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Created April 2, 2009 14:57
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<p class="legal">Jew for Me does not conduct background checks and cannot be held responsible for any content or information posted by users.</p>
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<h1>Jew for Me is 100% free Jewish dating.</h1>
<p><b>Meeting Jewish singles is now free, easy, and fun for everyone.</b>
We give you the features you need to start chatting, and then get out of your way.</p>
<p>It's free and fun. Why wait?</p>
<%= link_to image_tag("/images/layout/signup-button.png", {:alt => "Sign Up", :align => "absmiddle", :height => 47, :width => 179, :border => 0}), signup_path, :title => "Sign up for free" -%>
<span>or <%= link_to "log in", login_path -%></span>
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<div id="home-matches" class="grid_16">
<h2 class="matches">Meet some of our newest members</h2>
<%= render :partial => 'new_users' %>
<div class="grid_16 pagination">
<%= link_to "Men &raquo;", users_path(:user => {:sex => 'M'}) %> <%= link_to "Women &raquo;", users_path(:user => {:sex => 'F'}) %>
</div><!-- end home-matches -->
Processing HomeController#index (for at 2009-04-02 12:05:35) [GET]
Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"home"}
Rendering template within layouts/application
Rendering home/index
[paperclip] Paperclip attachment photo on User initialized.
[paperclip] Paperclip attachment photo on User initialized.
[paperclip] Paperclip attachment photo on User initialized.
[paperclip] Paperclip attachment photo on User initialized.
[paperclip] Paperclip attachment photo on User initialized.
[paperclip] Paperclip attachment photo on User initialized.
Completed in 4585ms (View: 4197, DB: 66) | 200 OK []
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