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Created November 28, 2018 09:35
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Script to mark some genes in an EMBL file as /pseudo
import sys
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# define a function to read in the genes that are in families, for our species of interest:
def find_genes_in_families(families_file, our_species_name, locus_tag):
"""read in the genes that are in families, for our species of interest """
# define a set to store the genes in families:
genes_in_families = set()
# read in the input file of genes in families:
fileObj = open(families_file, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('family'): # eg. family 5168 : SPAL_0001096400.1:mRNA (strongyloides_papillosus) Bm11175 (brugia_malayi) HCOI_1164600.1 (haemonchus_contortus)...
temp = line.split()
family = temp[1] # eg. 4376
temp = line.split(': ')
line = temp[1] # SPAL_0000608500.1:mRNA (strongyloides_papillosus) Bm10870f (brugia_malayi) F23B12.1 (caenorhabditis_elegans)...
temp = line.split()
# make a list of tuples, with gene names and species names
# taken from
# uses the zip function:
# see also on zip:
# note the array 'pairs' seems to be empty after we have looked at it once, this must be a feature of 'zip'.
set_of_species = set() # define the set of species we have seen
family_genes = set() # define the set of genes in the family
pairs = zip(temp[0::2], temp[1::2])
for pair in pairs:
(gene, species) = pair # unpack the tuple, eg. gives gene= SPAL_0000608500.1:mRNA species= (strongyloides_papillosus)
species = species[1:-1] # remove the parentheses
# get the gene name:
# eg. SRAE_X000112100.t1:mRNA/SSTP_0000225500.1:mRNA/SPAL_0001294400.1:mRNA/SVEN_0373900.1/PTRK_0001428200.1:mRNA/RSKR_0000682500.1:mRNA
if ':mRNA' in gene:
temp2 = gene.split(':mRNA') # eg. SRAE_X000112100.t1:mRNA
gene = temp2[0] # eg. SRAE_X000112100.t1
if '-mRNA-' in gene: # eg. ASIM_0000655901-mRNA-1
temp2 = gene.split('-mRNA-')
gene = temp2[0] # eg. ASIM_0000655901
if '_' in gene and '.' in gene: # eg. SRAE_X000112100.t1 or MhA1_Contig1285.frz3.fgene2
temp2 = gene.split('.')
afterdot = temp2[1] # eg. t1 or fgene2
if (afterdot.startswith('t') or afterdot.isdigit() == True) and species != 'caenorhabditis_elegans':
gene = temp2[0] # eg. SRAE_X000112100
if '.t' in gene: # eg. HCOI02162100.t1
temp2 = gene.split('.t')
afterdot = temp2[1] # eg. 1
if afterdot.isdigit() == True:
gene = temp2[0] # eg. HCOI02162100
if species == our_species_name:
if locus_tag == 'NOO' or locus_tag == 'NLS' or locus_tag == 'NAV':
gene = get_new_gene_name(gene, locus_tag)
return genes_in_families
# get the gene name from a line of the embl file:
def get_gene_name2(line):
""" get the name of a gene from line of an embl file
>>> get_gene_name2('FT /note="ID:gene:NAV_0000008934"')
>>> get_gene_name2('FT /note="ID:cds:SMUV_0000034201-mRNA-1"')
temp = line.split()
gene = temp[1] # /note="ID:gene:NAV_0000008934"
temp = gene.split("\"")
gene = temp[1] # ID:gene:NAV_0000008934 or ID:cds:SMUV_0000034201-mRNA-1
temp = gene.split(":")
gene = temp[2] # NAV_0000008934 or SMUV_0000034201-mRNA-1
temp = gene.split("-mRNA-")
gene = temp[0] # NAV_0000008934 or SMUV_0000034201
return gene
# read in the input embl file, and write out a new embl file:
def read_input_embl_and_write_output_embl(input_embl, output_embl, dodgy_genes, genes_in_families):
# open an output file:
outputfileObj = open(output_embl,"w")
# read in the input file:
fileObj = open(input_embl, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
if 'source:WormBase_imported' in line:
pass # don't print this line to the output
if 'AC *' in line: # AC * _ALUE_contig0000001 length=91883
output_line = make_embl_output_line1(line)
output_line = "%s\n" % output_line
elif '/note="ID:gene:' in line or 'note="ID:cds:' in line or 'note="ID:exon:' in line : # FT /note="ID:gene:NAV_0000008934"
# FT /note="ID:cds:SMUV_0000034201-mRNA-1"
# FT /note="ID:exon:SMUV_0000587401-mRNA-1.1"
gene = get_gene_name2(line) # eg. NAV_0000008934
output_line = "%s\n" % line
outputfileObj.write(output_line) # write out the current line
