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Last active November 27, 2021 14:47
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# importing libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import gensim
from gsdmm import MovieGroupProcess
# cast tweets to numpy array
docs = df.tweet_text.to_numpy()
# create dictionary of all words in all documents
dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(docs)
# filter extreme cases out of dictionary
dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=15, no_above=0.5, keep_n=100000)
# create variable containing length of dictionary/vocab
vocab_length = len(dictionary)
# create BOW dictionary
bow_corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in docs]
# initialize GSDMM
gsdmm = MovieGroupProcess(K=15, alpha=0.1, beta=0.3, n_iters=15)
# fit GSDMM model
y =, vocab_length)
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