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Created August 12, 2021 20:58
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Some functions for working with Fulcro dynamic routers. I'll probably put some version of these once they're refined into Fulcro itself, but for now there are here for reference.
(defn- get-ast-children [query-ast at-depth]
(let [{:keys [children] :as node} query-ast]
(and (zero? at-depth) (seq children)) children
(zero? at-depth) node
:else (let [sub-children (mapcat :children children)]
(get-ast-children {:type :root
:children sub-children} (dec at-depth))))))
(defn find-router
"Find the router closest to the root of the given query. Logs a warning if there are sibling routers, and returns
the first of those."
(let [ast (eql/query->ast query)
routers (first
(drop-while empty?
(fn [n]
(keep :component)
(filter dr/router?))
(get-ast-children ast n)))
(range 0 8))))]
(when (> (count routers) 1)
(log/warn "There were sibling routers when trying to find a router in" query
" which can cause problems with route detection"))
(first routers)))
(defn routed*?
"Returns true if the given router (class) has been asked to (and is finished) routing."
[state-map router]
(when router
(= :routed
(get-in state-map [::uism/asm-id
(second (comp/get-ident router {}))
(defn router-started*?
"Returns true if the given router (class) has been started."
[state-map router]
(get-in state-map [::uism/asm-id
(second (comp/get-ident router {}))
(defn active-router-target
"Returns the target that the given router is pointing to. This is the best you can do in terms of determining what a
given router is actively showing, independent of if that router is properly started or is in transition.
The first input argument can be a state map, a Fulcro application, or an active instance (this).
Returns the component class of the target."
[state-map-or-app-or-this RouterClass]
(let [state-map (or
(some-> (comp/any->app state-map-or-app-or-this) app/current-state)
(some->> (some-> RouterClass (comp/get-query state-map) eql/query->ast :children)
(utils/find-first #(= (:key %) ::dr/current-route))
(defn current-active-target
"Returns the component class of the ultimate leaf that has been routed to. This function uses the state of the router
dynamic queries. If `parent` is supplied, this function starts the search from that parent; otherwise it requires
you pass an app or this and it starts from the actively mounted root."
(current-active-target app-or-this (app/app-root (comp/any->app app-or-this))))
([app-or-this-or-state-map parent]
(let [state-map (or
(some-> app-or-this-or-state-map comp/any->app app/current-state)
query (comp/get-query parent state-map)
router (find-router query)
current-target (active-router-target state-map router)]
(if (and (routed*? state-map router) current-target)
(current-active-target state-map current-target)
(defn target-visible*?
Recursively walks the routing tree in state (starting from `parent`) and attempts to determine if the given `target` is
currently being routed to.
Returns true if the given `target` (class) is currently some part of the active route.
* state-map - The current app state
* parent - The class from which to start checking the route (app root is fine)
* target - The class for which you want to know if it is visible (must be a target with a :route-segment)
[state-map parent target]
(let [query (comp/get-query parent state-map)
router (find-router query)
routed? (routed*? state-map router)
current-target (active-router-target state-map router)]
(and routed? (= target current-target)) true
(and routed? current-target) (target-visible*? state-map current-target target)
:else false)))
(defn target-visible?
"Recursively walks the routing tree in state (starting from the mounted app root) and attempts to determine if the given `target` is
currently being routed to.
Returns true if the given `target` (class) is currently some part of the active route.
* app-ish - Fulcro application or component `this`.
* target - The class for which you want to know if it is visible (must be a target with a :route-segment)
[app-ish target]
(when-not (comp/component-options target :route-segment)
(log/error "target-visible? called with a target that has no route-segment. There is no way this will EVER return true."
(comp/component-name target)))
(let [Root (app/app-root (comp/any->app app-ish))
state-map (app/current-state app-ish)]
(target-visible*? state-map Root target)))
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