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Created July 16, 2011 11:16
Script to batch-add items defined in a CSV file to Zotero
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# We'll use the pyzotero project for server access
# See
from pyzotero import zotero
import sys
# Python's built-in CSV support is pretty nice
# See
import csv
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Connect to Zotero server
# You'll need to replace the first number with your user ID number
# and the XXXXX with an API key with write access to your library.
server = zotero.Zotero('5770', 'XXXXX')
# Connect to datafile
# Set the source CSV datafile here
csvfile = open("/home/ajlyon/Desktop/in.csv", "rb")
# Python can try to guess the delimiters and such. Cool!
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
# We could have used a csv.DictReader to get a Python dict
# from the input, but I didn't use one here.
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
items = []
sitems = []
for item in reader:
# My input has the type in the seventh column (0-based indexing)
# I need to set the corresponding Zotero type
# For types and the fields they support, see Frank Bennett's guide
# to types and fields:
if item[6] == "письмо":
itemtype = "letter"
elif item[6] == "рукопись":
itemtype = "manuscript"
elif item[6] == "статья":
itemtype = "journalArticle"
elif item[6] == "биографический документ":
itemype = "manuscript"
elif item[6] == "документы общественной деятельности":
itemtype = "manuscript"
# This is mainly because I have a header line I want to omit
# We could set a fallback type instead, or I could have parsed
# out the header using csv.DictReader
print "Skipping %s with type %s" % (item[0], item[6])
print "%s is a %s" % (item[0], itemtype)
# pyzotero grabs the template dict from the server
zitem = server.item_template(itemtype)
# And we start setting the item fields
zitem['archive'] = "НА РТ"
# We can do basic manipulation
zitem['archiveLocation'] = "ф. Р-2461, оп. 1 д. %s" % (item[0])
zitem['title'] = item[1]
zitem['date'] = item[2]
zitem['language'] = item[5]
# This is a thorny bit-- if you set any illegal fields, the request
# will fail. So make sure you use fields that exist on the types you
# are sending!
if item[3]:
if itemtype == "manuscript":
zitem['numPages'] = "%s л." % (item[3])
elif itemtype == "journalArticle":
zitem['extra'] = "%s л." % (item[3])
elif itemtype == "letter":
zitem['extra'] = "%s л." % (item[3])
if itemtype == "manuscript":
zitem['manuscriptType'] = item[6]
# Do nothing for letters and articles
print "Item %s prepared" % (zitem['title'])
# Before saving, check that the item keys are legal
# This will throw KeyError if the keys are bad
except AttributeError:
# The check_items method appeared in 1187a40efe71ce42117c
print "Not checking for bad keys. Upgrade to the latest pyzotero!"
# The server API takes only 50 items at a time
while items:
result = server.create_items(items[:50])
del items[:50]
# We also want to put them in a specific collection
# The easy way to find a collection ID is to view the
# collection online and get it from the URL
if server.addto_collection("HZ7RRUBC",result):
print 'Items added to collection'
for res in result:
# We print some output for good measure
# This output includes the item key, which could be used to
# fetch the items again for more processing
print 'Loc.: %s | Title: %s (%s)' % (res['archiveLocation'], res['title'], res['key'])
# If you want to delete the items, or do anything else with them, you could do that here
for sitem in sitems:
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