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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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If you dont have a python env setup yet, follow the instructions in

Installing django

Setting up django for a new project

Installing django

Once your python env is setup: pip install Django==1.8.2

Create a new porject startproject <name> This creates the following file structure

└── new_django

Run python runserver. You should see Starting development server at

Configure Django Env (Dev, Production, Staging maybe Testing later)

The dev, production or staging env differ from each other. Mainly they differ in 2 aspects

  • required packages (production might need a different web server)
  • settings (db connections, external services API keys)

Required packages pip can install packages from a requirements.txt. Create requirements.txt in the root directory (new_django... the outer one) and add Django to it


pip install -r requirements.txt will verify and install all the dependencies. Now that we have a requirements.txt we need to split it up so we can have requirements for each envirnoment

$ mkdir requirements
$ touch requirements/{development.txt,production.txt}
$ mv requirements.txt requirements/base.txt

Let ".txt" files inherit from "base.txt"

$ cd requirements
$ echo "-r base.txt" | tee -a development.txt production.txt
$ cd ..

Now you can add env specific requirement into their respective files and run pip

$ pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Your directory structure after this step will look like:

├── new_django
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── requirements
    ├── base.txt
    ├── development.txt
    ├── production.txt

Time to split up the
$ mkdir new_django/settings

This folder will contain:

  • file to make this folder a Python package
  • will contain all the settings that are common in all environments. The other setting files inherit from this one.
  • is for local development.
  • will be used in the production environment. Let’s create these files, all inside the new_django/settings folder:
$ cd new_django/settings
$ touch

And edit each of them to make them inherit from the file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .base import *

And finally, we have to move and rename the file created by Django, to be our file inside the settings folder. Working inside the settings folder, you have to type:

$ mv ../

The folder structure after this step should be:

├── new_django
│   ├──
│   ├── settings
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── requirements
    ├── base.txt
    ├── development.txt
    ├── production.txt

Since we have moved the default setting module, we need to tell django where to find the new setting module through a ENV variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. We can set this in the virtual env that we have created. We need to create a virtual env for each django env we want to support. In this example one for development (already present) and one for production.

With virtualenvwrapper, there is a way to configure different hooks that are sourced before or after activating the virtual environment, and before or after deactivating it. This means that we can define a set of statements that will be run at different stages of the virtual environment lifecycle. These hooks are saved inside the bin folder inside the virtual environment folder, and their names are preactivate, postactivate, predeactivate and postdeactivate.

In our case, we will set a postactivate script that will set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable just after activating the virtual environment, and a predeactivate that will clean it up before deactivating it. Assuming you have already created the dev virtual env (else run mkvirtualenv new_django_dev)

$ workon new_django_dev 
$ cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin

The last command will take you to the virtual environment folder, where the different hooks reside. Edit the postactivate file by adding:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="new_django.settings.development"

and edit the predeactivate file by adding:


Do the same with the production environment, with the only change:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="taskbuster.settings.production"

It’s time to check! Go back to the root folder and activate your development environment. Next, run:

 python runserver

and in the output displayed you should see a line indicating that you are using the new_django.developmentsettings file, something like:

Django version 1.8, using settings 'new_django.settings.development'

Now that we have different virtual env working, we can move the config DEBUG from DEBUG must be set to Flase in production. Add DEBUG = True in and DEBUG = False in Remove DEBUG = True from

If you open the file new_django/settings/ you will see a variable named SECRET_KEY . This variable should be kept secret, and therefore out of version control.

One option would be to add the file into the .gitignore file, that is, remove it from the version control. However, during project development this file suffers many changes, and it’s quite useful to have it in version control, specially if you want to share it with your coworkers. Therefore, a better approach is to remove the secret key variable and import it from somewhere else. And this somewhere else is the one that should remain out of version control.

The approach we will follow here is to put the secret key inside our virtual environment configuration, and get the key from the environment by importing it in the file.

To include the secret key inside the virtual environment we will also work with the virtualenvwrapper’s postactivate and a predeactivate hooks.

Activate your new_django_dev environment and go to its bin folder using the shortcut

$ cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin

If you type ls you will see that it contains the files we just described. Edit the postactivate file and add the secret key line

export SECRET_KEY="your_secret_django_key"

Note: don’t put any spaces around the = sign. Next edit the predeactivate file and add the line:


This way, if you type:

$ workon new_django_dev
$ echo $SECRET_KEY
$ deactivate
$ echo $SECRET_KEY

Where the last line indicates that there is no output. This means that the variable SECRET_KEY is only visible when working in this virtual environment, as we wanted.

Repeat the same process for the new_django_production virtual environment. And finally, edit the file, remove the SECRET_KEY and add the following lines:

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
def get_env_variable(var_name):
        return os.environ[var_name]
    except KeyError:
        error_msg = "Set the %s environment variable" % var_name
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(error_msg)
SECRET_KEY = get_env_variable('SECRET_KEY')

The function get_env_variable tries to get the variable var_name from the environment, and if it doesn’t find it, it raises an ImproperlyConfigured error. This way, when you try to run your app and the SECRET_KEY variable is not found, we will be able to see a message indicating why our project fails.

Let’s check that it all works as expected. Save the, deactivate both environments and activate them again, in different terminal tabs. Run the development server in the new_django_dev environment

$ python runserver
Install Postgres and Configure Django to use it

Follow instructions here:

Install python verson manager

Install a python version manager: pyenv

Install python

pyenv install 3.4.3 User the installed python: pyenv local 3.4.3. This will create a .python-version in the current directory. Chunk this into your git repo so everyone in the team uses the same python version. You can also set the python version gobally using pyenv global 3.4.3

Install python virtualenv creator/manager

pyenv-virtualenvwrapper. This is based on which helps in creating virtualenv (dev, testing) for your application. Once pyenv-virtualwrapper is installed, add the following lines to you bash_profile or zshrc

if which pyenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init -)"; fi
pyenv virtualenvwrapper

Open a new shell window or source ~/.zshrc in your currently open shell.

Create and set virtualenv

Create: mkvirtualenv <name>
Set: workon <name>

Install pip

Follow instructions here:

Run pip

Run pip only after setting the virtualenv. All the requirements will only be installed in the set virtual env pip install -r requirements.txt

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