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Created October 4, 2015 11:24
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if (!GLOBALS.poll_time) {
var poll_timeout_seconds = 3;
} else {
var poll_timeout_seconds = GLOBALS.poll_time;
var element = "iframe.locator";
var element_text = "Text to check";
var poll_frequency_ms = 500;
var counter = 0;
var max_loops = Math.round(poll_timeout_seconds * 1000 / poll_frequency_ms);
var checkIframeTextPresent = function (locator, text) {
if ($(locator).length == 0) return false;
return $(locator)[0].contentWindow.document.body.textContent.indexOf(text) !== -1;
var fn = function waitLoop() {
if (checkIframeTextPresent(element, element_text)) {
} else {
if (counter == max_loops) {
return callback("Couldn't find text '"+element_text+"' inside "+element+" in "+poll_timeout_seconds+"s");
//return callback(true);
setTimeout(waitLoop, 1000);
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