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  1. Find centers of fibers
a.	Segment with more values to remove edges of “fibers” in images

  i.	So it means we will have to fit our histogram with more number of peaks.
  ii. We may have to play with number of bins also

b. Labeling fibers bwlabeln - seperate individual fibers

awhite40 / Materials_Project.markdown
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
Summary of Materials Project and appplication to the Materials Informatics class

#Materials Project

Materials Project gives on-line access to materials information on known and predicted materials as well as analysis tools to aid the materials design process.


One of the main emphases is the computation of properties for materials which have little or no experimental data available. Choice of material is done by both predictive algorithms and crowd-source methods that allow researchers to submit crystal structures for evaluation. Currently the majority of the data available is on compounds from the Inorganic Crystal Structural Database. Project also provides access to the computed data which allows materials scientists to evaluate potential materials. Materials Project provides structural, electronic and energetic data on the compounds found in the database.

awhite40 / gist:f818ba4b9d7c51a9ffd3
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
function [values,fraction] = Thresh_3D( Matrix )
a = size(Matrix);
nRows = a(1);
nColumns = a(2);
nFrames = a(3);
X = Matrix;
%Thresholding in X-Y direction (X = rows Y = Columns)
for z = 1:1:nFrames
c = X(:,:,z);
%c = imadjust(c);%increases contrast
awhite40 / filelist.m
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06 — forked from tonyfast/filelist.m
d = cd
paths = strsplit( genpath( d ), ';' );
fo = fopen( 'list.txt', 'w')
for pp = 1 : numel( paths )
ff = dir( paths{ pp } )
[~,b] = fileparts(paths{pp})
if numel( ff ) > 0 & numel(strfind(paths{pp},'.git')) == 0
function [a] = StackingDicom(filename,short,nFrames)
%Read in file information
info = dicominfo(filename);
nRows = info.Rows;
nColumns = info.Columns;
%nPlanes = info.SamplesPerPixel;
X = repmat(int16(0), [nRows, nColumns, nFrames]); %create empty array
%Stacking slices
for p=0:nFrames-1
filename = sprintf('%s%05d.DCM', short,p);
awhite40 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Notes for materials informatics lecture September 8th 2014

Make sure you have as much content available for Wednesday in a folder.


m(x,h)dxdh - probablitily density function descretize this --> insert image 1 image 1

this is based on binning - don't necessarily have to: could do linear interpolation

indicator funtions - bar graph

awhite40 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Notes for Sept. 3rd

#Notes for Sept. 3rd

Notes on projects

Noah - using too much jargon, use less technical works and more images - what is the motivation link to pymks how do you connect this for someone who has machine learning skills

Mahdi Roozbahani - tortuosity is a structure measure need to connect structure measure and physical properties still needs some definition

Dipen Patel - didnt communicate well with general group include pictures and links to papers

awhite40 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05 — forked from tonyfast/
Project proposal for Material Informatics

Structure Property Relationships for a Polymer/Fiber Composite System

Team Members

  • Alicia White - MSE
  • Geet Lahoti - ISYE


Fibers in a injection molded polymer form a very complex structure. As the fibers cause a significant reinforcement of the part, their arrangement is an important aspect of the structure of the overall part. Fiber density and distibution will greatly affect the local and bulk properties of the system.

awhite40 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Notes from Tony's lecture on 8-27. Did not start at beginning.

Not good for binary files. The file changes when you save it again. Git counts it as a revision so you end up with lots of images.

Presentation layer How do we make stuff?
Innovation Stack

  • don't want mass centralization It is very diffucult to share hardware and system sofware Storage in middleware - organizes the content Data Processing -