives you a peek into how Internationalization is done
Re your question about finding elements in this kind of Multilanguage tests it depends If you are interested in simply checking of the element performs its job then locate the element by something other than name If you care about the correctness of the labelname of the element then keep an expected mapping of languageword and programatically pull in the name,1
Great Job done
I Salute man,1
Hi Thanks for great tutorial
I have used the same code to run android emulator but Selendroid webapp is launching and immediately crashing So browser is not launching chessdom page
At the end python script gives an error WebDriverException Message Error communicating with the remote browser It have died
Build info version unknown revision unknown time unknown
System info host GISIxxx198 ip 10xxxxx208 osname Windows 7
arch amd64 osversion 61 javaversion 180_31
Driver info driverversion SelendroidStandaloneDriver
Could any body please guide how to resolve this issue Thanks,1
API Testing with Python Mechanize Vrushali Mahalley ,1
What is the version of the SelendroidStandaloneDriverThere might be a mismatch between a href relnofollowSelenium and Selendroida
Can you do the following
jar xvf selendroidstandalonewithdependenciesjar
Check the version in pomxml in the METAINFmavenorgseleniumhqselenium
pre langxml
Hi Mohit
Thanks for your Feedback As mentioned earlier we have not taken a serious shot at iOS automation yet
Researching on your issue i guess there is already some known issues with gestures not working on the iOS 7 simulator
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Thanks for pointing this out
I will try with iOS8 simulator,1
Very helpfulThank you,1
Thanks for the reply
Some observation below
Yes selenium installed version was 244 but seleandroid_14 in pomxml has 2431 However I didnt get selenium for 2432 but tried on 2430 same issue exists
So I tried with selandroid_10 as your example with selenium version 2410 but below error encountered
Tried on Android Emulator
Throws an error Seleandroid server on the device didnt came up after 20s
Error message
ERROR test_Launch_Chessdom __main__FindElementTest
Test the title of the Chess News page on Chessdomcom is correct
Traceback most recent call last
File DScrapScript1py line 13 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotedesired_capabilitieswebdriverDesiredCapabi
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 72 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 115 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 166 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremoteerrorhandlerpy line 164 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message uSelendroid server on the device didnt came up af
ter 20secnioselendroidexceptionsSelendroidException Selendroid server on t
he device didnt came up after 20secrntat ioselendroidservermodelSelendr
ntat ioselendroidserverhandlerCreateSessionHandlerhandleCreateSessionHand
lerjava42rntat ioselendroidserverSelendroidServlethandleRequestSelend
roidServletjava142rntat ioselendroidserverBaseServlethandleHttpRequest
BaseServletjava70rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnextHandle
rNettyHttpControljava78rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnext
HandlerNettyHttpControljava62rntat orgwebbitserverhandlerPathMatchHand
lerhandleHttpRequestPathMatchHandlerjava33rntat orgwebbitservernettyN
ettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava78rntat orgwebbitservern
ettyNettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava62rntat orgwebbitse
tat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava78
rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControlj
ava62rntat orgwebbitserverhandlerServerHeaderHandlerhandleHttpRequestS
erverHeaderHandlerjava25rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnext
HandlerNettyHttpControljava78rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpContro
lnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava67rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttp
ChannelHandler2runNettyHttpChannelHandlerjava72rntat javautilconcurre
ntThreadPoolExecutorrunWorkerUnknown Sourcerntat javautilconcurrentThr
eadPoolExecutorWorkerrunUnknown Sourcerntat javalangThreadrunUnknown
Tried on Samsung Device
Throws an error Error occurred while starting selendroidserver o
n the device May be it is related to some instrumentation error
Errog log
File DScrapScript1py line 13 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotedesired_capabilitieswebdriverDesiredCapabi
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 72 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 115 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremotewebdriverpy line 166 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesselenium2410py27eggseleniumwebdriv
erremoteerrorhandlerpy line 164 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message uError occurred while starting selendroidserver o
n the devicenioselendroidexceptionsSelendroidException Error occurred while
starting selendroidserver on the devicerntat ioselendroidandroidimplAbs
tractDevicestartSelendroidAbstractDevicejava235rntat ioselendroidserve
erjava290rntat ioselendroidserverhandlerCreateSessionHandlerhandleCr
eateSessionHandlerjava42rntat ioselendroidserverSelendroidServlethandl
eRequestSelendroidServletjava142rntat ioselendroidserverBaseServletha
ndleHttpRequestBaseServletjava70rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpCon
trolnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava78rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyH
ttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava62rntat orgwebbitserverhandle
rPathMatchHandlerhandleHttpRequestPathMatchHandlerjava33rntat orgwebbi
tservernettyNettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava78rntat org
at orgwebbitserverhandlerDateHeaderHandlerhandleHttpRequestDateHeaderHandle
rjava21rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttp
Controljava78rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyHttpControlnextHandlerNet
tyHttpControljava62rntat orgwebbitserverhandlerServerHeaderHandlerhand
leHttpRequestServerHeaderHandlerjava25rntat orgwebbitservernettyNettyH
ttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava78rntat orgwebbitservernetty
NettyHttpControlnextHandlerNettyHttpControljava67rntat orgwebbitserver
nettyNettyHttpChannelHandler2runNettyHttpChannelHandlerjava72rntat jav
autilconcurrentThreadPoolExecutorrunWorkerUnknown Sourcerntat javautil
concurrentThreadPoolExecutorWorkerrunUnknown Sourcerntat javalangThre
adrunUnknown SourcernCaused by javalangThrowable androidutilAndroidEx
ception INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED ioselendroidioselendroidandroiddriveriose
lendroidServerInstrumentationntat comandroidcommandsamAmrunInstrumentAm
java865ntat comandroidcommandsamAmonRunAmjava282ntat comandroid
internalosBaseCommandrunBaseCommandjava47ntat comandroidcommandsam
AmmainAmjava76ntat comandroidinternalosRuntimeInitnativeFinishInitN
ative Methodntat comandroidinternalosRuntimeInitmainRuntimeInitjava24
8ntat dalviksystemNativeStartmainNative MethodnnDetailsnINSTRUMENTAT
ION_STATUS idActivityManagerServicenINSTRUMENTATION_STATUS ErrorUnable to f
ind instrumentation info for ComponentInfoioselendroidioselendroidandroidd
riverioselendroidServerInstrumentationnINSTRUMENTATION_STATUS_CODE 1nand
roidutilAndroidException INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED ioselendroidioselendroid
androiddriverioselendroidServerInstrumentationntat comandroidcommandsam
AmrunInstrumentAmjava865ntat comandroidcommandsamAmonRunAmjava282
ntat comandroidinternalosBaseCommandrunBaseCommandjava47ntat coma
ndroidcommandsamAmmainAmjava76ntat comandroidinternalosRuntimeInit
nativeFinishInitNative Methodntat comandroidinternalosRuntimeInitmain
RuntimeInitjava248ntat dalviksystemNativeStartmainNative Methodnrn
t 20 morern
Kindly guide me how to resolve these issuesThanks in Advance,1
You can try the following
Please start selendroidstandalone with the flag forceReinstall also lists similar issue please take a look
Have you followed the guidelines for using emulator given here
Hope this helps
Hi Kumar
I am not able to understand what unit tests you are planning to write Can you give more details on what exactly you are trying here
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Can i use real devices instead of emulator if yes what are the changes in the code need to be done,1
Hi Avinash
I am trying to automate an android app using appium keyword driven framework which includes methods keywords as actions So if i use UNITTEST for these kind of frameworks will it be feasible or any suggestion on this,1
error Unhandled error Error ENOENT no such file or directory Dadtbundlewindowsx8620131030sdkDadtbundlewindowsx8620131030sdkplatformtoolsbuildtools
I am getting the above error message Request to help me to sort it out,1
Hi Avinash
When I am using xPath to identify some elements in iOS app it sometimes changes when we move from iOS7 simulator to iOS 8 simulator
So I am thinking to write a common script for them using ifelse condition in python
Could you please tell me how can we get the platform version which we have provided in the desired capabilities section
In other words how can we refer that attribute,1
Good tutorialsimple and very niceThanks,1
Arun your ANDROID_HOME needs to be Dadtbundlewindowsx8620131030sdk
I suspect that your ANDROID_HOME currently has an extra Dadtbundlewindowsx8620131030sdkplatformtools,1
Mohit short answer is to
1 maintain a configuration file with xpaths for each version of iOS we used Pythons ConfigParser
2 accept the iOS version as a command line parameter to the test script
3 make the script read and load the xpaths you need based on the os version
This way you write only one script that runs on both devices
It so happens Vrushali and Avinash are writing up a post on solving a very similar problem we faced with running scripts on different Android versions Our case was more complex in that even the identifier xpath vs id vs classname differed between the different versions The detailed blog post should be out in the next 510 days,1
Thanks for the detailed answer Arun I will try to implement your ideas
I am eagerly waiting to see that post,1
Running mobile automation on multiple devices Qxf2 ,1
Hi Vrushali
This is an error which you faced when you need to type something on the soft keyboard
What if you come across a situation when an element in the UI of an app doesnt have any strategy by which you can locate it for example resourceid xpath class name
Consider an example when you have an app in which clicking on ellipsis sign shows you more options but there is no way to identify the ellipsis
Could you think of any other strategy except coordinates
Any help would be greatly appreciated,1
Hi Mohit
For this case using coordinates seems to be the way out as of now
If you have access to the dev team you can talk to them about this issue
Earlier post on a similar issue
How to use Post method in runscopeCan anyone explain me
I want to upload a txt json file in runscope,1
Please can you also give some examples using java,1
I have not tried to trigger Post Request for uploading a text file But probably you can try this Open dev tools and try uploading file in your application You should get all the parameters which gets passed when trying to upload manually Now try triggering similar request using Runscope If you are not sure how to use dev tools you can refer to our a href relnofollowblog on developers toolsa,1
Hi Vrushali
Today I came across a situation when I need to press the back soft button which is available in the nexus device
I used driverkeyevent4 for this purpose and I was able to do it
Android version was 444
So coming to a conclusion that keyevent is not supported in Appium in Jelly bean and above versions of android would not be a good idea
However this may be the case in a soft keyboard as I havent tried pressing any key on soft keyboard
Yes the keyevent for back button works fine We have used this in the code snippet given in our earlier a href relnofollowblogposta
The issue highlighted in the current post is for clicking the search icon,1
Oh yeah I see that in this post
Thanks for providing this information,1
I would like to compare screenshot taken by appium with manaul screenshot Could you let me know how i can do this in python
Python and Appium Scroll through search result table Vrushali Toshniwal ,1
Very Informative Nice Article ,1
Very Informative Nice Article,1
Your approach to explain the scroll was indeed good,1
Hi Vaishali
May be UnitTest would work Can you let me know what language you are using here,1
Hi Selva
Arun had earlier replied for a similar comment Please find his comments below
I have used image comparison in the nonmobile space In various projects I used EggPlant AutoIT and Screenster I have also written my own Python scripts using a combination of a href relnofollowImageMagicka and a href relnofollowPython Image Librarya How you end up doing image recognition depends on your specific use case Sometimes its just a matter of scaling the image to a known size comparing it with a reference and then working out the coordinates that you want to click Other times it may be a matter of superimposing two images and taking a pixel by pixel difference with an error margin to determine an exact match
Having said all that I would strongly discourage you from using image comparisons unless that is literally your last unexplored alternative To date I have not found a single tool that is based on image recognition that is even moderately robust enough for professional use
You can also probably try a href relnofollowautomatedscreenshotdiffa,1
Hi I am getting error as
Activity used to start app doesnt exist or cannot be launched Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity
Please help,1
Hi Michael
Thanks for your response We are using Python here and for us driverKeyEvent66 did not work when we tested on actual device for BigBasket app Does driverdeviceKeyEvent66 work for you on a actual device
Avinash Shetty,1
Hi Akshata
Can you check the Activity Name of the app you are trying The activity name on different devices may vary
You can refer to the 3rd step on a href relnofollowthis blogsa to get the Activity and Package name,1
Great knowledge supplier Thanks,1
I am very new to automation Moving from manual to automation now
Trying to install Appium but there is no proper documentation to install Appium on Ubuntu
Looking forward for the same
Thankyou in Advance
good articles,1
Hi Avinash
Can you show me an example of login function that you wrote on the base class I tried to copy your script but test_objlogin shows unresolved attribute
Thank You,1
Worth reading article and useful If you wish to get the best Mobile App promotion services software testing service or SEO service then Salvus App Solutions avails you with these services Also testing is carried out on all OS platforms For more info visit us at,0
Hi Yonathan
The reason we didnt provide all the function in base class is that we want the users to try to write their own functions Below is the code snippet of the login function which i wrote You may still need to add some element identifiers or some dependent functions properly for this code to work
def loginself username password firstname
Login using credentials provided in the env file
Assert that the landing page contains text Hi
login_success False
user_title_text selfget_elementselfuser_titleget_attributetext
if user_title_text Hi Guest
Click on menu icon and then on SignIn link to go to login page
login_success selfcheck_loginfirstname
if login_success
selfwriteLogin Success for user sfirstname
selfwriteLogin failed for user sfirstname
selfwriteUser is already logged in Logout and try again,1
Ah I see Then I will use the one you wrote as a template and add more element
By the way does this method allows me to test two devices in parallel running at the same time
If not do you know any link that might help me to achieve this
Thank You again Avinash ,1
Hi Deepa
I found this stack overflow answer useful while trying to install appium in Ubuntu
The steps which i tried are following
Download latest nodejs linux binaries from
Extract into a folder that doesnt need sudo rights to access for example your home folder
tar xvf downloaded_binary_targz
Add the following line to your bashrc file
export PATHPATHfull_path_of_the_extracted_node_folderbin
Open a now terminal and do
npm install g appium
Ran into permission issue while running appium
So i set the path of appium bin in bashrc file as
export PATHfull path to npmpackagesbinPATH
After this I could run appium successfully
Avinash Shetty,1
Hi Avinash
This atricle is very goodi am very new to appiumi am trying to automate one android appfor that i need to login by using my company credentialsbefore doing complete login i am trying to validate the login functionalitythat means if i didnt enter the username i am getting ptompt like field shouldnt be empty messagei am not able to capture that prompt in uiautomator and not able to print that messageunable to attache the image here to give you the clear explanation
please give some suggestionsits very useful for me,1
Hi there Ive been doing a lot of digging on how to use Appium I happened across this blog post since I couldnt figure out how to click on suggested search results in an app So I figured I could use the return key to force to search through So I was a bit dismayed when I read that you had tried it and found that you needed to use coordinates Then about an hour later I think I found a way to accomplish pressing the return key At least it worked for me on an emulator running 442 API 19
I found a code snippet that was roughly the same as that in the Appium documentation for Key Events here
However I wasnt sure why they had wdSPECIAL_KEYSHome in the parenthesis Im still new to all of this but I thought it may be helpful for others to know if they happen across this article for the same issue,1
Hi Avinash
I am using the same method selfdriverget_screenshot_as_filefilename for taking a screenshot and it was working fine for me till now
But now I have to take a screenshot of a tooltip which appears after you click an element That tooltip appears on the screen for one second
Since there is inherent delay of 1 sec in executing every command on a real device I miss taking that particular screenshot
Any ideas which you can think of taking this screenshot
Thanks in advance,1
What this ERROR Means in iOS
error Appium will not work if used or installed with sudo Please reruninstall as a nonroot user If you had to install Appium using sudo npm install g appium the solution is to reinstall Node using a method Homebrew for example that doesnt require sudo to install global npm packages
Please Help
Performance Testing using Gatling Qxf2 ,1
Hi Mohit
I am not aware of any 1 sec delay As per appium documentation IOS has a weird builtin unavoidable delay We patch this in appium If you do not want it patched pass in this flag
I am not sure how you can capture the tooltip if it goes off immediately before you capture the screenshot
Hi Giri
Thanks for your comments Probably you can check with the Development team They should have details on the prompt so that you can capture it
Avinash Shetty,1
This method will allow you to run tests in different devices working on different versions of android
Probably you can refer to a href relnofollowappium documentationa to solve your issue in case you havent tried it already
Appium may not work if node is installed as sudo user If you have already installed remove it using
sudo aptget remove nodejs
sudo aptget remove npm
These are two options to install appium
1 Easiest way is to download and run the latest appium stable build for Mac OS from here
2 Compile and run appium from the source
brew install node get nodejs
npm install g appium get appium
npm install wd get appium client
appium start appium
node yourappiumtestjs,1
Thanks for this information I will look at this sorry to get back to you so late
TestRail Get your tests organized Avinash Shetty ,1
Whats the command to upload he profile pic from gallery ,1
Designing your testing tiers Rajeswari Gali ,1
Page Object Model Selenium Python Vrushali Toshniwal ,1
Is there any method or way to automatevalidation and verification of playing video in android app using Appium
I tried searching to automate this usecase but couldnt get any help
Thanks in advance
Hi friends am using python language to automate mobile apps with appium
Can any one suggest me how to do datadrivenkeyword driven testing in appium using python script
your help will be well appriciated
Just read through the tut Is it incomplete
I dont think the code examples can be entered to get the test results as indicated the end of the article the last article was able to be duplicated in its entirety which was great,1
Which application are you using Did you try capturing the screenshot using UI Automator Viewer,1
Adrian in the interest of limiting this post to a reasonable length we provided only the snippets of code Since you asked we have made the entire example public on GitHub
The repository comes with a readme to help you get setup Let us know if you need help accessing the code from GitHub,1
3 Designing your Testing Tiers ,1
Hi Team
Am trying to configure Appium Gridbut not able to find relevant information in google
If u have worked on it plz share the stuff with me mallikarjunareddy518hotmailcom
Hi Mallikarjun
We do not have any relevant information on Appium Grid as we have not configured it yet,1
Sirdoes it work in Java I do the same thing but it throw NoSuchElementException,1
Anil I honestly dont know We have not hit this problem before We had fun researching this question so thank you Unfortunately I do not have a concrete answer for you The more I read about it the more it seems that this problem is tackled a lot more in academia than the industry
BTW if you are googling for the problem Id suggest you drop Appium which is for GUI automation We found that the phrase Video Quality Assessment Tools is a good starting point for Googling,1
Thanks for this amazing post Its great and if you wish to get more tips regarding the above topic visit at,0 Android Apps,0
We have faced the same issue during our test script creation and resolved it successfully
Initially when we create the script we used driversendKeyEvent66 and even tried 84 for clicking on search button but it never worked
Later after doing research we identified the below details
In the application source when user tap on the search it is used OnEditorActionListener to identify the search key pressed and do action based on it The function definition looks like below
public boolean onEditorActionTextView v int actionId KeyEvent event
the condition and the action written inside this
Unfortunately the keyevent we are sending will not capture through this listener So we have added another listener and method to handle that case along with OnEditorActionListener that is OnKeyListener and the method definition looks like below
public boolean onKeyView v int keyCode KeyEvent event
The condition to check for keycode 66 and 84 and if it is satisfied do the search action
This will be used when we send the keyevent from the script and there is no impact on the manual search processAfter this the search is working very fine without any issue
Please note we havent changed anything in our test script only change made in the application soruce for search part
You can check with your app developer to check this caseI hope this will help to resolve the issue,1
Really useful I like this blog very much
Here i have a question
From this page I can always see Results as Finished
Then I failed my unit test case deliberately but still get Finished Is there any good way I can see pass or fail in the sauce page obviously,1
This is very useful when asking development help to make the product a bit more GUI automation friendly Testers can now point to your comment when approaching their development team Thanks so much for the comment Praveen,1
For ubuntu
Oh its okay Vrushali I got the solutions for it
Anyhow thanks for the replyDoing great job keep Up,1
Nice article
Does Appium needs selenium for automating apps
Can we use appium with Coded UI
Someone please help me on these topics,1
I found selfdriverfind_element_by_android_uiautomatornew UiSelectorcontentdescvalue of content descriptionclick is not working with parameters contentdesc or contentDesc Can anybody tell how it works for the method find_element_by_android_uiautomator,1
Hi Avinash
I am trying to run multiple devices parellely The information which u gave is really useful for me as i am newly doing automation using Appium
The Below Statement
usage usage prog c t nEg1 prog c DGit_Qxf2qxf2samplesclientsBigBasketconfigurationini t Android_42n
Will this statement ask for Option to choose Android 42 or Android 44
If so it will run on 1 device at a time
How to run all at a time
Can you please help me understand the commands used in above statement
Thanks in advance
Hi mam
I have an issue When I enter passowrd in emulator using appiumeclipse emulator keyboard space button get clicked How to stop this space click,1
Hi Rahul
Appium supports a subset of the Selenium WebDriver JSON Wire Protocol and extend it so that you can specify mobiletargeted desired capabilities to run your test through Appium
I am not sure how to use appium on Coded UI,1
Do share the relevant information which helped you get the solution,1
Hi Harika
The above statement explains which configuration you have to choose Its either Android_42 or Android_44 If you are planning to run tests on multiple device i would suggest you use the cloud services like sauce labs
You can also check this link below in case you havent looked at it already
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Hi All
I am new to Appium and using Version 1400
and trying to send input to a text field
but unable to do so
I have tried sendkeyskeycodeevent and normal text enter methods but still unable to do so in Android Version 44 the same script is working on lower android versions for the same application
Can you guys please help me out that how to use Soft Keyboard or Native Phone keyboard to take the input in appium,1
Hi Deepesh
Its issue related with android version 44 and same issue replicating with my code
Hopefully we will find answer here,1
Hi Qxf2
How to perform actions on already opened App
When i run my test it launches the app I dont want that i will launch the app and will run the test
I saw that autoLaunch have to be set for it i tried as below but it didnt work
how to set autoLaunch property in Python
i tried as below but it didnt work
def setUpself
Setup for the test
desired_capsplatformName Android
desired_capsplatformVersion 444
desired_capsdeviceName XT1022
Get the Package and Activity name to launch the Camera app
desired_capsappPackage comxxxxxxdial
desired_capsappActivity comxxxxxxdialMainActivity
desired_capsautoLaunch False
You may need to change the line below depending on your setup
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
Please let me know how to do it
Thanks in advance
Nice article,1
I am new to appium I am automating IOS hybrid app on real device In my app when click on the button in webpage it will open the native settings pageMDM profile install
That page giving model dialog box with install and cancel buttonIn Appium inspector also not loading Unable to add the screenshots here Please refer the the below link for more details
Please help me on this ,1
I am using java client 22 I am getting error when i try to use driverswipe action An unknown serverside error occurred while processing the command
Please help me out,1
Can you please share your code snippet if possible
In our code
text_field selfget_elementselfsearch_box
has worked for text input and we used coordinates for clicking on the search icon on the soft key board,1
Which version of Appium are you using
Similar issue was reported
Please take a look,1
Are you using coordinates to enter the password or using send_keys
The coordinates vary for each emulator,1
Try using ByName as mentioned in below link,1
Hi Praveen
Are you using the SwipeElementDirection as mentioned in the docs,1
Hi Virushali
I am a beginner in appium automtion tool i am basically a manual tester in games right now i am trying to automate facebook status posting in android phone
My script runs sucessfully upto login to facebook and shows the facebook dahsboard but it gets failed in locating the Status button on facebookyour help will be appreciated
Here is my script
package comappiumfacebookandroiduiselector
import ioappiumjava_clientandroidAndroidDriver
import ioappiumjava_clientandroidAndroidKeyCode
import javanetMalformedURLException
import javanetURL
import javautilconcurrentTimeUnit
import orgjunitTest
import orgopenqaseleniumremoteDesiredCapabilities
public class FacebookLoginTest
public void testLoginFB throws MalformedURLException InterruptedException
DesiredCapabilities capabilities new DesiredCapabilities
capabilitiessetCapabilitydeviceNameNexus 6
capabilitiessetCapabilityappActivity comfacebookkatanaLoginActivity
AndroidDriver driver new AndroidDriver new URL capabilities
automating login procedure to FB
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidlogin_usernamesendKeysxxxxxgmailcom
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidlogin_passwordclick
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidlogin_passwordsendKeysXXXX
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidlogin_logintextLOG INclick
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaiddbl_ontextOKclick
Script fails here at below line
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidfeed_composer_status_buttontextSTATUSclick
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidstatus_textclick
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidstatus_texttextWhats on your mindsendKeyshello
driverfindElementByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorresourceIdcomfacebookkatanaidcomposer_primary_named_buttondescriptionPostclick
Im having a problem sending the correct command to an app Im testing
The issue is after entering some text into a text box I need to press done on the keyboard In a different screen of the app i use the code
HashMap keycode new HashMap
keycodeputkeycode 66
JavascriptExecutordriverexecuteScriptmobile keyevent keycode
This works fine for that screen On the screen thats causing me a problem however it does not work
I looked through the apps code and found it is listening for IME_ACTION_DONE rather than the keycode
Does anyone know if it is possible to send this command using Appium And if so any clues as to how
Thanks in advance,1
Just wanted to know how this method is different from reading data from excel
I had an another requirement actually
Currently I am reading data from excel but I want to read data from password protected excel
Can Conf_Reader OS can do it,1
Whether the Checkable Checked Clicked and enabled node details functions can be implemented in appium mobile automation like resourceid content desc if yes please share the syntax for those functions Thanks in Advance,1
know its late but thanks
your tutorials have been incredibly helpful in my company setting up similar tests
what are you guys using to manage multiple browser types,1
I am not able understand what you mean by implemented in appium Do you want to identify the element using Checkable Checked Clicked and enabled or get their values Please clarify,1
Good one for beginners,1
Tried the FB status button click and the following is working for me
status_icon selfdriverfind_element_by_idcomfacebookkatanaidfeed_composer_status_button
You can try giving a wait after the login so that the elements are loaded,1
The Conf Reader in our post cant be used to read data from excel
I am guessing you may be using Apache POI to read the excel data You can probably check out this link to see if it helps,1
IME_ACTIONS is what Android recommends developers use As we stated in the article we were unable to figure out how to robustly automate soft keyboard events that are listening for IME_ACTIONS We ended up using coordinates but that is a lousy and flakey workaround
If you do find an answer please post here I would love to learn how to make our automation more robust in this specific case,1
For Postman tool what we can change in the Url hence we can postcreate a entry as the shared url is failing,1
Hi Avinash
First thanks for posting such a good article on Appium automation
I tried the above script and getting the error
Undefined variable Android_gestures
Please help me here
Thanks in advance,1
Hi Trisha
You cant test this URL for a post request POST request method requests that a web server accepts and stores the data It is often used when uploading a file or submitting a completed web form
The website below provides some fake Online REST API for testing You can try this
Hi Kunal
Nice to hear that you found the post helpful
Regarding your question How are you trying to run the script Can you check the file name Probably you have used Android_gestures instead of Android_Gestures
how can i integrate the reports to jenkins,1
We have not tried this yet but you can try the following,1
How to scroll down in appium after applying scrolltoExact method it is continiously scrolling please give demo for this,1
Did you try to try to
sendKeyssomeText n
Can you provide me the exact link to download the python library for this project also we dont require to import selenium jar files in the projet as we do in case of TestNG frameworks,1
Hi Dhanesh
You can go through our other post on a href relnofollowPython and Appium Scroll through search result tablea to see how we used swipe and move_to method to scroll through page,1
Hi Jennifer
You can download python 2710 from a href relnofollowlink herea After this install selenium using pip pip install U selenium This installs selenium in python site packages Once you have this you dont need to add selenium jars to the project separately as you do in Java,1
Hi Vic
We have tried this too but it doesnt work,1
I am writing automation script using automation tool appium using java
1I would like to know how to write script using only below data
type androidwidgetCheckedTextView
text hgadgmailcom
index 4
enabled true
location 87 1135
size 906 144
checkable true
checked false
focusable false
clickable true
longclickable false
package comgoogleandroidgms
password false
2 This method doesnt auto populate when I type driver please help me how can I get itdriverelementsByAndroidUIAutomator
driverelementsByAndroidUIAutomatornew UiSelectorclassNameandroidwidgetListViewchildSelectornew UiSelectorclassNameandroidwidgetLinearLayoutclickabletrue,1
You can find the response below
1 I am assuming that you want to find an element using the mentioned properties
In the above case none of the property seems to be unique enough and also there is no resourceid field which is usually unique You may need to build an xpath using its parent element Refer to the below blogs which may help you
a href relnofollowIdentify UI elements for mobile appsa
a href relnofollowXpath tutoriala
2 I am not sure on this What IDE are you using to run your script In case its eclipse below link may be helpful,1
Excellent Adrian we are glad to hear we are helping you and your company test better
We typically run our cross browser tests on BrowserStack or Sauce Labs We do not maintain local test machines with different browsers because its a pain to do so and not as costeffective as using a cloud service provider
While developing test scripts we make sure our test scripts accepts the Browser and version as command line parameters We then have one script that loops through a set of defined browsers and runs each test You can use Pythons subprocess module to call the test itself The one wrinkle that we have not yet been able to iron out is how we report the test runs for each browser to our test case management system TestRail But other than that things look good
We are fully booked till the early December The posts you see us publish have already been written and scheduled for publication But as soon as we free up we will write about running tests across multiple browser types In the meantime let me know if you get stuck in any specific step when implementing this approach,1
Hi Can anyone please tell for android automation testing which tools is best to use uiautomatorviewer or appium,1
Both UIAutomator as well as Appium are good The UIAutomatorViewer is a tool that lets you inspect elements of the app so it complements both UIAutomator and Appium UIAutomator is excellent for Android since it is officially supported by Android
At Qxf2 we prefer Appium simply because the Appium of today reminds us of the Selenium from 20062007 We think Appium has the potential to become the Selenium of the mobile GUI automation space Appium is still evolving and not perfect but like the early Selenium it works well enough across different platforms supports multiple languages and while brittle lets you write automation code that works in even the complex cases,1
Getting started with MongoDB and Python Rajeswari Gali ,1
what about senk key event
Thanks for providing the useful informationIt is very useful to me and all
Hyderabadsys providing online training classes
a href relnofollowManual testing online
Thanks This was very helpful I have not done much automation let alone on mobileand this just kick started me
Well written and explained Kudos
As a manual QA tester looking to break in to automation specifically Android automation this has helped me a lot Thanks,1
I just encountered this issue today and was very mystified because everything had previously worked Thanks,1
Hi I am facing the same issue but unable to resolve the problem on following the steps you mentioned I added the plugin on the jenkins and installed xvfb on the jenkins machine as well,1
Thanks you for a nice presentation on using Appium on real device I am new to this and it was very useful introduction I have a little comment to the code though
elmnt selfdriverfind_element_by_xpathandroidwidgetLinearLayoutindex0
Actually returns Wawrinka for me Probably because it gets confused with what to choose as Rank has the same class and also refers to index 0 It helped me to do a small change elmnt selfdriverfind_element_by_xpathandroidwidgetLinearLayoutresourceidatpwtaliveidRankingItemViewRootand androidwidgetLinearLayoutindex0
Once again thank you for a nice introduction
Ill take a shot in the dark Can you make sure that the path for your xvfb executable is correct in Step 3 To find your xvfb executable type in which xvfb on your command prompt
If the path to your xvfb executable is set correctly can you post the Jenkins console output,1
thank u for giving this best informationwe are offering the best a href relnofollowloadrunner online traininga,0
Please let me know the method which wait until to see the element in python
selfdriverimplicitly_wait150 is not working
I see the python API doc for Webdriver it seems default the unit is second when I setting the seconds to 150 it also is not working ,1
I tried running the same program on real device and getting following error Any suggestions
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ERROR
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File chess_and_jpy line 18 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CPython27libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 i
n __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities brow
ser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy l
