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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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initialization <- function(dims, N, low, up) {
data <- runif(N * dims, low, up)
matrix(data, nrow=N)
zeros <- function(N, dims) {
matrix(rep(0, dims * N), nrow=N)
ones <- function(N, dims) {
matrix(rep(1, dims * N), nrow=N)
space.bound <- function(X, low, up) {
size = dim(X)
N = size[1]
dims = size[2]
for(i in 1:N) {
if (!all(X[i,] >= low & X[i,] <= up)) X[i,] <- runif(dims, low, up)
move <- function(X, a, V) {
size = dim(X)
N = size[1]
dims = size[2]
V = matrix(data=runif(dims*N), nrow=N, ncol=dims) * (V + a)
X = X + V
return(list(X=X, V=V))
mass.calculation <- function(fit, minflag) {
N = length(fit)
Fmax = max(fit)
Fmin = min(fit)
if (Fmax == Fmin) {
M = ones(N, 1)
} else {
# minimization
if (minflag) {
best = Fmin
worst = Fmax
} else {
# maximization
best = Fmax
worst = Fmin
M = (fit - worst) / (best - worst)
M / sum(M)
Gconstant <- function(iteration, maxit) {
alpha = 20
G0 = 100
G0 * exp(-alpha * iteration/maxit)
Gfield <- function(M, X, G, Rnorm, Rpower, ElitistCheck, iteration, maxit) {
size = dim(X)
N = size[1]
dims = size[2]
finalper = 2 # In Xthe last iteration, only 2 percent of agents apply force to the others.
# Total force calculation
if (ElitistCheck) {
kbest = finalper + (1 - iteration/maxit) * (100 - finalper)
kbest = ceiling(N * kbest/100)
} else {
kbest = N
Ms = sort(M, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
E = matrix(nrow=N, ncol=dims)
for (i in 1:N) {
E[i,] = zeros(1,dims)
for (ii in 1:kbest) {
j = Ms$ix[ii]
if (j != i) {
R = dist(rbind(X[i,],X[j,]))
for (k in 1:dims) {
E[i,k] = E[i,k] + runif(1) * M[j] * (X[j,][k] - X[i,][k]) / (R^Rpower + 0.001)
# Acceleration
a = E * G
GSA <- function(f, N, dims, maxit, low, up, ElitistCheck, minflag=TRUE, Rpower) {
Rnorm = 2
X = initialization(dims, N, low, up)
V = zeros(N, dims)
for (iteration in 1:maxit) {
X <- space.bound(X, low, up)
fitness = apply(X, 1, f)
if (minflag) {
# minimization
best = min(fitness)
} else {
# maximization
best = max(fitness)
bestX = which(fitness == best)
if (iteration == 1) {
Fbest = best
Lbest = X[bestX,]
if (minflag == 1) {
# minimization
if (best < Fbest) {
Fbest = best;
Lbest = X[bestX,]
# maximization
if (best > Fbest) {
Fbest = best;
Lbest = X[bestX,]
# Calculation of masses
M = mass.calculation(fitness, minflag)
# Calculation of Gravitational constant
G = Gconstant(iteration, maxit)
# Calculation of acceleration in gravitational field
a = Gfield(M, X, G, Rnorm, Rpower, ElitistCheck, iteration, maxit)
res = move(X, a, V)
X = res$X
V = res$V
return(list(X=Lbest, Fbest=Fbest))
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