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Last active May 10, 2021 01:20
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Matlab function for computing the rms integrating from high frequency to low frequency. Has additional option to clip the integration to some frequency upper bound.
function [x_clipped, rms] = rms2(x, y, varargin)
% find the rms value of y(x)
% y(f) could be a spectral density
% or y(t) could be a time series
% optional var sets the cutoff of x to compute
% from. This will shorten the output vector
% and returns x_clipped, yRMS intergrating from
% top to bottom
% usage: rmsY = rms(X,Y);
% Assert and handle input because matlab is terrible
if isempty(varargin)
f_upperB = max(x);
elseif length(varargin) == 1
f_upperB = varargin{1};
error("Too many optional argments passed in")
% Assert x and y are vectors with some length longer one form nx1 or 1xm
if ~xor((size(x,1)==1),(size(x,2)==1))
error("Input data x must be vector")
if ~xor((size(y,1)==1),(size(y,2)==1))
error("Input data y must be vector")
% Handle translation of input vectors to form 1xm
if size(x, 2) == 1
x = x';
trasposeOutput_x = true; % Remember to tranpose on output
trasposeOutput_x = false;
if size(y, 2) == 1
y = y';
trasposeOutput_y = true; % Remember to tranpose on output
trasposeOutput_y = false;
% Apply clipping of x range, if given by input, else default to full range
if (max(x)>f_upperB)
x_clipped = x(1:find(x > f_upperB, 1));
y_clipped = y(1:find(x > f_upperB, 1));
x_clipped = x;
y_clipped = y;
dx = diff(squeeze(x_clipped));
dx = [x_clipped(1) dx];
rms = fliplr(sqrt(cumsum(fliplr((squeeze(y_clipped).^2.*dx)))));
% Transpose outputs to match input
if trasposeOutput_x
x_clipped = x_clipped';
if trasposeOutput_y
rms = rms';
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