ine 87 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy l
ine 141 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy l
ine 201 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy
line 102 in check_response
value jsonloadsvalue_json
File CPython27libjson__init__py line 338 in loads
return _default_decoderdecodes
File CPython27libjsondecoderpy line 366 in decode
obj end selfraw_decodes idx_ws 0end
File CPython27libjsondecoderpy line 384 in raw_decode
raise ValueErrorNo JSON object could be decoded
ValueError No JSON object could be decoded
Ran 1 test in 0141s
FAILED errors1,1
Thanks for sharing these information Its a very nice topic We are providing online training classesa href relnofollowseleniumonlinetraininga,0
Thanks for sharing this informationIt was very nice blog to learn about Appium,0
My children wanted NY DTF IT2104 recently and encountered a web service that hosts a searchable database If others want NY DTF IT2104 too heres a href relnofollow2013 forma,0
Helpful Info Clear steps Thank you,1
Incase we are running the test through a tunnel does it connect to a tunnel,1
Yes Sauce connect runs a tunnel endpoint in sauce labs cloud and one in the machine running Connect such that requests made from sauce machines will appear to come from your computer For more details to set up Sauce connect refer,1
I wanted to upload test cases to Test Rail in the test rail xml format Is there any python modules to conevrt excel to Test Raril xml format,1
Obtaining BrowserStack screenshots and video links Avinash Shetty ,1
Hi Jai
My guesses based on your error message are
1 Appium server is running on a port other than 4723 use netstat or TCPView on Windows to confirm
2 localhost may not be getting resolved to 127001 try changing your URL from http://localhost:4723/wd/hub to and try
Let me know if this resolves your issue or else we can investigate more,1
Hi Nancy
Implicit wait should have worked I am not sure why it isnt Probably its because the element is present in background and is not visible
You can also try Explicit Wait An explicit wait is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code
For details on how to implement it you can refer to this link
Try the method visibility_of_element_located Let me know if this helps,1
Hi Vaishali
You can directly upload test cases in excel format to testrail by converting to csv Please find the link below for details
In case you still want to convert excel to TestRail xml probably you can get in touch with their support team,1
Getting started with XPaths Shivahari P ,1
State of Testing Survey 2016 Arunkumar Muralidharan ,1
Follow everything in this link ,1
Common XPath mistakes Shivahari P ,1
Can Selendroid used to access mobile device database
We have an application where we used SQLite offline DB in the Mobile Device
My question is
Is it possible to access Database through Selendroid
Is it possible to access Device Logs where the test app is installed
Thank you,1
Could you please help me reporting automation results to TestRail using java,1
Thank you so much Avinash for this post
I was trying to find such step by step guide for quite a while Its precise but covers everything
I was done with the configuration and test run in less than 10 minutes
Thanks again for the post
Keep up the great job,1
Since these native commands wont work on Hybrid Mobile App Please let me know how to carry out the same on Hybrid App,1
Hi Shakti
Please refer to the below link for API bindings for Java Let me know incase you need any more details
a href relnofollow,1
i m launching a site in chrome
i m not getting the path of urls of that site
could you please provide me with the documentation for the same or any further help,1
Thanks for sharing this Information Got to learn new things from your Blog on Appium
Ref link,0
Badari unfortunately we dont know the answer to your question right now If you do figure out how to do it please do post your solution here,1
Hi Deepa
Can you please let me know what exact issue are you facing Error message and when are you getting the error would help,1
How to compare PDFs using Python Avinash Shetty ,1
What is the purpose of using descendant and is it necessary
The element can be found by using this XPath
tablecontainsclass tablestripedtdcontainstext7878787878
Hi Vrushali Team
I have an ellipses button represented as 3 dots button in my application which i want to click but i was not able to click on it Appium log is showing as click happened but not actually working on applicationdeviceI have gone through your website which contains very useful information and some issues which actually relates to minecan you guys please help me with a solution for thisI have been trying on this issue for past 3 weeks still didnt find a solution for it
PS NAF attribute is true for this element
and one more thingcan i try sending KeyEvents to this particular element so that it can clickplease help me ,1
Descendant is used to locate the children and childrens children of the current node
Although tablecontainsclasstablestripedtdcontainstext7878787878 might work it is always a good practice to use Descendant
It is like saying your automation that MrX lives in this building rather than adding specifics about the flatno and floor The perk is that your automation would still locate MrX even if he chooses to move to another flat or floor,1
Hi Avinash
I am working on Ubuntu 1404 I have installed Appium 1413 I have test cases written in Python Everything works fine Now I need to create a report of the outputs
How can I do that ,1
I have used the same code as urs and have just changed the required things according to my app
I am getting this error
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message
Ran 1 test in 0032s
FAILED errors1
The message column is blank and nothing is happening in mobile device I have checked with avd devices my device is recognized so device recognition is not a problem
Plus can you elaborate what is the funtion of xpath,1
pretty useful I just moved from jenkins to circle something we can do it jenkins but I cannot find it in circle yet
But your blog is more helpful than the circle doc P
thanks very much,1
please help to click item which got similar name and id by using childuiselector in python,1
I tried with tapping on elements by giving coordinates and it works finebut since its not reliable solution while running our scripts in production and changes with emulators as well Is der any other work around for this issue
My code which works wid coordinates drivertap1 994 147 200,1
Everything is fine am happy about your blog Thanks admin for sharing the unique content you have done a great job I appreciate your effort
a href relnofollowSelenium training in chennaia,0
You have written to run a command to schedule a job But on which terminal we have to fire the command Means cronjob e needs to be run for scheduling but where we have to write it,1
Hi Rohit
CRON is an utility in Linux with which you can start your jobs automatically at a desired time and schedule them to get executed periodically Please refer to below link for more details,1
Great article Put me into the correct path
xvnc plugin is not working properly in mac slaves and was struggling a bitand the find the solution with xvfb,1
Hi Veerendra
As mentioned in blog we dont recommended using coordinates You can probably ask the developer to add a property to identify the element and use that for your testing,1
Hey Guysi am new to python with seleniumi have gone through your post it is really helpful
Just want to know whether you guys are providing any online training for Selenium with Python,1
Hi Karthik
As of now I dont have a good reporting capability If I have something will update you on it,1
Thanks for sharing these information Its a very nice topic We are providing online training classes a href relnofollowselenium online traininga,0
this is the complete error
Traceback most recent call last
File Dautomationappium_samplesgetting_Startedpy line 21 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CPython34libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython34libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 91 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython34libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 173 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython34libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 233 in execute
File CPython34libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 165 in check_response
raise exception_classvalue
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message,1
I am new to appium and I am running a selenium script with device connected and while running in terminal i am getting this error Error ENOENT no such file or directory scandir Documentsandroidsdklinuxbuildtools
at Error native I am running in Linux Can you please help me out ,1
on entering password in device using appium some times it open keypad while sometimes not i use the code driverhidekeypad its hiding the same when display but not when it doesnt display the keypad and further code get stopped so how to write code to search whether keypad is open or close if open then enter and go to next text else type directly and then go to next text field ,1
You can use any other property which is unique to the element and find that element Using UiSelector
a start with a new UiSelector object new UiSelector
b dotadd any of the other properties of the element
Eg To identify the number 7 in the calculator app new UiSelectortext7,1
Hi Apurva
I couldnt figure out much looking at that error message except there is something wrong with the desiredCapabilities which you have set in line 173,1
Hi Rijo
I am not sure of the path Documentsandroidsdklinuxbuildtools which you used You can always try which build tools or which adb to get the path,1
Hi Neelima
We use tryexcept to hide the key board after entering text in a text field
Code to enter text in the text field
except Exceptione
Hope this helps,1
Thank u for your information I read your shared information on selnium Topic
a href relnofollowSelenium Online Traininga,0
Thanks for the post When i tried i am getting exceptions I was able to see the DropTeskTest but when i run i am getting exceptionsCan you please let me know why it is happing,1
Hi Ravikiran
Can u please post the exceptions,1
I was able to resolve the exceptions But when i tried in reports i am getting Account details KOClientId KOCreate Task 3 K0 I was not able to generate the ok reports for all the three
Can you please tell me how to integrate the gatling into eclipse ide I have integrated but i am getting Error Could not find or load main class Recorder
It would be more grateful for me if you help me out
Thanks in advance,1
It helps me to kickstart on writing appium scripts Really simple and helpful thanks a lot,1
Hi Ravikiran
If the tests had passed the report should look as we have posted in screenshot Can you give more details on the results of the simulation run
I havent tried integrating gatling with eclipse ide so would not be able to help you there,1
You should be able to inspect the individual elements on that page unless it a NAF element Please refer,1
We are facing the same issue did you got any best method to reslove it,1
I opened the UIautomatorViewer by double clicking on uiautomatorviewerbat Then I got Ui Automator Viewer Then I click on Device Screenshot icon But not able to inspect individual element on the page Only whole page identifying
Could you please suggest how to proceed,1
My friend thanks for writing above article But example looks like java implementation thought process of Page Object model in python code please have a look at Python has its patterns and essence There is no wrong in above implementation just looks odd
Please ignore if im wrong,1
Hey D this is definitely not Javaish Not even close We have implemented the Page Object pattern in both Java and Python and I can assure you that they look very very different I like our Python implementation so much more because its well Pythonic But like you mentioned both work
There are language differences between Java and Python that make it very hard to use the same patterns Eg when it comes to Page Objects Java provides a synchronized keyword that makes multiple classes inheriting from the same Base page instance very easy We had to solve that differently in Python with a Borg pattern approximately 10 more lines of code
This isnt the full implementation just a guide to get you started Some day we will publish our entire framework its a 9 post series and hopefully youll notice how Pythonic it is compared to the link you provided,1
Hi I am unable to set the xvfb executable path which is specified in step 3 Could anyone help me in setting the path for xvfb executable I am not getting in which directory is that xvfb executable Thanks in Advance,0
Hi Could you please elaborate I am not getting in which directory is that xvfb executable And unable to set directory path while installing xvfb Thanks in Advance,1
If you have installed xvfb in your machine and if you run which xvfb on your command prompt you should see the path where xvfb is installed,1
Thanks a lot for your posts They are really helpful and helps keep us updated too
Wrt to the pdf use case for me the pdf gets opened in the browser How do i read the pdf text from that I am seeing lot of solutions using pdfminerslate etc But they dont seem to be appealing Do you have any suggestions on how i can search for a text without downloading the file
Thanks in advance for your time,1
Thanks for the post I tried to use pdf2text and got an error saying ImportError cannot import name process_pdf do you have any idea what i can do to overcome this
If you have any sample implementation using pdf2text it would be helpful too
This is very helpful I was able to do automation just because of this link Now i want to start automation on Mac for iPhone apps I know python and Appium Can u please suggest me how to setup same for Mac,1
Sonu Arora Thank you for your kind words We will publishing a blog related to automation on Mac very soon Keep in touch,1
Terrific articles folks Really appreciate this level of effort and its very helpful
Will be nice if you could share git repo for other tremendous articles,1
Another way I found out when I got the error dot env module not found is by downloading the tar for dotenv from python websiteuntarcopy the dotenv folder and drop to Libs folder is that one of the right ways
Note I tried the one you have specified above but no luck hence used that approach Thought it might be useful if it turns out to be a good approach,1
Get Set Test an iOS app using Appium and Python Avinash Shetty ,1
Hi GaneshThe better way to install dotenv is by using pip Pip is a convenient way to install upgrade and uninstall modules You need to manually perform the install upgrade and uninstall if you use tar files,1
Hi Ganesh Thank you for your comment We are working on it as part of other articles,1
Hi Sonu AroraHere is the link to Get Set Test an iOS app using Appium and Python,1
Vinaya I dont know for sure But googling around it looks like you may have a problem with the pdfminer module Can you see if this link helps,1
anonymous sorry I dont know of a better way As you must have realized PDFs are hard for GUI automation to deal with It becomes even more annoying when you need to interact with the PDF via a browser plugin But if you do solve this problem please do let us know,1
I am new to python and also for selenium web driver
Above the example is a little bit confusing me if possible can you please provide another simple example for page object model plz,1
G if you are new to Selenium and Python then please start here
You can move to page objects once you get a handle on Selenium webdriver and Python code,1
Arunkumar Muralidharan Thanks for your reply
Can you just provide me a login example for HOW TO READ AND FETCH THE VALUES FOR CONFIG PROPERTY FILE,1
Ive got Selenium automation tests using C with xUnit test framework When the tests are run the results are generated into a xUnit standard XML file I am looking at the ways to somehow import the results from XML file into the TestRail so that I have a central repo for all test runs and I can generate meaningful reports inside TestRail
I know theres an API I can use but creating methods inside the tests to post each test result is looking very cumbersome Instead it would be really great if I can import the XML file into TestRail
Please help,1
G if you are starting off simply hard code the values
If you are a bit more comfortable with Python try a simple example of login like so
1 Look at the Conf_Readerpy here
2 Create a config file like here
3 Then in your test read values like so
pre langpython
import Conf_Reader
username Conf_Readerget_valuecredentials_fileLOGIN_USER
password Conf_Readerget_valuecredentials_fileLOGIN_PASSWORD
You can look at lines 3537 over here for an example
strongNOTEstrong We use a more advanced version of this technique in our framework It would take me quite a lot of time to outline it fully here But given that you are starting off the above code is good and easily extensible,1
Dinesh it doesnt seem like there is anything like this already in existence Gurock software is very responsive to its users So you could try asking on their forums and sometimes they may give you a beta script to try out
The other alternative is to write your own custom mapper from XML to TestRail and use it But I do not recommend this approach because it is going to be heavy on maintenance,1
I am new to selendroid I am starting automation with python for android device I have a query that how do i start a hybrid application in android device and start testing it with selendroid,1
We did not automate startingstopping the emulator because we use the emulator only when developing the tests on our local machines It saves us time when developing and debugging tests to leave the emulator running and just startstop the Appium server itself
Once a test is developed we end up running the test on a cloud service provider with real devices eg BrowserStack Here are two examples of running your mobile automation on a cloud service provider
1 With Sauce labs
2 With BrowserStack,1
Wonderful integration Thanks,1
Thank you for posting the great contentI was looking for something like thisI found it quiet interesting hopefully you will keep posting such blogsKeep sharing
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Hi Avinash
can u please help me how to create an automation testing integration with test rail
i have multple test cases which i need to automate these test with selenium many thanks noor,1
hi Avinash im new to test rail and cab u pls share to how to automate test cases with selenium web driver,1
Hi Noor
To automate test cases with selenium web driver please refer these two links
i This link is for beginners
Thank you,1
Hi Noor
You can refer this link
Thank you,1
Hi Govinda
You can refer to link below to see how you can pass the id of the app under test and start testing the app The id of the app under test must be provided in the format strongioselendroidtestapp0170strong,1
Do we have a privilege to download a video of a test run using Rest Api if yes can you please provide required details
Can any one help me how to install locust in my windows 7 ,1
CircleCI Employee You cannot run CRON on circleci you would need to set up a CRON job on one of your own servers or any computer that is always powered on in order to get nightly builds to work
Unfortunately you have to think of thirdparty scheduling service,1
mvvsrikanth where are you getting stuck This articles Getting setup with Locust on Windows section was tested on Windows 7 too,1
PLease help me in setup testrail tool integration with selenium tool for UI automation
New in this field,1
Hi Noor
Can you be more specific about the issue that is blocking you Will allow us to help you better
How to investigate pytestwarnings Shivahari P ,1
I Have an app which shows all the available products similar to bigbasket I would like to scroll through all the products one by one I tried the following approach however i can scroll through only 4 products since the rows contains only 4 elements How do i write code to check till end of all products Your logic look perfect how do i implement it here
table selfdriverfind_element_by_android_uiautomatornew UiSelectorclassNameandroidsupportv7widgetRecyclerView
rows tablefind_elements_by_idcomexampletestidcard_view
for i in range0 lenrows
cols rowsifind_elements_by_idcomexampletesttidprdText
for j in range0 lencols
selfdriverscrollrowsi rowsi1
anyone can give me an example for the login page how to read the data from the configuration file and call it into the login test case
I have created three files configpf login_helperpy and login_testcase but I am really confusing how to call or integrate between these files
please help me on it,1
Please read through our a href relnofollowDont hardcode usernames and passwords in your test scriptsa post I think it covers your scenerio Let us know if u need any further assistance,1
Thanks for the information
And I want to know that same concept in selenium web driver using python
why import dotenv is using ,1
dotenv is a module in python to read keyvalue from a file and add them to the environment variables iecodedotenvload_dotenvconfcode reads the keyvalue pairs from the conf file and adds them to the environment variable so that they can be fetched using codevalue osenvironkeycode,1
Thank u so much,1
Why startingstopping simulator is a manual step instead of part of your test
usrbinpython UsersjchowdryDocumentsAutomationTestappiumtestpy
Traceback most recent call last
File UsersjchowdryDocumentsAutomationTestappiumtestpy line 24 in
driver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File LibraryPython27sitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File LibraryPython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 90 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File LibraryPython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 177 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION capabilities
File LibraryPython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 236 in execute
File LibraryPython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 192 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message An unknown serverside error occurred while processing the command Original error Could not find a device to launch You requested iPhone 6s 92 but the available devices were Apple TV 1080p 92 4E02F4C7B5CC4D30B34F80EE99C136B9 SimulatoriPad 2 93 79B1A87D089540B482264D207CEF8412 SimulatoriPad Air 93 C55DB910E99642B1AC94B259EB69DA47 SimulatoriPad Air 2 93 6EB90D1F19804DE8AC88D800F26DEAA6 SimulatoriPad Pro 93 4E4F169A12D44D9FB54085EEDEBBCC5A SimulatoriPad Retina 93 61140A0E62404942A0AF655CFEF58AD5 SimulatoriPhone 4s 93 BD16DCE485674FE586B6634757F42BA4 SimulatoriPhone 5 93 36BC238566E846A196057C1952573FFA SimulatoriPhone 5s 93 499D9EBCCE97441E9DBC3414ACFFE5E0 SimulatoriPhone 6 93 AE746B6191C8457F904D3DA6E729F091 SimulatoriPhone 6 Plus 93 F723852901474A46BD66DB4E9135F065 SimulatoriPhone 6s 93 3FBE595A00E14884A93C6EC1129AC2F9 SimulatoriPhone 6s 93 Apple Watch 38mm 22 277E8BDFB30144AF986BE878E4447618 SimulatoriPhone 6s Plus 93 DCDFCEEE2AEF4DA595605738F72D553A SimulatoriPhone 6s Plus 93 Apple Watch 42mm 22 87968785B1294947B832CD6B822101F3 Simulator
I am getting above error Can you please help me out,1
how to print all the contacts of the contact list using appium code,1
please help me out
i have a scenario like i need to print all the contacts of the contact list some contacts are below the screen it should not print duplicate contacts using appium code
can you mail me a code
Nagarjuna for intelligent scrolling using Appium please see this post,1
Nagarjuna as I understand it you are already able to access the contact list but want to know how to scroll and avoid duplicates using Appium You see this post which shows you how to do something similar,1
We offer training in selenium with C
For course details refer
For free videos on Selenium with C refer,0
we provide online training video tutorials for soapui
for free videos refer,0
Valuable information thanks for sharing a href relnofollow Loadrunner Online Training a,0
Nice article Avinash This helped me a lot
Using UIautomator we can find many properties of an element in mobile apps but is there any way we can find out the id of an element using any tools,1
An analogy to understand web APIs Annapoorani Gurusamy ,1
Awesome explanation for a basic user to get started Kudos,1
Hi Krishna
Good to know the blog helped you
You can also use appium inspector to find the properties of an element on the page However for android application the appium inspector didnt work well for me It works very well for iOS though,1
Have you ever tried reading an OTP message from the message app and then entering that into the textfield of the app which you are automating using Appium
If yes kindly let me know how can we approach this problem,1
Hi Mohit
I havent tried this but i guess the approach mentioned in this a href relnofollowlinka should help you when testing it on a Android device,1
Modify your Python GUI automation to use pytest Shivahari P ,1
Does zoom really work with pythonI get method not implemented,1
Yes zoom works fine for me What version of appium python client are you using,1
HiThanks for your sharing articlesReally nice postyour great writing and useful information for mea href relnofollowsoftware Testing Traininga,0
I have a clarification of course i am very naive to writing tests
My question is that does the source files and the spec files needs to be updated in SpecRunnerhtml each time a new js file is created Doesnt that make the work tedious
I suppose to make things better Karma Javascript Test runner is to be used
Forgive me if i am wrong,1
Hi Avinash
You posts are awesome Can you please share the automation framework for python selenium
my mail id is rameshb4allgmailcom,1
Hi Javed
My guess from this Could not find a device to launch You requested iPhone 6s 92 is that may have to add this device to ur simulator or you can try running your against iPhone 6s Plus 93,1
Thanks for your feedback
Our Framework is currently a work in progress,1
Hi how do I verify if a page has been loaded using Gatling in the sense like how do I obtain the label data of the page
I have used checkregexhisaveAswelcome
But Im getting not found0exit0,1
Nishi yes you need to use a test runner of your choice eg Grunt based that can intelligently autodetect tests We wrote this post aimed at rank beginners and did not want to include anything more than the simplest of basics,1
To add to Shivas reply We do intend to document and open source our framework at some point in the future Well announce it on our mailing list If you are interested please sign up here,1
Hi Im using windows Appium 1416 appiumpythonclient247 And trying to use set_value to send the text values however I get following error Not yet implemented
File omnirent_android_testspy line 203 in test_signUp_full_name
File CPython27libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebelementpy line 123 in set_value
self_executeCommandSET_IMMEDIATE_VALUE data
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebelementpy line 461 in _execute
return self_parentexecutecommand params
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 236 in execute
File CPython27libsitepackagesappiumwebdrivererrorhandlerpy line 29 in check_response
raise wde
WebDriverException Message Not yet implemented Please help us
Could you please guide me what method should we use to send texts or some values to emulator,1
Hi Satish
The function strongset_valueself element valuestrong takes the element and the value you want to pass to that element You may need to update your code strongselfdriverfind_element_by_idcomtestorgexampleidsNameset_valueusernamestrong so that you pass both the element and the value to the set_value function Let me know if this works,1
Hi Avinash
My code is same as you had mentioned selfdriverfind_element_by_idcomtestorgexampleidsNameset_valueusername
and facing the issue i had mentioned Is this code works only on particular versions of Appium and Appiumpythonclinet,1
Hi Satish
You need to pass the element and the value inside set_value function
element selfdriverfind_element_by_idcomtestorgexampleidsName
Hi Avinash
Thanks for replay I tried as you suggested however now i see new issue
NameError global name set_value is not defined
I had imported following on my script
import os
import unittest
from appium import webdriver
from time import sleep
Am i missing something,1
Hi Satish
Did you try selfdriverset_valueelementusername
Alternatively you can use elementsend_keys
element selfdriverfind_element_by_idcomtestorgexampleidsName
Hi Shivahari
Thanks for your suggestion send_keys works
Following are my observations for set_value
I tried all the possibilities with set_value and nothing worked on windows with Appium 1416 and 13 XX
The interesting point is set_value works perfectly on Ubuntu machine with Appium 15 and appiumpythonclient247installed appium through npm install
Looks like Appium 14XX does not support set_value thats why we get exception error WebDriverException Message Not yet implemented,1
Hi Satish
Thanks for sharing your Observation,1
Hi Dheeraj
As we mentioned earlier
IME_ACTIONS is what Android recommends developers use As we stated in the article we were unable to figure out how to robustly automate soft keyboard events that are listening for IME_ACTIONS We ended up using coordinates but that is a lousy and flakey workaround
If you do find an answer please post here We would love to learn how to make our automation more robust in this specific case,1
I am also having same issue Only whole page identifying with one app on which i can identify all elements through and this issue only comes in appium
So Could you please suggest whether there is some other reason fro this,1
Thanks that actually worked for me I dont know why this did not work right out of the box,1
Hi Prathyusha
I am not able to understand your issue
My understanding is You are not able to identify elements in Appium and you are able to identify them when you use another tool
If Yes what other tool are you using,1
i welcome to this blogreally you have post an informative blogit will be really helpful to many peoplesthank you for sharing this blog
a href relnofollowcodedUI traininga,0
If any other tool available in market same as uiautomator tool,1
Hi Kamalanathan
I am guessing that you are asking us if there is any other tool similar to uiautomatorviewersince this post is about identifying elements and not the a href relnofollowuiautomatora tool
a href relnofollowAppium inspectora is another tool that can be used to identify elements in mobile apps,1
I have tried to use close_run and according to the APIv2 doc there is only two arguments for the method while I sent this request only got the info below
TypeError send_post takes exactly 3 arguments 2 given
what does the third argument look like Let me show the api doc
POST indexphpapiv2close_runrun_id,1
Better pytest failure summaries Smitha Rajesh ,1
What is the Conf_Reader module in the step 2,1
Hi Liza
To avoid hard coding values into test scripts we define them in conf files and them read them into the test Conf_Reader is a custom module we wrote to fetch values from the conf files So in this example we wrote the TestRail URL TestRail username TestRail password into the env file and read it from it To follow along without a Conf_Reader just declarehardcode the values of the TestRail URL TestRail username TestRail password in the get_testrail_client method,1
Hi Mina
From what is mentionedI am guessing you may have to use codecode as the third argumentwe havent tried it
Please refer
It works great thanks,1
Yes it works Great thanks,1
Is there similar way to automation typing using appium I am more looking to cover IME handing code via some tests not sendKeyEvents,1
Hi dude i have also find out one good example
a href relnofollow
Swipe screen Android a,1
How to rearm Windows trial license Qxf2 blog Oh noes My trial Windows license expired Here is the initial snapshot windows license expired to begin with Never fear I can extend the trial period by running ,1
HI can you guide me or provide me link for Selenium Java code,1
Hi vikas
You can refer this link for the Selenium Java code
Thank you,1
How to handle ViewState on ASPXnet pages ,1
bingo thankU,1
Hi There
I would like to know if appium test results can be integrated with testrail test management tool If so could you please let me know the steps to do that
To make it much more general I have used the below
Dimension dimensions drivermanagewindowgetSize
int yMax dimensionsgetHeight
int xMax dimensionsgetWidth
TouchShortcuts drivertap1 int xMax 095 int yMax 095 200
This worked most of the devices with me Around 10 android devices of different screen size,1
i like turtles,0
Good one,1
Very good writeup I definitely appreciate this website Continue the good work
a href' relnofollowDevops Online Traininga,0
Hi Avinash
You blog is very good and helpfull Have you written any blog on how to write framework on Appium python for mobile application Could you please provide any on this
Thanks in advance,1
How can I update this result_flag I have a few ideas but I would like to know your method for this
Best regards Yago,1
Hi Yago
I would enclose statements in a trycatch block such that the result_flag returns True if the WebDriver is able to perform an action
I would then validate the result_flag using conditional statements in test and update TestRail accordingly
Hi Rashmi
Thanks for taking time to write to us We dont have any blog on Mobile framework yet We may decide to write about it in the coming days please leave a note if you wish to be notified when we do
Can you be more specific about the issue you are facing
Denis If you have aws account you can use the following
It does not require a server to run cron,1
Wow That is so elegant and logical and clearly explained Brilliantly goes through what could be a complex process and makes it obvious,0
Its really good article to go with I wold like to know more about parallel execution Is it possible to achieve this Yes Can you please give an example,1
interesting piece of information I had come to know about your webpage from my friend pramod jaipuri have read atleast eight posts of yours by now and let me tell you your blog gives the best and the most interesting information This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for im already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts once again hats off to you Thanks a million once again
a href' relnofollowDell Boomi Traininga,0
Testing the Fitbit heart rate monitoring system Part 1 Rohan Dudam ,1
Hi There
Im using selenium for functional testing and Jmeter for load testing with integrating both the tools Now i need to know is there a possibility to integrate testrail with the Jmeter by updating the jmeter test results via testrail,1
Hi There
I really liked your wlog about the testrail integration with selenium now im interested to know whether appium can be integrated with testrail ie appium test results can be updated and reflected via testrail,1
Thanks a lot for your feedback Naveen,1
I want to add project Create test suite update testsuite Is there any code available using python scriptingPlease post me the code,1
Hi Excellentwork Can you please teach us how we can compare images from two folders using python
eg file1 will have image1image2image3image4image5 and file 2 will have image1image2image3image4image5 i wanted to compare from file one images with file2 image one by one and if they are different i want to print out the name of the file image,1
Selva you would
a use oslistdir to get the files within a folder
b repeat a for your second folder
c sort the lists
d then loop checking for the same filename and then compare
Its more or less what is happening in get_pdf_diff method above Let us know if you need more help with this,1
VRR you can use this link as your reference API reference
For example to add a project your code would look something like this
pre langpython
def create_new_projectselfnew_project_nameproject_descriptionshow_announcementsuite_mode
Create a new project if it does not already exist
project_id selfget_project_idnew_project_name
if project_id is None
result selfclientsend_postadd_project
name new_project_name
announcement project_description
show_announcement show_announcement
suite_mode suite_mode
except Exceptione
print Exception in create_new_project creating new project
print e
print Project already exists snew_project_name
Mohan yes you can integrate TestRail reporting with Appium too Its really no different from how you handle Selenium You can use this post as an example,1
Siddhesh sorry about the late reply We totally missed your comment
To run Appium tests in parallel you would start multiple Appium servers designate one as the main Appium port and the rest as bootstrap ports Youll need to associate each server with a device id too
Use this as a reference
And when you are able to do this how about writing a blog post of your own that the rest of us can refer to ,1
Mohan I have not personally tried integrating Jmeter with TestRail We are a Python shop and use Locust for our performance tests However I noticed the Gurock forums have a discussion around integrating Jmeter with TestRail that could help you,1
I dont know for sure Sorry
I think this link will help This line may help you
substringfoo same as substringfoofindexists
Sometimes when the page takes a while to load we end up doing a checkstatusis200 and a pause before trying to parse the HTML response,1
This was way beyond helpful However im running into an issue while using appium behind a proxy wall The error seems to start from line
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
Im getting connection refused error I used the same environment at home and worked perfectly How can i take care of this ,1
MySQL and Liquibase Indira Nellutla ,1
hi welcome to this blog really you have post an informative blog it will be really helpful to many peoples thank you for sharing this blog,0
Hi ArunKumar
Thanks for your help I will try that Please keep up your work Excellent work you have helped in the past to work with appium
I guess we can use appium with iOS 10 As per the link below its mentioned To test an app in iOS 10 with Appium we have to use Xcode 8 or newer with Appium 16 or newer,1
Hi Avinash Sir
Kindly help in below question
How do i launch Chrome browser in Appium Python Language
hi Arun
I have implemented the code as below and the output I got as below it doesnt seem to work as expected If I do one by one it works as expected
when I say it didnt work as expected i have different image files in the folder and try and compare it always print as same
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
file1 oslistdirCProgram Files x86Python3532file1
file2oslistdirCProgram Files x86Python3532file2
for f1 in file1
if f1endswithpng
image1 cv2imreadf1
for f2 in file2
if f2endswithpng
image2 cv2imreadf2
difference cv2subtractimage1 image2
result not npanydifference if difference is all zeros it will return False
if result is True
printThe images are the same
cv2imwriteresultjpg difference
print the images are different
Out put
file1 my_imagepng
file2 my_imagepng
file2 my_image15png
file1 my_image15png
file2 my_imagepng
file2 my_image15png
The images are the same,1
Hey Selva
Your code has lost its formatting Can you enclose it between pre tags
BTW I think you need a
pre langpython
for f1f2 in zipfile1file2
Do image compare of f1 f2 here
But I can tell you that after looking at your formatted code,1
