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Created December 10, 2014 02:46
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Om routing with Secretary
(ns om-routing.core
(:require-macros [secretary.core :refer [defroute]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])
(:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponent]]
[sablono.core :as h :refer-macros [html]]
[secretary.core :as secretary :include-macros true]
[ :as events]
[goog.history.EventType :as EventType]
[cljs.core.async :refer [put! chan <! pub sub]])
(:import goog.History))
(defonce app-state (atom {:text "Hello Chestnut!"}))
(def pub-chan (chan))
(def sub-chan (pub pub-chan :topic))
;Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn consume-events
"Consume events from the publication channel.
topic is a keyword indicating the topic to subscribe to
func takes one arg, the event
owner is an Om component"
[owner topic func]
(let [sub-chan (om/get-shared owner :sub-chan)]
(let [event-chan (sub sub-chan topic (chan))]
(go-loop [event (<! event-chan)]
(func event)
(recur (<! event-chan))))))
(defn change-view
([view view-name]
(put! pub-chan {:topic :change-view
:view view
:view-name view-name}))
([view view-name init-state]
(put! pub-chan {:topic :change-view
:view view
:view-name view-name
:view-init-state init-state})))
;Routes ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(declare home-view)
(declare about-view)
(declare contact-view)
(defroute home-path "/" []
(change-view home-view :home-view))
(defroute about-path "/about" []
(change-view about-view :about-view))
(defroute contact-path "/contact" []
(change-view contact-view :contact-view))
;Components ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defcomponent home-view [app owner]
(render [_]
(html [:p "Home page"])))
(defcomponent about-view [app owner]
(render [_]
(html [:p "About page"])))
(defcomponent contact-view [app owner]
(render [_]
(html [:p "Contact page"])))
(defn menu [& content]
[:span [:ul
[:li [:a {:href (home-path)} "Home"] ]
[:li [:a {:href (about-path)} "About"]]
[:li [:a {:href (contact-path)} "Contact"]]]
[:div.main-section content]
[:p "Copyright"]]])
(defcomponent root-view [app owner]
(init-state [_]
{:view home-view})
(did-mount [_]
(consume-events owner :change-view
(fn [{:keys [view view-init-state view-name]}]
(om/set-state! owner :view view)
(om/set-state! owner :view-init-state view-init-state)
(om/set-state! owner :react-key view-name))))
(render-state [_ {:keys [view view-init-state react-key]}]
(om/build view app {:init-state view-init-state :react-key react-key})))))
;Config ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn main []
{:target (. js/document (getElementById "app"))
:shared {:sub-chan sub-chan
:pub-chan pub-chan}}))
;Fallback for browsers without HTML5 History
(secretary/set-config! :prefix "#")
;Set Secretary to listen to navigation events (i.e. HTML5 History events)
(let [h (History.)]
( h EventType/NAVIGATE #(secretary/dispatch! (.-token %)))
(doto h (.setEnabled true)))
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