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Created July 22, 2021 13:30
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auto-resizing textareas in Stimulus 1.2
/* example use
<%= form.text_area :notes,
cols: "auto",
rows: "1",
placeholder: "+ thoughts",
data: {
controller: "autorow",
action: "input->autorow#handleInput",
target: "autorow.textarea",
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [
initialize() {
// TODO read from markup, ideally via Stimulus 2 Values API
this.charsInLine = 30
this.maxRows = 10
handleInput() {
// console.debug(`should have at least ${this.calcRows()} rows`)
this.textareaTarget.setAttribute("rows", this.calcRows())
calcRows() {
// why? either input lines or line breaks can make more rows
const allRows = Math.max(this.countLines(), 1 + this.countLineBreaks())
// why? don't make too many rows
return (allRows > this.maxRows) ? this.maxRows : allRows
countLines() {
if (!this.hasTextareaTarget) {
return 1
const currentLength = this.textareaTarget.value.length
// why? round up if approaching next line
const lines = Math.ceil(currentLength / this.charsInLine)
// why? never less than 1 line
return (lines < 1) ? 1 : lines
countLineBreaks() {
if (!this.hasTextareaTarget) {
return 0
const lineBreaks = /\n/g
const matches = this.textareaTarget.value.match(lineBreaks)
return (matches) ? matches.length : 0
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