Hello Everyone
Thanks for this Article I am trying to implement page object pattern in my automation framework I liked your solution very much I wanted some help on below mentioned topics Please share your thoughts it would be very helpful for me to take the design decision
1 I was looking at other Python based page object models Most of them have used __get__ __set__ properties of attributes In your implementation that is not the case Kindly tell me if it is advantageous to use properties in page objects
2 You have invoked unittest in base class then inherited other classes from it There is another approach I saw where they put unittest module in test script only and do all the assertions there Which path would be better take,1
Hi Raj
I have not run any tests as of today in chrome browser in a mobile device But i guess the below link should help you out here
Avinash Shetty,1
Hello I developed a wrapper for BrowserStacks API using two methods from this post get_session_url and get_session_logs Id like to publish it on GitHub under MIT license Can I use them attributing the source of course,1
Hi Arun
I have included in the pre TAG I hope this what you said
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
file1 oslistdirCProgram Files x86Python3532file1
file2oslistdirCProgram Files x86Python3532file2
for f1 in file1
if f1endswithpng
image1 cv2imreadf1
for f2 in file2
if f2endswithpng
image2 cv2imreadf2
difference cv2subtractimage1 image2
result not npanydifference if difference is all zeros it will return False
if result is True
printThe images are the same
cv2imwriteresultjpg difference
print the images are different
Hi Andre
You are more than welcome to publish the wrapper on your GitHub,1
Hi Avinash
I wanted to use the configuration file so that when i test my app i can load the configuration files as you suggested but i am getting error as below
COHMGANAHSAYANAMAAppiumAppium_scriptsAndroidpython OHM_Ganashayanamaha_config_mainpy c configurationini t Android_511
line 1
Traceback most recent call last
File OHM_Ganashayanamaha_config_mainpy line 35 in
File OHM_Ganashayanamaha_config_mainpy line 15 in run_setup_test
test_obj Android_Settingsconfig_fileconfig_filetest_runtest_run
File COHMGANAHSAYANAMAAppiumAppium_scriptsAndroidOHM_Ganashayanamaha_Comfigurationpy line 41 in __init__
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CProgram Files x86Python3532libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CProgram Files x86Python3532libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 92 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CProgram Files x86Python3532libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 179 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION capabilities
File CProgram Files x86Python3532libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 236 in execute
File CProgram Files x86Python3532libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 192 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message A new session could not be created Original error Activity used to start app doesnt exist or cannot be launched Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity
i am applying your idea to my application
I have four files as follows
def run_setup_testconfig_filetest_run
Login to BigBasket using valid credentials
printline 1
test_obj Android_Settingsconfig_fileconfig_filetest_runtest_run
printline 2
suite unittestTestLoaderloadTestsFromTestCasetest_obj
if __name____main__
Accept some command line options from the user
Python module optparse
usage usage prog c t nEg1 prog c Path of configurationini t Android_42n
parser OptionParserusageusage
parseradd_optioncconfigdestconfig_filehelpThe full path of the configuration file
parseradd_optionttest_rundesttest_runhelpThe name of the test run
optionsargs parserparse_args
Create a test obj with parameters
Can you let me what i am doing wrong here please,1
Hi Avinash Sir
Could you please help me to test Web Application by using chrome browser by using a real devices
Kindly give me few of the example to navigate to any web application and perform some actions by using xpath ad all on real android device
Hi Raj
The example shown in this blog is testing an app on a real device Unfortunately i dont have an example to share with you for working on a web app on chrome browser
As per the link suggested the things which you need to take care of is
1 Make sure Chrome an app with the package comandroidchrome is installed on your device
2 Add desired capabilities like these to run your test
platformName Android
platformVersion 44
browserName Chrome
Hi Selva
As per the logs the issue seems to be more related to Activity name you are using
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message A new session could not be created Original error Activity used to start app doesnt exist or cannot be launched Make sure it exists and is a launchable activitystrong
Can you double check the activity name you are using in the conf file,1
State of Testing Survey 2017 Arunkumar Muralidharan ,1
You need to try this
pre langpython
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
file1 oslistdirCProgram Files x86Python3532file1
file2oslistdirCProgram Files x86Python3532file2
Sorting the file lists
I am assuming you have the same filenames in both directories
file1 file1sort
file2 file2sort
for f1f2 in zipfile1file2
if f1endswithpng and f2endswithpng
image1 cv2imreadf1
image2 cv2imreadf2
difference cv2subtractimage1 image2
result not npanydifference if difference is all zeros it will return False
if result is True
printThe images are the same
cv2imwriteresultjpg difference
print the images are different
Mubarak An intermediate level framework using pytest is here
If you are looking for more basic versions start here,1
Hi if i want to stop execution of suits on any one test case fails or if first case fails then i want to stop execution of spec means i do not want remaining test to run What is the way to achieve that,1
Is there any way to start and stop appium programatically,1
Gavish I have not done this on my own but I hope this link helps
The summary seems to be that you can either add a throwFailurestrue to your spec runner file If you are working with node that Stackoverflow answer has some additional advice in the comments,1
MySQL Architecture and Layers Indira Nellutla ,1
Is this solution working on iOS10
Appium had some issues with iOS 10 on launch,1
Thanks for sharing this informative blog I have read your blog and I gathered some valuable information from this blog Keep posting
a href relnofollow Best Selenium Training in Chennai a,0
Thanks for sharing this informative blog I have read your blog and I gathered some valuable information from this blog Keep posting
a href relnofollow Best Selenium Training in Chennai a,0
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Credo Systemz is a training institute which offers you Selenium training in Chennai at affordable cost when compared to other training institutes in Chennai Our professional experts will train you the entire course according to your understanding capability as per the current standards Develop your carrier and grab the Opportunity,0
When I am installing I got clexe failedSuch no file or directory error please help me to how we can resolve this,1
Hi Arun
Thanks for your help Sorry for dealy response
Very good article about Page Object Model a href relnofollowSelenium Workshop in Chennaia gives 2 days entire thing about Automation Testing and the different framework in Selenium,0
Your error is probably related to VC not being setup correctly on your machine Can you take a look at this link and see if it resolves your issue,1
1 Either approach works The __get__ and __set__ pattern is probably the right way to implement a true objectoriented approach I dont find using __get__ and __set__ very Pythonic So we skipped doing that in favor of keeping the code simple
2 Again either approach works We compose our Base class with unittest so that if we chose to have assertions at the page object level instead of the test level things would work just fine too
BTW we have open sourced our framework We have not yet gotten around to documenting it thoroughly but if you are comfortable with Python take a look at the tests and work your way from there
Open sourced Python page object model,1
Ganesh it took a while but our git repo is over here now,1
Really very helpful It would be really more helpful if you could provide any meterial to learn complete selenium with pythonUsing pytest framework Hoping from you Thank you,1
Thanks for the explanation and link of the code base I will go through it and try understand how things are fitting together,1
The ugly way will be to wrap around the command you use to start Appium using Pythons subprocess The command will be some form of node appium with some additional command line parameters Stopping the server will require killing your process
A nice way will be create a service and then start or the stop the service via your command line Let us know how it goes this is a problem I am interested in hearing about,1
I am also facing similar issue while automating iOS and android app using xamarinuitest if anyone could suggest how can i tap on search button on keyboard
I have tried driverKeyEvent but it doesnt really works and not supportd in xamarin,1
Thank you Adarsh E M ,1
I tried to execute below program
Qxf2 Example script to run one test against the Chess Free app using Appium
The test will
launch the app
click the PLAY button
choose single player mode
import os
import unittest
from appium import webdriver
from time import sleep
class ChessAndroidTestsunittestTestCase
Class to run tests against the Chess Free app
def setUpself
Setup for the test
desired_capsplatformName Android
desired_capsplatformVersion 42
desired_capsdeviceName Android Emulator
Returns abs path relative to this file and not cwd
desired_capsapp ospathabspathospathjoinospathdirname__file__DProgramsmyappChess Freeapk
desired_capsappPackage ukcoaifactorychessfree
desired_capsappActivity ChessFreeActivity
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
def tearDownself
Tear down the test
def test_single_player_modeself
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
element selfdriverfind_element_by_namePLAY
selfdriverfind_element_by_nameSingle Playerclick
textfields selfdriverfind_elements_by_class_nameandroidwidgetTextView
selfassertEqualMATCH SETTINGS textfields0text
if __name__ __main__
suite unittestTestLoaderloadTestsFromTestCaseChessAndroidTests
Getting below error
test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly ERROR
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File DProgramsmyappandroid_chesspy line 26 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 92 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 179 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION capabilities
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 236 in execute
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 192 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message A new session could not be created Original error Command failed CWINDOWSsystem32cmdexe s c java jar DProgramsAppiumnode_modulesappiumnode_modulesappiumadbjarssignjar DProgramsmyappChess Freeapk override
javautilzipZipException error in opening zip file
at javautilzipZipFileopenNative Method
at javautilzipZipFileUnknown Source
at javautilzipZipFileUnknown Source
at javautiljarJarFileUnknown Source
at javautiljarJarFileUnknown Source
at sSignsignSignjava441
at sSignmainSignjava532
Would you please help me to solve this error
Thank you,1
Thanks for the nice post its very useful
I am getting below error while running the same program mentioned in your post
ERROR test_single_player_mode __main__ChessAndroidTests
Test the Single Player mode launches correctly
Traceback most recent call last
File DProgramsmyappandroid_chesspy line 26 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 92 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 179 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION capabilities
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 236 in execute
File DProgramsPython275libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 192 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
WebDriverException Message A new session could not be created Original error Command failed CWINDOWSsystem32cmdexe s c java jar DProgramsAppiumnode_modulesappiumnode_modulesappiumadbjarssignjar DProgramsmyappChess Freeapk override
javautilzipZipException error in opening zip file
at javautilzipZipFileopenNative Method
at javautilzipZipFileUnknown Source
at javautilzipZipFileUnknown Source
at javautiljarJarFileUnknown Source
at javautiljarJarFileUnknown Source
at sSignsignSignjava441
at sSignmainSignjava532
Would you please help me to solve this issue
Thank you,1
Getting an error while running test on jenkins
Xlib extension RANDR missing on display 51
Xlib extension RANDR missing on display 51,1
Jithin try looking at the answers in this thread
The error is most likely related to a Selenium version mismatch,1
JLyon Im not sure I havent faced this error before I googled around for appium zipexception and thought that this link looked promising,1
HiiYour posting is really very a href relnofollowinformativeaThanks for updating these types of informative,0
The above posting is much a href relnofollowinformativea and helpful to all peopleThanks for updating these types of informative,0
Hi thanks a lot for the detailed explanation Is there some reason you prefer Python over other languages Because the Github repos of Appium Ruby Java are updated frequently whereas Appium python repo is not,1
Can we perform manual steps in between during script execution in Automate Browserstack,1
Hi Shital
We can perform manual steps in between during script execution by using interactive session in the browser stack,1
Chandra Sekar We find the code in the Appium Python repo sufficient for our testing needs So the regularity of the updates does not matter too much to us
Python Ruby Java are all good for what we are trying to do There is no reason to get into a language flame war Here is why we started with Python and continue to use it
1 We like Python We are good with Python We were used to Python
2 We found Python more than sufficient for our needs A lot of the top companies Google Facebook etc use Python extensively for their scripting needs
3 Python is easy to pick up Most of our employees pick up Python after they join Qxf2
4 Python is portable and less susceptible to version changes
5 Python has a lot of potential Python is becoming the industrys top choice for scientific and mathematical programming And those are areas we are interested in exploring,1
nice post for sharing a href relnofollowSeleniuma article its really helpful for me keep sharing tutorials,0
Sorry Vrushali i totally forgot to update you here
I wrote how to achieve Appium Grid in My Blog
plz refer it if u still looking for Grid solution
Very informative i suggest this blog to my friendsThank you for sharing
a href relnofollowSelenium Training in velachery a a href relnofollowselenium training and placement in chennaia a href relnofollowSelenium Traininga,0
I hadnt thought of using containers but thats a great idea Thanks so much for sharing,0
Is there any way to validate that I am creating a right xpath using UI Automator like we can validate the xpath in consol on web without even implementing it in our code,1
Hi Gaurav
I dont think there is any tool that would let you do that at the moment We use UI Automator Viewer Appium Inspector and XCUITest to identify UI elements for testing iOS and Android apps at Qxf2 and I am certain those three dont let to validate your locators Please let us know if you manage to find any tool that allows locator verification,1
How to take screenshot of URL which needs authentication
I want to use BrowserStack Screenshot API,1
Hii Dixit
I think will help youIf not kindly give more description of the issue you are facing,1
I think this is a real great articleMuch thanks again Really Great,0
Thanks for sharing very helpful for freshers I did suggested with my trainees They all too said the same,0
I am new to this appium how to start with basics automation testing in android and ios and I am new to a programming language also,1
The tutorialsexamples in all our blogs are designed for anyone with beginner level of expertise in Python Please follow the instructions in this blogit will help you get the mobile automation environment setup and get you going with a basic mobile automation test,1
Do I need to install Python 27x and after that just run the two commands
Or it has also any other step
Do we have webSocketclient for java also,1
Hi Hardik
Yes we have websocketclient javaxwebsocket for java Refer following links to know how to use javaxwebsocket library for testing Websockets
The given applications are very informative and good for software testing,0
Very well explained thanks for all the details and you have covered it from very much basics
Appreciate the time taken to share the same Will be sharing with other forums
a href relnofollowJob Oriented Selenium Training in Chennaia
Thanks for sharing the best practices will definitely use it as a reference for our projects
Please keep sharing such articles,0
Thank you for helpful post But I am having a trouble with the question below
How can I press on a text field
I hope I receive your help
Hi Thanh
Once you find the text element you can use send_keys to send any keys to the text field
In case you want to click on the element use click command,1
Thank you for this
In my case the webdriverremote opens a new completely empty window above the existent one
Its circumvented by sendKeys AltF4 andor AppActivateGoogle Chrome
Those functions can be found in win32comclient,1
I too observed the empty window opening up Thanks for letting me know how to find a way around it,1
The n argument works the same under Linux as it does under Windows Is there a particular reason to take the longer form,1
Thanks for pointing it outWe tried running tests using n on Linux using Circle CI and it did not work hence the long form,1
After the test how to get the screenshotsvideo in circleci artifacts,1
Can I ask you one question
Explain me in details whence you take result_flag
If you can show the result_flag in code,1
We use result_flag to validate if a particular step passedfailed
pre langpython
Set Phone number in form
result_flag test_objset_phonephone
positivePhone number was successfully set for phone snphone
negativeFailed to set phone number s nOn url snphonetest_objget_current_url
Update TestRail
case_id testrail_filetest_example_form_phone
Hi Rao
You can use your circleyml file to say which directories need to be placed in the artifacts folder Eg If I store my screenshots in the screenshots directory and my logs in the logs directory I would modify the general section of my circleyml to look like the example below
pre langpython
Sample circleyml
screenshots Save the screenshots for all the tests
logs Save the logs for all the tests
You can also refer the below link to get the screenshotsvideo in circle CI artifacts
Hi Avinash
Great information Thanks for sharing Would like to know if Appium will support all versions of Swift how developed is the appium framework with Swift vs Objective C and how fast is appium when compared to xctest
I have tried iOS apps developed using Swift and it worked fine for me A bit of research also showed me that theres also a swift selenium client which I havent tried still Also after deprecation of UIAutomation in Xcode there is an Appium iOS driver backed by Apple XCUITest
I havent used XCTest so I really cant tell which is faster between appium and XCTest but I feel XCTest would be faster than many external frameworks,1
Appium server is up and running
Ive changed localhost4723 to 1270014723
app ospathjoinospathdirname__file__
Appium works well but i tried to run on pycharm there is no log on appium and it returns this error
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LibraryPython27libpythonsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy37 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy98 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy188 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION parameters
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy252 in execute
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
response status 500 value
def check_responseself response
Checks that a JSON response from the WebDriver does not have an error
response The JSON response from the WebDriver server as a dictionary
Raises If the response contains an error message
status responsegetstatus None
if status is None or status ErrorCodeSUCCESS
value None
message responsegetmessage
screen responsegetscreen
stacktrace None
if isinstancestatus int
value_json responsegetvalue None
if value_json and isinstancevalue_json basestring
import json
value jsonloadsvalue_json
if lenvaluekeys 1
value valuevalue
status valuegeterror None
if status is None
status valuestatus
message valuevalue
if not isinstancemessage basestring
value message
message messagegetmessage
message valuegetmessage None
except ValueError
exception_class ErrorInResponseException
if status in ErrorCodeNO_SUCH_ELEMENT
exception_class NoSuchElementException
elif status in ErrorCodeNO_SUCH_FRAME
exception_class NoSuchFrameException
elif status in ErrorCodeNO_SUCH_WINDOW
exception_class NoSuchWindowException
elif status in ErrorCodeSTALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE
exception_class StaleElementReferenceException
elif status in ErrorCodeELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE
exception_class ElementNotVisibleException
elif status in ErrorCodeINVALID_ELEMENT_STATE
exception_class InvalidElementStateException
elif status in ErrorCodeINVALID_SELECTOR
or status in ErrorCodeINVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR
exception_class InvalidSelectorException
elif status in ErrorCodeELEMENT_IS_NOT_SELECTABLE
exception_class ElementNotSelectableException
elif status in ErrorCodeELEMENT_NOT_INTERACTABLE
exception_class ElementNotInteractableException
elif status in ErrorCodeINVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN
exception_class WebDriverException
elif status in ErrorCodeUNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE
exception_class WebDriverException
elif status in ErrorCodeTIMEOUT
exception_class TimeoutException
elif status in ErrorCodeSCRIPT_TIMEOUT
exception_class TimeoutException
elif status in ErrorCodeUNKNOWN_ERROR
exception_class WebDriverException
elif status in ErrorCodeUNEXPECTED_ALERT_OPEN
exception_class UnexpectedAlertPresentException
elif status in ErrorCodeNO_ALERT_OPEN
exception_class NoAlertPresentException
elif status in ErrorCodeIME_NOT_AVAILABLE
exception_class ImeNotAvailableException
exception_class ImeActivationFailedException
elif status in ErrorCodeMOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS
exception_class MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException
exception_class WebDriverException
if value or value is None
value responsevalue
if isinstancevalue basestring
if exception_class ErrorInResponseException
raise exception_classresponse value
raise exception_classvalue
E WebDriverException Message
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy165 WebDriverException
_________________________ BasicTesttest_search_field __________________________
def setUpself
Set up appium
app ospathjoinospathdirname__file__
app ospathabspathapp
selfdriver webdriverRemote
app app
platformName iOS
platformVersion 93
deviceName yyy
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LibraryPython27libpythonsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy37 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy98 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy188 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION parameters
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy252 in execute
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
response status 500 value
def check_responseself response
Checks that a JSON response from the WebDriver does not have an error
response The JSON response from the WebDriver server as a dictionary
Raises If the response contains an error message
status responsegetstatus None
if status is None or status ErrorCodeSUCCESS
value None
message responsegetmessage
screen responsegetscreen
stacktrace None
if isinstancestatus int
value_json responsegetvalue None
if value_json and isinstancevalue_json basestring
import json
value jsonloadsvalue_json
if lenvaluekeys 1
value valuevalue
status valuegeterror None
if status is None
status valuestatus
message valuevalue
if not isinstancemessage basestring
value message
message messagegetmessage
message valuegetmessage None
except ValueError
exception_class ErrorInResponseException
if status in ErrorCodeNO_SUCH_ELEMENT
exception_class NoSuchElementException
elif status in ErrorCodeNO_SUCH_FRAME
exception_class NoSuchFrameException
elif status in ErrorCodeNO_SUCH_WINDOW
exception_class NoSuchWindowException
elif status in ErrorCodeSTALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE
exception_class StaleElementReferenceException
elif status in ErrorCodeELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE
exception_class ElementNotVisibleException
elif status in ErrorCodeINVALID_ELEMENT_STATE
exception_class InvalidElementStateException
elif status in ErrorCodeINVALID_SELECTOR
or status in ErrorCodeINVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR
exception_class InvalidSelectorException
elif status in ErrorCodeELEMENT_IS_NOT_SELECTABLE
exception_class ElementNotSelectableException
elif status in ErrorCodeELEMENT_NOT_INTERACTABLE
exception_class ElementNotInteractableException
elif status in ErrorCodeINVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN
exception_class WebDriverException
elif status in ErrorCodeUNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE
exception_class WebDriverException
elif status in ErrorCodeTIMEOUT
exception_class TimeoutException
elif status in ErrorCodeSCRIPT_TIMEOUT
exception_class TimeoutException
elif status in ErrorCodeUNKNOWN_ERROR
exception_class WebDriverException
elif status in ErrorCodeUNEXPECTED_ALERT_OPEN
exception_class UnexpectedAlertPresentException
elif status in ErrorCodeNO_ALERT_OPEN
exception_class NoAlertPresentException
elif status in ErrorCodeIME_NOT_AVAILABLE
exception_class ImeNotAvailableException
exception_class ImeActivationFailedException
elif status in ErrorCodeMOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS
exception_class MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException
exception_class WebDriverException
if value or value is None
value responsevalue
if isinstancevalue basestring
if exception_class ErrorInResponseException
raise exception_classresponse value
raise exception_classvalue
E WebDriverException Message
usrlocallibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy165 WebDriverException
1 failed in 020 seconds
Process finished with exit code 0,1
Nice PostVery Helpful,1
Thanks Saved my day,1
I feel I have found the right place Thanks for sharing there is so much to learn from this site Hail opensource,1
Nice article you given the stepbystep process for start the slack now its easy to test and get accurate results thank you for the informative article,0
Nice description I followed and ran tests in 10 minutes
Please post more tips like this
QA Engineer VA USA,1
Awesome list love your answers
I am familiar with Python while in my past life used C I am thinking of choosing Python now when deciding to start with Appium as opposed to Java that would seem close to C natural for me to pickup Python is super friendly,1
I have Appium version 165 when running example it reports error
InvalidSelectorException Message Locator Strategy name is not supported for this session
When narrowdown it seems that
are not supported in latest versions of Appium anymore
I was able to use this for the name
find_element_by_xpathcontainstext PLAY
but this doesnt work for class_name
Any suggestions
I would really like to be able to complete the jumpstart example
Thanks a lot
Billiana I havent tried this but the general way to write an xPath based on class name would be
codeclasssome_attributeblahcode OR codeclasscontainssome_attributeblahcode
So in your case it is probably something like codefind_elements_by_xpathandroidwidgetTextViewcode
Try it and let us know if it does not work We can try the example out with Appium 165 and figure out the solution,1
how to generate repor htmls form the output,1
We havent tried it but below links may help you to generate html reports,1
Actually to fix this annoying empty window issue you should just close browser before you reset session_id for it
clsbrowser webdriverRemotecommand_executorsession_url desired_capabilities
clsbrowsersession_id session_id,1
This is great Arunkumar thanks a lot for your support
Yes your example worked perfectly I was able to get list of all elements and then select one with actual attribute value afterwards
Alternatively I have tried specifying text value inline that worked too
Your blog is the best simple and to the point also fun Keep up the great work,1
I tried this solution with iOS 103 and I failed to set it up I got error
XCUITest Error Could not find app at LibraryDeveloperCoreSimulatorDevices1D37B64A35B34964AE786292ECC35B7FdataContainersBundleApplicationD8373724B2324C9B96C2A5D19FD4A4B4Searchswiftapp which I was not able to resolve,1
Hi Thank you for the useful postsI am just starting on automation with python 27 and appium and AWS device farm in my companyPlease could you provide some posts for these to guide me as a starter,1
Hi Rajkhowa
I have not tried this But i found a href relnofollowthis linka on how to test an ios app on AWS device farm using Appium This example is using Java Probably you can refer to this in case you havent already had a look at it
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Can you cross check the path where you have the Searchswiftapp file Is it inside LibraryDeveloperCoreSimulatorDevices1D37B64A35B34964AE786292ECC35B7FdataContainersBundleApplicationD8373724B2324C9B96C2A5D19FD4A4B4 folder
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
This article was extremely helpful thank you Indira Others who are struggling with this issue should also take a look at the following link,1
I found your blog to be very informative and interesting On similar lines you can also check out which is also a very good blog on this very topic Request you to continue writing on varied topics as we would like to read,0
I think you have the path set wrong For example are you sure this line is correct
app ospathjoinospathdirname__file__
What this code will do is to figure out
a the directory of the Python file that has this line eg usersmge
b append UsersprojectdealDesktopGaugeapp to the value in a So usersmgeUsersprojectdealDesktopGaugeapp
To debug you can do one of two things
a Print out the variable app and see if the path looks correct
b Hardcode app to the exact path of the app file
Both a and b will tell you if this piece of code is the problem,1
I have followed the exact steps given here however I am getting the below error I have restarted appium server several times Still I am getting the same error
Traceback most recent call last
File CPython27libunittestcasepy line 320 in run
File Dpython_programcalciatppy line 20 in setUp
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File CPython27libsitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 87 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 141 in start_session
desiredCapabilities desired_capabilities
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 199 in execute
response selfcommand_executorexecutedriver_command params
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteremote_connectionpy line 395 in execute
return self_requestcommand_info0 url bodydata
File CPython27libsitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteremote_connectionpy line 463 in _request
resp openeropenrequest timeoutself_timeout
File CPython27liburllib2py line 429 in open
response self_openreq data
File CPython27liburllib2py line 447 in _open
_open req
File CPython27liburllib2py line 407 in _call_chain
result funcargs
File CPython27liburllib2py line 1228 in http_open
return selfdo_openhttplibHTTPConnection req
File CPython27liburllib2py line 1198 in do_open
raise URLErrorerr
Also at appium side I am getting below error
Launching Appium server with command CProgram Files x86Appiumnodeexe libservermainjs address 127001 port 4723 prelaunch platformname Android platformversion 23 automationname Appium devicename 38fcda2f lognocolor
info debug Starting Appium in prelaunch mode
info Prelaunching app
info debug No appActivity desired capability or server param Parsing from apk
info debug No appPackage desired capability or server param Parsing from apk
error No app set either start appium with app or pass in an app value in desired capabilities or set androidPackage to launch preexisting app on device
info debug Got configuration error not starting session
info debug Cleaning up appium session
error Could not prelaunch appium Error No app set either start appium with app or pass in an app value in desired capabilities or set androidPackage to launch preexisting app on device
You are right Correct path is UsersmugekarakasDesktopBilyonerapp i wrote wrong it here As a result i have still problem,1
i solved this problem Maybe others will be have this problem later its selenium version issue ive last version 343 then ive downgraded selenium version 2536 errors disappear,1
Hii Roshni
1 Are you testing in Simulator or real physical device
2 Do you have the app already installed if not then get the apk file of the app and set app field in desired capabilities with the path of the apk file Refer on how to set desired capabilities for app field
3 If this doesnt solve your problem then kindly tell us what desired capabilities are you passing in setup code,1
Thanks for sharing the information its good that your problem got solved by downgrading selenium version,1
Hi Rohan
Thanks for the quick reply I have already installed the app mentioned in this article on my device I am not using any simulator
The below are the desired capabilities which I have mentioned in the program
def setUpself
Setup for the test
desired_capsplatformName Android
desired_capsplatformVersion 601
desired_capsdeviceName 38fcda2f
Since the app is already installed launching it using package and activity name
desired_capsappPackage atpwtalive
desired_capsappActivity activityMain
Adding appWait Activity since the activity name changes as the focus shifts to the ATP WTA apps first page
desired_capsappWaitActivity activityrootTournamentList
selfdriver webdriverRemotehttp://' desired_caps
Also this I have mentioned in appium server settings,1
Today I am getting an another error of URLError
Any help will be appreciated,1
Is this possible to acheive using java code,1
Yes its possible to achieve using java code The following link may help you to achieve it,1
I get ImportError no module named PythonMagick I installed ImageMagick and PythonMagick from the source How did everyone else install theirs,1
Hi Roshini
Sorry for the delayed response Your desired capabilities seem to be fine I am not sure why you are getting the error Probably you can try these two things
1 Double check the appPackage and appActivity name of the app If thats fine try the below approach also
2 Get the apk file of the app and set app field in desired capabilities with the path of the apk file
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
how do i get test case report rather printing all in logs
i want to share the report with some one,1
Have you tried HTML Plugin Ideally this should help,1
Really very helpful We are using pytest as our framework This tutorial helped to develop reasonable framework at my work Can we except framework using pytest Also i have learn whole thing which is mentioned in your article but im not clear how to maintain test data As i know in selenium java we use exel sheet and using AutoIt we can get the test data
But here you are using the below code
get the test account credentials from the credentials file
credentials_file ospathjoinospathdirname__file__logincredentials
username Conf_Readerget_valuecredentials_fileLOGIN_USER
password Conf_Readerget_valuecredentials_fileLOGIN_PASSWORD
Please explain about this,1
Hi Mubarak
We used to maintain our data in a conf file and then using a Conf Reader file loaded the data in our test
However we no longer use conf file and we store data in testdata_setstrongpystrong file We then import the strongpy strongfile into our test
In case you need the way we do it you can have a look at our framework a href relnofollowherea We have open sourced our framework
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
How to do parallel testing using pytest I mean Can I do it with the help of pytest marker,1
We are trying to run the tests in parallel using the xdist plugin
You can refer the link below for running tests in parallel,1
Avinash Shetty
Thanks for posting this I have tried to execute this but im getting empty list as browser log
Can you provide a real example,1
Pls follow step 5 from this post to pip install PythonMagick from local download directory,1
This is our understanding from your question
You want to ignore the assertion error and continue the flow of your test and display your stdoutstderr statements
The solution for this would be to
1 Run pytest with s v optionsuse pytest help for details about the two options
2 And have a pass counter for every check Later in the end of the test have an Assert statement checking pass counter no of checks,1
Hi Avinash
Thanks for the nice article Fro your above comments i understand you have changed the way test data is stored But for the gmail example i suppose we still have to update credentials in the logincredentials file
I gave the credentials as below
But was getting the error Unable to locate the provided config file Epradeeppython projectsGMailmasterdataconf
Hence i tried creating the dataconf by giving in the same format but got the below error
Exception in get_value
file logincredentials
Exception in get_value
file logincredentials
Please help in understanding how to input the test data,1
Hi Pradeep
Unable to locate the provided config file Epradeeppython projectsGMailmasterdataconf Did you have the Search_Inbox_Testpy file in the GMailmaster directory,1
hi maam
can i disable the display of assertion error
and only display my statements by over loading assert comparison function
plz reply asap,1
Yes Hari Ive not made any changes to the directory In fact when i tried giving the user name and password directly instead of reading through the credentials files it worked fine It seems it is unable to read the contents in the logincredentials file
def run_search_inbox_testbrowserconfbase_urlsauce_flagbrowser_versionplatformtestrail_run_id
Login to Gmail using the page object model
get the test account credentials from the credentials file
credentials_file ospathjoinospathdirname__file__loginpy
username Conf_Readerget_valuecredentials_fileLOGIN_USER
password Conf_Readerget_valuecredentials_fileLOGIN_PASSWORD
Bypassing reading from the credentials file
Result flag used by TestRail
result_flag False,1
pre langpython
get the test account credentials from the credentials file
credentials_file ospathjoinospathdirname__file__loginpy
Is your credentials in logincredentials or is it in loginpy file
