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Sergei Blinov awnion

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awnion /
Created August 6, 2012 21:30
Flac2mp3 shell converter
# You need flac and lame utils
# On OS X you can install them usung homebrew: $ brew install lame flac
for f in "$@"; do
[[ "$f" != *.flac ]] && continue
album="$(metaflac --show-tag=album "$f" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')"
artist="$(metaflac --show-tag=artist "$f" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')"
date="$(metaflac --show-tag=date "$f" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')"
title="$(metaflac --show-tag=title "$f" | sed 's/[^=]*=//')"
class Foo
Foo(int j) { i=new int[j]; }
~Foo() { delete i; }
int* i;
class Bar: Foo
awnion / gist:4996212
Last active December 14, 2015 00:08
My nginx.conf (base nginx config)
# Base nginx config
# See: (russian)
user www-data;
worker_processes 2; # recommended equals to number of cores
pid /var/run/;
# Decrease calls of gettimeofday()
timer_resolution 100ms;
; Sample supervisor config file.
file=/tmp/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file)
;chmod=0700 ; sockef file mode (default 0700)
;chown=nobody:nogroup ; socket file uid:gid owner
;username=user ; (default is no username (open server))
;password=123 ; (default is no password (open server))
;[inet_http_server] ; inet (TCP) server disabled by default
parallel_fib(N) ->
Parent = self(),
spawn(fun () -> Parent ! fib(N - 1) end), % call left half parallel
X = fib(N - 2),
receive Y -> Y end, % get parallel result
X + Y.
fib(N) when N > 20 -> parallel_fib(N);
fib(0) -> 0;
fib(1) -> 1;
awnion / 1.Dockerfile
Last active June 10, 2020 19:31
Dockerfile expamples
# Credits:
# Example with apt-get update, install and clean it's cache
RUN apt-get update -yq \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
apt-get install -yq pkg1 pkg2 pkg3 \
&& find /var/cache/apt/archives /var/lib/apt/lists -not -name lock -type f -delete
# Example with many packages to install at one time
RUN apt-get update -yq \
awnion / sympy_test.ipynb
Created February 17, 2021 05:12
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
// 80 ms in worst case
int solve(vector<int>& a, int n) {
    if (a.size() == 0) return 0;
    sort(a.begin(), a.end());
    int w = 0;
    int c = 1;
    int x = a[0];
    int y;
 for (int i = 1; i &lt; a.size(); i++) {
# restore {} aka python style code -> c++ style code
# if bla:
#   print()
#   for i in range(n):
#     s.pop()
#   something()
# else:
#   bla
awnion /
Last active May 1, 2021 22:21
Some VIM tricks

Apply some vim commands on a file without entering vim

E.g. given 1st line "what to edit" and 2nd line "what vim commands to execute"

  • -E Ex mode: vim will treat STDIN as if it's just list of commands
  • here ^E means key press, so here 2 strategies to deal with it
    • replace ^E with new_line + ":norm "
    • replace ^E with hex code of ESC which is \x1b