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Last active May 13, 2019 14:01
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import json
import string
from math import log, sqrt
from collections import defaultdict
def tokenize_field(field):
string_field = str(field).lower()
no_punctuation_field = string_field.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
return list(filter(None, no_punctuation_field.split()))
def inverse_doc_freq(doc_count, inverted_index, term):
# query term might not exist in corpus
if inverted_index.get(term):
return log( doc_count / len( inverted_index[term] ) + 1 ) + 1
return 0
def get_vector_norm(vector):
return sqrt(sum([value['score']**2 for key, value in vector.items()]))
def get_query_vector(doc_count, inverted_index, tokenized_query):
#TODO add field boosting
query_vector = dict()
for term in tokenized_query:
idf = inverse_doc_freq(doc_count, inverted_index, term)
query_vector[term] = {'score': idf}
return query_vector
def get_doc_with_weights(doc, doc_count, inverted_index, use_field_norms):
term_weights_in_docs = dict()
for field_name, field in doc.items():
term_weights_in_docs[field_name] = {}
field_length = len(str(field))
field_norm = 1/sqrt(field_length)
terms = tokenize_field(field)
for term in set(terms):
tf = sqrt(terms.count(term))
idf = inverse_doc_freq(doc_count, inverted_index, term)
if use_field_norms:
weight = tf * idf * field_norm
weight = tf * idf
term_weights_in_docs[field_name][term] = weight
return term_weights_in_docs
def get_doc_vectors(docs, doc_count, inverted_index, tokenized_query):
doc_vectors = dict()
for doc_idx, doc in docs.items():
doc_term_scores = dict()
for field_name, terms in doc['weights'].items():
for term, score in terms.items():
if term in tokenized_query:
if score > doc_term_scores.get(term, {}).get('score', 0):
field_text = doc['doc'][field_name]
term_score = {'field_name': field_name, 'field_text': field_text,'score': score}
doc_term_scores[term] = term_score
if doc_term_scores:
doc_vectors[doc_idx] = doc_term_scores
return doc_vectors
def get_ranking_list(docs, num_terms_in_query, query_vector, doc_vectors, num_results):
ranking_list = []
query_vector_norm = get_vector_norm(query_vector)
for doc_idx, doc_vector in doc_vectors.items():
dot_product = 0
matching_terms = 0
for query_term, query_score in query_vector.items():
if query_term in doc_vector:
dot_product += query_score['score'] * doc_vector[query_term]['score']
matching_terms += 1
# coord
dot_product = dot_product * ( matching_terms / num_terms_in_query )
doc_vector_norm = get_vector_norm(doc_vector)
dot_product = dot_product / (query_vector_norm * doc_vector_norm)
field_matches = dict()
terms = []
for key, value in doc_vector.items():
field_matches[value['field_name']] = value['field_text']
terms = [term for term in doc_vector.keys()]
'doc_idx': doc_idx,
'ranking': round(dot_product, 4),
'field_matches': field_matches,
'terms': ', '.join(terms),
ranking_list = sorted(ranking_list, key=lambda x: x['ranking'], reverse=True)
if num_results:
return ranking_list[:num_results]
return ranking_list
class SearchEngine:
def __init__(self, docs, use_field_norms=False):
self.use_field_norms = use_field_norms
self.doc_count = len(docs)
def create_inverted_index(self, docs):
inverted_index = defaultdict(set)
for idx, doc in enumerate(docs):
for field_name, field in doc.items():
for term in set(tokenize_field(field)):
self.inverted_index = inverted_index
def index_documents(self, docs):
doc_index = dict()
for idx, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_index[idx] = {
'doc': doc,
'weights': get_doc_with_weights(
} = doc_index
def query(self, phrase, num_results=10):
self.phrase = phrase
tokenized_query = set(tokenize_field(phrase))
num_terms_in_query = len(tokenized_query)
self.query_vector = get_query_vector(self.doc_count, self.inverted_index, tokenized_query)
self.doc_vectors = get_doc_vectors(, self.doc_count, self.inverted_index, tokenized_query)
self.ranking_list = get_ranking_list(, num_terms_in_query, self.query_vector, self.doc_vectors, num_results)
def print(self):
print('Query: ' + self.phrase)
print('Search Results')
print('{0:<7} {1:<7} {2:<5} {3:<30}'.format('Ranking', 'Score', 'Idx', 'Terms'))
for idx, doc in enumerate(self.ranking_list):
ranking_positition = idx + 1
print('{0:<7} {1:<7} {2:<5} {3:<30}'.format(ranking_positition, doc['ranking'], doc['doc_idx'], doc['terms']))
field_matches = '.\n'.join(['{} - {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in doc['field_matches'].items()])
products = json.load( open('movies.json') )
search_engine = SearchEngine(docs=products, use_field_norms=False)
query = search_engine.query("alligator dual time moon men's rose gold silver phase", num_results=10)
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