Using py files reduces the number of lines of code needed to read from a file Assuming you have your test file in GMailmaster directory and loginpy in a conf directory ie conf is a child dir in GMailmaster
This is how your Search_Inbox_Testpy should look
pre langpython
import ossys
syspathappendospathdirnameospathabspath__file__ Adding the GMailmaster dir to system path so that loginpy can be imported from conf
print ospathdirnameospathabspath__file__ This helps in debugging
from conf import login Import the login file in the conf dir
def run_search_inbox_testbrowserconfbase_urlsauce_flagbrowser_versionplatformtestrail_run_id
Login to Gmail using the page object model
get the test account credentials from the credentials file
username loginname
password loginpswd
And this is how your loginpy should look
pre langpython
name pradeep
password abcd
Pls let me know if this helped,1
Error on install I have installed Gevent Greenlets pyzmq
Updated c distro to 90 but upon running pip install locustio or pip install U locustio i get
Downloadingunpacking locustio
Running setuppy pathcusersappdatalocaltemppip_build_locustiosetuppy egg_info for package locustio
Requirement already uptodate gevent122 in cpython27libsitepackages from locustio
Requirement already uptodate flask0101 in cpython27libsitepackages from locustio
Requirement already uptodate requests291 in cpython27libsitepackages from locustio
Requirement already uptodate msgpackpython042 in cpython27libsitepackages from locustio
Requirement already uptodate six1100 in cpython27libsitepackages from locustio
Requirement already uptodate pyzmq1602 in cpython27libsitepackages from locustio
Requirement already uptodate greenlet0410 in cpython27libsitepackages from gevent122locustio
Installing collected packages locustio
Running setuppy install for locustio
Installing locustscriptpy script to CPython27Scripts
Installing locustexe script to CPython27Scripts
Could not find egginfo directory in install record for locustio
Cleaning up
Traceback most recent call last
File CPython27libsitepackagespipbasecommandpy line 122 in main
status selfrunoptions args
File CPython27libsitepackagespipcommandsinstallpy line 283 in run
requirement_setinstallinstall_options global_options rootoptionsroot_path
File CPython27libsitepackagespipreqpy line 1435 in install
requirementinstallinstall_options global_options args kwargs
File CPython27libsitepackagespipreqpy line 749 in install
WindowsError Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process cusersappdatalocaltemppip2nsneqrecordinstallrecordtxt
Then running locust help i get
Traceback most recent call last
File CPython27Scriptslocustscriptpy line 6 in
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
File CPython27libsitepackagespkg_resources__init__py line 3049 in
File CPython27libsitepackagespkg_resources__init__py line 3033 in _call_aside
fargs kwargs
File CPython27libsitepackagespkg_resources__init__py line 3062 in _initialize_master_working_set
working_set WorkingSet_build_master
File CPython27libsitepackagespkg_resources__init__py line 658 in _build_master
File CPython27libsitepackagespkg_resources__init__py line 972 in require
needed selfresolveparse_requirementsrequirements
File CPython27libsitepackagespkg_resources__init__py line 858 in resolve
raise DistributionNotFoundreq requirers
pkg_resourcesDistributionNotFound The chardet302 distribution was not found and is required by requests,1
Which python version you are using Are your setup tools and pip uptodate,1
I am a beginner on Python I had been using JavaSelenium on my previous projects
This is a great help for people like me to set up a framework in Python
Could you please explain the functionality and purpose of TestRail,1
a href relnofollowTestRaila is a test case management tool TestRail provides API to integrate it with you framework to automate testcase updation after automation test run
For API reference pls refer
Also you can take a look at our open framework for implementation details here,1
You can run using IDLE by copying individual code snippet or you can use command prompt to run the code What piece of code are you trying to execute Can you provide more details about the error messages to find out why you are getting this
Indira Nellutla,1
Hi Avinash
Thank you for a detailed guide
I see here that there TestRail is not free
Do you recommend any opensource products Even if it is not feature rich as TestRail just for smaller projects
Thanks in advance
Hi Shreekanth
Sorry for the delay in replying to your comments In case you are looking out for any test management tool you can try out the ones which are mentioned in the a href relnofollowlink herea I have also heard about a href relnofollowtestlinka but havent tried any of these tools Let me know if any of these work for you
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Excellent post Incidentally if others is searching for a service to merge two PDF files my colleague found a tool here a</a>.,0
Hi Mubarak
Can you check your browsermore toolsdeveloper toolsconsole can you check any console errors are thereIf there are no console errors then it returns empty list onlyYou can refer this URL which has console error,1
It was really helpful I used to apply directly without cover letter just sending my resume,1
Where should we write cover letter for ceohr,1
a If you applying via Email then the body of the email you are sending should have the content of the cover letter Pro tip Use the Job title in the subject line
b If you are applying via a portal then attach the cover letter along with the resume Most portals lets you do that,1
Hi Avinash
Thanks for the detailed articled Ive been facing this issue intermittently for few days now and the frequency has just increased Im running my scripts on Windows and the below code worked for me
chrome_options webdriverChromeOptions
Also the below thread on stack overflow helped
But i see that sometimes even the above solution sometimes doesnt work 1 out of 4 times Im still monitoring it Have you faced any such issue after this solution,1
Hi Pradeep
We havent faced this issue in Windows but got it in Linux box we need the complete error message which you get This may be one of the causesYou can refer this URL,1
Im getting this error while doing
python pdf2txtpy o EzerodhaVarsityoutxml t xml EzerodhaVarsityZD6176_28112017_BSEMS_1pdf
even tried this too
python pdf2txtpy o EzerodhaVarsityoutxml t xml S EzerodhaVarsityZD6176_28112017_BSEMS_1pdf
can anybody help me with this,1
Could you please provide the error details,1
I am e desired_capsplatformName Android
IndentationError unindent does not match any outer indentation level
What am I doing wrong ,1
Have you mixed up tabs and space to indent the python code by any chance If not can you post your complete code so that i can debug it better,1
I want to run my application full flow in one browser IEand want Screenshot for all other browser with same flowchromefirefox and Safari
Is there any way to do this
Your explanation is quite good Could you please help to find elements apart from UI Automator I have the scenario that if I open page in android device in UI automator there is no Webelements found I am not sure do we have webelements for that page or not But in that page we have so many things are there need to operate So i am searching for alternative for UI Automator can u please guide me ,1
Hi Amit
I dont think thats possible You need to run tests in all the browsers chrome firefox and safari to capture screenshots,1
Nice article Could you explain the difference between clickable and enabled in the node details Its a bit confusing when clickable is false and enabled is tue,1
Hi Siva
Did you try using a href relnofollowappium desktopa This would help you get information of web elements of the page,1
Hi Arya
I got some information from this a href relnofollowStackOverflowa answer
In Android a widget that is not clickable will not respond to click events A disabled widget not only is not clickable but also visually indicates that it is disabled Hope this clarifies your question,1
Super basic concepts it helping me alot,1
Very useful Clear explanation Please do post more,1
I have unittest case and I want convert it to nosetest please suggest whats the best way to do it
Snippet of the code
class DSDTaskSuccessChartValidationunittestTestCase
file_datatestdatawebwebportal filename
def test_validate_downlink_task_success_chart_dataself data_set
I am calling tests like this
testSuite unittestTestSuitesuites
result runnerruntestSuite,1
Mobile automation is a nice concept and it has a great future ahead of it As machine learning is also growing day by day It will surely enhance the machine dependency of ours,0
Hi Ankit
You dont need to do anything specific in your scripts to run the test using nosetest
install nose
cd to the directory where you have the test
nosetests run this command
Note Make sure that the system is able to find nose
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Thanks a lot This really helped me,1
How to run multiple test cases one after other without killing Appium session
I do not want to restart the app in between a test case is completed and second test case starts to run,1
The setup and teardown methods are the ones that bring up an Appium session kill it after test case executionI am assuming you are using unittest Unit testing framework To run the setup and teardown only once before executing set of test cases looks like you have to use the setUpClass and tearDownClass Pls refer
PS We have started using a href relnofollowpytesta as our test runner,1
How do i run the above in idle I ran and i get the following error RESTART CUsersevansDesktoppythondatacleaningblogpostmastercleanpy,1
here should be in dbchangelog12xml
Best Regards
Thanks a LOT,1
Looks like qxf2 and I will get along well If youre still looking please find my profile here linkedincominswatigoyal3,0
Hi Bruno
I did not understand what you were saying Could you please give me more details
Indira Nellutla,1
Is there any github repo for this ode ,1,0
No we dont have this code in github,1
Hii Ravi D
Yes you can use real device instead of emulator Please refer to our blog which will give you enough idea about how to run python tests on mobile devices,1
Hi the code no longer works
I am using selenium 390 with python your code ever open new browser
I tested with chromedriver and geckodriverfirefox
Please inform version of your selenium,1
Hi Jhony
Can you let me know what error you get when you try out the code Yes the code opens a new browser session and you can try the suggestions in some of the above comments to fix that issue My selenium version is 360,1
it is working ,1
Im getting exception
Traceback most recent call last
File UsersdevPycharmProjectsappiumLaunchspy line 14 in
driver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
File UsersdevPycharmProjectsappiumLaunchvenvlibpython27sitepackagesappiumwebdriverwebdriverpy line 36 in __init__
superWebDriver self__init__command_executor desired_capabilities browser_profile proxy keep_alive
File UsersdevPycharmProjectsappiumLaunchvenvlibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 154 in __init__
selfstart_sessiondesired_capabilities browser_profile
File UsersdevPycharmProjectsappiumLaunchvenvlibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 243 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION parameters
File UsersdevPycharmProjectsappiumLaunchvenvlibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 312 in execute
File UsersdevPycharmProjectsappiumLaunchvenvlibpython27sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 242 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message An unknown serverside error occurred while processing the command Original error Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure xcodebuild failed with code 65 Make sure you follow the tutorial at Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device
Process finished with exit code 1
Please let me know whats wrong with below code
if driver is None
driver webdriverRemotehttp://localhost:4723/wd/hub' desired_caps
printdefined driver
printdriver is not None,1
Your code looks fine Based on the exception message looks like the problem is with set up Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure xcodebuild failed with code 65 To fix this problem you need to follow the doc at,1
Thanks for posting this great information
Buy best 234 BHK a href relnofollowflats in chandigarha at best location with best price,0
I have setup a cron job to run my Appium UI tests on circle CI and the tests end up running on the dashboard screen of simulator which makes the test fail It ran fine locally
Below is the Circleyml test sec
Install java jdk8
brew update
brew cask install java
Install maven
brew install maven
npm install g appium171
xcrun instruments w iPhone 8 Plus 1101 true
xcodebuild CODE_SIGNING_REQUIREDNO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY PROVISIONING_PROFILE scheme XXXX workspace XXXXX sdk iphonesimulator destination platformiOS SimulatornameiPhone 8 PlusOS1101 xcpretty
cd to Code directory run tests
pushd appiumseleniumMumboiOSTests
mvn clean test
build setup in a linux instance is as below
public void setup throws MalformedURLException
File app new Filebuild
File source new Fileapp Mumboapp
DesiredCapabilities ios new DesiredCapabilities
iossetCapabilityMobileCapabilityTypeDEVICE_NAME iPhone 8 Plus
iossetCapabilityMobileCapabilityTypePLATFORM_NAME IOS
iossetCapabilityMobileCapabilityTypePLATFORM_VERSION 110
iossetCapabilityMobileCapabilityTypeAUTOMATION_NAME AutomationNameIOS_XCUI_TEST
iossetCapabilityMobileCapabilityTypeAPP sourcegetAbsolutePath
iossetCapabilityuseNewWDA true
driver new IOSDrivernew URLhttp:// ios
I wonder if Im missing something on the configuration side Is there a platform where I can attach the appium and ios logs Kindly take a look,1
Hi Vrushali Toshniwal
Thanks for your useful content We are advised by management to use requests module for Rest API automation
I am unable to find a good framework for Rest API automation using PythonPytestRequests
Can you please help me anything
Really thankful to you
Hi Vrushali Toshniwal
Thanks for your useful content We are advised by management to use requests module for Rest API automation
I am unable to find a good framework for Rest API automation using PythonPytestRequests
Can you please help me anything
Really thankful to you
Hii I have attended thee test but the result was supposed to be announced on Monday but stillI dint get the result of qxf2 internship apptitude test so I am waiting for the result hopeit will be the best ,1
Faiza the results went out before 2000 on 12Mar2018 Please check the email address you supplied during the aptitude test,1
Thank you for the reply sir no sir I had been checking but stillI did not receive any result on my respective emailId faiza250619gmailcom,1
Hi Allie
Thanks for providing circleyml file details and other configuration details along with your test build explanation It would be more helpful if you could provide error message also
As per my observation there may be a problem with running Appium as a command appium wont work properly on CircleCI To run the Appium server in the background you need to set background flag and provide some time to the server to start up Use below lines for it
background true
sleep 5
You can attach the Appium iOS logs test reports screenshots on CircleCI as artifacts
Refer to the following doc for circleyml configuration details for iOS and getting logs on CircleCI,1
Faiza we did email you using the email address you mention Can you please check your spam folder,1
Hi Mubarak
You can refer our open source POM Pythonic GUI and API test automation framework will help you get started with QA automation quickly
Hi Avinash
Thanks for the tip Im having the exactly same problem Sorry to say but adding chrome_options did not solve the issue Im running a freshly installed Ubuntu 1604 and Chrome chromedriver and selenium are installed The problem occurs both with Python 27 and 34,1
Figuring out that the problem is not reaching Chrome I started Chrome from my X It did not start so I thought that maybe there is a problem because I have Chromium web browser open So I closed Chromium and started Chrome and it started
Then I ran the python script to test the connection and tadaa it WORKED
Funnily after that I can have Chromium open and the script works anyway So I really dont know why
By the way I didnt need setting the chrome_options parameters at all It works quite well without any of them
Just thought I would let you know,1
how can write a unit test that validates what are the plugin installed splunk configuration test and github,1
Hi Indira
Thanks for this blog post Its very useful Indira I have a pdf of 300 pages Each page has a table which contains Attendance of 50 employees for an year of an office So in total I have attendance of 50 different different employees at 300 different offices
I want to feed the content of these 300 paged to Numpy for further processing
Need suggestion to solve this issue,1
I think you can try below options
1 By using PDFTables you can convert the pdf file into a csv file
2 After conversion your csv file should have all the 300 pages data in a single file with column headers in each page
3 Based on your requirement you can write a logic to either split the csv file for each company recordeg based on company id and convert each file into DataFrame or remove the column headers from csv and create a single DataFrame
4 Using Pandas library you can convert this csv data into dataframe
5 Two ways to convert the DataFrame to its Numpyarray representation
np_array dfvalues
np_array dfas_matrixcolumnsNone
I havent tried this but you can also try tabula module which extracts pdf into pandas DataFrame
I hope this helps,1
Thanks for your reply I was able to fix the issue the xcodebuild was having an issue Also is there a way we could email the test artifactsoutputs from Circle CI for just the builds triggered from the cron job,1
Hi I am getting the below error Please help
from webdriver import WebDriver as Remote
ModuleNotFoundError No module named webdriver,1
From your question description I see that you are importing webdriver incorrectly It should be from appium import webdriver If thats not the case then check whether appium is installed correctly and appium is started before you run your tests If doing above changes dont fix the issue then let us know the python version you are using,1
Hi Allie
Looks like there is no straightforward way to email the test artifactsoutputs from Circle CI for justonly the builds triggered from the cron job
You need to enhance your test framework to send an email along with the test artifactsoutput
You can refer our pythonic utility file which we use to send test report emails at
Based on your circleyml details I am sure your test was written in Java The following link may help you to build email utility
Once you are done with email test report utility You need to add a command to run tests and send the email report in circleyml file below cron job tokenflag,1
Thank you Appreciate your help Ill try it out ,1
Rohan Dudam thanks so much for the postMuch thanks again Really Coola href relnofollowcustomer essaya,0
I like your topic very muchYou have mentioned benefits of mock interview and have focused on practical questions because we do mistake that we prepare only for theoretical questionsIt will be really helpful for beginners,0
Ian slightly off topic from the current thread of comments but itd be helpful if you had a write up or flowcharttimeline of all of the different schemeoffensive philosophies youve written about Youve written a lot about the various spread offenses spread vs pro concepts veer n shoot vs spread smashmouthspread air raid Gulf Coast Offense etc I was just curious as to how you intended to connect the dots between the various schemes youve broken down or at least what differentiates all of them Good write up though,0
Questo è un governo di servi e di ignobili burattini che vuol celare la propria ignavia e incapacità nascondendosi dietro le presunte direttive europeevergogna chiedere soldi a gente che ha ancora dopo anni le macerie nel giardino di casa o nel cortile dellaziendama questi burocrati europei ovviamente comunisti sono merde umane oppure belve feroci con le fauci assetate di denaro Bastase questa è europa meglio lindipendenza e la libertà vivendo con le nostre risorse nazionali potremmo riscoprire potenzialità nascoste e nuove opportunità economiche e commerciali,0
The data from BC and probably other provinces is domestic enrolments only isnt it VCC in BC was hit by the reduction in ESL but may be recovering now,0
Pretty blog so many ideas in single site thanks for the informative article about software testing course Hereafter bookmark your site and visit daily,0
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BFH A babys no hill for a stepper He can lateral the kid off to Biden without even breaking stride 1 a href relnofollowbuy viagraa,0
such a nicely explained blogReally helpful for my intake for using liquibase with Oracle and Teradata,1
I want to start iOS mobile automation and have chosen Appium Im confused if I should use AppiumJavaPython I know its a personal choice to choose a programming language The major concern here is does the python client will have less API support compare to JAVA I understand python is a lot easier than JAVA I just dont want to get stuck at some point when using python because it doesnt have much API support,1
please place cleaned data set for download
Thanks for keeping us aware of our kids needsa href relnofollowviagra pillsa,0
Its great article but I cant run this please check bellow
New Member Registration Signup Chesscom
BrowserStack Session url E
ERROR test_chess __main__SeleniumOnBrowserStack
An example test Visit chesscom and click on sign up link
Traceback most recent call last
File Testpy line 41 in test_chess
print BrowserStack Session url selfbrowserstack_objget_session_url
File CdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibBrowserStack_Librarypy line 51 in get_session_url
build_id selfget_build_id
File CdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibBrowserStack_Librarypy line 22 in get_build_id
builds requestsgetselfbuild_url authselfauthjson
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagesrequestsmodelspy line 892 in json
return complexjsonloadsselftext kwargs
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagessimplejson__init__py line 518 in loads
return _default_decoderdecodes
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagessimplejsondecoderpy line 370 in decode
obj end selfraw_decodes
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagessimplejsondecoderpy line 400 in raw_decode
return selfscan_onces idx_ws idxend
JSONDecodeError Expecting value line 1 column 1 char 0
Ran 1 test in 24976s
FAILED errors1,1
Hi Adam
I did a quick check of my code and it worked fine Can you please check if you have updated the Username and Access_Key in the BrowserStack Library file
If yes can you please share your code so that I can debug it,1
Hi Prameet
I dont think that python client has less API support compared to Java Yes there may be less StackOverflow support
But here is why we started with Python and continue to use it
1 We like Python We are good with Python We were used to Python
2 We found Python more than sufficient for our needs A lot of the top companies Google Facebook etc use Python extensively for their scripting needs
3 Python is easy to pick up Most of our employees pick up Python after they join Qxf2
4 Python is portable and less susceptible to version changes
5 Python has a lot of potentials Python is becoming the industrys top choice for scientific and mathematical programming And those are areas we are interested in exploring,1
Many thanks for your reply Please note that the test are running without problem on Browserstack so credentials should be fine Especially that it works well if I comment those lines
print BrowserStack Session url selfbrowserstack_objget_session_url
print BrowserStack Screenshot url selfbrowserstack_objget_latest_screenshot_url
Please look at test code bellow
import unittest time
from selenium import webdriver
from seleniumwebdrivercommondesired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
from BrowserStack_Library import BrowserStack_Library
class SeleniumOnBrowserStackunittestTestCase
Example class written to run Selenium tests on BrowserStack
def setUpself
desired_cap platform Windows browserName Chrome browser_version 620
browserstackdebug true
selfdriver webdriverRemotecommand_executor'
selfbrowserstack_obj BrowserStack_Library
def test_chessself
An example test Visit chesscom and click on sign up link
Get the Browserstack sesssion url and Screenshot url
print BrowserStack Session url selfbrowserstack_objget_session_url
Go to the URL
Assert that the Home Page has title Chesscom Play Chess Online Free Games
selfassertInChesscom Play Chess Online Free Games selfdrivertitle
Identify the xpath for Play Now button which will take you to the sign up page
elem selfdriverfind_element_by_xpathatitlePlay Now
Print the title
print selfdrivertitle
Get the Browserstack Screenshot url
print BrowserStack Screenshot url selfbrowserstack_objget_latest_screenshot_url
def tearDownself
if __name__ __main__
BrowserStack Library code
Qxf2 BrowserStack library to interact with BrowserStacks artifacts
For now this is useful for
a Obtaining the session URL
b Obtaining URLs of screenshots
import os requests
class BrowserStack_Library
BrowserStack library to interact with BrowserStack artifacts
def __init__selfcredentials_fileNone
Constructor for the BrowserStack library
selfauth username Access_Key
def get_build_idself
Get the build ID
selfbuild_url selfbrowserstack_url buildsjson
builds requestsgetselfbuild_url authselfauthjson
build_id builds0automation_buildhashed_id
return build_id
def get_sessionsself
Get a JSON object with all the sessions
build_id selfget_build_id
sessions requestsgetselfbrowserstack_url buildsssessionsjsonbuild_id authselfauthjson
return sessions
def get_active_session_idself
Return the session ID of the first active session
session_id None
sessions selfget_sessions
for session in sessions
Get session id of the first session with status running
if sessionautomation_sessionstatusrunning
session_id sessionautomation_sessionhashed_id
return session_id
def get_session_urlself
Get the session URL
build_id selfget_build_id
session_id selfget_active_session_id
return session_url
def get_session_logsself
Return the session log in text format
build_id selfget_build_id
session_id selfget_active_session_id
session_log requestsgetselfbrowserstack_url buildsssessionsslogsbuild_idsession_idauthselfauthtext
return session_log
def get_latest_screenshot_urlself
Get the URL of the latest screenshot
session_log selfget_session_logs
Process the text to locate the URL of the last screenshot
screenshot_request session_logsplitscreenshot 1
response_result screenshot_requestsplitREQUEST0
image_url response_resultsplithttps://')[-1]
image_url image_urlsplitpng0
screenshot_url https://' image_url png
return screenshot_url
After run it it returns with this
FAILED errors1
venv CdevelopmentrobotscriptsaatdemoRoman_ATpython Testpy
BrowserStack Session url E
ERROR test_chess __main__SeleniumOnBrowserStack
An example test Visit chesscom and click on sign up link
Traceback most recent call last
File Testpy line 20 in test_chess
print BrowserStack Session url selfbrowserstack_objget_session_url
File CdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibBrowserStack_Librarypy line 51 in get_session_url
build_id selfget_build_id
File CdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibBrowserStack_Librarypy line 22 in get_build_id
builds requestsgetselfbuild_url authselfauthjson
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagesrequestsmodelspy line 892 in json
return complexjsonloadsselftext kwargs
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagessimplejson__init__py line 518 in loads
return _default_decoderdecodes
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagessimplejsondecoderpy line 370 in decode
obj end selfraw_decodes
File Cdevelopmentrobotscriptstestvenvlibsitepackagessimplejsondecoderpy line 400 in raw_decode
return selfscan_onces idx_ws idxend
JSONDecodeError Expecting value line 1 column 1 char 0
Ran 1 test in 11705s
FAILED errors1,1
Okay Ive ran this properly by clicking play instead of command python Testpy
But how to get into the file if I am getting this from printed xml
Access Denied
Access Denied
Hi you can download the cleaned data set from
Indira Nellutla,1
Thanks for your information I am fine with there is a little less support I like the way you described the use of python My main focus at this moment is wrt appium python client for iOS mobile app automation Have you personally experienced the usage of appiumpythonclient with mobile automation I am personally more inclined to use python but due to less experience I find it a little difficult to take a decision on it Just wanted to doublecheck if you reply specifically includes appiumpython client
I appreciate your quick response,1
Hi Adam
I noticed that the BrowserStack Session URL which used to be helpful to get the playback URL seems to be broken hence you are getting Access Denied message
The BrowserStack Screenshot url seems to be working fine and you should be able to see the test session screenshot using the url I will update the BrowserStack Session URL logic shortly,1
The script background with teh alternating grey and white lines makes it unreadable My eyes are hurting
Why not give it a mono color background like in any IDE The code coloring is good but the zebra background destroys it At least on my monitor,1
Yes we used python appium client for all our mobile automation That works fine for us
Indira Nellutla,1
Thanks you all for your response One more question is there any sample where I can see the current best practises being used to create a test suite model using pytest I got this one Please do let me know if there is any other good resources,1
Hi Prameet
You can refer our framework,1
Its very useful site for learn This informations are very helpful to us It will improve my knowledge Thank you for sharing this wonderful site
a href relnofollowLoadRunner Training in Chennaia a href relnofollow LoadRunner Traininga a href relnofollowLoadRunner Course in Chennaia a href relnofollowBest LoadRunner Training Institute in Chennaia,0
Hi we changed the background to have mono color
Indira Nellutla,1
Very Impressive Python tutorial The content seems to be pretty exhaustive and excellent and will definitely help in learning Python course Im also a learner taken up Pyhton training and I think your content has cleared some concepts of mine While browsing for Python tutorials on YouTube i found this fantastic video on Python Do check it out if you are interested to know more,0
How and where I get conf_file,1
You can store all credentials and configuration files inside the conf folderYou can refer our framework where and how you get the conf file
Please refer this link,1
Thanks for sharing the descriptive information on Hadoop course Its really helpful to me since Im taking Hadoop training Keep doing the good work and if you are interested to know more on Hadoop do check this Hadoop tutorial,0
Very Impressive python tutorial The content seems to be pretty exhaustive and excellent and will definitely help in learning python course Im also a learner taken up python training and I think your content has cleared some concepts of mine While browsing for python tutorials on YouTube i found this fantastic video on python Do check it out if you are interested to know more,0
Hi Indira
Installed PDFMinerseems its supported with only Python 2 using pip install
But cannot find pdf2txtpy dumpdfpy installed under PDFMiner
So getting Syntax error on running
pdf2txtpy O myoutput o myoutputhispanichtml t html p 3 hispanicpdf
Pls guidehave an urgent requirement,1
I appreciate your work on Python Its such a wonderful read on Python course Keep sharing stuffs like this I am also educating people on similar Python training so if you are interested to know more you can watch this Python tutorial,0
This tototrial is best to know about selenium I got a more information from this blog
a href relnofollowSelenium Tutoriala,0
Thanks a lot Indira for this article Helped me with an issue I was stuck on,1
Very Impressive Python tutorial The content seems to be pretty exhaustive and excellent and will definitely help in learning Python course Im also a learner taken up Pyhton training and I think your content has cleared some concepts of mine While browsing for Python tutorials on YouTube i found this fantastic video on Python Do check it out if you are interested to know more,0
Hi Shikha
What is the error you are getting
You should find pdf2txtpy dumpdfpy inside your Python27Scripts folder
You probably need to run the command using python eg python pdf2txtpy O myoutput o myoutputhispanichtml t html p 3 hispanicpdf
or make sure Python27Scripts is added to your system environment path
Hi Indira
I am having a PDF attached link below
Is it possible to extract each paragraph as one string
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2017 Its been a while since the last one and a lot has happened We promise to keep them coming every two months hereafter and permit
ourselves to make this one rather long The big news is the beginnings of our launch in
the American market but there are also interesting updates on sales development
mentors and of course the investment round that closed in January
Iam trying to do an ssh to a server using paramiko The below is my server structure where after logging in again I need to do a bwcli where I will be running some commnads
Iam able to login run commands like ls pwd ect but when I run the bwcli it just does not work
Is bwcli creating another shell Iam not able to figure the issue Any help would be appreciated
bwadminMBCVAS bwcli
BroadWorks Command Line Interface
Type HELP for more information
Reading initial CLI command file
My code
ssh paramikoSSHClient
sshconnecthostname xxxx port 22 username user password pass
output stdoutreadlines
print njoinoutput
I am not really sure about this Using Adobes readerwriter APIpaid may be one way to go about it If I get some other approaches will let you know shortly
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
Thanks for the wonderful post information useful share,0
Can you pls help me in getting the multiple testcases using multiple test suite ids Using the below snippet I can get testcases that are releated to the specific testsuite
from testrail import
client APIClienthttps://XXXX')
case clientsend_getget_cases1suite_id3881
Need help in fetching testcases using multiple testsuite id
from testrail import
client APIClient
case clientsend_getget_cases1suite_idxxx
Kranthi I looked at the TestRail API docs also and couldnt find any details about using multiple suite ids Will surely let you know if I find any information
Indira Nellutla,1
awesome post very clear and concise I am working with IronPython and the RobotFramework Basically on my pc I get to compile my testcase perfectly just by typing ipy m robot testrobot in my command prompt However when I try to do something like that on Jenkins I get an error that those commands dont exist I tried to make a Python Builder and specify the path to IronPython and type my command like in the image in Step 5 but it says whitespaces are not allowed
Do you have any idea what might be the issue Sorry for asking here but I feel like you will definitely know the answer,1
Hi Bobby
Jenkins is probably Unix basedso the path to IronPython should not have any spaces in it
You can try changing the path to IronPython using short name notation
You can refer this link
OMG thank you soo much for this fix I was about to cry,1
Do you have any tutorial on webtesting using pytest
I dont see the use of fixtures in above example and I heard that fixtures are backbone of pytest framework I am new to automation Let me know what is the best approach for GUI automation using python selenium ,1
Very Impressive Python tutorial The content seems to be pretty exhaustive and excellent and will definitely help in learning Python course Im also a learner taken up Python training and I think your content has cleared some concepts of mine While browsing for Python tutorials on YouTube i found this fantastic video on Python Do check it out if you are interested to know more,0
Yes we have other pytest tutorials for example a href>pytest and Browserstacka Also please refer our other blogs on pytest
We have used pytest fixtures in our a href relnofollowpage object modela Please refer this GitHub repository
For the beginner we will recommend our blog a href>Implementing the Page Object Model Selenium Pythona,1
Hey hi
Nice work i have started working on mobile app automation testing using java but i am facing some issue like at one page of mobile application i can able to locate elements and able to perform my action but when i go to next page i was not able to locate any element using xpath i tried all the possible ways
Can you please guide me what actually the problem isi am clueless,1
Hi I have a Framework using Behave gherkin where every scenarios is a test case
How can I update a testrail run having this sintax Where should I put the test case id
Hi Indira
I want to convert a pdf file that contains nested lists and tables and needs to be converted into xml
How can it be achieved,1
Hi Abhinav
Can you please provide more information about the issue so I can help Do you get any error messages Are you sure your automation script taking you successfully to next expected page Check your script pointing to correct page object or not if you were using POM framework Sometimes adding wait time in the script after doing the action which takes you to next page will help to solve this kind of issues,1
Hi Daniel
Looks like you need to use Behave to TestRail Reporter package for integration Please refer the following link for more details about how to setup and use
Rohan Dudam,1
Hi Pranav
If either PDFMiner or PDFTables module didnt work in your case you can try a href relnofollowpypdf2xmla module though we havent tried this module yet And you can also refer the following link for more pdf extract tools
Rohan Dudam,1
Those guidelines additionally worked to become a good way to recognize that other people online have the identical fervor like mine to grasp great deal more around this condition
a href relnofollowpython training in chennaia,0
Hi IndiraTeam
I am working on a project that would require to extract a 12 digit Alphanumeric code with first two digits always as alphabet eg IN0001102AB0 from pdf documents I have tried to use mostly all the ways I could over internet Finally I ve reached at this blogpost of yours Could you please help out if you can The no of pages can start from 0 to thousands Any help or guidance will be highly appreciated,1
Hi Shashi
Hope you are doing great
We did not have a chance to try pattern search within the PDF file I believe it is easier trying straightforward text extract from PDF file into a text file using PDFMiner Then you can rather refer to respective regular expression module with regular expression search pattern as per your requirement to fetch all matches from a text file Here is some other StackOverflow solution disregard if you have already tried this
Thank you
Qxf2 Team,1
Hi I am very new to Python and programming I need to extract table data from pdf and convert it to xml Here I found your code however when using it I get error and I do not know how to fix this Could you please help me
