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Last active January 4, 2016 06:56
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import gdb
from datetime import datetime
import sys
uintptr_t = gdb.lookup_type("uintptr_t")
if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
raw_input = input
def read_command_lines():
# It is really unfortunate that we there does not appear to be a way to
# execute the gdb function `read_command_lines` from python.
ret = []
gdb.write('End with a line saying just "end".\n')
line = raw_input(">")
while line != "end":
line = raw_input(">")
return ret
def FunctionForPc(pc):
orig_pc = pc
block = gdb.block_for_pc(int(pc))
while block:
if block.function:
return str(block.function)
block = block.superblock
# If we couldn't figure it out by looking at the block, it is still
# possible that gdb can figure out something for it (e.g. if it is
# in JIT-ed code, etc. If all else fails, return the original address
# as hex.
if isinstance(orig_pc, gdb.Value):
return str(orig_pc)
return hex(int(orig_pc))
def TrackedClassWhatis(tc):
assert isinstance(tc, gdb.Value)
timeval = tc['ti_metadata']['tim_timestamp']
seconds = int(timeval['tv_sec'].cast(uintptr_t))
micros = int(timeval['tv_usec'].cast(uintptr_t))
alloctime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds + (1000000.0 / micros))
gdb.write(str(tc) + " is a " + str(tc.type) +
" allocated by thread " +
str(tc['ti_metadata']['tim_thread']) +
" at " + str(alloctime) +
" from:\n")
depth = int(tc['ti_metadata']['tim_stack_depth'])
raw_stack = (tc['ti_metadata']['tim_stack'][i] for i in range(depth))
for pc in raw_stack:
gdb.write("\t" + FunctionForPc(pc) + "\n")
def TrackedClassWalk(class_name, filter=lambda _: True):
instance = gdb.parse_and_eval(
'TrackedClass<%s>::s_tracked_instances' % class_name)
while instance:
gdb.execute("set $_ = ('%s' *)%s" % (class_name, str(instance)))
gdb.execute("set $__ = *$_")
if filter(instance):
yield instance
instance = instance['ti_next_instance']
class TrackedClassCommand(gdb.Command):
"""Operations on tracked clases."""
def __init__(self):
super(TrackedClassCommand, self).__init__(
"tracked-class", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_COMMAND, True)
class TrackedClassWhatisCommand(gdb.Command):
"""Print allocation metadata for a TrackedClass."""
def __init__(self):
super(TrackedClassWhatisCommand, self).__init__(
"tracked-class whatis", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION)
def invoke(self, argument, from_tty):
tc = gdb.parse_and_eval(argument)
class TrackedClassWalkCommand(gdb.Command):
"""Print all instances of a TrackedClass.
If an optional filter is used, $_ and $__ can be used in the filter
expression to reference the instance.
tracked-class walk <type> [if <filter>]
(gdb) tracked-class walk LLVMEngine::CompiledUnit if $_->m_loaded
def __init__(self):
super(TrackedClassWalkCommand, self).__init__(
"tracked-class walk", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION)
def invoke(self, argument, from_tty):
args = gdb.string_to_argv(argument)
if (len(args) == 0 or len(args) == 2 or
(len(args) > 1 and args[1] != "if")):
raise gdb.GdbError("Usage: <type> [if <filter expression>]")
_filter = lambda _: True
if len(args) > 1:
_filter = lambda _: bool(gdb.parse_and_eval(" ".join(args[2:])))
for tc in TrackedClassWalk(args[0], _filter):
gdb.write(str(tc) + "\n")
class TrackedClassWalkCommandsCommand(gdb.Command):
"""Execute the given commands on all instances of a TrackedClass.
The commands can reference the instance via $_ and $__.
If an optional filter is used, $_ and $__ can be used in the filter
expression to reference the instance.
tracked-class walk-commands <type> [if <filter>]
(gdb) tracked-class walk-commands Mbc::Module if $_->m_loaded
Type commands for each instance.
End with a line saying just "end".
