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Created July 8, 2013 14:17
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Save avsm/5949199 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to run a toplevel script and output pretty html
(* Syntax hightlight code and eval ocaml toplevel phrases.
* Based on
* Modified by Anil Madhavapeddy for Real World OCaml and to use Core *)
open Printf
open Scanf
(* Run these phrases silently before any code *)
let initial_phrases = [
"#use \"topfind\"";
"#require \"core\"";
"#require \"core.syntax\"";
"#require \"\"";
"open Core.Std" ]
(* Initialise toploop and turn on short-paths *)
let reset_toplevel () =
Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ();
Toploop.input_name := ""; (* no filename *)
Topdirs.dir_directory (Sys.getenv "OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH");
Clflags.real_paths := false
let build_dir = ref "."
let ofile file part = sprintf "%s/" !build_dir file part
let ofile_html file part = sprintf "%s/%s.%d.html" !build_dir file part
type outcome = [
| `Normal of string * string * string (* exec output, stdout, stderr *)
| `Error of string
let is_ready_for_read fd =
let fd_for_read, _, _ = [fd] [] [] 0.001 in
fd_for_read <> []
let string_of_fd fd =
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
let s = String.create 256 in
while is_ready_for_read fd do
let r = fd s 0 256 in
Buffer.add_substring buf s 0 r
Buffer.contents buf
let init_stdout = Unix.dup Unix.stdout
let init_stderr = Unix.dup Unix.stderr
let flush_std_out_err () =
Format.pp_print_flush Format.std_formatter ();
flush stdout;
Format.pp_print_flush Format.err_formatter ();
flush stderr
let toploop_eval phrase =
if String.trim phrase = ";;" then `Normal("", "", "")
else (
flush_std_out_err ();
let (out_in, out_out) = Unix.pipe() in
Unix.dup2 out_out Unix.stdout; (* Unix.stdout → out_out *)
let (err_in, err_out) = Unix.pipe() in
Unix.dup2 err_out Unix.stderr; (* Unix.stderr → err_out *)
let get_stdout_stderr_and_restore () =
flush_std_out_err ();
let out = string_of_fd out_in in
Unix.close out_in;
Unix.close out_out;
Unix.dup2 init_stdout Unix.stdout; (* restore initial stdout *)
let err = string_of_fd err_in in
Unix.close err_in;
Unix.close err_out;
Unix.dup2 init_stderr Unix.stderr; (* restore initial stderr *)
(out, err) in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string phrase in
let phrase = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase lexbuf in
ignore(Toploop.execute_phrase true Format.str_formatter phrase);
let exec_output = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
let out, err = get_stdout_stderr_and_restore () in
`Normal(exec_output, out, err)
| e ->
let out, err = get_stdout_stderr_and_restore () in
print_string out;
prerr_string err;
let backtrace_enabled = Printexc.backtrace_status () in
if not backtrace_enabled then Printexc.record_backtrace true;
(try Errors.report_error Format.str_formatter e
with exn ->
printf "Code.toploop_eval: the following error was raised during \
error reporting for %S:\n%s\nError backtrace:\n%s\n%!"
phrase (Printexc.to_string exn) (Printexc.get_backtrace ());
if not backtrace_enabled then Printexc.record_backtrace false;
`Error(Format.flush_str_formatter ())
open Core.Std
let parse_file file =
eprintf "C: init\n%!";
reset_toplevel ();
List.iter initial_phrases ~f:(fun phrase ->
match toploop_eval (phrase ^ " ;;") with
| `Normal _ -> ()
| `Error s -> eprintf "Failed (%s): %s\n" s phrase; exit (-1)
let parts = Int.Table.create () in
let html_parts = Int.Table.create () in
let part = ref 0 in
let print_part key s =
match Hashtbl.find parts key with
| None ->
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
Hashtbl.replace parts ~key ~data:buf;
Buffer.add_string buf s
| Some buf -> Buffer.add_string buf s
let print_html_part key s =
match Hashtbl.find html_parts key with
| None ->
let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
Hashtbl.replace html_parts ~key ~data:buf;
Buffer.add_string buf s
| Some buf -> Buffer.add_string buf s
let _ =
In_channel.with_file file ~f:(
In_channel.fold_lines ~init:[] ~f:(
fun acc line ->
if String.is_prefix line ~prefix:"#part" then begin
part := Scanf.sscanf line "#part %d" (fun p -> p);
eprintf "C: part %d -> %s\n%!" !part (ofile file !part);
end else begin
if String.is_suffix ~suffix:";;" line then begin
let phrase = String.concat ~sep:"\n" (List.rev (line :: acc)) in
eprintf "X: %s\n%!" phrase;
match toploop_eval phrase with
| `Normal(s, _, _) | `Error s ->
print_part !part (sprintf "# %s \n%s" phrase s);
print_html_part !part (Cow.Html.to_string (Cow.Code.ocaml_fragment ("# " ^ phrase)));
if s <> "" then print_html_part !part (Cow.Html.to_string <:html<<div class="rwocodeout">$str:s$</div>&>>);
end else
) in
Hashtbl.iter parts ~f:(
fun ~key ~data ->
eprintf "W: %s\n%!" (ofile file key);
Out_channel.write_all (ofile file key) ~data:(Buffer.contents data));
Hashtbl.iter html_parts ~f:(
fun ~key ~data ->
let code = Cow.Html.of_string (String.strip (Buffer.contents data)) in
let data =
Code_frag.wrap_in_pretty_box ~part:key "OCaml UTop" file code
|> Cow.Html.to_string in
eprintf "W: %s\n%!" (ofile_html file key);
Out_channel.write_all (ofile_html file key) ~data)
let () =
~summary:"Run files through the Core toplevel"
+> flag "-builddir" (optional_with_default "." string)
~doc:"dir prepend build directory to output files"
+> anon (sequence ("file" %: file))
(fun bd files () -> build_dir := bd; List.iter ~f:parse_file files)
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