I have pip installed PDFMiner and wrote this code of yours in command line
pdf2txtpy O UsersMymacproPycharmProjectspdftoxml o UsersMymacproPycharmProjectspdftoxmltestitxml t xml p 8 testpdf
Her is the error I get
File UsersMymacproPycharmProjectspdftoxmltablepdfpy line 17
pdf2txtpy O UsersMymacproPycharmProjectspdftoxml o UsersMymacproPycharmProjectspdftoxmltestitxml t xml p 8 testpdf
SyntaxError invalid syntax
Process finished with exit code 1
What can the problem be
Thank you in advance,1
Can you please share Selenium framework with Python ,1
Surender if you are looking for page object model automation framework with selenium and Python codebase here it is Fyi the blog where you commented is a retired blog and the respective latest blog is here
Hope this helps you,1
I would want to confirm if the codePDFMinercodeinstallation went fine Can you pls
1 try codepdf2txtpy helpcode
2 If step 1 worked finetry the codepdf2txtpy o testitxml t xml p 8 testpdfcode command in location UsersMymacproPycharmProjectspdftoxml Pls have the pdf file in that location
3 If step 1 failed then run codepip uninstall pdfminercode and follow the steps in to install it again
PS PDFMiner is not compatible with Python 3X version Pls make sure you are running a 2x version You can check it using codepython versioncode command,1
the best way to void create a emtpy windows is mock start_session the code below
def start_sessionself args
mock method to void create a emtpy chrome page
def reuse_driverurl session_id
webdriverRemotestart_session start_session user mocked method do nothing
driver webdriverRemotecommand_executorurl
driversession_id session_id
driverw3c None
return driver,0
the best way to void create a emtpy windows is mock start_session the code below
def start_sessionself args
mock method to void create a emtpy chrome page
def reuse_driverurl session_id
webdriverRemotestart_session start_session user mocked method do nothing
driver webdriverRemotecommand_executorurl
driversession_id session_id
driverw3c None
return driver,1
the best way to void create a emtpy windows is mock start_session the code below
def start_sessionself args
mock method to void create a emtpy chrome page
def reuse_driverurl session_id
webdriverRemotestart_session start_session user mocked method do nothing
driver webdriverRemotecommand_executorurl
driversession_id session_id
driverw3c None
return driver,0
How do I annonymise certain column in a PDF,1
I think things like this are really interesting I absolutely love to find unique places like this It really looks super creepy though,0
I appreciate your work on Docker Its such a wonderful read on Docker tutorial Keep sharing stuffs like this I am also educating people on similar Docker so if you are interested to know more you can watch this Docker tutorial,0
Sorry We may not be able to help you on this We have not tried editing PDF before,1
Hi Sunil
I am not sure what bwcli does but looks like bwcli opens up the interface and you want to run some commands there I dont think thats possible Can you try running the command without pulling up the interface eg bwcli command the command here would be the one you are planning to run after you open the interface You can run bwcli help to show up the usage options
Alternatively you can also try a href relnofollowpexpecta module for spawning child applications,1
i have a pdf file from which i am looking to extract particular pages which has text as test your knowledge at the end of each chapter how do i do it,1
Possible solutions to get the page number based on text search
1 Simple
2 Complex
Please have a look at the same
Because of the version compactability between your selenium and firefox driver it will not work Try o downgrade your firefox driver,1
Hi Arun Avinash and team
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the larger audience Im a regular visitor to Qxf2 blogs and like the way it is written
I just had one query While working on JavaSelenium TestNG is the most used framework and it also has good features Do we have any framework that provides similar features while automating with Python Ive heard about Pytest but not sure about the features it provides Ive tried looking for information in google but havent seen convincing results It would be great if you can provide more information on this,1
Hi Pradeep
We have used pytest and it served us good Please refer to our blogs on pytest for more information
a href>Python+Selenium+pytest tutoriala
a href>pytest and Browserstacka
a href>Better failure summary using pytesta
a href>pytest: Cross browser cross platform Selenium testsa
You can also have a look at our framework and follow the instructions in readmemd a href relnofollowherea We have open sourced our framework,1
Very nice explanation Thank you,1
thanks for the detailed steps on API automation Rajeswari I tried installing Mechanize on Python 36 and got an error saying it is not compatible Can you please confirm if your are running the above code on Python 2x Since Mechanize doesnt support Python 3x just curious to know how you are utilizing it for your API automation,1
Hi Pradeep
Yess we run above code in Python 2xWe are in the process of migrating code to python 3 and possible replacement for mechanize would be to use requests module as it has python 3 compatibility,1
Thanks Rohan for the quick response ,1
Thanks Indira Just one question not related to the topic Earlier the search option was available in qxf2 blog postBut now im unable to see that It would be easy to search through the articles Kindly let me know if im missing something,1
Hi Pradeep
Yes we dont have the search option available now You can google for qxf2 any topic you want in the search box
Indira Nellutla,1
Ive developed a scraping tool called ScrapeStormwwwscrapestormcom I think it is much easier than this one I use AI to automate scraping no programming and even no configuration Only thing you have to do is entering a list page url like
boom it will do everything for youextract the page with several fields find the next page button you just need to click start
hope you guys like it if you have any questions or suggestions you can contact me through bizscrapestormcom,1
Hi Tom
This sounds interesting We have added it to our RD backlog and would definitely want to try this software Thank you for letting us know,1
it was an awesome article thank you for sharing this abest selenium training in chennaia,0
Though our experience is pretty poor using OCR optical character recognition tool you probably need to try Tesseract OCR for converting a nonsearchable PDF into a searchable PDF and then extract the text You can refer to the below links for more details
it was an awesome article i can learn more about selenium,0
it is so informative i can learn more about selenium here thank you for sharing this abest selenium training in chennaia,0
Your blog is very nice Thanks for sharing your information,0
Thanks for sharing the more valuable information to share with us For more information please visit our websitea href relnofollowLearn Advanced Version Of Python Training in Ameerpet Find More Details Herea,0
Hi IndiraTeam
I want a extract each word from a pdf with its coordinates Currently I am using LTChar which gives coordinates of each character I am also able to get the coordinates of the whole line using LTTextLine But I need to for the words Is this doable using PDFMiner
Please guide
Thanks in advance
Shikha Thakur,1
Hi Shikha
We are not sure how to get each word with its coordinates One idea which we had though is since you are using LTChar to get characters you can simply put the characters in a list join them all and then split based on whitespace
Thanks Regards
Avinash Shetty,1
The images that we created are capable of running any Pythonbased Selenium tests Can t we run SeleniumJava test using these images
If not how we can create docker images for different chrome versions to use with SeleniumJava test,1
I need to create Performance testing scenarios and put assertions But I am unable to understand the request and response hence unable to put assertions on,1
Hi Steve
The docker image we created has Python If you want to create a Docker image for running tests in Java you need to install Java So the step 4 in the docker file would change Also you need to install selenium for Java I could find some useful commands for installing selenium and Java in this a href relnofollowlinka Hope this helps,1
Well you can try WebSocket Monitor plugin which would help you to understand the request and response better Then you can try and put some assertions around it,1
thanks it is nice resource to understand ssh client connection to remote machine It would be great if i get unit test case for this module,1
I need to connect to the websocket server in secure mode hence I need to send authentication details Could you please suggest on how to achieve that,1
Hi Anji You can refer to link from Blog And also for unit test cases can refer to,1
Hi Paras
You can refer to the link below
PYPDF2 gives text only searchable pdf files I have lot of pdfs those are non searchable pdfs how can i extract text from that pdfs,1
Good Post Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post it was so good to read and useful to improve my knowledge as updated one keep blogging
a href relnofollowpython training in punea,0
Hello Avinash Shetty
I want to ask to ask you i have not tried before testing but now i write some Django Test Cases
can you help me how I integrate Django Test Cases with Jenkins,1
I have a pdf for payroll of employees it contains data as shown below
Empresa GOOD JOB SEG E VIG PATRIMONIAL LTDA 00007 Página 00001
Código Nome Ref Sal Contratual Adicionais Descontos Líquido Recibo
010017 DULCINEA SILVA TEIXEIRA NUNES 148700 Função VIGILANTE Livro 0000 Folha 000
Admissão 21092011 Dep IR 0 Dep SF 0
001 SALÁRIO BASE 22000 148700
103 HORA EXTRA 60 00100 1081
035 AD NOTURNO 20 11200 15140
661 DESC 18 VALE REF 4072
903 INSS FOLHA 19208
Resumo do Líquido 213484 41184 172300
Folha Analítica 172300
Adiantamento 000
Férias 000
Rescisão 000
13o Salário 000
Total Líqüido 172300
Base INSS 213424 Base FGTS 213424 FGTS 17073 Base IRRF 213424
this is not in tabular format but I need to extract this as table
Could anyone please help me,1
Hii John Actually chromedriver should have installed automatically while creating image Now since you have manually installed chromedriver on top of image can you check if the chrome driver version which you installed is compatible with chrome browser version What version you are using ,1
Hi Pradeep
Can you check that you have used the proper package and activity name of the app and also have you downloaded the app in your device,1
Hi Annapoorani
Please find the package name and app activity name im using below
desired_capsplatformName Android
desired_capsplatformVersion 44
desired_capsdeviceName Your device name
Since the app is already installed launching it using package and activity name
desired_capsappPackage atpwtalive
desired_capsappActivity atpwtaliveactivityMain
I have installed the app as well,1
Hi Indira
Love the example and explanation
Is there a way I can pass multiple commands to the SSH instead of just one command through the COMMAND list in config file Currently I can do this via adding a semicolon between commands But I was wondering if there is a way I can have multiple instances of this COMMAND list
Hi Arunkumar
It is an great post which clearly explain how to get it working with google api and specially for calendar
Future reader please use below to import build
from googleapiclientdiscovery import build
Ref please send the answer from Jesse Webb,1
My Requirement
I have to connect to the Websocket through JMeter Once it is connected I have to send some API requests having JSON data as body to the server and I have to verify the JSON response of it
Worked Items
I have tried using Maciej Zaleski Websocket plugin but couldnt make through I am able to connect to the websocket using Websocket open Connection but after that I am unable to send JSON data to the server Throwing an error as
Error Execution Flow Opening new connection Using response message pattern Using disconnect pattern Waiting for the server connection for 5000 MILLISECONDS Cannot connect to the remote server
Variables Message count 0
Problems Unexpected error null JMeterpluginsfunctionalsamplerswebsocketServiceSocketsendMessageServiceSocketjava189 JMeterpluginsfunctionalsamplerswebsocketWebSocketSamplersampleWebSocketSamplerjava141 orgapachejmeterthreadsJMeterThreadexecuteSamplePackageJMeterThreadjava490 orgapachejmeterthreadsJMeterThreadprocessSamplerJMeterThreadjava416 orgapachejmeterthreadsJMeterThreadrunJMeterThreadjava250 javalangThreadrunUnknown Source
Log 20180807 145754013 INFO oejwcWebSocketClient Stopped orgeclipsejettywebsocketclientWebSocketClient35c6f96b 20180807 145754014 INFO oajguJMeterMenuBar setRunningfalse local,1
Using the code of bitbucketpipelinesyml does not work because there is no existing requirementstxt file Where does the requirementstxt suddenly come from it is only mentioned two times in this post And what needs to be in it ,1
1 dfduplicated checks if the whole row appears elsewhere with the same values in each column of the Dataframe In our example dataset the Id column is not duplicated hence when you do dfduplicated it just returns False
2 The statement which you provided dffirst namelast nameduplicatedkeep False checks if there are duplicate values in a particular columnin this case first name and last name of the DataFrame In our example dataset since last name and first name are duplicated it returned True
I hope this helps,1
Hi can you give me a clue how to extract these types of data from a result sheet myself manu working in pvt college i have to do result analysis for the college taught of programming it can you please help in this regard
Register No 15BGS85130 Name ABHISHEK K
Paper Code SDC6SB SM1C61 SM1C62 SM1P61 SM1P62 SP1C61 SP1C62 SP1P61 SP1P62 SS2C61 SS2C62 SS2P61 SS2P62
Total Marks 25 7 0 A A 5 4 A A 0 3 A A 44
IAMarks 15 10 2 0 0 15 15 8 8 4 3 0 0 80 RE
Paper Code SDC6SB SM1C61 SM1C62 SM1P61 SM1P62 SP1C61 SP1C62 SP1P61 SP1P62 SS2C61 SS2C62 SS2P61 SS2P62 164
Total Marks 45 56 41 35 31 65 55 32 32 43 37 34 34 540 82GPA
IAMarks 25 26 25 12 15 25 24 14 14 24 26 15 15 260 A
Paper Code SDC6SB SM1C61 SM1C62 SM1P61 SM1P62 SP1C61 SP1C62 SP1P61 SP1P62 SS2C61 SS2C62 SS2P61 SS2P62 167
Total Marks 43 61 59 35 35 34 46 35 35 52 40 35 35 545 835GPA
IAMarks 25 29 22 15 15 26 26 15 15 30 30 15 15 278 A
Register No 15BGS85133 Name KIRAN U R
Paper Code SDC6SB SM1C61 SM1C62 SM1P61 SM1P62 SP1C61 SP1C62 SP1P61 SP1P62 SS2C61 SS2C62 SS2P61 SS2P62
Total Marks 44 12 5 34 31 8 35 35 34 41 33 33
IAMarks 27 21 21 15 14 23 23 15 15 20 19 15 15 NP
my email id is manu12384gmailcom,1
I dont think we can extractconvert non tabular data of PDF in the format of table data directlyYou can try text extract from PDF and save it to CSV manually format the CSV data and create data table from CSV data using respective some module,1
You can refer these links below
Hi Team
Thanks for writing such a detailed artcile I have followed all the steps mentioned in the arcticle However when i run the script immediately i get the below error
This file doesnt have an app associated with it for performing this action Please install an app or if one is already installed create an association in the default Apps settings page
I looked for a solution online but didnt get any help Request you to help me solve this issue,1
Arunkumar Muralidharan thanks a lot for the article postMuch thanks again Fantastic,0
Kubernetes has also become included with the Google Service Platform and you also make Kubernetes cluster with the different engine namedKubernetes engine in Google Platform service,0
Your blog is very nice Thanks for sharing your information,0
I have a requirement that I have multiple PDF files I want to search all PDF files based on some keyword and return the name of PDF file in which that keyword exists,1
Thank you Rohan I did check behavetestrailreporter but it was difficult to understand instead I used the example from this page with minor changes and to use it with behave was really easy
I create a step like Then I will run the following test case 439
That step saves into the context variable special global variable from behave the tc_id then using the test_railpy I update the testplan with the tc_result tc_id at the after_scenario
Hi Naveen
I understood your requirements To achieve that you need to convert the pdf to text and from text to the list of words And need to search the keyword you are looking for
PyPDF2 help you to convert a pdf file into text and refer the following link to convert the text to keywords
Good Post Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post it was so good to read and useful to improve my knowledge as updated one keep blogging
a href relnofollow Selenium with python Training in Electronic Citya,0
I was completely new to gatling and i have gone through the above example and have few doubts regarding Percentile calculationWhat does response time 50th percentile actually meanIs it
response time average of half of the requests which are processed in 50 of test time,1
Hi Ganesh
Here are some examples for response time percentile
For instance if response time 75 percentile 1049 ms 75 of requests response time is 1049 ms and 25 requests response time is 1049 ms
if response time 50 percentile 775 ms 50 of requests response time is 775 ms and other 50 request response time is 775 ms
Thanks for this Made it really easy to put together a simple tool to summarize where the time went over the past week based on google calendar entries All the best Soham,1
This is useless for python 3 You are stuck in the past of python 2 You should modernize to python 3 Its getting very frustrating to use python at all when so many programmers are still stuck in the past,1
Huh How is this useless for Python 3 Paramiko supports Python 3 and has been supporting it for a while
In case you have tried Paramiko with Python 3 and run into issues post here and we can help,1
You can create console errors using execture_script
This only works in Chrome currently,1
driverexecute_scriptconsolelogNothing to see here move along
driverexecute_scriptconsolewarnThis is your first warning
driverexecute_scriptconsoleerrorThis is serious,1
Thanks for the info Jsmo,1
The issue with video url has been fixed The code should work fine now,1
Really awesome things and I hope to learn much more from this site in future
I just improved my project using things from this site I am also app Developer I get one website that name it provide source code of application so im confuse buy code or not that games are very good and fully featured,0
Has anyone tried this when running Selenium on Browserstack
When launching the new driver it seems its not possible to change the session id driversession_id session_id So the browserstack session gets stuck
Any tips or advice would be really helpful,1
Hi Rohan
Thanks for this page which is very useful to me
One more question I have is would the Dockerfile copy you provided may also create an env for runing pytest cases
Gilles Vanermen we havent tried this with browserstack But this was meant to help debugging tests on local system to save time,1
John Yes it can create env for running pytest cases provided that you have included step in dockerfile to install pytest plugin Hope that helps you,1
Hi Rohan
I just realize where the problem is here is the details
1 I was using exactly the Dockerfile provided on this page The image was created successfully while the chromdriver part was actually failing here is the log says
Removing intermediate container 174dbbcb223b
Step 610 RUN mkdir p optselenium curl o optseleniumchromedriver_linux64zip cd optselenium unzip optseleniumchromedriver_linux64zip rm rf chromedriver_linux64zip ln fs optseleniumchromedriver usrlocalbinchromedriver
Running in ebf3ee3157a4
Total Received Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
curl 52 Empty reply from server
unzip cannot find or open optseleniumchromedriver_linux64zip optseleniumchromedriver_linux64zipzip or optseleniumchromedriver_linux64zipZIP
2 Once the image was created I was able to have it stared and I was able to have the chromedriver installed on top of it
3 When I was trying your python selenium_dockerpy which is for firefox I was able to get the exact result but if I was to switch it to Chrome I got this kind of message
Traceback most recent call last
File testsselenium_dockerpy line 4 in
driver webdriverChrome
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdriverchromewebdriverpy line 68 in __init__
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdrivercommonservicepy line 98 in start
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdrivercommonservicepy line 111 in assert_process_still_running
selfpath return_code
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message Service chromedriver unexpectedly exited Status code was 127
So my question is if manually installing chromedriver on top of the created image is a valid way to do for Chrome case
very nice tutorial with good references I used the provided data set and have a problem that
dffirst namelast nameduplicatedkeep False
shows the duplicates But if I use dfduplicated i only get False and no True
Do you know why it is so,1
Thanks for sharing the descriptive information on Data Science course Its really helpful to me since Im taking Data Science training Keep doing the good work and if you are interested to know more on Data Science do check this Data Science tutorial,0
Thanks Glad I could helpa href relnofollowvendor information pagesa,0
Thank you for bringing the update to my notice Vishnukumar I have updated the script to be codeimport googleapiclientdiscovery as discoverycode
I have also given you credit in the commented out code ,1
Please ignore my earlier comments I was able to run the script successfullyThanks again for your help,1
Nice Information Thanks For Sharing
The command list is an array Each element is either a single command or a semicolon separated group of commands You can see one example of the conf associated with this example here
You can have multiple instances of the command list In fact we ourselves dont read commands from the conf file as shown in this simplified examples Instead the way we usually use this script is to simply call
pre langpython
result ssh_objssh_output
Some logic based on result
Hope this answered your question,1
Navkant wouldnt simply adding the line codepython managepy testcode to your Jenkins job configuration do it,1
What was the fix Pradeep,1
Nice Information Thanks For Sharing
Hi Chun Ji
Mechanize will be available for Python3 too this month For now you can refer to the branch here
is this for all peoples or only senior staff how you know your employees are working 40 hours per week what happens when there is emergency when you give too much freedom people misuse how can that be prevented,1
First of all thanks for the article I got a problem with the bitbucket webhook I followed every step in your article I commited and pushed to my configured git repository It appears on bitbucket server In the repository under Settings Webhooks the status is Never failed Success x minutes ago
When I look into my projects Bitbucket Wehook Log on my jenkinsserver there is no log In varlogjenkinsjenkinslog there is also no hint on why it doesnt work
Do you have an idea whats wrong,1
I like the idea of this tool,1
Hi Vrushali Toshniwal
I started to implementunderstand your examples
If I have use from your examples
chessgame_page ChessGamePageChessGamePageselfdriver gameid
Ive got the error
TypeError open missing 1 required positional argument url
The error displayed on the console is correct because the open method defined in the Page class needs the url reference to work
Perhaps you should use the openpage method defined in the same ChessGamePage class
def openpage self
selfopen selfurl
so that it can reuse the open method of the Page class
the fix should be
chessgame_page ChessGamePageChessGamePageselfdriver gameid
What do you think
This is a good post explaining the basics of data cleansing,1
Yes the del datetime20181009T1918070000chessgame_pageopendel codechessgame_pageopenpagecode method should be used Thanks for identifying it and bringing it to us
Also we have retired this post for a newer one pls take a look at It has a more detailed architectural breakdown,1
blockquoteis this for all peoples or only senior staffblockquote
We allow and encourage remote work for all employees
blockquotehow you know your employees are working 40 hours per week blockquote
Ah honestly there is no way to know if your employees are working 40 hours per week even when they are present in the office The best I can do is to ensure they are present at work for 40 hoursweek This takes slightly different rules a few systems and some forethought right from the hiring stage One rule that helped us was that each employee can choose any 8hours they plan to work but it should be consistent through the year When they deviate from their normal routine they post on a public Skype channel that they are stepping out and approximately when they will return If they know in advance they will not be available they additionally update their calendars too
blockquotewhat happens when there is emergencyblockquote
I dont think I understand the question If there is an emergency the employee obviously skips work and takes care of their emergency This is true whether they work remote or come to the office no
blockquotewhen you give too much freedom people misuse how can that be preventedblockquote
I dont really see this as me giving freedom to anyone This is the system that works for me As noted in the post we do a lot to protect our ability to work remote But I totally understand that I am lucky to have stumbled upon sincere employees whom I can trust And that one or two bad apples can upset our culture For now I have steeled myself to be harsh on anyone who is seen exploiting the system rather than punish everyone Time will tell if this is a good choice or not,1
Converting PDF to excel
Hello all
I have PDF files all are in tables content and on each page there is a page header I want to extract all data into excel and trying to keep the PDF format I used PyPDF2py but its only convert into text
any ideas,1
ty very detailed test I used a different approach but this was great a example ty very much,1
I have Bluecoat packet shaper device which will ask username 2 times then password how do I connect this devicecan any help me please,1
Convert the pages that you want in the codePDFcode file to a codeHTMLcode file and follow the instructions here to convert it to Pandas DataFrame The Pandas DataFrame can then be converted to excel,1
Does it ask for username again after authenticating using username password Did you try authenticating using SSH key pair,1
Very interesting reading material How do you decide the next step What of your annual budget do you spend on RD
Sorry if this is rude I love what you are doing,1
Thanks for the question I am genuinely surprised people are reading this article
blockquoteHow do you decide the next step blockquote
I dont really know how to do this optimally or even well In fact we struggle mightily here Our highest ideal is to base it on what is interesting to us at that time see the video Discovery without objectives linked in the post But we often fall short of this ideal because we have shared many things that require developmentmaintenance and we are also working hard on cool projects at our clients
As nice and interesting as this article may sound Qxf2 is far from ideal I have just listed what we have tried and what we want to try But it is worth repeating and rerepeating that we are not experts and we dont know if what we are doing is going to work out or not
blockquoteWhat of your annual budget do you spend on RDblockquote
I cannot answer this directly because we are so small and that leads to too much variance How much we dedicate to RD majorly depends on how much client work we have in a year Over the years it has been significantly more than the 15 that big companies invest in RD The way I manage money is that I take a salary that is sufficient for my living needs plus some to invest in my retirement funds The rest of the profit is simply earmarked to hire new employees and support RD,1
Confirmed that the n argument works in Linux,1
It looks a very nice code and I know that it will work but I stopped to apply it because the pdf that I want to read it is with password how would you read that,1
Thanks for responding
What distribution of Linux did you try it against,1
Did you try codepdf2txtpy O dirname o outputfilename newfilename t html p pageno P password pdfnamecode ,1
You can rearm 5 times ,1
Thanks For Your valuable posting it was very informativeI am working in Web Development Company In ChennaiaIf You need any more information kindly make me call to this number 044 48617460,0
Thanks For Your valuable posting it was very informativeI am working in Web Development Company In ChennaiaIf You need any more information kindly make me call to this number 044 48617460,0
Hi Avinash
Thanks for this and it really helped me
The issue I have is that when it generates diff_filepdf the text on this file is not visible
It showing something which cant be read It is not showing actual text it is showing zoomed pixels or something like that
Can you plz guide me through that how can i make it visible
Hi Pankaj
I am guessing that the visibility issue is not because of the overlay of text as the diff_filepdf will be created by writing one on top of the other
Other reason may be because of the quality issue when converting pdf to jpg For highquality pdf to jpg conversion you can probably use Image Magick density function while calling the convert method Refer to this a href relnofollowlinka,1
Thank you so much you have made it quiet easy for beginners to understand,1
Thank you Avinash and it did work for me
Im getting the quality image when it is converted from pdf to image
Bu when diff_image is created it is also getting same and Im not able to find where can I make it visible
As ImageChops must be returning an diff_image so far i know
So can you plz suggest the way to make it possible plz
Thank you,1
BrowserStack only provides 30 minutes of free testing thats why I moved to which provides 60 minutes of free testing renewable every month,1
I prefer using,1
Nice article Thanks for posting it Indira,1
Thanks for the tutorial Again Thanks for sharing the information about software testing The information given in this article is very useful keep sharing such a great information with us,0
Thanks for the info Junaid,1
Great presentation of Selenium form of blog and Selenium tutorial Very helpful for beginners like us to understand Selenium course if youre interested to have an insight on Selenium training do watch this amazing tutorial,0
Hi Pankaj
I couldnt follow your issue completely If you are referring to diff_image not being clear ImageChopsdifference computes the absolute value of the pixelbypixel difference between the two images which results in a difference image that is returned So the diff_image may not be clear in some cases
If you are referring to the diff_image directory not being visible you can probably try passing cleanup flag as false We have a method to clear the image files created towards the end of the test
I have a pdf reporti need to programatically extract the content into another pdf containing the heading specified by user
Is there a way this could be done,1
Hii we havent tried that but you may take a look at this that may help you to solve the problem,1
When I run this python script my command prompt simply returns blank im also beginner in python what could be the cause,1
hi pls do the needful and add cross browser bug thanks and regards,1
Can you provide more details on how you are running the script Did you specify the required credentials and pem file details in ssh_confpy file,1
Thanks Ashutosh for a nice suggestion we will try to do the needful,1
Thanks for replying
I figured it out I wasnt knowing till then that I had to call the main function The ___name__ because I had not copied the last part of the script soon as it was added the script executed function and everything in it,1
I followed the steps above to build an image I got this error when running the sample python test
driver webdriverFirefox
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdriverfirefoxwebdriverpy line 174 in __init__
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 157 in __init__
selfstart_sessioncapabilities browser_profile
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 252 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION parameters
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 321 in execute
File usrlocallibpython27distpackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 242 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message newSession
The tests runs fine on image qxf2rohandqxf2_pom_essentials from repo Whats difference between the two,1
Can you please check the Firefox version and driver version,1
is pinch zoom still working in python
I am using above pinch zoom code It does not work for me
Appium version 191,1
Hi Rohan
I like your framework and would like to give a try but I also have this Mechanize is only for Python 2 problem Do you have any update for that
Thanks a lot,1
Hi Jitesh
Can you please check the logs for any errors and send across the logs to us as well
Did you set Build trigger on Jenkins to build every time a change is pushed,1
a boy comes from China,1
Hello Indira I have pdf file that needs to be convert into a csvxlxml
once convert this to csv xlsx or xml
The format is weird as the merged cell values are not aligned correctly leaving no way to ffillbfill
pdf file looks like,1
Excellent read on Page Object Model Selenium Python I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable I really enjoyed reading this post Keep it up Thank you and good luck for your upcoming articles,0
Excellent read I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable Thanks for sharing your knowledge I really enjoyed reading this post Keep it up and good luck for your upcoming articles,0
Hi Mithin
Did you try I tried a convert a simple pdf file with merged cells and converted it to xls format I found it to have a better format than what pdf2txt gave me,1
How often do we need to call this console log capturing method created by you
As in if called once does it keep on capturing all logs throughout the runtime
we need to call it before or after a certain test method that is likely to fail
if called before will it capture the logs after that point
if called after will it have some lines of log before that point
Sorry if this is already covered in your document and i did not understand,1
This blog gives us very useful and helpful information regarding Cross browser testing toolsThe Best Information and I will share this valuable and useful information to my friends and colleagues keep up the immense work,0
Hello everyone
I need to get your advice I use Win 10 and when I try to perform pip install locustio I get an error
Failed building wheel for gevent
Running setuppy clean for gevent
Failed to build gevent
Installing collected packages gevent locustio
Running setuppy install for gevent error
If I try to perform pip install gevent I get the same error
What can I do for installing locustio,1
Did you try installing pre built binary packages for windows The locust installation documentation mentions about installing few Windows Binaries before installing locustioin case of any installation issues Refer to below links which may be a helpful
Enjoyed reading the article above really explains everything in detail Thanks for sharing the article on Selenium to get browser console log Thanks for sharing such a wonderful information with us Great information on your site Keep sharing such informative articles,0
It depends on what log information you want to capture This method captures what ever log messages which are present in your Developer ToolsConsole at that particular point of time and it doesnt log throughout the run time So ideally it can be called from a test method where you expect a error message or is likely to fail,1
My 2 cents
Regarding how to judge if a API Call is success or not should the judgement be put at each individual Test Case level instead of this API PLayer level Lets say my running sequence is GET PUT GET the response from the first get and the 2nd get would be different API Player may do some general checking but not the specific pieces
Hi Indira
Very interesting post please can you also clarify if the validation of these test been done in a manual approach or automated way
Thankyou Chun ji You have given a valid suggestion but we do not want to implement because we have a good reason to do that way
For your understanding lets say for example API Player contains a GET method called get_doc_details with the below condition
pre langpython
if resultsuccess True
result_flag PASS
result_flag FAILpre
Imagine that API Tests has used above GET call in multiple test steps Later on suppose if there is a change in the API call condition coderesultsuccessfulcode instead of coderesultsuccesscode Current design will help us from updating the condition across multiple steps of different test cases instead we could update only in API Player which is enough,1
wonderous Post Thanks,0
The validations were done using manual approach,1
thanks ,1
Hi Maybe Im missing something due to lack of knowledge but something is not working
Im successfully connecting to my server with its IP address user and password
Establishing an SSH connection
Connected to the server 10XXX
But then running the commands doesnt work
Executing command show version
Command timed out show version
Unable to execute the commands
This is a legit and working command which works when Im using external SSH clients such as Putty Secure CRT
Any idea why that wouldnt work
Looks like show version is not a builtin shell command and hence the command timed out Did you try executing any other commands,1
Hi thanks for responding
Show version is a builtin command in the device Im trying to perform the command NX9510 from Motorola Extreme production
The command is working when Im using it in Secure CRT,1
Thank you Indira for this post
I am trying to use python for test automation of our Unix application Our application has command line interface and it relies on a few function keys for navigation eg F11 to select menu F10 for going back UP DOWN arrow for navigation in menu Im able to send the Unix commands through Python Paramiko and launch the application in Unix But how can I send the special keys eg F9 F10 UpDown arrow to Unix using Python can you pls help or provide pointers on this Thanks,1
Hi Shiv
Have you tried sending the escape sequence for the functional keysCan you please refer the below links to try out the sequence,1
Informative as well as helpful information and thanks for posting article about API Test Automation Framework This site gives me lots of additional information Thanks for the post very useful,0
Yes you guessed it I could not visit any of your komferentsii I am very sorry but I have so much work that I simply did not have enough time I would like to get acquainted with the program of your next seminars,0
I was new to gatling and I have gone through your article really contains useful information with good examples helpful post for me I understand it quickly keep up the immense work,0
thanks you have explained very well,1
how can i automate running and update part
echo INFO Update the database
