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Last active March 1, 2023 16:21
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Diamond-Square Algorithm for Generating Terrain (C#)
// This code was converted from Java into C#
// The original Java code was found on Stack Overflow by user M. Jessup
using System;
namespace Terrain {
public class DiamondSquare {
private int _terrainPoints;
private double _roughness;
private double _seed; // an initial seed value for the corners of the data
public DiamondSquare(int terrainPoints, double roughness, double seed) {
this._terrainPoints = terrainPoints;
this._roughness = roughness;
this._seed = seed;
public double[,] getData() {
return diamondSquareAlgorithm();
private double[,] diamondSquareAlgorithm() {
//size of grid to generate, note this must be a
//value 2^n+1
int DATA_SIZE = _terrainPoints + 1; // must be a power of two plus one e.g. 33, 65, 128, etc
double[,] data = new double[DATA_SIZE, DATA_SIZE];
data[0, 0] = data[0, DATA_SIZE - 1] = data[DATA_SIZE - 1, 0] =
data[DATA_SIZE - 1, DATA_SIZE - 1] = _seed;
double h = _roughness;//the range (-h -> +h) for the average offset - affects roughness
Random r = new Random();//for the new value in range of h
//side length is distance of a single square side
//or distance of diagonal in diamond
for (int sideLength = DATA_SIZE - 1;
//side length must be >= 2 so we always have
//a new value (if its 1 we overwrite existing values
//on the last iteration)
sideLength >= 2;
//each iteration we are looking at smaller squares
//diamonds, and we decrease the variation of the offset
sideLength /= 2, h /= 2.0) {
//half the length of the side of a square
//or distance from diamond center to one corner
//(just to make calcs below a little clearer)
int halfSide = sideLength / 2;
//generate the new square values
for (int x = 0; x < DATA_SIZE - 1; x += sideLength) {
for (int y = 0; y < DATA_SIZE - 1; y += sideLength) {
//x, y is upper left corner of square
//calculate average of existing corners
double avg = data[x, y] + //top left
data[x + sideLength, y] +//top right
data[x, y + sideLength] + //lower left
data[x + sideLength, y + sideLength];//lower right
avg /= 4.0;
//center is average plus random offset
data[x + halfSide, y + halfSide] =
//We calculate random value in range of 2h
//and then subtract h so the end value is
//in the range (-h, +h)
avg + (r.NextDouble() * 2 * h) - h;
//generate the diamond values
//since the diamonds are staggered we only move x
//by half side
//NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap then x < DATA_SIZE
//to generate the far edge values
for (int x = 0; x < DATA_SIZE - 1; x += halfSide) {
//and y is x offset by half a side, but moved by
//the full side length
//NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap then y < DATA_SIZE
//to generate the far edge values
for (int y = (x + halfSide) % sideLength; y < DATA_SIZE - 1; y += sideLength) {
//x, y is center of diamond
//note we must use mod and add DATA_SIZE for subtraction
//so that we can wrap around the array to find the corners
double avg =
data[(x - halfSide + DATA_SIZE) % DATA_SIZE, y] + //left of center
data[(x + halfSide) % DATA_SIZE, y] + //right of center
data[x, (y + halfSide) % DATA_SIZE] + //below center
data[x, (y - halfSide + DATA_SIZE) % DATA_SIZE]; //above center
avg /= 4.0;
//new value = average plus random offset
//We calculate random value in range of 2h
//and then subtract h so the end value is
//in the range (-h, +h)
avg = avg + (r.NextDouble() * 2 * h) - h;
//update value for center of diamond
data[x, y] = avg;
//wrap values on the edges, remove
//this and adjust loop condition above
//for non-wrapping values.
if (x == 0) data[DATA_SIZE - 1, y] = avg;
if (y == 0) data[x, DATA_SIZE - 1] = avg;
return data;
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