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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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def set_range(el, val):
# The adjustment helper to drag the slider thumb
def adjust(deltax):
if deltax < 0:
deltax = int(math.floor(min(-1, deltax)))
deltax = int(math.ceil(max(1, deltax)))
ac = ActionChains(driver)
ac.move_by_offset(deltax, 0)
minval = float(el.get_attribute("min") or 0)
maxval = float(el.get_attribute("max") or 100)
v = max(0, min(1, (float(val) - minval) / (maxval - minval)))
width = el.size["width"]
target = float(width) * v
ac = ActionChains(driver)
# drag from min to max value, to ensure oninput event
ac.move_to_element_with_offset(el, 0, 1)
ac.move_by_offset(width, 0)
# drag to the calculated position
ac.move_to_element_with_offset(el, target, 1)
# perform a binary search and adjust the slider thumb until the value matches
while True:
curval = el.get_attribute("value")
if float(curval) == float(val):
return True
prev_guess = target
if float(curval) < float(val):
minguess = target
target += (maxguess - target) / 2
maxguess = target
target = minguess + (target - minguess) / 2
deltax = target-prev_guess
if abs(deltax) < 0.5
break # cannot find a way, fallback to javascript.
time.sleep(0.1) # Don't consume CPU too much
# Finally, if the binary search algoritm fails to achieve the final value
# we'll revert to the javascript method so at least the value will be changed
# even though the browser events wont' be triggered.
# Fallback
driver.execute_script("arguments[0].value=arguments[1];", el, val)
curval = el.get_attribute("value")
if float(curval) == float(val):
return True
raise Exception("Can't set value %f for the element." % val)
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