CHANGE_SETecho NEW_VERSIONcut f1 dchangelog
echo INFO Executing liquibase for CHANGE_SETCHANGE_SET
liquibase driverJdbc driver classpathcProgram Filesjdbc driver location changeLogFiledatabaseChangeLogsql urljdbcsqlserver usernamesa passwordsaPass update
is this correct,1
Your post so nice i really appreciate you but i want to share one of the best websites provides you clickfunnels training funnel hacking automated software testing etc For more information you can visit the site,0
We havent tried automation part Need to check The information provided seems to be correct
This kind of information is good and useful,0
Hi Rohan
I want to include a step in Dockerfile that should run some pip install commands
How can I include requirementstxt in the Dockerfile in the example mentioned,1
hello sir
thanks for giving that type of information
a href relnofollowHP PageWide XL 4000 Printera,0
Hi Saurabh
You may refer that will give you some idea about how you can solve the problem If still you face the issue then let us know what you have tried and problems you encountered,1
Hi Avinash
I followed your instructions but I was unsuccessful in getting positive result
Also I referred
System configurations Windows 10 64 bit
Installed packages
ImageMagick 70823 Q8 32 bit
GhostScript 32 bit
python version 27 32 bit
I am getting dll import error for pythonMagick
Error description
import PythonMagick
Traceback most recent call last
File line 1 in
import PythonMagick
File CPython27libsitepackagesPythonMagick__init__py line 1 in
from import _PythonMagick
ImportError DLL load failed The application has failed to start because its sidebyside configuration is incorrect Please see the application event log or use the commandline sxstraceexe tool for more detail
Please suggest how to resolve this issue,1
Hi Sandeep
This issue seems to be related to incorrect versions Did you try installing Python27 64 bit
Below links may be helpful to diagnose the issue,1
I like your Blog Nice info If you have an online business its better to get a a href relnofollowmobile appa to promote it It will help you get business and if it takes off on the App Store it will generate its own revenue Therefore it make sense even if you have to buy a href relnofollowmobile app packagesa,0
i have question is it possible to compare more than 2 PDF And is it possible to automate it for a bunch of PDFs
Thank you thank you thank you This is a very good idea,1
Yes it is possible to compare more than 2 PDF But you need to keep one PDF as a base And it is also possible to automate it for a bunch of PDFs
driverexecute_scriptconsolelogNothing to see here move along
this is not working in my program can anyone help me to figure out what is the problem I am new to selenium
My code
import static orgjunitAssertassertEquals
import javautilconcurrentTimeUnit
import orgjunit
import orgopenqaseleniumWebDriver
import orgopenqaseleniumchromeChromeDriver
import orgtestngannotationsTest
public class FirstSeleniumTest
public static void mainStringargs
String url;
WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver
drivermanagetimeoutsimplicitlyWait10000 TimeUnitSECONDS
assertEqualsCar RentalsdrivergetTitle
Object driverexecute_scriptconsolelogNothing to see here move along
driverexecuteScriptreturn windowutag_data
Hi Indira
I have to extract to Images from PDF files and PDF files are made up of only image filesTIFF
Can you suggest open source tools for that I tried using PDF2image but it didnt work,1
You have to use the java equivalent steps to execute JS commands in Selenium The steps outlined in the post are for SeleniumPython
So to get your snippet working use
codeimport orgopenqaseleniumJavascriptExecutor Import statement to import JS executor
JavascriptExecutor js initialize js var
jsexecuteScriptconsolelogNothing to see here move along execute JS commands
We have never tried to extract images from a PDF before but a quick search helped identify a href relnofollowPyMuPDFa module
Pls refer the snippet to extract the image using PyMuPDF here
Let us know if this module was useful We will decide to explore this module based on your comment,1
where is pdf2txtpy file,1
pdf2txtpy is command line tool that is part of pdfminer It is here
It is built within pdfminer package And pdfminer adds it to the system path and makes it available to be run from command line,1
Hi Vrushali
I am SQA Engineer and I have done automation testing using Selenium In this regard I need your some Consultancy Would you please suggest me any addon of jira for test automation Selenium Python,1
You made such an interesting piece to read giving every subject enlightenment for us to gain knowledge Thanks for sharing the such information with us,0
I am not sure about you request can you pls be more specific
Are you looking for PythonJira module
If so pls take a look our post,1
Hey it Works Thanks man I was about to lay my comp aside but now that the bug is fixed Im,1
Thanks Buddy It worked after Ive installed another plugin push and pull request Anyway you helped me a lot,0
excellent well done,1
Thank you for this post
I get the following error when runnig the full example with either python27 or python37
File gcal2py line 106
start_date datetimedatetime2017 09 01 00 00 00 0isoformat Z
Hello All if this does not work for you then you can try this pip install pythondotenv0101 latest version of dotenv,1
Were a gaggle of volunteers as well as starting off a brand new gumption within a community Your blog furnished us precious details to be effective on Youve got completed any amazing work,0
I just found out that integer literals starting with 0 are interpreted as octal numbers and the digit 8 is not allowed in an octal number So can you strip the leading zeros from the date string where its greater than 7 and try again Eg 2017 9 01 00 00 00 0,1
Do I need to add OpenSSH feature in windows to run this module I am trying to communicate between two Windows 10 PC connected with LAN
First I got socketerror Errno 10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
This seemed to be because of firewall
Disabling firewall I get this error
raise NoValidConnectionErrorerror
paramikossh_exceptionNoValidConnectionError Errno None Unable to connect to port 22 on IP ADDRESS OF HOST THAT I AM TRYING TO CONNECT,1
Hi Juhana
I am not so sure how to resolve the issue which you are facing We dont need OpenSSH client to run the module Guess you can try to isolate connection error first by trying to ssh using bash or putty or OpenSSH,1
Nice blog I really loved reading through this article Thanks for sharing such a
amazing post with us and keep blogging a href relnofollowiot training in chennaia a href relnofollowiot training in chennai quoraa a href relnofollowiot training and placement in chennaia a href relnofollowiot training center in chennaia a hrefhttps://www.c redosystemzcomcoursesiottraining relnofollowbest iot training centre in chennaia,0
Hi Kumar
Can you please provide more information on what you intend to do and what you mean by docker images of all the firefox and chrome version is it something you are trying to create docker images for all versions of chrome and firefox being developed till this date If not then you can follow the blog post and create docker image for specific versions of chrome and firefox,1
My issue is funny character that is returned in stdoutreadlines from exec_command
This is what i found in other forum
opt stdoutreadlines
opt joinopt
print opt
Still I get some funny characters example when exec_commanddir
without _set_modeb readlines gives me this error
UnicodeDecodeError utf8 codec cant decode byte 0xff,1
I figured out the problem There was no ssh server listening in the remote pc I had to install openssh server and allow port 22 for communication in Windows Firewall,1
I am new to python coding I came across this issue and am stuck there I am connecting to a server using my user_id and password Post this i am supposed to do a be functional_id to get into the functional Id amd then execute commands But i am not able to do this It is staying with the user it logged in with How do i execute be functional_id from my code and get into the functional id Hope i was clear with the issue,1
will it work for file transfer from linux to windows,1
Hi Kumar
Use a href relnofollowmicrosoftwindowsservercorea image and refer following blog to write commands for installation of chrome and firefox Look at sample Dockerfile of a href relnofollowpython on windowsa
While using xdist Im not able to call the pytest hook makereport,1
Hi team
U new for appium test
My quistion is how handle NAF true element
Because i getting error while handling password field i sent text but not enter in password field,1
Thank you for great post,1
Can you please refer the following link it may help you to solve your issue,1
need help
unable to generate images
Cworkspacepython PrjThreadspython rdpy f1 CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf f2 CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
About to call convert on CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
Finished calling convert on CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
Total of 1 jpgs produced after converting the pdf file CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
About to call convert on CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
Finished calling convert on CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
Total of 1 jpgs produced after converting the pdf file CUsersmohammadirfanDesktopHelloWorldpdf
diff_images directory created
Total pages in pdf2 1
Total pages in pdf1 1
Check SUCCEEDED There are an equal number of jpgs created from the pdf generated from pdf2 and pdf1
Total pages in images 1
Inside create diff image with args HelloWorldjpg HelloWorldjpg
Error when trying to open image
About to call convert on Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsdiff_imagesjpg
convert unable to open image Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsdiff_imagesjpg Invalid argument errorblobcOpenBlob3485
convert no images defined Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsdiff_HelloWorldpdf errorconvertcConvertImageCommand3300
Convert exception could be an ImageMagick bug
Command convert Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsdiff_imagesjpg Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsdiff_HelloWorldpdf returned nonzero exit status
Finished calling convert on Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsdiff_imagesjpg
Cleaning up all the intermediate jpg files created when comparing the pdf
Unable to delete jpg file
WinError 2 The system cannot find the file specified Cworkspacepython PrjThreadsHelloWorldjpg
Nuking the temporary image_diff directory
The PDFs didnt match properly check the diff file generated,1
Hi Avinash
I got a black background pdf whats wrong with my trial Please help,1
How can we run all the test_py files from the python script itself I want to run all of my test_py files by calling a function with a python script using tkinter Can you kindly help advise,1
Below link has a workaround can you try and see if it works This seems to be an old bug of Paramiko,1
Easily understandable explanation Very Useful for the first time users in GitHub,1
If I created a websocket server application how would I go about getting it on to the web so that I could test it I apologies for the basic nature of this question but I new to the web development scene
How to containerize windows app from MAC host machine
I want to containerize windows_chrome by using MAC as host machine
thank you in advance,1
yes It will work for file transfer from Linux to windows,1
Hi Jalal
To run all the test_py files from python script you need to add following lines in python script
codeimport subprocess
print subprocesscheck_outputpytestcode
if you pytest command which you want to use contents spaces you need follow below fashion
Hope it will help you
Can i know how to store the Gatling results in local DB MYSQL workbench
Trying to use gatlingconf file for the same,1
We have not tried to log the performance test results on a DB we have started using a href relnofollowLocusta for load testing
However I made a quick search was able to learn that Gatling uses this result object codeiogatlingcommonsstatsassertionAssertionResultcode to generate charts
If you can establish a connection with the DB running on your local host Pls refer on how to connect to the DB then you can use the codeAssertionResultcode object and store the results to a Table,1
Hi Stephen
If testing your websocket server application is your objective I would suggest testing it by running it on your local host Here is a post I find useful,1
Are you trying to switch between user a service account on Linux
Did you try using codesudo su s binbash service_account_namecode command,1
I need to install application in remote pc I am using paramiko sftp to transfer images Then I invoke extraction in remote pc with exec_command This works fine But the application for some reason does not install
I am passing path of installer with arguments required to do installation silently in exec_command This does not work Then I tried different approach by creating installer script separately uploading it to remote machine and calling python scriptfilenamepy This does not work as well I have tried running script file separately it works but invoking script file in exec_command seems to have some problem
What might be the cause Although I thought the installation should start from exec_command without additional script file to make the installation happen as in exec command I am just passing installer location and argument Something is preventing it from happening
In separate script file I have implemented python subprocess popen to open the installer Again it runs as desired when I am executing only this file Running this script file from paramiko exec_command does nothing
What am I missing,1
Your style is so unique compared to many other people Thank you for posting the article YV Reddy Design Services is a design company offering architectural drawings for extensions conversions new build garages conservatories loft conversions barn conversions planning and building regulation drawings change of use listed buildings to clients throughout the local Wiltshire and surrounding area,0
scrape bowling data and how can learn webscraping coding perfectly because im fresher to software and my first coding language is python i didnt have coding background in college also,0
You can probably run emnpm list gem to see where global libraries are installed Look at this thread to find out more details,1
Hi Shiv
I guess the approach you followed should work Is it possible for you to share the script file so that i can debug it better,1
very useful and nice article to learn how to test cross browser testing in Sauce labs,1
Hi All
Could anyone suggest me for below
i am running a script located on remote linux server from Jumphost using paramiko
however it is hanging while script is asking for user input in script I am just asking input via raw_input
any suggestion please
Thanks in advance,1
We havent tried this but you can try using u option in the command where you are executing python script For eg
pre langpython
stdout clientexec_commandpython u scriptpy
Some notes found regarding raw_input
If you use raw_input in ssh it does not flush stdout before reading from stdin It saves the output until the script is finished and only then prints everything in the buffer Since stdout will not be flushed the user will not know he is being prompted So you need to run python unbufferedu which will force stdout to flush after every output
Hope this helps,1
Ok Thanks for info ,1
i am looking for complete Python Automation course for mobile application testing Could you please contact me onepointsolutiosgmailcom
Did u assume that the user has coding language experience
Can u rewrite the same for the people who do not have coding experience,1
Could you please suggest me How to get or create docker images of all the firefox and chrome version
thank you ,1
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable information We strive to provide our candidates with excellent careAs always we appreciate you confidence and trust in us,0
yes you are absolutely correct what i am trying to say And one more suggestion i want that is all chrome and firefox browser version docker images are readily available in dockerhub or in any repository
thank you in advance,1
Hi Kumar
Docker images for all versions of Chrome and Firefox will be present if someone had created for them and were kind enough to share it on the hub,1
you have Created dockerfile on ubuntu1604 But how can i make docker file of chrome and firefox browser on windows I mean i wanted to make docker container where chrome and firefox browser will run on windows operating system so for that time what i supposed to do,1
Hi Can you please post the error,1
sshclient exec_command is taking long time what might be the reason and it will very helpful if u can tell me how how to speed it up,1
sshclient exec_command is taking long timewhat might be the reason and it would be very helpful if suggest how to speed it up,1
Hi Surabhi How long does it take Do you get any error message,1
kahi samajla nahi,0
are bawa kahich samajla naho,0
I am using protractor Jasmine and want to get the video_url on test failure Do you have any suggestions to adapt your solution to my case
I am using protractor Jasmine I want to get the video_url only on a test failure
Do you have any suggestions
Have you taken a look at the BrowserStack JS APIs
The session object endpoint can be queried to get the video URL in case of a failure,1
Best Digital Marketing course Training in Bangalore,0
Hi Rohanis this migrated to Python 3 Did you guys migrated to requests lib,1
Yes we are using requests library for Python 3 You can find the details here,1
Hi Indura
wonderful article
But when I am trying with command to install chrome
It fails with error 404 while building the image Could you please help,1
The 404 error could be because the build is not able to find a Chrome binary using the$CHROME_VERSION.deb URL
What version of Chrome are you trying to download
I was able to download 6503325181 version Chrome using the URL in the tutorial,1
Hi if anyone know how to use jasmine j2ee project Also if I copy the library its showing some error In cijs This is the error
Multiple markers at this line
Semicolon expected
Semicolon expected
Semicolon expected
Expected in regular
expression literal
But if I install it using npm it wont show any errors but dont know where is the library spec and src folder We need these folder to place the path for these files in specRunnerhtml
Also I executed successfully in sublime txt So the problem is not know how to use it in eclipse with j2ee,1
Thanks for the explain It helps a lot,1
I looked at it but it doesnt provide the API for getting a video_url
I am looking something like a REST api to get the video_url The ruby code written above looks perfect But I cannot use it since I use JS
Any better solution is appreciated
Hi Pinky
Ya it doesnt look like they provide an API for getting video_url But I see they have some methods to get the session objects so you may need to end up writing some wrapper around it to get the video_url In our above Python code also we use session details to get the video_url
I couldnt find any other better solutions
Hi Avinash
Thank you very much for the response Also your python code does exactly what I want to But I use Javascript and I am not familiar with Python However will try with the nodebrowsestack package
Good Post Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post it was so good to read and useful to improve my knowledge as updated one keep blogging
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Good Post Thank you so much for sharing this pretty post it was so good to read and useful to improve my knowledge as updated one keep blogging
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Thank you So much for sharing this useful information I was searching this from last one month I found this article really helpful Definitely going to check out the info you shared This great article and am highly impressed on it keep up your good work,0
Nice to hear the story of hiring process in qxf2,1
I already have a mainpy created but how would I add the contents to the container
When I enter the root terminal python cant open mainpy Errno 2 No such file or directory,1
Where did you create the mainpy file
i After you run the 1 command in Creating a container and running Selenium tests section you should enter into a container
ii Inside the container run 2 and 3 commands
iii Inside the container create a test file mainpy with the below contents
from selenium import webdriver
driver webdriverFirefox
print drivertitle
iv Run the test
Hope this helps,1
Sai the post assumes that you already have some coding knowledge,1
Thank you,1
This is very useful post I facing an error when try to use rp_logger in other class inside method directly and getting an errot that attribute is not defined,1
Hi Sir Please help me on below query
I created two python scripts In launchpy it goes through the onboarding part of our app and in loginpy it goes through the rest of the app My issue is that in order for login to work the app needs to be on the screen that launchpy ends on So what im looking for is how I can run launchpy then run loginpy with the app in the same state as python1 left it,1
Nagarjuna You can configure rp_logger as a global variable,1
Hi Raj
Here you may have to use a Framework Please read about Page Objects,1
Hi Mohan
i am Really appreciated your help
is there any thing on Appium with Python framework for POM and Appium with Robot framework
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience
Thank you So much for sharing this useful information I was searching this from last one month I found this article really helpful Definitely going to check out the info you shared This great article and am highly impressed on it keep up your good work,0
Those who are struggling in writing xpath will not be able to use this tool due to lack of information on how to use it If you can address following questions then this will become one of the best guide to prepare xpath
1 Which software needs to install
2 How to execute this code
3 Attach some screenshot,1
Hi Raj
you can try our python based POM and There is Robot framework also available for Appium
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Hi Samip
xpath_util is just a python script
To run this script you need to get set up with python 27 selenium along with web driver and need to install BeautifulSoup package using command codepip install bs4code
To execute the script use the python command mentioned in the blog But before that you need to add the URL in script
And will add the screenshots soon
Rohan Dudam,1
The article seems to be more informative This is more helpful for our a href relnofollow selenium course a in Chennai Thanks for sharing,0
Great blogThanks for sharing the information ,1
your blog are really helpful for all testers and beginnersthis all provided knowledge are unique than other testing blogQA interview tool are good explain
keep updatingThanks,0
You should check out Pysnooper Its a great little debugger tool,1
Thank you We came to know about it recently on Hacker News too
We will check the tool out,1
Hi Stanlin
You tried to run a Selenium test on WSL keep getting chrome not reachable,1
This works locally Its not working on server side Can you help and sort me out from my struggle ,1
Sure What is the issue that you face,1
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Hi Shiva
Iam a manual tester and i like to shift to python automation Can you please help me where to start Iam a beginner for automation if anyone can help me please reach me out through my mail sureshkumarmech1992gmailcom phone 8122651213,1
this list helps mi a lot
thanks for sharing,0
Hi Suresh
Nice to see you want to look at python automation Ideally I would suggest you start practicing automation regularly and improve over time Try to produce working code always Dont look at it from an angle of learning a language and then learning selenium or any other tools
You can start here a href>Selenium tutorial for beginnersa then move on to automating something a bit more complex eg
You can find a lot of help and information from our friend Google but the key again is doing it regularly Hope this helps you get started,1
The blog and data is excellent and informative as well
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The blog and data is excellent and informative as well,0
Very useful post This is my first time i visit here I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially its discussion Really its great article Keep it up
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How do I test iOS App with Appium Python The above example only says about the Android app testing,1
The Above example says about how to test with Android App Can you please give us the link of how to do the same with iOS Mobile Application,1
Hi Mahesh
I hope a href>this</a> blog would help you to get started with Appium and Python for iOS app,1
Is it possible to display the TestScenario name in browser stack
Hi Himani
I think it would be possible to display it in browserstack You can refer to Test configuration capabilities in a href relnofollowthis linka
Hope it helps you,1
Can you help me with the code to compare screenshot taken from real android device ,1
Hi Sonal
Can you refer the below link for comparing your images
After Mentioning vnc running port to 5920 in entrypoint it got worked
x11vnc rfbport 5920 passwd TestVNC display 1 N forever ,1
Not sure if some can help same for JAVATEsngNGI am getting hard time in sending screenshot to reportportal,1
I am not sure you have tried this link If not you can refer this link I hope it should be helpful for you,1
Please I need a stepper motor code to rotate the stepper motor 360 degree clockwise continuously,1
Hi Charles Musa
You can remove the anti clockwise code block and also by removing the delayyou can run a stepper motor 360 degree clockwise continiously
Thank you so much for detailed post sir
Can you share tutorial with other motor driver like DRV8825 and with accelstepper library ,1
Hi Hardy
You can refer to this link It consists of both DRV8825 driver interfacing and accelstepper library code at the end,1
thanks for sharing i am really impressed,0> Oracle Plql Online Training a,0
Can xdist run test parallel on multiple node instead of multiple browser,1
Hi Can you refer to this link and pay attention to distloadfile distloadscop params there,1
Use Tesseract OCR,1
hey this works for WSL issue with chromedriver and seleniumpython I was trying to access a website but kept getting chrome not reachable Thanks,1
Hello Very Useful tutorial to know about Mobile automation using Python and Appium Followed the steps mentioned in the article Used different app then mentioned in the article and able to automate My only observation is when i am using as mentioned in the __ Main __ method
suite unittestTestLoaderloadTestsFromTestCaseAndroid_ATP_WTA
then the setUp method not initiating so did small change to the above step and ran and it was successfully initiated the setUp method and the changes are
def suite
suite unittestTestSuite
return suite
if __name__ __main__
suite unittestTestLoaderloadTestsFromTestCaseAndroid_Actiwoo
runner unittestTextTestRunnerverbosity2
Great Article I love to read your articles because your writing style is too good its is very very helpful for all of us and I never get bored while reading your article because they are becomes a more and more interesting from the starting lines until the end,0
Hi Avinash
I have used your code to get the session url from Browserstack I am facing issues in getting the correct session_url It prints the session_url but it is not correct The link just downloads a file which cant be viewed The session_url varies from the video_url on the site,1
The URL is the BrowserStack URL which would download the video link You can try opening that file using VLC media player or any other player and can see the video of the test run,1
How any one can execute a sudo command using paramikoIt is giving an error sudo no tty present and no askpass program specified,1
I need to locate the elements which are in canvas using selenium Java I found this blog in while searching on google The solution you have given in python for canvas elements image verification Is it possible to do the same thing in Java,1
I guess you are referring to blog post on this blog
Yes you can use a similar approach Your first step to figuring out the canvas elements toDataURL will be the same Then you have to use Java code instead of python do so similar steps,1
I guess adding the t option to your ssh command may help You can refer to this a href relnofollowlinka for more information,1
I really enjoy simply reading all of your weblogs Simply wanted to inform you that you have people like me who appreciate your work Definitely a great post Hats off to you The information that you have provided is very helpful
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Hi thanks you have explained very well Very useful Do you know any book where these topics are explained in detail,1
Hi Avinash
I used zoompinch code in pythonbut run failed
WebDriverException Message Unknown mobile command pinchOpen Only shellstartLogsBroadcaststopLogsBroadcastchangePermissionsgetPermissionsperformEditorAction commands are supported,1
Not sure about book But referred to MySQ documentation only
Hi Patty
Can you post the code you are running Not sure why you are getting issue related to command pinchOpen I googled a bit and found one similar a href relnofollowissuea where adding a wait has helped,1
This is an awesome post Really very informative and creative contents This concept is a good way to enhance knowledge I like it and help me to development very well Thank you for this brief explanation and very nice information Well got good knowledge
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Where should i enter this commands,1
Did you try to execute those commands on command prompt or on Git bash else can you elaborate your question with more information,1
Hi All
Thanks for everything
Im facing the issues please help me on this
Everything is working fine But diff PDF contains all pages as black
Can anyone please help on this issue
Thanks Regrads
Hi Maybe Im missing something due to lack of knowledge in python but something is not working
Im successfully connecting to my server for equipment access service EAS with its IP address user and password
Establishing an SSH connection
Connected to the server xxxxxxxxx
I do not know what pem file details PKEY Enter your key filename here in the sshconfpy file
But then running the commands doesnt work
COMMANDS ena show version
Executing command ena
to access the enable mode
Executing command show version
the Commands timed out show version
Unable to execute the commands Problem occurred while running commandena The error is binbash line 1 ena command not found
This is a legit and working command which works when Im using external SSH clients on such as Putty
Any idea why that wouldnt work
Im successfully connecting to my server for equipment access service EAS with its IP address user and password
Connected to the server xxxxxxxxx
I do not know what pem file details PKEY Enter your key filename here in the sshconfpy file
But then running the commands doesnt work
COMMANDS ena show version
Executing command ena
to access the enable mode
Executing command show version
the Commands timed out show version
Unable to execute the commands Problem occurred while running commandena The error is binbash line 1 ena command not found
This is a legit and working command which when Im using external SSH clients on Putty
Any idea for this problem
You can also connect to the server using pem file if you do not have a passwordbased authentication If the password is not available authentication is attempted by reading the private key file which you define in the ssh_confpy Regarding commands not getting executed I am not too sure if ena and show version are builtin shell commands Are you able to execute any other commands
Indira Nellutla,1
Hi Mahesh
Could you please provide more details about the issue
Indira Nellutla,1
Hi thanks for responding
I do not have a pem file
the problem that it is for return any import commands must be executed the command ena
the function channel sshinvoke_shell it works well
I have a little code that gives me the results
channel sshinvoke_shell
channelsend ena n
timesleep 2
channelsend n
timesleep 2
channelsend show version n
timesleep 2
while not channelrecv_ready
print Working
timesleep 2
print channelrecv 1024
channelsend show version
while not channelrecv_ready
print Authenticating
timesleep 2
buff channelrecv 1024
print buff
timesleep 2
but I would like to use the function exec_command xxx to modify all the code
Think you,1
Looks like there is a difference in how codeinvoke_shellcode and codeexec_commandcode executes a command
think you,1
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Nice article I love the concept of getting them automatically which in turn could be used for proper suggestions inside an interface People dont need to know xpath and can still usetest them,1
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Hi i am using python 37 but while install Conf_Reader in window 10 getting below error
can some one help
pip install Conf_Reader
Collecting Conf_Reader
ERROR Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement Conf_Reader from versions none
ERROR No matching distribution found for Conf_Reader,1
Hi Ganesh
Conf_Reader is not a python package to install with pip Its just python file Conf_Readerpy with script mentioned in the blog,1
Hi Shiva
If single test class have multiple test method then how we can execute iteg i have 3 method in test i am unable to run all test case from single test classCan you help me
how can run multiple test case from single test class,1
Hi Ganesh
The class name has to start with capital T like Test_class and you can continue to have test methods within Hope this helps,1
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Hi Indira
Thanks so much for this documentation it really helps me a lot Im totally new to paramiko and ssh client Im having trouble with connect function now I have all fields in conf_file including private key and private key passphrase But Im getting AthenticationException Authentication failed error Im wondering if this is because I havent include credential yet I download gcp service key credential as a json file But Im not sure how paramiko and connect function will read it I check the github link in above comments but Im still not sure where to put credential in conf folder Could you give more detail on that I would really appreciate
Thank you so much
Hi Michelle
Here is an example conf file from our SSH implementation in our automation framework
Hope this helps
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This very helpful since I was very very new to docker,1
I am using Linux Selendroid 0170 version
I have downloaded stand alone jar files installed selenium for python
and ran the below command
java jar selendroidstandalone0170withdependencies_fixedjar aut selendroidtestapp0170ap
Got this as well
INFO Selendroid standalone server has been started on port 4444
Also i could not find any other sample test case on google using selendroid with python plenty are there using java post few more sample test cases with pythonsuggest any solution to this problem
This code is not working showing this error in desired capabilities with below java exceptions
ioselendroidstandaloneserverhandlerCreateSessionHandler handleRequest
SEVERE Error while creating new session
at ioselendroidstandaloneandroidimplDefaultHardwareDeviceunlockScreenDefaultHardwareDevicejava111
at ioselendroidstandaloneservermodelSelendroidStandaloneDrivercreateNewTestSessionSelendroidStandaloneDriverjava234
at ioselendroidstandaloneservermodelSelendroidStandaloneDrivercreateNewTestSessionSelendroidStandaloneDriverjava214
at ioselendroidstandaloneserverhandlerCreateSessionHandlerhandleRequestCreateSessionHandlerjava40
at ioselendroidstandaloneserverBaseSelendroidStandaloneHandlerhandleBaseSelendroidStandaloneHandlerjava45
at ioselendroidstandaloneserverSelendroidServlethandleRequestSelendroidServletjava131
at ioselendroidservercommonBaseServlethandleHttpRequestBaseServletjava67
at ioselendroidservercommonhttpServerHandlerchannelReadServerHandlerjava53
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextinvokeChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava333
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextfireChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava319
at ionettyhandlertrafficAbstractTrafficShapingHandlerchannelReadAbstractTrafficShapingHandlerjava223
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextinvokeChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava333
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextfireChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava319
at ionettyhandlercodecMessageToMessageDecoderchannelReadMessageToMessageDecoderjava103
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextinvokeChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava333
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextfireChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava319
at ionettyhandlercodecByteToMessageDecoderchannelReadByteToMessageDecoderjava163
at ionettychannelCombinedChannelDuplexHandlerchannelReadCombinedChannelDuplexHandlerjava148
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextinvokeChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava333
at ionettychannelAbstractChannelHandlerContextfireChannelReadAbstractChannelHandlerContextjava319
at ionettychannelDefaultChannelPipelinefireChannelReadDefaultChannelPipelinejava787
at ionettychannelnioAbstractNioByteChannelNioByteUnsafereadAbstractNioByteChanneljava125
at ionettychannelnioNioEventLoopprocessSelectedKeyNioEventLoopjava511
at ionettychannelnioNioEventLoopprocessSelectedKeysOptimizedNioEventLoopjava468
at ionettychannelnioNioEventLoopprocessSelectedKeysNioEventLoopjava382
at ionettychannelnioNioEventLooprunNioEventLoopjava354
at ionettyutilconcurrentSingleThreadEventExecutor2runSingleThreadEventExecutorjava116
at ionettyutilconcurrentDefaultThreadFactoryDefaultRunnableDecoratorrunDefaultThreadFactoryjava137
at javalangThreadrunThreadjava748,1
Aarav Gotra thanks buddy this version works,1
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I want to connect to multiple hosts and execute different set of commands on each of the host Can I make hosts as a list and insert a for loop before the try invocation
Please let me know
def connectself
Login to the remote server
I wanted to connect to multiple hosts and execute a different set of commands on each host
Can I make Hosts as a list and loop through them before the try
def connectself
Login to the remote server
Please let me know
Thanks so much for publishing this script its really helpful
I wanted to point out that it is nearly compatible with Python3 If you change line 47 from
except Exception e
except Exception as e
Then it runs in Python3 just fine Also is this code or some equivalent on a public repo like GitHub And can we use it under the MIT license as the repo reference at the bottom of the article
Thank you,1
Matthew happy to hear that you found this post useful The Python 3 version of this code is part of our opensourced repository MIT license so feel free to use it The code itself in the utils folder,1
