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Created November 28, 2018 09:44
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Script to make a list of dodgy genes in an EMBL file, based on the VAL_ERROR.txt file produced by the ENA's file validator
import sys
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# read in the set of lines with dodgy genes on them in the embl file:
def read_lines_with_dodgy_genes(input_error_file):
dodgy_gene_lines = set()
fileObj = open(input_error_file, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('ERROR:') and 'ERROR: Invalid AC *' not in line:
# ERROR: Intron usually expected to be at least 10 nt long. Please check the accuracy. line: 699061-699062 of syphacia_muris.embl - syphacia_muris.embl
# ERROR: Intron usually expected to be at least 10 nt long. Please check the accuracy. line: 699028 of syphacia_muris.embl - syphacia_muris.embl
# ERROR: Abutting features cannot be adjacent between neighbouring exons. line: 1239561 of syphacia_muris.embl - syphacia_muris.embl
temp = line.split("line: ")
line = temp[1] # 699061-699062 of syphacia_muris.embl - syphacia_muris.embl
temp = line.split()
line = temp[0] # 699061-699062
temp = line.split('-')
line = temp[0] # 699061
return dodgy_gene_lines
# read in the set of lines with dodgy genes on them in the embl file:
def read_dodgy_genes(input_embl, dodgy_gene_lines):
dodgy_genes = set()
linecnt = 0
searching_for_gene_name = False
gene_name = None
fileObj = open(input_embl, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
linecnt += 1
# FT gene complement(30891..35820)
# FT /locus_tag="SMUV_LOCUS343"
# FT /note="source:WormBase_imported"
# FT /note="ID:gene:SMUV_0000034201"
# FT /standard_name="SMUV_0000034201"
if 'FT gene' in line:
searching_for_gene_name = True
gene_name = None
elif 'FT /standard_name="' in line:
if searching_for_gene_name == True:
assert(gene_name == None)
temp = line.split('\"')
gene_name = temp[1]
searching_for_gene_name = False
if linecnt in dodgy_gene_lines:
# this is one of the lines that has a dodgy gene:
assert(gene_name != None)
return dodgy_genes
# write out the list of dodgy genes to the output file:
def write_output_file_of_dodgy_genes(dodgy_genes, output_file):
outputfileObj = open(output_file, "w")
for gene in dodgy_genes:
output_line = "%s\n" % gene
def main():
# check the command-line arguments:
if len(sys.argv) != 4 or os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) == False or os.path.exists(sys.argv[2]) == False:
print("Usage: %s input_embl input_error_file output_file" % sys.argv[0])
input_embl = sys.argv[1] # e.g. syphacia_muris.embl
input_error_file = sys.argv[2] # e.g. syphacia_muris_VAL_ERROR.txt
output_file = sys.argv[3] # output file for putting a list of dodgy genes
# read in the set of lines with dodgy genes on them in the embl file:
dodgy_gene_lines = read_lines_with_dodgy_genes(input_error_file)
# read in the embl file to find the genes highlighted as dodgy by the ENA's EMBL file validator:
dodgy_genes = read_dodgy_genes(input_embl, dodgy_gene_lines)
# write out the list of dodgy genes to the output file:
write_output_file_of_dodgy_genes(dodgy_genes, output_file)
if __name__=="__main__":
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