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Script to retrieve PDB entry ids for PDB entries that contain PDB ligand ids in an input list of PDB ligand ids.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# example from
# edited to use the python 'requests' module, and to get the PDB ids. for an input list of PDB ligand ids.
import argparse
import sys
import requests # this is used to access json files
PY3 = sys.version > '3'
if PY3:
import urllib.request as urllib2
import urllib2
INPDB = "/pdb/compound/in_pdb"
def get_request(url, arg, pretty=False):
full_url = "%s/%s/%s?pretty=%s" % (SERVER_URL, url, arg, str(pretty).lower())
# e.g. for ligand ID. 'ATP' we get:
# full_url =
# print("This is the url string:\n{}".format(full_url))
json_results = requests.get( full_url ).json() #This calls the information back from the API using the 'requests' module, and converts it to json format
length_json_results = len(json_results)
if length_json_results > 0: # in some cases unichem says a particular chembl id. maps to a particular PDB ligand id, but I find that ligand is not in any PDB entry
# pull out the list of PDB ids. that have this ligand ID:
list_of_pdb_ids = json_results[arg] # 'arg' is the input ligand ID e.g. ATP
# print out the list of PDB ids.:
# for pdb_id in range(len(list_of_pdb_ids)):
# print(list_of_pdb_ids[pdb_id])
list_of_pdb_ids = ["NA"]
def read_ligand_idlist(ligandidlistfile):
idlist = list()
chemblid_dict = dict()
inputfileObj = open(ligandidlistfile, "r")
# myscriptaa.o:1 CHEMBL10 NA
# myscriptaa.o:2 CHEMBL1000 NA
# myscriptaa.o:3 CHEMBL100017 NA
for line in inputfileObj:
line = line.rstrip()
temp = line.split()
chemblid = temp[1]
ligandid = temp[2]
if ligandid != 'NA':
assert(ligandid not in idlist)
assert(ligandid not in chemblid_dict)
chemblid_dict[ligandid] = chemblid
return(idlist, chemblid_dict)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-e', type=str, default=None, action='store', help='the ligandIDlist')
parser.add_argument('-o', type=str, default=None, action='store', help='the outputfile')
args = parser.parse_args()
# If you type:
# % python3
# You will see:
# usage: [-h] [-e E] [-o O]
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -e E the ligandIDlist
# -o O the outputfile
# Note we defined at the top of the script that:
# INPDB = "/pdb/compound/in_pdb"
if args.e:
# now read in the list of ligand ids:
(ligand_idlist,chemblid_dict) = read_ligand_idlist(args.e)
# get the PDB ids for each of the ligand ids:
cnt = 0
outputfileObj = open(args.o,"w")
for ligand_id in ligand_idlist:
# Note we defined at the top of the script that:
# INPDB = "/pdb/compound/in_pdb"
pdb_ids = get_request(INPDB, ligand_id, True)
pdb_ids_string = ','.join(pdb_ids)
cnt += 1
assert(ligand_id in chemblid_dict)
chembl_id = chemblid_dict[ligand_id]
output_line = "%d %s %s %s\n" % (cnt,chembl_id,ligand_id,pdb_ids_string)
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