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i need to download source code for this project,1
Im using windows 81 pro I have my virtualization enabled in the BIOS yet i still get the same error msg saying that This computer does not have any VTXAMDV enabledEnabling it in the BIOS is mandatory
Id appreciate it if you could help me fix that issue,1
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Nice post I learn something new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon every
day Its always useful to read content from other writers and use something from other web sites,0
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Thanks for sharing the information,0
Thank you Smitha
I am always getting the exception as Error when trying to open image on execution of the function
diff ImageChopsdifferencepdf2_imagepdf1_image
pdf2_image Imageopendownload_dir ossep pdf2_img
pdf1_image Imageopendownload_dirossep pdf1_img
diff ImageChopsdifferencepdf2_imagepdf1_image
Separate images have been created from every page of the pdf document
I also tried using Open CV
pdf1_image cv2imreaddownload_dirossep pdf1_img
pdf2_image cv2imreaddownload_dir ossep pdf2_img
pdf1_image cv2cvtColorpdf1_image cv2COLOR_BGR2GRAY
pdf2_image cv2cvtColorpdf2_image cv2COLOR_BGR2GRAY
cv2imshowpdf1_image pdf1_image
cv2imshowpdf2_image pdf2_image
Able to open the image too
but the function scorediff compare_ssimpdf1_image pdf2_image full True doesnt work
Please advise
Thanks Buddy It worked for me,1
We do not have the project saved on any remote repository unfortunately Any code we have is limited to the example snippets in the post,1
Did you try restarting your machine after enabling virtualization,1
Good postKeep on sharing
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I am getting a black image as a result by leaving the difference in content untouched
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void loop
digitalWritetrigPin LOW
digitalWritetrigPin HIGH
digitalWritetrigPin LOW
duration pulseInechoPin HIGH
distance duration00342
SerialprintDistance from the object
Serialprintln cm
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Thanks for publishing this script its really helpful
Do we have same utility in Java,1
Unfortunately we do not have a Java Utility,1
Thanks for approach
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Hi Rahul
Yes it will work but it wont generate xpaths for angular specific locators for eg model binding etc Currently this utility generates xpath for general locators which has attributes like idnameplaceholdervaluetitletypeclass,1
Maybe this link might help you to solve the problem,1
Thanks Rohan
In this logic we are mainly focusing on input and button fields and generating independent xpaths using other locator strategies But how how can we handle other filed like dropdown radiobutton limk etc,1
Thanks for every other informative web site The place else could I get that kind of information written in such a perfect approach Ive a venture that I am just now operating on and I have been on the glance out for such info,0
Its exhausting to find educated individuals on this topic however you sound like you already know what youre speaking about Thanks,0
Yes currently this utility script only supports input and button fields To handle dropdowns radio buttons and links you need to add these items in guessable_elements and write logic to guess the xpath,1
I got the new project in appium automation tool and I know only python language is this possible to create test script with the using of python only not in other languages
please share the steps for android mobile testing
Im new with python and Im trying to extract some information about currencies but in Portuguese and Spanish wikipedia pages to try to use for it for text mining I tried what you did but I dont have the right page,1
Hi Shweta
You can refer to our opensourced pom github wiki link to get started with Android mobile testing using Appium and Python,1
Hi Isabaala
Can you provide us the links of the pages you are trying to scrape and what output are you currently getting,1
Hello remarkable job I did not expect this This is a splendid story Thanks,0
Really thanks for sharingThis blog is awesome very informative
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Interesting Things,0
Hi Avinash Shetty
can you please help me
how can i trigger build at particular time through python using manually we are set time in build periodically like 15 but how can we do it from python Please help me this is my task i am trying like anything but i cant found how to do,1
Hi Noor Basha
To trigger build at a particular time using python script
1 you need to make a GET call to get a configxml file get_job_configname Refer api details a href relnofollowherea
2 Then you need to modify that configxml Here you can refer the configxml file of job which is scheduled Usually you need to addmodify the following lines
pre langhtml
spec45 9162 15spec
3 Now make a call to update the configuration of job reconfig_jobname config_xml,1
AwesomeI read this post so nice and very imformative informationthanks for sharing
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ii have latest python version installed
python 38
i have installed binary packages
pyzmq 1810 win 32
gevent 15a2 win 32
greenlet 0415 win 32
This is the following error that i got
Requirement already satisfied pycparser in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from cffi1122 platform_python_implementation CPython and sys_platform win32gevent122locustio 219
Installing collected packages geventhttpclientwheels
Running setuppy install for geventhttpclientwheels error
ERROR Command errored out with exit status 1
command cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832pythonexe u c import sys setuptools tokenize sysargv0 CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppy __file__CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppyfgetattrtokenize open open__file__codefreadreplacern nfcloseexeccompilecode __file__ exec install record CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppiprecordsgfc9wvcinstallrecordtxt singleversionexternallymanaged compile
cwd CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheels
Complete output 43 lines
cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackagessetuptoolsdistpy471 UserWarning Normalizing 131dev2 to 131dev2
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating buildlibwin3238
creating buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientclientpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientconnectionpoolpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientheaderpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclienthttplibpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientresponsepy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclienturlpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientuseragentpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclient__init__py buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
running egg_info
writing srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoPKGINFO
writing dependency_links to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfodependency_linkstxt
writing requirements to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginforequirestxt
writing toplevel names to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfotop_leveltxt
reading manifest file srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoSOURCEStxt
reading manifest template MANIFESTin
warning no previouslyincluded files matching __pycache__ found anywhere in distribution
warning no previouslyincluded files matching pyco found anywhere in distribution
writing manifest file srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoSOURCEStxt
creating buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsoncertpem buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsservercrt buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsserverkey buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_clientpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_headerspy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_httplibpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_keep_alivepy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_network_failurespy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_no_module_sslpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_parserpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_sslpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_urlpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_useragentpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
running build_ext
building geventhttpclient_parser extension
error Microsoft Visual C 140 is required Get it with Microsoft Visual C Build Tools
ERROR Command errored out with exit status 1 cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832pythonexe u c import sys setuptools tokenize sysargv0 CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppy __file__CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppyfgetattrtokenize open open__file__codefreadreplacern nfcloseexeccompilecode __file__ exec install record CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppiprecordsgfc9wvcinstallrecordtxt singleversionexternallymanaged compile Check the logs for full command output,1
ii have latest python version installed
python 38
i have installed binary packages
pyzmq 1810 win 32
gevent 15a2 win 32
greenlet 0415 win 32
This is the following error that i got
Requirement already satisfied pycparser in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from cffi1122 platform_python_implementation CPython and sys_platform win32gevent122locustio 219
Installing collected packages geventhttpclientwheels
Running setuppy install for geventhttpclientwheels error
ERROR Command errored out with exit status 1
command cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832pythonexe u c import sys setuptools tokenize sysargv0 CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppy __file__CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppyfgetattrtokenize open open__file__codefreadreplacern nfcloseexeccompilecode __file__ exec install record CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppiprecordsgfc9wvcinstallrecordtxt singleversionexternallymanaged compile
cwd CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheels
Complete output 43 lines
cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackagessetuptoolsdistpy471 UserWarning Normalizing 131dev2 to 131dev2
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating buildlibwin3238
creating buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientclientpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientconnectionpoolpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientheaderpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclienthttplibpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientresponsepy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclienturlpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientuseragentpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclient__init__py buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
running egg_info
writing srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoPKGINFO
writing dependency_links to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfodependency_linkstxt
writing requirements to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginforequirestxt
writing toplevel names to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfotop_leveltxt
reading manifest file srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoSOURCEStxt
reading manifest template MANIFESTin
warning no previouslyincluded files matching __pycache__ found anywhere in distribution
warning no previouslyincluded files matching pyco found anywhere in distribution
writing manifest file srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoSOURCEStxt
creating buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsoncertpem buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsservercrt buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsserverkey buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_clientpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_headerspy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_httplibpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_keep_alivepy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_network_failurespy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_no_module_sslpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_parserpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_sslpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_urlpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_useragentpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
running build_ext
building geventhttpclient_parser extension
error Microsoft Visual C 140 is required Get it with Microsoft Visual C Build Tools
ERROR Command errored out with exit status 1 cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832pythonexe u c import sys setuptools tokenize sysargv0 CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppy __file__CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstall7emz3dr7geventhttpclientwheelssetuppyfgetattrtokenize open open__file__codefreadreplacern nfcloseexeccompilecode __file__ exec install record CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppiprecordsgfc9wvcinstallrecordtxt singleversionexternallymanaged compile Check the logs for full command output,1
Nice Article
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Have you tried installing Microsoft Visual C 140 as the error in the last line points to it
Let me know if that helps
Yes I did And I can view Visual C 140 in my control panel and Programs setup Issue is persistent,1
I can even view it in regedit Under local machine software microsoft visual studio is installed Runtime folderx64,1
Can you share the last command you are tried to execute and got the error ,1
pip install locustio
CUsershpAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython3832Scriptspip install locustio
Requirement already satisfied locustio in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackageslocustio0122py38egg 0122
Requirement already satisfied flask0101 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from locustio 111
Requirement already satisfied gevent122 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from locustio 15a2
Collecting geventhttpclientwheels131dev2
Using cached
Requirement already satisfied msgpackpython042 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from locustio 056
Requirement already satisfied pyzmq1602 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from locustio 1810
Requirement already satisfied requests291 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from locustio 2220
Requirement already satisfied six1100 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from locustio 1130
Requirement already satisfied itsdangerous024 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from flask0101locustio 110
Requirement already satisfied Jinja22101 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from flask0101locustio 2103
Requirement already satisfied click51 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from flask0101locustio 70
Requirement already satisfied Werkzeug015 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from flask0101locustio 0160
Requirement already satisfied greenlet0414 platform_python_implementation CPython in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from gevent122locustio 0415
Requirement already satisfied cffi1122 platform_python_implementation CPython and sys_platform win32 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from gevent122locustio 1132
Requirement already satisfied certifi in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from geventhttpclientwheels131dev2locustio 2019911
Requirement already satisfied idna25 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from requests291locustio 28
Requirement already satisfied urllib3125012511211 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from requests291locustio 1256
Requirement already satisfied chardet302 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from requests291locustio 304
Requirement already satisfied MarkupSafe023 in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from Jinja22101flask0101locustio 111
Requirement already satisfied pycparser in cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackages from cffi1122 platform_python_implementation CPython and sys_platform win32gevent122locustio 219
Installing collected packages geventhttpclientwheels
Running setuppy install for geventhttpclientwheels error
ERROR Command errored out with exit status 1
command cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832pythonexe u c import sys setuptools tokenize sysargv0 CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstallpbp1xw_5geventhttpclientwheelssetuppy __file__CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstallpbp1xw_5geventhttpclientwheelssetuppyfgetattrtokenize open open__file__codefreadreplacern nfcloseexeccompilecode __file__ exec install record CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppiprecordgbbbd9_4installrecordtxt singleversionexternallymanaged compile
cwd CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstallpbp1xw_5geventhttpclientwheels
Complete output 43 lines
cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackagessetuptoolsdistpy471 UserWarning Normalizing 131dev2 to 131dev2
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating buildlibwin3238
creating buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientclientpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientconnectionpoolpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientheaderpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclienthttplibpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientresponsepy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclienturlpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclientuseragentpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
copying srcgeventhttpclient__init__py buildlibwin3238geventhttpclient
running egg_info
writing srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoPKGINFO
writing dependency_links to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfodependency_linkstxt
writing requirements to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginforequirestxt
writing toplevel names to srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfotop_leveltxt
reading manifest file srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoSOURCEStxt
reading manifest template MANIFESTin
warning no previouslyincluded files matching __pycache__ found anywhere in distribution
warning no previouslyincluded files matching pyco found anywhere in distribution
writing manifest file srcgeventhttpclient_wheelsegginfoSOURCEStxt
creating buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsoncertpem buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsservercrt buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclienttestsserverkey buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_clientpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_headerspy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_httplibpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_keep_alivepy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_network_failurespy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_no_module_sslpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_parserpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_sslpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_urlpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
copying srcgeventhttpclientteststest_useragentpy buildlibwin3238geventhttpclienttests
running build_ext
building geventhttpclient_parser extension
error Microsoft Visual C 140 is required Get it with Microsoft Visual C Build Tools
ERROR Command errored out with exit status 1 cusershpappdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832pythonexe u c import sys setuptools tokenize sysargv0 CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstallpbp1xw_5geventhttpclientwheelssetuppy __file__CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppipinstallpbp1xw_5geventhttpclientwheelssetuppyfgetattrtokenize open open__file__codefreadreplacern nfcloseexeccompilecode __file__ exec install record CUsershpAppDataLocalTemppiprecordgbbbd9_4installrecordtxt singleversionexternallymanaged compile Check the logs for full command output
I did not see geventhttpclient wheels is for python 38,1
I removed visual c 14 x 64 and downloaded visual c 14 x32 and same case,1
Our blog talks about python verison27 So I have just checked the official documentation
I have created python3 environment and activated it Then ran the pip install locust command in that environment I am able to get it installed
You may want to try from your python3 environment Also I found in their documentation under Installing Locust on Windows they have given the link to download prebuilt files Check the files
Thanks Rohini
But it brings us back to the first case
I have already installed binary packages using the
and even installed ll numpymkl alongwith the following binary packages
pyzmq 1810 win 32
gevent 15a2 win 32
greenlet 0415 win 32
Error keeps on reappearing against geventhttpclient,1
HI thanks for the post I am running on Windows 7 in a corporate environment and cant access the BIOS menu on restart Is there any other solution Thanks,1
Thank you for this great article
From pytest 50 the pytest global variable became deprecated
Instead it is advised to use the requestconfig via the request fixture
From the pytest docs
So specifically for our case inside the pytest_sessionfinishsession exitstatus hook we can access the config object through session object
So pytestconfiggetoptionS will turn into sessionconfiggetoptionS
and consequently the whole slack_integration_flag fixture can be completely removed from conftestpyor just remove the pytestfixture decorator,1
Thanks for the great article
From pytest 50 the pytest global variable is deprecated
Instead it is advised to access the config via the request fixture requestconfig Many hooks can access the config object through different objects indirectly
pytest docs
In particular in our case inside the pytest_sessionfinishsession exitstatus we have to access the config object through the session object
So it becomes sessionconfiggetoptionI,1
Hi using your laptop model try to search how to access the BIOS menu It will be different based on the laptop models VT can be enabled only through BIOS,1
Hi thank you for the suggestions Will update the article soon,1
Good information thank you for detailed steps,1
Good information thank for detailed steps,1
You are welcome Raghava,1
Am glad that this post helped you Welcome ,1
Hi Indira
Thank you very much for this nice article
I only tried to run each worker on t3small with 2 CPUs I tried to start 4 chrome nodes 2 on each worker
But when I run my tests instead of running 4 tests in parallel it only runs 2 tests in parallel
It only runs one test per worker although 2 nodes per worker are available Also I checked selenium hub and it can see 4 available chrome nodes
Do you have any idea,1
Hi Hossein
Thanks for the feedback Would it be possible for you to share more details such as code details etc for us to have a quick look
Meanwhile you can also refer to some of the troubleshooting tips mentioned below
Thanks and Regards
Please find an automation code includes browser console reading,0
I was relying on WordPress for my company site just switched to Hugo I always felt like WordPress was far too much the INK for ALL word processors Markdown export and the security and speed that static sites are famous for are some of my favorite improvements,0
You can run the tests in parallel like below
pytest n auto m parallel test1py configtest1yaml pytest n auto m parallel test2py configtest2yaml htmlreporthtml
Check this too,1
Hi Indira
I have invoices in pdf format for the company I work in and need certain data from those pdf file Can you suggest where I can start from I am able to extract the data from pdf to dataframe but I am not able to collect the specific data I want as it contains both a table and non tabular data,1
It goes without saying I like the security I get with static sites but I wish there were more tools available for static site generators Thankful that I found Ink for All you can export blog content as Markdown docs and gives suggestions on search engine optimization,0
Did you try a href relnofollowPDFTablesa for extracting the tables from the pdf For extracting non tabular data you can use a href relnofollowPDFMinera My suggestion is that based on your requirement you may use both these modules and extract table and non tabular data,1
Ive reached out several times but havent heard back which tells me one of three things
1 Youre interested in giving link back but havent had a chance to get back to me yet
2 Youre not interested and want me to stop emailing
3 Youve fallen and cant get up in that case let me know and Ill call 911
Can you please reply with 1 2 or 3 I dont want to be a bother
Original Message
Sorry to intrude your mailbox
I saw you linked to from
I would like to bring to your attention a resource I recently created Guru99 The content is up to date and very indepth
I did be obliged if you link to it
As a thankyou I would be glad to share your page with our 27k FacebookTwitterLinkedin Followers
Thank you for your fast reply
These are steps that I did
1 Create a docker machine and name it as swarmmanager
dockermachine create driver amazonec2 amazonec2region eucentral1 amazonec2instancetype t3medium amazonec2vpcid id amazonec2securitygroup dockerswarm swarmmanager
2 Create two other docker machines and name them as swarmnode1 and swarmnode2
dockermachine create driver amazonec2 amazonec2region eucentral1 amazonec2instancetype t3small amazonec2vpcid id amazonec2securitygroup dockerswarm swarmnode1 same for the second one
3 Starting swarm mode and joining two nodes
dockermachine ip swarmmanager gives you Public IP of the manager machine
dockermachine ssh swarmmanager sudo docker swarm init advertiseaddr publicipmanager start swarm manager
dockermachine ssh swarmnode1 sudo docker swarm join token token publicipmanager2377
4 Starting selenium hub and nodes using dockercomposeyml file the yml file is already on manager machine
dockermachine ssh swarmmanager sudo docker stack deploy composefiledockercomposeyml selenium
This is the yml file that I used
version 37
image seleniumhub314159xenon
mode replicated
replicas 1
noderole manager
dns 8888
image seleniumnodechrome314159xenon
entrypoint bash c SE_OPTShost HOSTNAME port 5555 optbinentry_pointsh
replicas 4
noderole worker
dns 8888
Then I tried to check nodes and hub on publicipmanager4444 and I can see the console and 4 available nodes Also docker stack ps selenium shows that the hub and four nodes are running
We wrote our tests using Geb Groovy Gradle Spock For running them in parallel one can set
set parallel forks
maxParallelForks 4
for running 4 tests in parallel Unfortunately we are able only to run 2 tests in parallel
Other variation that I tried
I tried to join only one node as worker to the swarm one t2xlarge machine with the same yml file So we had 4 chrome nodes available But we were able only to run two tests in parallel
Also I tried to join 4 nodes as worker 4 t3small machines and the same yml file But again the result was running two tests in parallel
In our traditional setup we do not use any docker swarm mode we use an m4xlarge machine with this dockercomposeyml file
version 3
image seleniumhub314159xenon
container_name seleniumhub
restart onfailure10
JAVA_OPTSXms2g Xmx6g
image seleniumnodechrome314159xenon
shm_size 2g
replicas 4
And we are able successfully to run 4 tests in parallel
Our plan was to use docker swarm mode in order to be able to create a cluster and to be able to run 610 tests in parallel But so far without any success
I would really appreciate any help from you,1
If the browser session was opened by some other application and we want to perform automation on that browser session then is it possible,1
If I have multiples tests that each take different command line arguments how do I use xdist to run them in parallel
If I were to run these tests serially the commands would look like
python m test1py configtest1yaml
python m test2py configtest2yaml,1
Hi John
We need session_id and Session_url to do this I dont know of a way to get this for an already opened session by some other application,1
Hi Hossein
Unfortunately we couldnt figure out why 4 tests are not running in parallel Your setup looks fine as the stack shows four available nodes I am not aware of running tests in parallel using maxParallelForks I believe Replicas is the option to specify the number of containers that should be running at any given time Maybe we can get some idea if we look at the tests you are running,1
Sorry to intrude your mailbox
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I would like to bring to your attention a resource I recently created Guru99 The content is up to date and very indepth
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Thank You SirIts very useful for me in understanding IO modules in arduino for different data types,1
Hi How can we addPush a defect to JIRA via TestRail using python,1
How can we Push a Defect to JIRA using the defect plugin in python,1
Can you help me little more on it,1
Thank you for excellent articleGreat information for new guy like me,0
Hi Could you please provide more details,1
I am not too clear on your requirement but here are my thoughts
If you want to create JIRA issues as part of the test automation and then link those issues to TestRail you can use a href relnofollowJIRAs APIa to create the issue first and then include the issue ID as part of the defects field when you submit a test result to TestRail There are a href 20 relnofollowPython bindingsa to access TestRails API
I hope this information helps,1
I am using python websocket client library for getting the notification
below is the link for the library
i am using the shortlived connection and on receive i am getting connection already closed error,1
Did you try out the solution mentioned in the Blog post to have the data in JSON format,1
How can we extract xpaths for other webpages if login is page common,1
I dont want to prompt user with password everytime Is there any way to use public ssh keys in this code to establish a connection passwordless,1
How to pass the login credentials for the entered url and extract xpaths for other webpages,1
Hey this was so helpful thanks a lot,0
Hi Jyoti
Try to modify the main functionif you already know the app URL you can simply add steps in main to login and then store xpaths for each page you visit,1
Hi Jyoti
Could you please provide more details of your requirements,1
Hows it going
I feel horrible troubling you and Im starting to feel like a stalker Much appreciated if you can let me know if youd Link to us If not I wont send you another email
Original Message
Hi qxf2com
Sorry to intrude your mailbox
I saw you linked to from
I would like to bring to your attention a resource I recently created Guru99 with Anchor Text Mobile Testing The content is up to date and very indepth
I did be obliged if you link to it
As a thankyou I would be glad to share your page with our 27k FacebookTwitterLinkedin Followers
Thanks for another informative site Where else could I get that type of information written in such a perfect method Ive a challenge that I am simply now working on and I have been on the look out for such information,0
I am following the same steps but the bitbucket webhook returns 403 crumbs were not sent error and the build is not triggered,1
I suspect it to be more an access issue between Jenkins and Bitbucket servers Can you check if the proxy settings are allowing this access
Also you may want to refer this link which I found on net
Let me know if you need further assistance Share screenshot of the errors if possible next time
Thanks Regards
I reached out previously and hadnt heard back from you yet This tells me a few things
1 Youre being chased by a Trex and havent had time to respond
2 You arent interested
3 Youre interested but havent had a time to respond
Whichever one it is please let me know as I am getting worried Please respond 12 or 3 I do not want to be a bother
Original Message
I am Alex editor at Guru99 There is some chance you will not open this email considering its automated cold mail
But I must highlight I enjoyed your content at
I could not help noticing you linked to I have created a morein depth article at
Can you link to us I did be happy to share your page with our 25k FacebookTwitterLinkedin Followers as a thank you
Hi Sushil
You can use key_filename argument of SSHClientconnect Below document references may help you as well
Document Reference
What is file is having duplicate data still faker will give you same data for both the rows
eg input file has
id first_name cash
101 ravi 10
102 chandra 200
101 ravi 20
here id is values repeated for two rows in this case will faker give same data for id ,1
After referring faker documentation it looks like the duplication removal mentioned in your case wont happen directly in the faker as faker generator generates data by accessing properties named after the type of data More details at below documentation
However you can sanitize original CSV file removing duplicates The code sample is shown in the below article
Then use the code snippet shown in the blog post
Also you can use randomrandint to generate random ids as shown in the below reference document
Another reference you may want to refer as well
can we automate websocket api,1
Hi Swapnil
Following references may be helpful to you,1
You are doing a good job and sharing your knowledge to others it was one of the pretty post to read and useful to improve the knowledge as updated one keep doing the good work
a href relnofollowSelenium Training in Electronic City
Saw your post on and noticed that youve shared
Just thought that I recently published might be valuable to your readersfollowers as well
As a thankyou I would be glad to share your page with our 31k FacebookTwitterLinkedin Followers
Hi All
I am trying to run my selenium python test with BrowserStack
when i try to run with BrowserStack i get the below error
urllib3exceptionsMaxRetryError HTTPSConnectionPoolhosthubcloudbrowserstackcom port443 Max retries exceeded with url wdhubsession Caused by SSLErrorSSLCertVerificationError1 SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed self signed certificate in certificate chain _sslc1108
This is my code snippet
def run_browserstackself os_name os_version browser browser_version
Run the test in browser stack when remote flag is Y
Get the browser stack credentials from browser stack credentials file
USERNAME remote_credentialsUSERNAME
PASSWORD remote_credentialsACCESS_KEY
desired_capabilities DesiredCapabilitiesCHROME
desired_capabilitiesos os_name
desired_capabilitiesos_version os_version
desired_capabilitiesbrowser_version browser_version
desired_capabilitiesacceptSslCerts True
desired_capabilitiesbrowserstacklocal True
desired_capabilitiesbuild version1
desired_capabilitiesproject loginpage
desired_capabilitiesbrowserstackdebug True
driver webdriverRemote
command_executorhttps://{}:{}'.format(USERNAME PASSWORD
return driver,1
Please look into this link Looks similar to your issue
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Thanks for the beautiful article
I have a doubt and it would be great if you help to get it clarified
Here you are using the manager node as hub so its always one IP
But if I want 4 copies of the hub and want to distribute the load among workers
how do I point
Note I am using selenoid and want a similar setup
So selenoid should be running in 34 hosts and test containers should be running there but not sure how do we provide the hostnameas its going to be multiple,1
In Python 3 print is a function and the syntax except Exceptione
Its 2020 your example from a QA company would be much better if it were up to date,1
very helpful indira maam,1
Jeff a href relnofollowOur frameworka that has the a href relnofollowsource code for this blog posta has been updated to use Python 3 for a while now I have updated the article today but not the snippets to show this link
My problem was the with the tone and content of the parent comment ,1
your method of explaining the whole thing in this paragraph is genuinely good all be able to effortlessly know it Thanks a lot,0
Hi You can provide the hostname within the dockercomposeyml file itself In this file under the section services add hostname actual hostname This will differentiate the 34 hosts I hope that helps,1
Hello I am trying to run this but my current issue is that PythonMagick is included as a package in the source code but I am unable to install it I am using Python 37 does that matter Thank you
I have also installed ImageMagick and GhostScript,1
Its an Undoubtedly impressive software to test and you have provided some deep insights in a good format because its simple to understand Automation is the future and a href relnofollowI see Selenium as a career keya
Thanks for sharing this Information
Youve made some good points there I checked on the net for more info about the issue
and found most people will go along with your views on this
web site,0
May i know how to establish a connection from Local to Remote Machine A and establish to B and execute command and perform sftp operation to local machine
Can you please help me out on this
We have not tried this but i think you can use port forwarding SSH tunnel to connect to a server via another server
You can refer to
1 forward_tunnel function in a href relnofollowParamiko forwardpy demoa
2 a href relnofollowPort forwarding with Paramikoa
Hi Richard
I hope you have downloaded the correct version of WHL from below url
Could you please elaborate the issue you are facing when installing,1
Was looking for this particular implementation of reusing the browser but not found in your framework where is it ,1
The posts only gives an example on how you can use session id and url in the framework In this example we are printing the session id and url whenever the find_element method fails You can print out the session details in the method where you try to get the element
I hope this information helps ,1
I have a PDF where it contains many contracts I need a way to find all the contracts and list them out Can any one suggest the way how it can be achieved,1
As mentioned in the blog We suggest that you use PDFMiner and convert the contract pages in the source PDF into an HTML Post that write a Python script using Beautiful Soup Python library to manipulate the data in the HTML ie in your case to list out the contracts,1
Thanks for the info Im surprise these are not officially listed in Pytest documentation
BUT all the screen captures makes it really hard to read and browse thru when looking for a specific option Maybe add a table of content Or keep the webpage background color a shade close to the screen capture Scrolling this page may induce epilepsy ,1
Thank You,1
You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something which I think I would never understand It seems too complex and very broad for me Im looking forward for your next post I will try to get the hang of it,0
