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Created May 17, 2018 19:21
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from urllib.request import urlopen
import urllib.parse
import simplejson
def gallery_items(current_query):
solr_tuples = [
# text in search box
('q', "mens shirt gap"),
# how many products do I want to return
('rows', current_query['rows_per_page']),
# offset for pagination
('start', current_query['start_row'] * current_query['rows_per_page']),
# example of a default sort,
# for search phrase leave blank to allow
# for relevancy score sorting
('sort', 'price asc, popularity desc'),
# which fields do I want returned
('fl', 'product_title, price, code, image_file'),
# enable facets and facet.pivots
('facet', 'on'),
# allow for unlimited amount of facets in results
('facet.limit', '-1'),
# a facet has to have at least one
# product in it to be a valid facet
('facet.mincount', '1'),
# regular facets
('facet.fields', ['gender', 'style', 'material']),
# nested facets
('facet.pivot', 'brand,collection'),
# edismax is Solr's multifield phrase parser
('defType', 'edismax'),
# fields to be queried
# copyall: all facets of a product with basic stemming
# copyallphonetic: phonetic spelling of facets
('qf', 'copyall copyallphonetic'),
# give me results that match most fields
# in qf [copyall, copyallphonetic]
('tie', '1.0'),
# format response as JSON
('wt', 'json')
solr_url = 'http://localhost:<port>/solr/<core>/select?'
# enocde for URL format
encoded_solr_tuples = urllib.parse.urlencode(solr_tuples)
complete_url = solr_url + encoded_solr_tuples
connection = urlopen(complete_url)
raw_response = simplejson.load(connection)
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