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Last active March 15, 2024 13:36
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message_filters ApproximateTimeSynchronizer over a rosbag (without roscore or /use_sim_time)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import itertools
import sys
import time
import rospy
import rosbag
import message_filters
Example using a message_filters filter (ApproximateTimeSynchronizer) iterating
over a rosbag to synchronize some topics.
Scroll down to 'EDITABLE PART' if you want to adapt the script to a different
set of topics and parameters.
Author: Sammy Pfeiffer <sam.pfeiffer at>
# Monkey-patch so we don't need to call rospy.init_node (so we don't need a roscore)
# Also solves problems with /use_sim_time (simulated time)
class MonkeyPatchTime(rospy.Time):
def __init__(self, secs=0, nsecs=0):
super(rospy.Time, self).__init__(secs, nsecs)
def now():
# initialize with wallclock
float_secs = time.time()
secs = int(float_secs)
nsecs = int((float_secs - secs) * 1000000000)
return MonkeyPatchTime(secs, nsecs)
rospy.Time = MonkeyPatchTime
# Get an input rosbag
args = rospy.myargv(sys.argv)
if len(args) < 2:
raise RuntimeError('Missing input rosbag argument')
input_bag_name = args[1]
output_bag_name = input_bag_name + '_synchronized.bag'
print("Synchronizing {} into {}".format(input_bag_name, output_bag_name))
# Create a rosbag with only synchronized messages
with rosbag.Bag(output_bag_name, 'w') as outbag:
# Setup an ApproximateTimeSynchronizer
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# EDITABLE PART: Substitute these with any kind of message or number of topics
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
gnss_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/gnss', NavSatFix)
imu_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/imu/data', Imu)
# ApproximateTimeSynchronizer wants a list of subscribers
subscriber_list = [gnss_sub, imu_sub]
# Customize ApproximateTimeSynchronizer parameters
ats_queue_size = 1000 # Max messages in any queue
ats_slop = 0.1 # Max delay to allow between messages
rosbag_reader_skip_index = False # Makes opening the bag faster, but if the bag is unindexed it will fail
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# We want a dictionary view of the list for efficiency when dispatching messages
subscriber_dict = {}
for subscriber in subscriber_list:
subscriber_dict[subscriber.topic] = subscriber
# We want a list with the topic names in the same order to correctly dispatch messages
topic_names = [subscriber.topic for subscriber in subscriber_list]
ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer(subscriber_list,
def callback(*msgs):
# The callback processing the pairs of numbers that arrived at approximately the same time
for topic_name, msg in itertools.izip(topic_names, msgs):
# Warning: we lose the original ROS time of publication
# This is because 1) We need to choose from which from any of the input messages
# 2) We need to create a mechanism to get those times to this callback
# The workaround is to use the message timestamp itself.
outbag.write(topic_name, msg, t=msg.header.stamp)
print("Opening bag... (Only reading topics {})".format(topic_names))
bag_reader = rosbag.Bag(input_bag_name, skip_index=True)
ini_t = time.time()
for message_idx, (topic, msg, t) in enumerate(bag_reader.read_messages(topics=topic_names)):
# Send the message to the correct message_filters.Subscriber
subscriber = subscriber_dict.get(topic)
if subscriber:
# Show some output to show we are alive
if message_idx % 1000 == 0:
print("Message #{}, Topic: {}, message stamp: {}".format(message_idx, topic, msg.header.stamp))
fin_t = time.time()
total_t = fin_t - ini_t
print("Done. (Parsed {} messages in {}s)".format(message_idx, total_t))
print("Output bag contains {} synchronized messages ( {} ).".format(outbag.get_message_count(), output_bag_name))
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