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Created March 30, 2011 08:02
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Lisp macros to convert brainfuck code into lisp code
; the zipper storing the interpreter's memory
(defvar *memory* (cons () (loop for i from 1 to 32768 collecting 0)))
; convenience function to reset global memory to all zeros
(defun reset-memory ()
(setf *memory* (cons () (loop for i from 1 to 32768 collecting 0))))
(defmacro with-blank-memory (&rest body)
`(let ((*memory* (cons () (loop for i from 1 to 32768 collecting 0))))
; the forward portion of the memory zipper
(defmacro forward ()
`(cdr *memory*))
; the backward portion of the memory zipper
(defmacro backward ()
`(car *memory*))
; increment the first element of the list in *memory*'s second list
; (the brainfuck + operator)
(defmacro f+ ()
`(incf (first (forward))))
; decrement the first element of the list in *memory*'s second list
; (the brainfuck - operator)
(defmacro f- ()
`(decf (first (forward))))
; move one element from *memory*'s second list to its first, moving the location
; of the data pointer forward by one
; (the brainfuck > operator)
(defmacro f> ()
`(push (pop (forward)) (backward)))
; move one element from *memory*'s second list to its first, moving the location
; of the data pointer backwards by one
; (the brainfuck < operator)
(defmacro f< ()
`(push (pop (backward)) (forward)))
; print the ascii character corresponding to the first position in memory
; (the brainfuck . operator)
(defmacro f. ()
`(format t "~c" (code-char (first (forward)))))
; read a character and put its ascii value into the first position in memory
; (the brainfuck , operator)
(defmacro f\, ()
`(setf (car (cdr *memory*)) (char-code (read-char))))
; Just print an H directly using the macros, proof of concept
(progn (loop for i from 1 to 72 collecting (f+))
; Returns the appropriate macro to use for a particular brainfuck character
; i.e., (fmacro #\+) => (f+)
(defun fmacro (c)
(list (intern (concatenate 'string "F" (string c)))))
; Returns the substring containing the first bracket-enclosed section
; i.e. (match-bracket "[a[bcd]][ef]") => "[a[bcd]]"
(defun match-bracket (str)
(let ((depth 0) (out (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t :element-type 'character)))
(loop for c across str
do (vector-push-extend c out)
when (char= c (code-char 91))
do (incf depth)
when (char= c (code-char 93))
do (decf depth)
until (= depth 0))
; creates lisp code from brainfuck code
; first, convert whatever we get into a string.
; then, loop over that string:
; for each character ",.<>+-", append the appropriate macro call onto the list
; of things to do.
; for each [, call floop on the inside of the bracketed loop section
; if we encounter a ], it's an error: any matched ]s are removed by the subseq
; calls.
(defmacro f (code)
(let ((str (string code)))
`(progn ,@(loop for i from 0
until (>= i (length str))
for c = (elt str i)
for sub = (let ((around (match-bracket (subseq str i))))
(if (> (length around) 2)
(subseq around 1 (1- (length around)))
when (char= c (code-char 91))
collect `(floop ,sub) and do (incf i (1+ (length sub)))
when (char= c (code-char 93))
do (format t "ERROR: UNMATCHED ]") and return nil
unless (char= c (code-char 91))
collect (fmacro c)))))
; run the brainfuck code with a new definition of the dynamic variable *memory*
; so that global state is not affected
(defmacro brainf*ck (code)
`(with-blank-memory (f ,code)))
; repeat a section of brainfuck code until the current cell's value is zero
(defmacro floop (code)
((= 0 (first (forward))))
(f ,code)))
; test code: prints Hello World!
(brainf*ck |++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.|)
; make sure it expands properly
(macroexpand-1 '(f |++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.|))
; use the brainfuck code generation macros to define multiplication
; this is rather absurd...
(defun bfmult (x y)
(setf (first (forward)) x)
(setf (first (cdr (forward))) y)
(f |[->[->+>+<<]>>[->+<]<[-<+>]<<]>>>>|)
(first (forward))))
; oh look, it works!
(bfmult 40000 5)
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