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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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# big text for timed tests
big_text = "The RSVP Hello message exchange was introduced in [RFC3209]. The
usage of RSVP Hello has been extended in [RFC3473] to support RSVP
Graceful Restart (GR) procedures.
More specifically, [RFC3473] specifies the use of the RSVP Hello
messages for GR procedures for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS). GMPLS
introduces the notion of control plane and data plane separation. In
other words, in GMPLS networks, the control plane information is
carried over a control network whose end-points are IP capable and
that may be physically or logically disjoint from the data bearer
links it controls. One of the consequences of separation of data
bearer links from control channels is that RSVP Hello messages are
not terminated on data bearer links' interfaces even if (some of)
those are numbered. Instead, RSVP Hello messages are terminated at
the control channel (IP-capable) end-points. The latter MAY be
identified by the value assigned to the node hosting these control
channels, i.e., Node-ID. Consequently, the use of RSVP Hello
messages for GR applications introduces a need for clarifying the
behavior and usage of Node-ID based Hello sessions.
Even in the case of packet switching capable interfaces, when link
failure detection is performed by some means other than RSVP Hello
messages (e.g., [BFD]), the use of Node-ID based Hello sessions is
also optimal for detection of signaling adjacency failures for
GMPLS-RSVP-TE and RSVP-TE when there is more than one link between a
pair of nodes. Similarly, when all TE links between neighbor nodes
are unnumbered, it is implied that the nodes will exchange Node-ID
based Hello messages for detection of signaling adjacency failures.
This document also clarifies the use of Node-ID based Hello message
exchanges when all or a sub-set of TE links are unnumbered.
2. Terminology
Node-ID: TE Router ID as advertised in the Router Address TLV for
OSPF [OSPF-TE] and Traffic Engineering Router ID TLV for ISIS
[ISIS-TE]. For IPv6, the Node-ID refers to the Router_IPv6_Address
for OSPFv3 [OSPFv3-TE] and the IPv6 TE Router_ID for IS-IS
Node-ID based Hello Session: A Hello session in which local and
remote Node-IDs are used in the source and destination fields of the
Hello packet, respectively.
Interface bounded Hello Session: A Hello session in which local and
remote addresses of the interface in question are used in the source
and destination fields of the Hello packet, respectively.
Ali, et al. Standards Track [Page 2]
RFC 4558 Node-ID Based RSVP Hello June 2006
2.1. Conventions Used in This Document
3. Node-ID Based RSVP Hello Messages
A Node-ID based Hello session is established through the exchange of
RSVP Hello messages such that local and remote Node-IDs are
respectively used in the source and destination fields of Hello
packets. Here, for IPv4, Node-ID refers to the TE router-id as
defined in the Router Address TLV for OSPF [OSPF-TE] and the Traffic
Engineering router ID TLV for ISIS [ISIS-TE]. For IPv6, the Node-ID
refers to the Router_IPv6_Address for OSPFv3 [OSPFv3-TE] and the IPv6
TE Router_ID for IS-IS [IS-ISv6-TE]. This section formalizes a
procedure for establishing Node-ID based Hello sessions.
If a node wishes to establish a Node-ID based RSVP Hello session with
its neighbor, it sends a Hello message with its Node-ID in the source
IP address field of the Hello packet. Furthermore, the node also
puts the neighbor's Node-ID in the destination address field of the
IP packet.
When a node receives a Hello packet where the destination IP address
is its local Node-ID as advertised in the IGP-TE topology, the node
MUST use its Node-ID in replying to the Hello message. In other
words, nodes MUST ensure that the Node-IDs used in RSVP Hello
messages are those derived/contained in the IGP-TE topology.
Furthermore, a node can only run one Node-ID based RSVP Hello session
per IGP instance (i.e., per Node-ID pair) with its neighbor.
Even in the case of packet switching capable interfaces, when link
failure detection is performed by some means other than exchanging
RSVP Hello messages, use of Node-ID based Hello sessions is also
optimal in detecting signaling adjacency failures for GMPLS-RSVP-TE
and RSVP-TE when there is more than one link between a pair of nodes.