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Thanks for your valuable suggestions,1
Hi nice information
Am I right about this in my understanding your code is that you run fistly run it via python so because of that you can get the ID of
session_url drivercommand_executor_url
session_id driversession_id
but how to use already opened seleniummanual opening or already open by other python script that already stop Let say we have opened 3 window selenium How to get the list the session ID of that three session_url and session_id and so we can control the right one which opened the url,1
Wonderful site Lots of useful info here Im sending it to several pals ans additionally sharing in delicious And obviously thanks to your sweat,0
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I want to extract the text from pdf that contains table into the csv file what are the possible ways to extract different table formats data to csv file ,1
Thank you for your postit is really very helpful
Can you please answer my below query
How to generate Germany address or any country specific address in Mockaroo as I am able to generate only US address
Field name address
type street address
Field name zippostcode
type Postal code
Field name city
type city
Field name country
type country code for Germany DE
Field name state
type state
In above scenario I am getting Germany related valid values for zippostcodecity countrystate except address in which I am getting US values for street address
Test data generated
address 4 Springs Lane This is US address and I would like to generate Germany address
zippostcode 35687
city Dillenburg
country DE
You could use getwindowshandles to store all the session ids of the open windows You could also print store the session_id as soon as the window is spawned
I would suggest using a similar code
windows getwindowhandles
for window in windows
if urlgooglecom
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Hi Sayali
I too see that for country Germany the address is filled with US I happen to check what is the mail address format in Germany using this link
Based on the above link instead of the address field if we use following fields street number street name city country postal codeI am getting the correct address present in Germany you may try the same
Let me know if this is useful
Thanks Regards
Hi Sanket
I am unable to understand your query fully Can you please elaborate
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thank your for the tutorial really helped me progress,1
really appreciated the time and care you have taken in this tutorial and i feel that it has helped me greatly,1
Dear Arun
You wont remember me but I was the guy you very generously helped automate tests for medical code substitution after a DCAST meetup My excolleague Jessica R AOL had pointed me in your direction She thought very highly of you and your passion for QA My team ended up using the framework you developed in one hour you called it throwaway for the next three years I never got to thank you for that and let you know how much of an impact you had on me and my team
But today I came across this set of articles It is so refreshing to see you remain passionate and creative after all these years I feel so happy at your success I just wanted to say Keep up the good work
Hey Team
thanks for the reply
I am very close to this solution I have done below steps
1 create the email_confpy and reside it util folder
2 added the email_pytest_reportpy file into framework and added all required method
3 Now in the file path email_pytest_reportpy i am running this command it state below error
unrecognized arguments email_pytest_report
I beleive this error come when we are not able to pass file name in the command Also please do let me know what changes in conftestpy file So I can incorporate the same,1
Hello Rohini
Thank you so much for replying me back and sorry for late reply
As per your suggestionI have used street number street name city country postal code but not getting the correct address present in Germany
Field Name Type
address1 street number
address2 street name
city city
country country code Germany
zippostcode postal code
Test data generated
address1 463
address2 Fulton
city Hannover
country DE
zippostcode 30167
here 463 Fulton is US address
Thanks and regards
Hi Rahul You could try using apexSQL for the same You can find it here,1
Thanks for the kind comment George This was very nice of you,1
Hi Sayali
I have tried with different types street numbers street name and all other options like placing Postal code before the name of the city etc but the address returned is for US region Looks like it is a bug in Mockaroo tool in generating correct address for Germany I suggest you to kindly follow up on the Mockaroo Forum about this
Indira Nellutla,1
Hello Indira
Thanks for your reply I have already raised my issue in Mockaroo Community Forum but did not get any answer
Thanks and Regards
Hello Rohini
Thank you so much for replying me back and sorry for late reply
As per your suggestionI have used street number street name city country postal code but not getting the correct address present in Germany
Field Name Type
address1 street number
address2 street name
city city
country country code Germany
zippostcode postal code
Test data generated
address1 463
address2 Fulton
city Hannover
country DE
zippostcode 30167
here 463 Fulton is US address
Thanks and regards
I have followed all your steps Im unable to launch Googlechrome from the docker
Traceback most recent call last
File testseleniumpy line 3 in
browser webdriverChrome
File usrlocallibpython38sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverchromewebdriverpy line 76 in __init__
File usrlocallibpython38sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 157 in __init__
selfstart_sessioncapabilities browser_profile
File usrlocallibpython38sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 252 in start_session
response selfexecuteCommandNEW_SESSION parameters
File usrlocallibpython38sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremotewebdriverpy line 321 in execute
File usrlocallibpython38sitepackagesseleniumwebdriverremoteerrorhandlerpy line 242 in check_response
raise exception_classmessage screen stacktrace
seleniumcommonexceptionsWebDriverException Message unknown error Chrome failed to start exited abnormally
unknown error DevToolsActivePort file doesnt exist
The process started from chrome location usrbingooglechrome is no longer running so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed,1
This issue might be because of the mismatch between your chrome driver and the chrome browser Please check the version of the chrome driver you are using and is it compatible with the chrome browser version you have Refer a href relnofollowhere afor more details
Hope this helps
Thanks for your replay
I have checked the Chrome and Chromedriver versions but both are in same versions
rooted04a2e7d150 googlechromestable version
Google Chrome 8003987122
rooted04a2e7d150 chromedriver version
ChromeDriver 8003987106 f68069574609230cf9b635cd784cfb1bf81bb53arefsbranchheads3987882
I have tried to launch the google chrome alone from the container But it was not launching and thrown the below error
rooted04a2e7d150 googlechromestable nosandbox
13627136270227062121563926ERRORbrowser_main_loopcc1512 Unable to open X display
rooted04a2e7d150 0227062121574513ERRORnacl_helper_linuxcc308 NaCl helper process running without a sandbox
Most likely you need to configure your SUID sandbox correctly
I have crosschecked the xvfb it already installs in the docker container
rooted04a2e7d150 aptget install y xvfb
Reading package lists Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information Done
xvfb is already the newest version 212041
0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded,1
If address is the only stopper then you can get the address details for the zip code using a href relnofollowGeoPy python packagea as shown below It will help to find the details of a given zip code So all you have to do is after you download your data just replace the address fields with the address you get from this code for that zip code
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Hope this helps ,1
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Im using windows 10 with intel core i7
I believe I shouldnt install nothing related to amd64 right
I tried to manually instal gevent and received this error msg
CUsersjovanDownloadspython m pip install gevent15a2cp38cp38win_amd64whl
ERROR gevent15a2cp38cp38win_amd64whl is not a supported wheel on this platform,1
I just confrmed my system type is x64 I believe that everything that I installed was donwloaded as x64 I cant understand why Im receiving this error
CUsersjovanDownloadspython m pip install gevent15a2cp38cp38win_amd64whl
ERROR gevent15a2cp38cp38win_amd64whl is not a supported wheel on this platform,1
I already downloaded visual studio and visual c build tools with visual studio
but Im still receiving this error
Microsoft Visual C 140 is required Get it with Microsoft Visual C Build Tools,1
Hey Sagun
You can try checking page for any openings that match your work experience,1
Shivakumar Have you executed below 2 commands before executing the script
export DISPLAY20
Xvfb 20 screen 0 1366x768x16 ,1
Can you try installing the previous version of gevent and see if you are able to install
gevent140cp37cp37mwin_amd64whl Or you can also try below steps
1 Create a new python 3 environment and activate it
2 Download the latest binary for gevent from the unofficial windows Binaries
3 python m pip install gevent15a2cp38cp38win_amd64whl
Hope this helps ,1
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right now Im able to work with Pythin 7 and locust 0145
but I can feel locust is not working fine to me
I think that locust executes autoupdate to this latest version when installed
I dont think that installing Python 3 will work better than its working now to me,1
I have executed the corresponding command as well but its not working and showing the same error link,1
Hi Can you try using a Virtual Environment and specifically try with Python 3 its been tested and worked with that Also you try pip install locust0145 to install a selected version,1
Hi can you try running without using the root user,1
The code is quite making sense to me However I find myself hardly to adapt this since I never expose to SSH setting up I followed up few tutorial set setting openssh_client and openssh_server for both linux laptop using same wifi But never make it works and very confused with some terminologies that should be used correctly
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Hey Rohini
Hope you doing good
I have done the same steps but not able to run the command it shows below error error unrecognized arguments Email_Pytest_Report
run below command
pytest Email_Pytest_Report Y htmlpytest_reporthtml selfcontainedhtml,1
This is not woking at my end getting below error
pytest error unrecognized arguments Email_Pytest_Report
Please have look and get back to me asap Irequest,1
Akhil have you tried with two hyphens codecode and the correct capitalization for the argument codeemail_pytest_reportcode So your option should look like this codeemail_pytest_reportcode,1
Akhil have you tried with two hyphens codecode and the correct capitalization for the argument codeemail_pytest_reportcode So your option should look like this codeemail_pytest_reportcode,1
pytest error unrecognized arguments email_pytest_report
inifile Usersakhgupta0DocumentsTAMMFrameworkGITTammAutomationGCuiautomationgcaui_testspytestini
rootdir Usersakhgupta0DocumentsTAMMFrameworkGITTammAutomationGCuiautomationgcaui_tests
It is throw above error I am not able to call the above method directly Please guide me for the missing steps,1
I would request please do update me for this issue It occured while we call the email_pytest_report in argument it is not able to recognize the command or not calling the method Kinldy ping me your id where i can connect with you Its seems minor issue but important
Thanks in advance ,0
It has limit of creating data for 100K records only Is there any other tool which can create data for 50lacs record,1
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Hi Akhil
could you please verify if the fixture called email_pytest_report exists in your conftestpy file Also run pytest h and see if email_pytest_report exists in the list,1
I am getting the following error while running the command with special character
TypeError can only concatenate str not bytes to str
Can you please help me in this,1
I am not sure how to implement this
Please do let me know what kind of changes are require in conftestpy file
Please do let me know your changes,1
Problem statement is we can not pass the file name in the command
If we call this method fixture So user can not send the html report because it can not exist It exist only when the execution is get completed,1
Akhil Do you have these two methods in conftestpy
def email_pytest_reportrequest
pytest fixture for device flag
return requestconfiggetoptionemail_pytest_report
def pytest_terminal_summaryterminalreporter exitstatus
add additional section in terminal summary reporting
if terminalreporterconfiggetoptionemail_pytest_reportlower y
Initialize the Email_Pytest_Report object
email_obj Email_Pytest_Report
Send html formatted email body message with pytest report as an attachment
email_objsend_test_report_emailhtml_body_flagTrueattachment_flagTruereport_file_path default
And have you added below option in the method pytest_addoption method
helpEmail pytest report Y or N
Hi so I followed every step But Jenkins is unable to find my test file I tried running the nostests command on my cmd then it runs properly But in Jenkins it is throwing an error saying the file does not exist Kindly help me what to do,1
Thanks for the Prompt responce code is compiled and run successfully But it is not sending email and not calling the pytest_terminal_summary fucntion Even i am not sure if it call how it will send to the report which generate after the execution of the test Do we have any method which send the report from cache
Please do confirm,1
Can you please verify
You are providing the correct path of your project in your command in Jenkins ie crosscheck Step 5 of the blog,1
Hey Akhil
Good to hear that code is working now About the emails not getting sent issue can you check if you have configured email_conf Refer step 1 of blog,1
I crosesed check all things are in place run throuh debugger but my below function is never executed Please do let me if i need to include any special to get them execute Also request please share the working copy of code So it run without flawless
def pytest_terminal_summaryterminalreporter exitstatus,1
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Any update on my comment Alsoplease allow to connect you through any channel so i can resolve this issue without any hassle,1
Any update on my comment Alsoplease allow to connect you through any channel so i can resolve this issue without any hassle
Please do let me know on this,1
I beleive there is no point to send an email if HTML file generated the after theexcution and take place and given location in command line
Please do update me if this is post havingh different understanding,1
Hi I want to automate secure crt login with mobile otp will it work can it handle the OTP pop up
Akhil We do not connect via nonpublic channels since we dont know under what NDAs and legal constraints you operate under In general we wont take private messages about anything technical Well help you on public channels like this but just so you know we work fulltime and attend to comments on the blog when we free up So the replies and approvals wont be regular,1
Hey Akhil
To send generated HTML file via email refer our util a href target_blank relnoopener nofollowherea You can directly run util just you need to modify import statement to point email config file
In case if you want auto email report after every run you need to add method pytest_terminal_summary under conftestpy file and inside that method you need call method to the sent email Look at here how we added method pytest_terminal_summary under contest a href relnofollowherea Akhil ignore the flags we are checking here look at Line 258 and 260 how we calling send email method You can also add the flags the way we added for more control
Note Method pytest_terminal_summary executed only after tests get existed I mean after the execution of selfdriverquit,1
Nice tutorials,1
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How do I install nose it shows syntax error when I try pip install nose
pip install nose
Traceback most recent call last
File bxpjenslave99shiningpandajobs0467e27dvirtualenvsd41d8cd9binpip line 7 in
from pip_internalclimain import main
File bxpjenslave99shiningpandajobs0467e27dvirtualenvsd41d8cd9libpython26sitepackagespip_internalclimainpy line 10 in
from pip_internalcliautocompletion import autocomplete
File bxpjenslave99shiningpandajobs0467e27dvirtualenvsd41d8cd9libpython26sitepackagespip_internalcliautocompletionpy line 9 in
from pip_internalclimain_parser import create_main_parser
File bxpjenslave99shiningpandajobs0467e27dvirtualenvsd41d8cd9libpython26sitepackagespip_internalclimain_parserpy line 7 in
from pip_internalcli import cmdoptions
File bxpjenslave99shiningpandajobs0467e27dvirtualenvsd41d8cd9libpython26sitepackagespip_internalclicmdoptionspy line 107
binary_only FormatControlset all
SyntaxError invalid syntax
Build step Virtualenv Builder marked build as failure,1
Which python version are you using ,1
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Hello there
Can you please tell me which file actually contains the actual code that defines the highlight feature
I followed the link in this file test_example_formpy and only found these two methods below that set the instance variable to True or False
def turn_on_highlightself
Highlight the elements being operated upon
selfhighlight_flag True
def turn_off_highlightself
Turn off the highlighting feature
selfhighlight_flag False,1
Hi Aziz
The Base_Pagepy under page_objects in our Qxf2pageobjectmodel contains all the methods related to the highlight feature
It is sufficient to turn on or off the feature by calling the methods turn_on_highlight OR turn_off_highlight accordingly in your test script to use this highlight feature
Hope this helps,1
How to pass custom fields via pytest automation and post in testrail
I have pyTest_TestRail plugin integrated with pyTest but automation test results are posted in test rail with status as Untested as Custom field Platform is missing
How can I pass this custom field,0
how to pass custom fields via pytest automation and post in testrail
I have puresttestrail plugin integrated with purest framework When I run automation tests to post in test rail the test results are posted with Untested as the test run status
This is because field Platform is not passed
How can I pass this custom field Platform via automation so that the tes trun status is updated correctly,0
how to pass custom fields via pytest automation and post in testrail
I have puresttestrail plugin integrated with purest framework When I run automation tests to post in test rail the test results are posted with Untested as the test run status
This is because field Platform is not passed
How can I pass this custom field Platform via automation so that the tes trun status is updated correctly,1
Thank you so much Preedhi Appreciate your help,1
Hello Avinash
I followed this tutorial and I worked perfectly However I cant find the app activity in the uiautomatorviewer How do you know that desired_capsappActivity activityMain
I was able to find that appPackage atpwtalive but I couldnt find the app Activity I would appreciate any help
Thanks in advise,1
Hi Javier
There are following ways to find appactivity
1 Using mCurrentFocus or mFocusedApp in Command Prompt
in the adb shell you can run dumpsys window windows grep E mCurrentFocus
In the output
appPackage starts with com and ends before backshash appActivity starts after the backslash and goes till the end
similary you can use below command as well
dumpsys window windows grep E mFocusedApp
2 Using APK Info app
APK Info is an app which you can download from Play Store and it will provide the appPackage and appActivity name of any app which is installed on your mobile device
You can also refer below document for more help
Hi Shilpa
I am not sure in case you are running your tests with xdist to run the tests If yes I found following stackoverflow article which can be helpful to you
Also I found an open issue on the pytesttestrail GitHub about the support of the custom field as a check would you please check if you add any custom field manually in the testrail then after execution the field values are displayed in the test run report Below is the github link
python 36,1
It shows SystemCPython26only this option drops in drop down in virtual builder but my code is written in python366,1
Although you have mentioned that you are using Python 366 from the log message you have shared it still looks like your pip install is still referring Python 26 libraries
To narrow down the problem would you please create a new virtual environment and try installing nose there
Also before installing nose I would request you to upgrade your pip as well
There is nose2 library available in case you want give it a try
You could add the Python 36 installation to the virtual builder by clicking on the Add Python button
However as a prerequisite ensure to configure Python installations ie navigate to Manage Jenkins Configure System Search for the Python Select Python Installations and configure it The Name is the name of the Python installation and Home or executable is the path to the root folder of the Python installation Hope this helps,1
Hey Mohit
What version of python you are using And can you try to encode your string which errors with your_stringencode,1
Dude you just made my day
hi there
How can I get the build to fail if the unit tests are failing,1
Whenever your tests are failed the build history will show that tests are failedThis will be marked as Red bubble in the console output The detail failure you can check in the console outputstep 7 from the article
I hope this helps
Rahul Bhave,1
from skpy import Skype
skype_obj Skypeusername password connect to Skype
skype_objchats Returns SkypeChats Not useful
skype_objchatsrecent aha This was useful
Hey bro
I did as u mentioned but I cant get the channel ID,1
Hi Khaibar
Please check that you are passing the correct Username and Password to connect skype Also please ensure that Username has access to that channel The below link may also help you to verify the ID manually once you retrieve it with the code snippet Using manual verification you can also ensure that the ID you have received through your code
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doesnt work
1 if lenBrowserget_driverfind_elements_by_xpathlocator 1
we can have 1 element with several default locator
Exception when trying to generate xpath forinput
Python sayssequence item 0 expected str instance bytes found,1
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How to add data from my dataset to one of the feilds that I am creating in Mockaroo,1
Can you elaborate more on what you are trying to do Mockaroo is a tool for generating realistic test data and you already have some dataset,1
Hi Dmitry
Thanks for pointing out The code was written in python2 the issue you hit as type conversion did not happen correctly Python 2 does these types of conversions implicitly hence this was not noticed We will fix the issue and inform you once the code is available in the framework
You can get more details about this at below
I need small help on PDF comparison,1
Hi adit
Can you please elaborate on what and how you are looking for
We have a blog that compares PDF using python You can find this here
I hope this helps
Rajkumar M,1
hello i have a list of 400 pdf files which contains text and images i want to extract only text and id of each pdf file which is mentioned in the pdf and and want out put in excel form which shows only two columns one of id and second of description which is the whole text in the pdf file if you could help me finding code in python it would be great help for me
thank you ,1
I appreciate this post Thank you so much One thing more though I configured mine to trigger after a PR merge Is there a way I can extract the destination branch and use it on the Jenkins job Thanks,1
Very useful thank you,0
very helpful
I just tried to implement the server side with Paramiko supporting sftp and exec_comands but only the sftp parting is running
the code fragment
Interesting post Can you please let me know some ready made tools to test the Web Socket URL like POSTMAN for Rest
thank you for the helpful example
I look for implementing the server side of Paramiko supporting sftp and exec_command for clients
an example with the runing sftp part is working but Ive no glue how to add exce_command functionality
Ideas Any help is welcome
Hi Rowe
I hope you can find a solution for your question in this link
Thank you,1
I think you can use a href relnofollowgosandya or a href relnofollowWebSocket Test Clienta
Hope it helps you,1
Awesome list You can add ReqBin API testing and prototyping tool less known but no less efficient official website,0
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Hi Can we Automate speech to text and text to speech using the aboveIf yes can you elaborate a little ,1
Thank you for suggestion We will look into this
Hi Sreenath
Would you please provide more details about your query
this can response for google forms,1
Thank you avinash,1
Hi Richard
Right now this script generates Xpaths for input and button tags only If the google form has input and button tags in it the script generates the XPath for those tags,1
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Hi Indira
I have used the PythonMagicwhl from the url given by you I have installed wheel via pip and when I am installing PythonMagic via pip by going on the path where PythonMagicwhl files is downloaded In CLI it is giving me below error
ERROR PythonMagick0919cp38cp38win32whl is not a supported wheel on this platform,1
Hi Swati
Can you please share the exact command that you used to install PythonMagick,1
Hi Swati
Please check if this link helps you to solve the issue
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God bless you Vrushali this post literally saved my life
I was able to send Enter through script now
Also when can we expect something more from you with python
Im truly enjoying all of your blog posts hereplease continue to contribute and share knowlegde,1
I am using SeleniumBasic with VBA for Microsoft Access and have asked this question and cant get an answer anywhere
Can someone please help me reconnect in vba to an existing selenium webdrover session I figured out how to get the sessionID the driver IP and the driverInfo but cant quite figure out the VBA syntax
Hi Andrew
we majorly use Python with Selenium and the blog details about reusing the browser session with Python We are unable to extend support in VBA SeleniumBasic which is your case You could refer to and see if you could implement the logic in your language base,1
This content is welldetailed and easy to understand Thank you for creating a good content
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So Ive been able to get this to work and generate an email response Yet when I run my tests with pytestxdist Im sent multiple emails instead of one Ive been trying to figure out where the problem arises but I cant seem to figure out why even though Ive sent this through a debugger and still only have the process running once,1
Hey Ive been able to get this process working but when I run my tests with pytestxdist I run into a problem where the report is emailed multiple times the results only display once when I see this being emailed Is there some method to only send this off once with running in xdist,1
Thanks Logan and Eric for reporting this issue We will try to get a fix for this issue soon and update you,1
Hello how are you I am in search of learning about python pytests and your post was very helpful but for now I am having problems because there is an error in the realization of json when making the call of pytest m my_market reportportal
Do you have an email that we can talk to better and maybe you can support me with any suggested solutions grateful hugs,1
Hi Matheus
Nice to know our posts helped you Can you give more details on the error you are getting My id is avinashqxf2com,1
Hi thanks I sent you an email with error logs and scripts created for testing and configuration Hugs,1
Hi Can someone help me to satisfy below requirement
Wanna to extract individual table values from PDF Later the valuescontains both string integer can be compared with some conditions if the condition satisfied the pdf files will be moved to another folder else the pdf should be discarded,1
Hi Madhan
The pdf content can be extracted via two ways either using PyPDF2 PDFTables or using PDFMiner which are explained in this blog I hope the blog is very clear in explaining how to extract data from the pdf file After extracting the content you can complete your requirement by comparing and moving the files 
Hope this helps,1
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토토사이트검증 토토 먹튀 검증 저희 먹튀커머스 는 2016년 5월 부터 지금까지 먹튀커머스 를 믿고 방문 해주시는 유저 분들을 위해 더이상 먹튀 없는 공정한 배팅 문화 를 만들기 위해서 항상 노력하고 유저분들에 소리에 귀를 기울리는 NO1 먹튀검증 커뮤니티 입니다 또한 먹튀커머스 에서는 무분별한 배팅사이트 들을 일방적으로 추천 하지 않고 철저한 검수 작업을 토대로 사전에 먹튀 사고가 발생 안되게끔 유저 분들 에게 추천하는 만큼 저희측에 등록 되어 있는 배팅사이트 내에서 혹여 먹튀가 발생 한다면 오로지 그책임은 저희 먹튀커머스 에 있음을 알려 드립니다 a href relnofollow먹튀 검증a,0
Thanks Rohan That was such a smooth sailing Usually in the coarse of downloading any software or a exe file and completing the set up we encounter many issues and this post of yours let us finish the task in a wink of an eye,1
Fantastic and thanks for sharing Do you know if there is a way to exclude certain directory from checkout,1
Hi thanks for your comment If youd like to exclude a certain directory from within the sparse checkout directory you can ssh into the Jenkins serverwhere your repository is getting cloned Navigate to the cloned repo then vi gitinfosparsecheckout Here in this file you can add the directory that you would like to exclude
Now in the above example all the files and subdirectories under the survey folder will be cloned except the survey_db folder
Or if that doesnt work you could try adding the directory to exclude in gitinfoexclude
If that doesnt help either you could use the following command to not keep track of the folder in future checkouts
git updateindex assumeunchanged folder_name
Hi Indira This is a really great article Would you have any interest in writing more about Liquibase Feel free to email me at carolineliquibaseorg if you would like to help our community,1
Order of group by is wrong as we can use alias in the group by section
select first_name as first last_name email from emp group by first
This query is working fine
how so according to your post,1
Thanks for sharing this Just in case someone else stumbles upon your post here is how I did it finally
widths Gget_edge_datavezaweight for veza in Gedges
nxdraw_networkx_edgesG pospos widthwidths alpha025 edge_cmappltcmviridis edge_colorrangeGnumber_of_edges
Hi Vikas
Your questionquery is not clear enough Can you add some more details of what you are trying to do,1
When i am trying to execute i am getting the below error Can you please help me solve it
python pdf_files_comparisionspy f1 UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Prepdf f2 UDatagapsimage_Differe
About to call convert on UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Prepdf
Invalid Parameter UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Prejpg
Convert exception could be an ImageMagick bug
Finished calling convert on UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Prepdf
Total of 0 jpgs produced after converting the pdf file UDatagapsimage_Differ
About to call convert on UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Postpdf
Invalid Parameter UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Postjpg
Convert exception could be an ImageMagick bug
Finished calling convert on UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Postpdf
Total of 0 jpgs produced after converting the pdf file UDatagapsimage_Differ
diff_images directory created
Total pages in pdf2 0
Total pages in pdf1 0
Check FAILED There are an unequal number of jpgs created from the pdf generated
from pdf2 and pdf1
Total pages in image2 0
Total pages in image1 0
ERROR Skipping image comparison between UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrel
lis1_Prepdf and UDatagapsimage_DifferencespdfsTrellis1_Postpdf
Cleaning up all the intermediate jpg files created when comparing the pdf
Nuking the temporary image_diff directory
Traceback most recent call last
File pdf_files_comparisionspy line 150 in
result_flag test_objget_pdf_diff
File pdf_files_comparisionspy line 138 in get_pdf_diff
return result_flag
UnboundLocalError local variable result_flag referenced before assignment,1
This is a great work I wish it was in Python 3 Do you by any chance have the Python 3 version of this,1
Hi Ramesh
I think the problem here is ImageMagick has failed to convert the PDF into the JPEG fileYou can refer below the line from the error log you have given
Convert exception could be an ImageMagick bug
Once this issue is resolved you may be able to proceed with codeI would suggest you to check the ImageMagick site for similar problems and their solutions One such thread I noticed is as below
Also you can also try with different ImageMagick version to check if the problem persists there as well
Hi Mahshid
We do not have Python 3 version of this program
It is very good script to pick the zxpath elements,1
I need to automate websocket APIs TLS Protocolusing Java or Java Springboot
Thanks a lot for your help
Hi Sravanti can you please help me in step 5 7 I am trying to run this on my local If I do not add env key value and skip step 7 I am not getting RUN button on my feature file I manually added step file Also please let me know if you have a above info in a video on your YouTube channel if you have It would be really helpful for my project ThanksHarshad,1
test comment as my previous comment did not appear,0
Hi Harshad
Can you try adding the local path of your directory in the env value and check
We do not have any youtube video to suggest,1
Hi Kumar
Can you check following link hope it helps you out a href relnofollowAutomated tests for spring boot WebSocket server a,1
This is very good code and I am using thiss code to my manual testers who struggle to get the XPATH from web page Thanks Indira,1
Very interesting to read this articleI would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article This article inspired me to read more keep it up
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Currently we i try this i get the result as below Eventhough it is passing the results are not reflected in the report portal dashboard i was using the demo version Launch itself not reflected on the report portalio I have tried suppressing warnings as well In that case the test cases pass but still the result is not sent to the report portal dashboard including the launch Any help on this is well appreciated
pytest testsmarkerspy reportportal
test session starts
platform win32 Python 365 pytest611 py190 pluggy0131
rootdir DReportPortal configfile pytestini
plugins reportportal505
collected 2 items
testsmarkerspy 100
warnings summary
dpythonlibsitepackages_pytestconfig__init__py1230 PytestConfigWarning Unknown config option rpendpoint
self_warn_or_fail_if_strictUnknown config option nformatkey
dpythonlibsitepackages_pytestconfig__init__py1230 PytestConfigWarning Unknown config option rplaunch
self_warn_or_fail_if_strictUnknown config option nformatkey
dpythonlibsitepackages_pytestconfig__init__py1230 PytestConfigWarning Unknown config option rpproject
self_warn_or_fail_if_strictUnknown config option nformatkey
dpythonlibsitepackages_pytestconfig__init__py1230 PytestConfigWarning Unknown config option rpuuid
self_warn_or_fail_if_strictUnknown config option nformatkey
DReportPortaltestsmarkerspy3 PytestUnknownMarkWarning Unknown pytestmarkgui_test is this a typo You can register custom marks to avoid this warning for details see
DReportPortaltestsmarkerspy8 PytestUnknownMarkWarning Unknown pytestmarkapi_test is this a typo You can register custom marks to avoid this warning for details see
2 passed 6 warnings in 007s,1
Hi Thangam
Based on the error message you have shared I think you have not configured the Reportportal details such as rp_uuid rp_endpoint correctly I think you have given details such as rpuuid rpendpoint in your pytestini file You can refer to the blog as well below the documentation link for correcting your pytestini file
Also there are two PytestUnknowMarkUp warning you may refer to the below link to fix those as well
I hope this helps you
Hi Rahul Thanks The warnings went off when i downgraded pytest to version 5 The tests passes but still the launch is not appearing in the report portal I am using the demo version,1
The issue got resolved it was due to the token change in report portal for the demo version,1
Hi Thangam
Good to know your issue got resolved
Very buggy tool Tried it several times with no stable results,1
Hello can you provide some examples for testing with FastAPI when we have to have authenticated user to collect data from the database,1
With the limited information provided I would suggest you use a strongpytest fixturestrong here is an example of how to do it,1
Thank you but I need to write tests for accessing database PostgreSQL with a user that needs to be authenticated with a JWT token I do not know how to write fixture for this kind of user For example I need a test for accessing endpoint language_schoollanguage_test that only logged in user can access this endpoint otherwise to get 401,1
We have automated a similar scenario in one of our apps but without FastAPI and pytest we had used a decorator
The strongrequires_authstrong decorator validates authorization for API endpoints You may find it useful,1
Hi Could you please help with the compatible versions of python ImageMagick GhostScript to run this code on Windows 64bit machine Bear with me as new to python,1
thanks for the helpful example about paramiko module
Im trying to create multiple ssh sessions using multi threading but not successful
can you please suggest How to create multiple ssh sessions two ssh sessions with same host and run different commands through ssh First ssh conncetion to be closed after second one is closing
Can you help me out on this,1
Based on the pixels of the image you can select ImageMagick from And GhostScript can be downloaded from
Regarding the Python version the blog was written with python27 but it would work fine with newer versions of python too
It is not very clear from your comment whether you are trying to make changes to the code mentioned in the blog if not you can try the following thread
This talks about making multiple ssh connections at a time using Paramiko,1
I was mining for some data on KEYWORD and was starstuck to your blog
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Can you add a paragraph to give us an idea as to why this tool is better than the one with similar feature built into the browser,1
Which other specific tool are you talking about We found HTTP watch simple to use and also with beautiful summary logs,1
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