if gene in dodgy_genes:
output_line = "FT /pseudo\n"
output_line = "FT /note=\"odd gene structure probably caused by assembly error\"\n"
if gene in genes_in_families:
output_line = "FT /note=\"predicted protein belongs to a gene family in the Compara database of the International Helminth Genomes Consortium\"\n"
output_line = "%s\n" % line
# make a new output line with the accession:
def make_embl_output_line1(line):
"""make a new output line with the accession
>>> make_embl_output_line1('AC * _ALUE_contig0000001 length=91883')
'AC * _ALUE_contig0000001'
temp = line.split()
scaffold = temp[2] # _ALUE_contig0000001
scaffold = scaffold[1:] # ALUE_contig0000001
output_line = "AC * _%s" % scaffold
return output_line
# define a function to trim off '0's at the start of a scaffold name:
def trim_off_zeroes(scaffold_name):
""" trim off zeroes at the start of a scaffold name:
>>> trim_off_zeroes("00001")
>>> trim_off_zeroes("00010")
# trim off zeroes at the start:
finished = False
while finished == False:
if scaffold_name.startswith('0'):
scaffold_name = scaffold_name[1:]
finished = True
return scaffold_name
# get a gene name from a transcript name:
def get_gene_name_from_transcript_name(transcript):
"""get gene name from a transcript name
>>> get_gene_name_from_transcript_name('nAv.1.0.1.t01019-RA')
if '-RA' in transcript:
temp = transcript.split('-RA')
transcript = temp[0] # eg. nAv.1.0.1.t01019
if '.t' in transcript: # nAv.1.0.1.t01019
temp = transcript.split('.t')
transcript = temp[0] + ".g" + temp[1] # nAv.1.0.1.g01019
gene = transcript
return gene
# read set of genes/transcripts that look dodgy:
def read_set_of_dodgy_genes(dodgy_gene_list, locus_tag):
dodgy_genes = set()
fileObj = open(dodgy_gene_list, "r")
for line in fileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
temp = line.split()
transcript = temp[0] # eg. nAv.1.0.1.t01019-RA
gene = get_gene_name_from_transcript_name(transcript) # eg. nAv.1.0.1.g01019
# get the new name for the gene:
if locus_tag == 'NOO' or locus_tag == 'NLS' or locus_tag == 'NAV':
gene = get_new_gene_name(gene, locus_tag)
return dodgy_genes
# find the new name for a gene:
def get_new_gene_name(old_gene_name, locus_tag):
"""find the new name for a gene
>>> get_new_gene_name('nAv.1.0.1.g01019', 'NOO')
temp = old_gene_name.split('.g')
gene_name = temp[1] # 08934
gene_name = trim_off_zeroes(gene_name) # 8934
# find the new name for a gene:
def get_new_gene_name(old_gene_name, locus_tag):
"""find the new name for a gene
>>> get_new_gene_name('nAv.1.0.1.g01019', 'NOO')
temp = old_gene_name.split('.g')
gene_name = temp[1] # 08934
gene_name = trim_off_zeroes(gene_name) # 8934
gene_name_len = len(gene_name)
num_zeroes_to_add = 10 - gene_name_len
zeroes_to_add = "0" * num_zeroes_to_add
new_gene_name = "%s_%s%s" % (locus_tag, zeroes_to_add, gene_name)
return new_gene_name
def main():
# check the command-line arguments:
if len(sys.argv) != 7 or os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) == False or os.path.exists(sys.argv[3]) == False or os.path.exists(sys.argv[6]) == False:
print("Usage: %s input_embl output_embl dodgy_gene_list locus_tag our_species families_file" % sys.argv[0])
input_embl = sys.argv[1] # e.g. onchocerca_ochengi.embl
output_embl = sys.argv[2] # e.g. onchocerca_ochengi_new.embl
dodgy_gene_list = sys.argv[3] # list of genes/transcripts that look dodgy eg. onchocerca_ochengi.proteins_with_stops2
locus_tag = sys.argv[4] # eg. NOO
our_species = sys.argv[5] # eg. onchocerca_ochengi
families_file = sys.argv[6] # /nfs/helminths02/analysis/50HGP/00ANALYSES/final_families/complete_families.txt_27mar2017
# read in the set of genes/transcripts that look dodgy:
dodgy_genes = read_set_of_dodgy_genes(dodgy_gene_list, locus_tag)
# read in the genes that are in families, for our species of interest:
genes_in_families = find_genes_in_families(families_file, our_species, locus_tag)
# read in the input embl file, and write out a new embl file:
read_input_embl_and_write_output_embl(input_embl, output_embl, dodgy_genes, genes_in_families)
if __name__=="__main__":
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