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Created February 14, 2018 07:25
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# Disable fortune startup messages
e cfg.fortunes=false
# Show comments at right of disassembly
e asm.cmtright=true
# Shows pseudocode in disassembly. Eg mov eax, str.ok = > eax = str.ok
# Display stack and register values on top of disasembly view (visual mode)
e cmd.stack = true
# Solarized theme
eco solarized
# Use UTF-8 to show cool arrows
e scr.utf8 = true
e scr.truecolor = true
e scr.pipecolor = true
# ASM directives to show more data and hints
e asm.relsub = true
e asm.syntax=intel
e asm.pseudo = true
e asm.describe = false
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