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Last active September 11, 2015 13:41
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (badRequest400, ok200, notFound404)
import Network.Wai
( Application
, FilePart(..)
, requestHeaders
, responseLBS
, pathInfo
import Network.Wai.HTTP2
( HTTP2Application
, PushPromise(..)
, Responder
, respond
, respondFile
, respondFilePart
, respondIO
, streamBuilder
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
( defaultSettings
, setOnException
, setPort
, setFdCacheDuration
import Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS
, tlsSettings
someHtml :: B.Builder
someHtml = mconcat $ map (<> "\n")
[ "<!DOCTYPE html>"
, "<html>"
, "<body>"
, "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/script.js\"></script>"
, "<img src=\"/img/ego_cover.jpg\" />"
, "hi"
, "</body>"
, "</html>"
scriptDotJs :: Responder
scriptDotJs =
respond ok200 [("cache-control", "max-age=10000,public")] mempty $
streamBuilder "document.write(\"got expected script\");"
indexPage :: HTTP2Application
indexPage _ push = respondIO $ do
pushed <- push
(PushPromise "GET" "/script.js" "localhost:1204" "https" [])
pushed2 <- push
(PushPromise "GET" "/img/ego_cover.jpg" "localhost:1204" "https" []) $
egoCover []
print (pushed, pushed2)
return $ respond ok200 [("cache-control", "max-age=10000,public")] mempty $
--streamFilePart "example.html" Nothing
streamBuilder someHtml
-- Pushing this when it won't be used by the associated resource hangs the
-- SpdySession in Chrome by consuming the entire connection window in an
-- un-adopted pushed stream. (Total size ~= 10 MB if you want to substitute
-- another file)
excessivelyLargeUnwantedResource :: Responder
excessivelyLargeUnwantedResource =
respondFilePart ok200 [] "/dev/urandom" $ FilePart 0 10485760 10485760
-- This one's fine -- it's only 2MB.
egoCover :: H.RequestHeaders -> Responder
egoCover = respondFile ok200 [] "/home/sp/Music/David Maxim Micic/EGO/cover.jpg"
notFound :: Responder
notFound = respond notFound404 [] mempty $ streamBuilder "Not found."
http11NotSupported :: Application
http11NotSupported _ respondFn = respondFn $
responseLBS badRequest400 []
"Don't use HTTP/1.1 -- this server is for testing HTTP/2."
-- An Application that only knows the URLs "/" and "/img/ego_cover.jpg". The
-- handler for "/" will push "/script.js", so the script will execute iff the
-- push was successfully adopted.
app :: HTTP2Application
app req push = case pathInfo req of
["img", "ego_cover.jpg"] -> egoCover $ requestHeaders req
[] -> indexPage req push
_ -> notFound
main :: IO ()
main = do
let settings = setFdCacheDuration 1
. setPort 1204
. setOnException (\_ e -> print (show e))
$ defaultSettings
tlssettings = tlsSettings
runHTTP2TLS tlssettings settings app http11NotSupported
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