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Created July 3, 2018 16:23
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cityMap <- qmap(location = 'san francisco', extent = 'device', zoom=12, source="google", maptype="terrain")
kinds <- c('transport', 'walking', 'cycling')
colors <- c('#FF7400', '#1240AB', '#FFD300')
for (j in 1:length(kinds)) {
setwd(paste('<root>/moves_export/gpx/daily/', kinds[j], sep= ""))
files <- dir(pattern = "\\.gpx")
index <- c()
latitude <- c()
longitude <- c()
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
route <- readGPX(files[i])
location <- route$tracks[[1]][[1]]
if ( TRUE
# route$tracks[[1]][[1]]$time[1] > Sys.Date()-as.difftime(365, unit="days")
index <- c(index, rep(i, dim(location)[1]))
latitude <- c(latitude, location$lat)
longitude <- c(longitude, location$lon)
routes <- data.frame(cbind(index, latitude, longitude))
# Map the routes
cityMap <- cityMap + geom_path(aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, group = factor(index)),
colour=colors[j], data = routes, alpha=0.7)
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