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Created August 15, 2018 17:56
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Bem Composition
import React from 'react';
import styled from "styled-components";
import { bemClassName } from 'bem-react-core';
import { react } from '@bem/sdk.naming.presets';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
const bemed = (block, mods) => (elemPure) => {
const naming = bemClassName(react);
const fn = (e, elemMods) => (Pure) => (props) => {
return <Pure {...props} {...{
elem: (e, eMods) => naming(block, e, eMods),
className: e ? naming(block, e, elemMods) : naming(block, undefined, mods)
return fn(elemPure);
const app = mods => {
const BApp = bemed('App', mods);
const ELogo = BApp('Logo')(({ className }) => <img src={logo} className={className} alt="logo" />);
const ETitle = BApp('Title')(({ className }) => <h1 className={className}>Welcome to React</h1>);
const Header = ({ className }) => (
<header className={className}>
<ELogo />
<ETitle />
const StyledHeader = styled(Header)`
background-color: #222;
height: 150px;
padding: 20px;
color: white;
return BApp()(({ className, elem, onClick }) => (
<div className={className} onClick={onClick}>
<p className={elem('Intro')}>
To get started, edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
const mod = Block => {
return (props) => <Block {...props} onClick={() => console.log('!!!')}/>
const App = mod(app({ theme: 'islands' }));
export default App;
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