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Last active April 16, 2018 12:55
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Script to calculate the information content for GO terms for a species, given a file with the counts of annotations for each GO term, and the obo file
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
import os
import math
# define a function to record the children of each GO term in the GO hierarchy:
def read_go_children(input_go_obo_file):
"""record the children of each GO term in the GO hierarchy"""
# first read in the input GO file, and make a list of all the GO terms, and the
# terms below them in the GO hierarchy:
# eg.
# [Term]
# id: GO:0004835
children = defaultdict(list) # children of a particular GO term, in the hierarchy
take = 0
fileObj = open(input_go_obo_file, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
temp = line.split()
if len(temp) == 1:
if temp[0] == '[Term]':
take = 1
elif len(temp) >= 2 and take == 1:
if temp[0] == 'id:':
go = temp[1]
if go == 'GO:0009790':
go = 'GO:0009795' # an alt_id in the obo file
elif go == 'GO:0006974':
go = 'GO:0034984'
elif temp[0] == 'is_a:': # eg. is_a: GO:0048308 ! organelle inheritance
parent = temp[1]
if parent == 'GO:0009790':
parent = 'GO:0009795' # an alt_id in the obo file
elif parent == 'GO:0006974':
parent = 'GO:0034984'
children[parent].append(go) # record that a child of 'parent' is term 'go'
elif len(temp) == 0:
take = 0
return children
# define a function to find all descendants of a GO term in the GO hierarchy:
def find_all_descendants(input_go_term, children):
"""find all the descendants of a GO term in the GO hierarchy
>> find_all_descendants('GO1', {'GO1': ['GO2', 'GO3'], 'GO2': ['GO4']})
['GO1', 'GO2', 'GO3', 'GO4']
descendants = set()
queue = []
while queue:
node = queue.pop(0)
if node in children and node not in descendants: # don't visit a second time
node_children = children[node]
return descendants
# store the the count of annotations seen for each GO term:
def store_counts_for_GO_terms(input_go_terms_file):
# make a dictionary to contain the count of annotations seen for a particular GO term.
gocnt = defaultdict()
# GO:0004174 2
# GO:0070461 1
# GO:0035371 2
# GO:0000381 1
# GO:0022414 2
# GO:0032436 1
# GO:0010608 7
# ...
fileObj = open(input_go_terms_file, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
temp = line.split()
term = temp[0]
cnt = int(temp[1])
if term == 'GO:0009790':
term = 'GO:0009795' # an alt_id in the obo file
elif term == 'GO:0006974':
term = 'GO:0034984'
# store the count of annotations for the GO term:
if term not in gocnt:
gocnt[term] = cnt
gocnt[term] = gocnt[term] + cnt # we can get different alternative ids on different lines eg. GO:0009795, GO:0009790
return gocnt
# write an output file with all GO terms in the obo file, and their information contents:
def write_output_file(icdict, output_file):
outputfileObj = open(output_file, "w")
for term in icdict.keys():
ic = icdict[term]
output_line = "%s %f\n" % (term, ic)
# read in the file with input GO terms of interest, and calculate their information contents:
def calculate_information_contents_of_GO_terms(input_go_terms_file, children):
# make a dictionary to store the information contents for terms:
icdict = defaultdict()
# first store the the count of annotations seen for each GO term:
gocnt = store_counts_for_GO_terms(input_go_terms_file)
terms = gocnt.keys()
# for each of the three ontologies (biological process, molecular function, cellular component),
# calculate the information content of GO terms:
for x in range(0, 3):
if x == 0:
root = 'GO:0005575' # cellular component
elif x == 1:
root = 'GO:0008150' # biological process
elif x == 2:
root = 'GO:0003674' # molecular function
# find all the descendants of the root term:
root_descendants = find_all_descendants(root, children)
# calculate the frequency for the root term:
root_freq = calculate_freq(root, root_descendants, gocnt)
# calculate the information content for all the terms in this ontology (whether or not we have annotations for them):
for term in root_descendants:
# find the descendants of this term:
term_descendants = find_all_descendants(term, children)
# calculate the frequency for this term:
term_freq = calculate_freq(term, term_descendants, gocnt)
# estimate the probability of this term:
term_prob = (term_freq + 1) / (root_freq + 1) # add a pseudocount of 1 so we can always calculate the IC, even for terms we don't have annotations for
# calculate the information content of this term:
term_ic = -math.log(term_prob) # natural logarithm
assert(term not in icdict)
icdict[term] = term_ic
return icdict
# calculate the frequency for a term:
def calculate_freq(term, descendants, gocnt):
freq = 0
if term in gocnt:
freq = freq + gocnt[term]
for descendant in descendants:
if descendant in gocnt:
freq = freq + gocnt[descendant]
return freq
def main():
# check the command-line arguments:
if len(sys.argv) != 4 or os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) == False or os.path.exists(sys.argv[2]) == False:
print("Usage: %s input_go_obo_file input_go_terms_file output_file" % sys.argv[0])
input_go_obo_file = sys.argv[1] # the input gene ontology file eg. gene_ontology.WS238.obo
input_go_terms_file = sys.argv[2] # file with the input GO terms of interest, that we want to calculate the information content for
output_file = sys.argv[3]
# read in the children of each GO term in the GO hierachy:
children = read_go_children(input_go_obo_file)
# read in the file with input GO terms of interest, and calculate their information contents:
icdict = calculate_information_contents_of_GO_terms(input_go_terms_file, children)
# write an output file with all GO terms of interest in the obo file, and their information contents:
write_output_file(icdict, output_file)
if __name__=="__main__":
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