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Last active June 11, 2024 19:32
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ValueConverterGroup with parameters.
public class ValueConverterGroup : List<IValueConverter>, IValueConverter
private string[] _parameters;
private bool _shouldReverse = false;
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
if (_shouldReverse)
_shouldReverse = false;
return this.Aggregate(value, (current, converter) => converter.Convert(current, targetType, GetParameter(converter), culture));
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
_shouldReverse = true;
return this.Aggregate(value, (current, converter) => converter.ConvertBack(current, targetType, GetParameter(converter), culture));
private void ExtractParameters(object parameter)
if (parameter != null)
_parameters = Regex.Split(parameter.ToString(), @"(?<!\\),");
private string GetParameter(IValueConverter converter)
if (_parameters == null)
return null;
var index = IndexOf(converter as IValueConverter);
string parameter;
parameter = _parameters[index];
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
parameter = null;
if (parameter != null)
parameter = Regex.Unescape(parameter);
return parameter;
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Hi @IGonza,

I think you are right. I shall try to update the snippet as soon as possible.



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ADIX7 commented Apr 27, 2021

ConvertBack has a bug, hasn't it? You always call Reverse(), so if ConvertBack is called twice the second time it will use the original order not the reversed. I would remove the _shouldReverse logic and simply user ((IEnumerable<IValueConverter>)this).Reverse(). It does not mutate the list.

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JMHeartley commented Jun 11, 2024

Here's it with @ADIX7's suggested edit and other refactorings

public class AggregateConverter : List<IValueConverter>, IValueConverter
    private string[] _parameters;

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)

        return this.Aggregate(value, (current, converter) => converter.Convert(current, targetType, GetParameter(converter), culture));

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)

        return ((IEnumerable<IValueConverter>)this).Reverse() //use implicit cast to create new list so calling reverse won't mutate original
            .Aggregate(value, (current, converter) => converter.ConvertBack(current, targetType, GetParameter(converter), culture));

    private string GetParameter(IValueConverter converter)
        if (_parameters == null)
            return default;

        string parameter;
            var index = IndexOf(converter);
            parameter = _parameters[index];
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
            return default;

        if (parameter != null)
            parameter = Regex.Unescape(parameter);

        return parameter;

    private void ExtractParameters(object parameter)
        if (parameter != null)
            _parameters = Regex.Split(parameter.ToString(), @"(?<!\\),")
                    .Select(p => p.Trim())

This is how I used it

<TextBlock Text="If you can see this, MyEnum is not Item1">
        <Binding Path="MyEnum"
                 RelativeSource="{RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type local:MyUserControl}}"
                 ConverterParameter="CustomEnum.Item1, foo,bar">
            <!--parameters separated by comma, order corresponds with converter in same position-->
                    <converters:EnumToBooleanConverter />
                    <!--this is how you use custom properties-->
                    <converters:NullableBooleanConverter TrueValue="False"
                                                          FalseValue="True" />
                    <converters:TruthyToVisibilityConverter />

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