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Created March 18, 2020 23:52
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module TutAssignment where
introducing basic data types for A3
-- First step: Notes have inductive definition of extended Lambda calculus
-- NOTE: Wrong, since it's typed
-- data BExp x
-- = BTrue
-- | BFalse
-- | Eq x x
-- | Le x x
-- | Ge x x
-- | Not (BExp x)
-- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Lambda
= Var String
| App Lambda Lambda
| Abs String Lambda -- basic Lambda Term
| Add Lambda Lambda
| Sub Lambda Lambda
| Mul Lambda Lambda
| Num Int -- arithmetic term
| Cond Lambda Lambda Lambda -- main control flow, if
| LTrue
| LFalse
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- switching to debruijn notation
-- \x.\y.xy -> \.\2.1
data DLambda
= DVar Int
| DApp DLambda DLambda
| DAbs DLambda
-- ... and the rest
type Prog = [SECDInstruction]
data SECDInstruction
= CLO Prog -- push closure of code with current env to the stack
| APP -- popp function closure and argument and perform application
| ACCESS Int -- push nth val in the env to the stack
| RET -- return the top value on the stack and jump to the next on the stack
| CONST Int -- constant int val
| IF
| NIL -- List
| CASE Prog -- List
| CLOS [SECDInstruction] [Int] -- closure operation? (which is what supposed to go on the stack?)
deriving (Show, Eq)
translateToDeBruijn :: Lambda -> DLambda
-- use the same code as Robin's alpha renaming
-- for the counter, keep track of the the indices
-- write the DeBruijn index instead
translateToDeBruijn = undefined
compile :: DLambda -> Prog
compile x = case x of
-- NOTE: TA had
-- (DAbs t) -> [CLO (compile t ++ [RET])]
-- which didnt work for me ??
(DAbs term ) -> CLO (compile term) : [RET]
(DApp t1 t2) -> compile t1 ++ compile t2 ++ [APP]
(DVar n ) -> [ACCESS n]
-- ... more terms here
_ -> undefined
-- code, env, stack
type SECDMachine = (Prog, [Int], Prog)
-- a function that does one step
step :: SECDMachine -> SECDMachine
-- fill in this table
-- note: some type issues here, idk why
step ((CLO c) : prog, env, stack) = (c, env, CLO ((c, env) : stack))
-- fixPoint :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a
-- fixPoint f x = if (x == ) -- ?
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