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Last active June 17, 2024 18:29
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Generate MoveIt! srdf disable collision pairs from adjacent links and links without collision mesh
#!/usr/bin/env python
Given a URDF given by either
1) param server /robot_description
2) as an argument
Generate all the MoveIt! SRDF
disable collision lines between adjacent
links and links without collision mesh.
Author: Sam Pfeiffer
import sys
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF
def traverse_from(from_link, child_map, level=0):
"""Traverse tree from link 'from_link' until end
forming the disable collision lines"""
next_childs = child_map[from_link]
dcl = ""
for joint, link in next_childs:
# print " " * level + str(link)
if link in child_map:
dcl += dcl_between(from_link, link)
dcl += traverse_from(link, child_map, level=level + 1)
# print "From " + from_link + " to " + link
# print "No more childs..."
# print "From " + from_link + " to " + link
dcl += dcl_between(from_link, link)
return dcl
def traverse_from_for_tree(from_link, child_map, link_map, level=0):
"""Traverse tree from link 'from_link' until end
forming the ascii tree of links"""
next_childs = child_map[from_link]
tree = ""
if link_map[from_link].collision is None:
tree += " " * level + str(from_link) + " (NO COLLISION)\n"
tree += " " * level + str(from_link) + "\n"
for joint, link in next_childs:
# tree += " " * level + str(link) + "\n"
if link in child_map:
tree += traverse_from_for_tree(link,
level=level + 1)
if link_map[link].collision is None:
tree += " " * level + str(link) + " (NO COLLISION)\n"
tree += " " * level + str(link) + "\n"
return tree
def dcl_between(link1, link2, reason="Adjacent"):
"""Create the disable collision line string between link1 and link2"""
dcl = '<disable_collisions link1="' + str(link1) + \
'" link2="' + str(link2) + '" reason="' + reason + '"/>\n'
return dcl
def get_links_without_collision(links):
"""Given the list of links (robot.links) return a list
with the links that dont have a collision mesh"""
no_collision_links = []
for l in links:
if l.collision is None:
return no_collision_links
def get_links_with_collision(links):
collision_links = []
for l in links:
if l.collision is not None:
return collision_links
def disable_all_vs_all(link_names):
"""Generate all combinations of links"""
START = '<disable_collisions link1="'
MIDDLE = '" link2="'
END = '" reason="Never" />\n'
# print "We got links: " + str(link_names)
already_disabled = []
disable_lines = ""
for idx, link1 in enumerate(link_names):
# print " Link: " + str(link1) + " won't collide with: " +
# str(link_names[idx + 1:])
if len(already_disabled) > 0:
# print " Neither with already disabled: " + str(already_disabled)
# print
for link2 in link_names[idx:]:
if link1 != link2:
disable_lines += START + link1 + MIDDLE + link2 + END
return disable_lines
def disable_links_vs_no_col_links(col_links, no_col_links):
"""Generate disables between list of links that can actually collide
with all the links that cant collide"""
disabled = ""
for link1 in col_links:
for link2 in no_col_links:
disabled += dcl_between(link1, link2, reason="Never")
return disabled
if __name__ == '__main__':
u = URDF()
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
robot = u.from_parameter_server()
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
robot = u.from_xml_string(sys.argv[1])
# Run URDF tree
# print "\nTraversing all childs:"
# print robot.child_map
# print "From root:"
# print robot.get_root()
root = robot.get_root()
# print "Tree looks like:"
ascii_tree = traverse_from_for_tree(root, robot.child_map, robot.link_map)
# print ascii_tree
dcls = traverse_from(root, robot.child_map)
# print "Generated disable collisions between adjacent links:"
# print "=============="
# print dcls
adjacent_disabled = dcls
# print "=============="
# print "Now we generate the disable between all the links that have no collision mesh"
# print "This is most probably not needed, but works as a URDF programming
# exercise"
# print "There are " + str(len(robot.links)) + " links"
no_col = get_links_without_collision(robot.links)
# print "From those, " + str(len(no_col)) + " links have no collision mesh"
# print no_col
# print "So we generate the exceptions of all links vs those links so they
# aren't computed"
no_collision_disabled = disable_all_vs_all(no_col)
# print "These exceptions are:"
# print no_collision_disabled
# print "=============="
# print "Now we generate the disabled between the rest of the links and"
# print "the links without collision mesh"
yes_col = get_links_with_collision(robot.links)
collision_vs_no_collision_disableds = disable_links_vs_no_col_links(
yes_col, no_col)
