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Last active July 10, 2023 16:24
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著者 タイトル 種別 number URL
Nigel P. Smart Practical and Efficient FHE-based MPC 準同型, MPC 981
Eyal Kushnir, Guy Moshkowich, and Hayim Shaul Secure Range-Searching Using Copy-And-Recurse 準同型 983
Karim Eldefrawy, Nicholas Genise, and Nathan Manohar On the Hardness of Scheme-Switching Between SIMD FHE Schemes 準同型 988
Vladimir Kolesnikov, Stanislav Peceny, Ni Trieu, and Xiao Wang Fast ORAM with Server-aided Preprocessing and Pragmatic Privacy-Efficiency Trade-off MPC 991
Offir Friedman, Avichai Marmor, Dolev Mutzari, Yehonatan C. Scaly, Yuval Spiizer, and Avishay Yanai Tiresias: Large Scale, Maliciously Secure Threshold Paillier MPC 998
Yongha Son and Jinhyuck Jeong PSI with computation or Circuit-PSI for Unbalanced Sets from Homomorphic Encryption 準同型 1009
Gauri Gupta, Krithika Ramesh, Anwesh Bhattacharya, Divya Gupta, Rahul Sharma, Nishanth Chandran, and Rijurekha Sen End-to-end Privacy Preserving Training and Inference for Air Pollution Forecasting with Data from Rival Fleets MPC 1010
Anasuya Acharya, Carmit Hazay, Oxana Poburinnaya, and Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam Best of Both Worlds: Revisiting the Spymasters Double Agent Problem MPC 1013
Sahar Mazloom, Benjamin E. Diamond, Antigoni Polychroniadou, and Tucker Balch An Efficient Data-Independent Priority Queue and its Application to Dark Pools MPC 1014
Daphné Trama, Pierre-Emmanuel Clet, Aymen Boudguiga, and Renaud Sirdey At Last! A Homomorphic AES Evaluation in Less than 30 Seconds by Means of TFHE 準同型 1020
Ehud Aharoni, Nir Drucker, Gilad Ezov, Eyal Kushnir, Hayim Shaul, and Omri Soceanu E2E near-standard and practical authenticated transciphering 準同型 1040
Dominic Gold, Koray Karabina, and Francis C. Motta An Algorithm for Persistent Homology Computation Using Homomorphic Encryption 準同型 1048
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