Similarly, if all interfaces between a pair of nodes are unnumbered,
the optimal way to use RSVP to detect signaling adjacency failure is
to run Node-ID based Hello sessions. Furthermore, in the case of an
optical network with single or multiple numbered or unnumbered
control channels, use of Node-ID based Hello messages for detecting
signaling adjacency failure is also optimal. Therefore, when link
failure detection is performed by some means other than exchanging
RSVP Hello messages, or if all interfaces between a pair of nodes are
unnumbered, or in a GMPLS network with data and control plane
separation, a node MUST run Node-ID based Hello sessions for
detection of signaling adjacency failure for RSVP-TE. Nonetheless,"
# First iteration Boyer-Moore, with no "bad character/good suffix rule".
def boyer_moore_search str, sub
str_length = str.length
sub_length = sub.length
for i in (sub_length - 1 ... str_length)
# if str at index i matches the last element in sub
if str[i] == sub[-1]
# set j, our sub indexer to 0
j = 0
# set count, our match counter to 1
count = 1
until j == sub_length
count += 1 if str[i - j] == sub[(sub_length - 1) - j]
return i - (sub_length - 1) if count == sub_length
j += 1
return "not found"
# tests
puts " "
puts "Boyer Moore No Bad Character Test:"
puts " "
# match
test_str = "Hello how do you do? Good? OK great."
test_pattern = "great"
should_be = 30
result = boyer_moore_search test_str, test_pattern
puts "Pattern at index #{result} "
raise "This is wrong" unless result == should_be
# no match
test_str2 = "Hello how do you do? Good? OK great."
test_pattern2 = "potato"
should_be2 = "not found"
result2 = boyer_moore_search test_str2, test_pattern2
puts "Pattern at index #{result2} "
raise "This is wrong" unless result == should_be
#Second iteration with Bad Match Table.
class BM_Search
def initialize str, pattern
@str = str
@pattern = pattern
@pattern_length = pattern.length
@str_length = str.length
@distances =
@index = 0
def bad_match_table
for i in (0...@pattern_length - 1)
@distances[@pattern[i]] = @pattern_length - i - 1
def boyer_moore_search
until @index >= @str_length
# if @str at index i matches the last element in pattern
if @str[@index] == @pattern[-1]
# set j, our pattern indexer to 0
j = 0
# set count, our match counter to 1
count = 1
until j == @pattern_length
count += 1 if @str[@index - j] == @pattern[(@pattern_length - 1) - j]
return @index - (@pattern_length - 1) if count == @pattern_length
j += 1
# if the char of the string we are looking at in not a match but IS in the pattern,
# find the value in @distances with the key of that char and add it to @index
elsif @distances[@str[@index]] != nil
@index += @distances[@str[@index]]
# if the char of the string we are looking at is not a match AND is NOT in the pattern
# add the pattern length to the index
@index += @pattern_length
return "not found"
# tests
puts " "
puts '*' * 40
puts "Boyer Moore With Bad Character Test:"
puts " "
# match
test_str = "Hello how do you do? Good? OK great."
test_pattern = "great"
should_be = 30
test = test_str, test_pattern
result3 = test.boyer_moore_search
puts "Pattern at index #{result3} "
raise "This is wrong" unless result3 == should_be
# no match
test_str2 = "let them eat cake"
test_pattern2 = "potato"
should_be2 = "not found"
test2 = test_str2, test_pattern2
result4 = test2.boyer_moore_search
puts "Pattern at index #{result4} "
raise "This is wrong" unless result4 == should_be2
# Timed Tests
# No Table
puts " "
puts "*" * 40
puts "Timed tests:"
puts " "
puts "With no table:"
time_test_pattern = "RSVP-TE"
beginning_time =
boyer_moore_search big_text, time_test_pattern
end_time =
puts "Pattern at index #{boyer_moore_search big_text, time_test_pattern} "
puts "Time elapsed #{(end_time - beginning_time)*1000} milliseconds"
# With Table
puts " "
puts "With Table"
beginning_time2 =
time_test = big_text, time_test_pattern
time_test_result = time_test.boyer_moore_search
end_time2 =
puts "Pattern at index #{time_test_result} "
puts "Time elapsed #{(end_time2 - beginning_time2)*1000} milliseconds"
puts " "
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