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Last active September 3, 2020 18:34
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random walk over a unit cube
// Consider an ant taking a random walk over corners of a cube.
// What are the average number of steps to arrive at the far corner?
// user interface is next line: you can change the sample size
let nSamples = 1_000_000
type Direction = X | Y | Z
/// walk in the given direction
let walk (x,y,z) direction =
let step along = if along = 0 then 1 else 0
match direction with
| X -> step x,y,z
| Y -> x,step y,z
| Z -> x,y,step z
// test walk
let test1 =
walk (0,0,0) X = (1,0,0)
walk (0,0,0) Y = (0,1,0)
walk (0,0,0) Z = (0,0,1)
walk (0,0,1) Z = (0,0,0)
/// convert integer to direction
let toDirection n = if n = 0 then X else if n=1 then Y else Z
// test toDirection
let test2 =
toDirection 0 = X
toDirection 1 = Y
toDirection 2 = Z
/// random direction dispenser. not thread safe.
let ranDir seed =
let r = System.Random(seed)
fun() -> toDirection (r.Next(3))
/// walk from origin to opposite corner using random direction dispenser
let simAnt r =
let rec simAnt' here r =
if here = (1,1,1) then 0 else 1+(simAnt' (walk here (r())) r )
simAnt' (0,0,0) r
/// dispense fixed set of directions for testability
let fixdir items =
let mutable i = 0;
fun() ->
let result = Array.item i items
i <- i+1
// test simulation using known directions
let test3 = [
simAnt (fixdir [|X;Y;Z|]) = 3 // shortest journey
simAnt (fixdir [|X;Y;Z;Z;Y|]) = 3 // unused steps
simAnt (fixdir [|X;Y;X;Z;X|]) = 5 // longer journey
nSamples |> printf "%A ants walking..."
// run many simulations in parallel
// using independently seeded random number dispensers to solve
// the problem of the system random number generator not being thread safe
let randomSeeds = System.Random()
let simAntFromSeed = ranDir >> simAnt
let results = [|1..nSamples|] |> (fun _ -> randomSeeds.Next()) |> simAntFromSeed
results |> Seq.averageBy float |> printfn "simple average %A" // average
// some statistics
let median items = (Array.sort items).[items.Length/2]
let indexInProportion n p = int (float n * p)
type SomeStats = {Samples: int; Avg: float; Min:int; Max:int; Median:int; Percentile90: int}
let stats manyResults =
let sortedResults = Array.sort manyResults;
let n90 = indexInProportion sortedResults.Length 0.90
Avg=Seq.averageBy float manyResults
Min=Seq.min sortedResults
Max=Seq.max sortedResults
Median=median sortedResults
stats results |> printfn "%A"
// plot the probabilty distribution
let histogram = results |>
Array.groupBy id |> (fun (steps,occurances) -> steps,occurances.Length)
let byDescendingFrequency = histogram |> Array.sortByDescending snd
let topFrequency = byDescendingFrequency.[0] |> snd
let total = histogram |> snd |> Array.reduce (+)
let probabilityDistribution =
byDescendingFrequency |> (fun (steps,i) -> steps, (float i)/float(total), (float i) / (float topFrequency))
let stars n = ("".PadRight n).Replace(' ','*')
let test4 = stars 4 = "****"
let starsInProportionTo fraction max = stars (int (fraction * float max))
let test5 = starsInProportionTo 0.5 10 = "*****"
printfn "time p"
probabilityDistribution |>
Array.take 20 |>
Array.iter(fun (steps,p,topmost) -> printfn "%4d %f %s" steps p (starsInProportionTo topmost 60))
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