# print "The list looks like:"
# print collision_vs_no_collision_disableds
# Now we should run the moveit setup assistant with a big number of
# iterations to get the extra list of disabled collisions
# Then, we should merge this ones and those (which is just adding them)
# Then, we should check that links that CAN ACTUALLY COLLIDE
# aren't disabled (happened with arm and head...)
# Which I don't really know how to do right now...
# Fake "can_collide" tag to check if somewhere
# that 2 links are disabled? that's a lot of manual work
final_list = "<!-- Disabled because they are adjacent -->\n"
final_list += "<!-- Tree looks like:\n"
final_list += ascii_tree
final_list += "\n -->\n"
final_list += adjacent_disabled
final_list += "\n<!-- Disabled because they don't have collision mesh so they can't collide between themselves-->\n"
final_list += no_collision_disabled
final_list += "\n<!-- Disables because the second links doesn't have collision mesh -->\n"
final_list += collision_vs_no_collision_disableds
# print "The final list looks like:"
print final_list
# with open('/tmp/collision_list.srdf', 'w') as f:
# f.write(final_list)
# print "Written to /tmp/collision_list.srdf"
# Child map looks like:
# {'arm_1_link': [('arm_2_joint', 'arm_2_link')],
# 'arm_2_link': [('arm_3_joint', 'arm_3_link')],
# 'arm_3_link': [('arm_4_joint', 'arm_4_link')],
# 'arm_4_link': [('arm_5_joint', 'arm_5_link')],
# 'arm_5_link': [('arm_6_joint', 'arm_6_link')],
# 'arm_6_link': [('arm_7_joint', 'arm_7_link')],
# 'arm_7_link': [('arm_tool_joint', 'arm_tool_link')],
# 'arm_tool_link': [('gripper_joint', 'gripper_link')],
# 'base_footprint': [('base_footprint_joint', 'base_link'),
# ('cover_joint', 'base_cover_link')],
# 'base_link': [('base_antenna_left_joint', 'base_antenna_left_link'),
# ('base_antenna_right_joint', 'base_antenna_right_link'),
# ('base_laser_joint', 'base_laser_link'),
# ('base_mic_front_left_joint', 'base_mic_front_left_link'),
# ('base_mic_front_right_joint', 'base_mic_front_right_link'),
# ('base_mic_back_left_joint', 'base_mic_back_left_link'),
# ('base_mic_back_right_joint', 'base_mic_back_right_link'),
# ('base_imu_joint', 'base_imu_link'),
# ('base_sonar_1_joint', 'base_sonar_1_link'),
# ('base_sonar_2_joint', 'base_sonar_2_link'),
# ('base_sonar_3_joint', 'base_sonar_3_link'),
# ('wheel_right_joint', 'wheel_right_link'),
# ('wheel_left_joint', 'wheel_left_link'),
# ('caster_front_right_1_joint', 'caster_front_right_1_link'),
# ('caster_front_left_1_joint', 'caster_front_left_1_link'),
# ('caster_back_right_1_joint', 'caster_back_right_1_link'),
# ('caster_back_left_1_joint', 'caster_back_left_1_link'),
# ('torso_fixed_joint', 'torso_fixed_link'),
# ('torso_fixed_column_joint', 'torso_fixed_column_link')],
# 'caster_back_left_1_link': [('caster_back_left_2_joint',
# 'caster_back_left_2_link')],
# 'caster_back_right_1_link': [('caster_back_right_2_joint',
# 'caster_back_right_2_link')],
# 'caster_front_left_1_link': [('caster_front_left_2_joint',
# 'caster_front_left_2_link')],
# 'caster_front_right_1_link': [('caster_front_right_2_joint',
# 'caster_front_right_2_link')],
# 'gripper_link': [('gripper_right_finger_joint', 'gripper_right_finger_link'),
# ('gripper_left_finger_joint', 'gripper_left_finger_link'),
# ('gripper_grasping_frame_joint', 'gripper_grasping_frame')],
# 'head_1_link': [('head_2_joint', 'head_2_link')],
# 'head_2_link': [('xtion_joint', 'xtion_link')],
# 'torso_fixed_link': [('torso_lift_joint', 'torso_lift_link')],
# 'torso_lift_link': [('head_1_joint', 'head_1_link'),
# ('arm_1_joint', 'arm_1_link')],
# 'xtion_depth_frame': [('xtion_depth_optical_joint',
# 'xtion_depth_optical_frame')],
# 'xtion_link': [('xtion_optical_joint', 'xtion_optical_frame'),
# ('xtion_depth_joint', 'xtion_depth_frame'),
# ('xtion_rgb_joint', 'xtion_rgb_frame')],
# 'xtion_rgb_frame': [('xtion_rgb_optical_joint', 'xtion_rgb_optical_frame')]}
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