>tracked-class whatis $_
def __init__(self):
super(TrackedClassWalkCommandsCommand, self).__init__(
"tracked-class walk-commands", gdb.COMMAND_DATA,
def invoke(self, argument, from_tty):
args = gdb.string_to_argv(argument)
if (len(args) == 0 or len(args) == 2 or
(len(args) > 1 and args[1] != "if")):
raise gdb.GdbError("Usage: <type> [if <filter expression>]")
_filter = lambda _: True
if len(args) > 1:
_filter = lambda _: bool(gdb.parse_and_eval(" ".join(args[2:])))
gdb.write("Type commands for each instance.\n")
commands = read_command_lines()
for _ in TrackedClassWalk(args[0], _filter):
for command in commands:
#pragma once
// A parent class using CRTP to track all instances of the derived class.
// This supports two python functions for use in gdb:
// - TrackedClassWalk(derived_class_name, filter=lambda _: True):
// A generator that iterates over all instances of the derived class
// in existance. This currently relies on embedding additional data in
// the Derived class to track all instances in a doubly linked list
// and consequently is only enabled in debug builds. Future versions
// of TrackedClass will instead use memory allocator metadata to enable
// them to support TrackedClassWalk with no overhead in release builds
// as well as debug builds.
// - TrackedClassWhatis(gdb_value, pretty=True):
// Prints to the gdb console metadata about the value, including
// the stacktrace where it was allocated. This currently requires
// embedding the stack trace in the Derived class and consequently
// is only enabled in debug builds. Future versions of TrackedClass
// will instead use memory allocator metadata to avoid the need to
// embed data in the Derived class, but will still only support
// TrackedClassWhatis in debug builds.
// == Usage ==
// (gdb) source
// (gdb) python print(len(list(TrackedClassWalk('LLVMEngine::CompiledUnit'))))
// 23
// (gdb) python le_cu = next(TrackedClassWalk('LLVMEngine::CompiledUnit'))
// (gdb) python print le_cu
// 0x5f4db00
// (gdb) python m_u = next(TrackedClassWalk('Mbc::Unit', lambda u: u['m_cu']['_M_t']['_M_head_impl'] == le_cu))
// (gdb) python print m_u
// 0x5c776e0
// (gdb) python TrackedClassWhatis(le_cu)
// 0x64d77f0 is a LLVMEngine::CompiledUnit * allocated by thread {_M_thread = 140572196010240}
// TrackedClass<LLVMEngine::CompiledUnit>::TrackedClass()
// LLVMEngine::CompiledUnit::CompiledUnit(bool)
// LLVMEngine::CompiledUnitBuilder::Create(bool, bool)
// LLVMEngine::Compile(Mbc::Unit*, char const*, bool, bool)
// Mbc::Unit::getFunction<void, void*>(std::string const&, std::function<void (void*)>&, InterpreterMode)
// GetCreateIndexesFn(AllMetadataTable const&, Mbc::Unit*, unsigned long, InterpreterMode, AlterTableInfo*)
// CreateTableEntry(DynamicObject&, char const*, int, std::unique_ptr<AllMetadataTable, std::default_delete<AllMetadataTable> >&, unsigned long, DatabaseMetadataManager*, char const*, AlterTableInfo*, OperatorSelect*, OperatorSelect*, bool)
// Metametadata::CreateInternalTable(int, INTERNAL_TABLE_TYPE, DatabasesListEntry*)
// DatabaseMetadataManager::DatabaseMetadataManager(int, MetadataDatabase*, bool, bool, bool, size_t, DatabasesListEntry*)
// DatabasesListEntry::DatabasesListEntry(int, MetadataDatabase*, bool, bool, bool, size_t)
// MetadataManager::CreateDatabase(int, char const*, bool, bool, bool, unsigned long, unsigned int, bool, bool, MetadataReplica*)
// InitInternalDatabase(int, char const*, bool)
// MemSqlInitializeMetadataMgr()
// main(int, char**)
// __libc_start_main
// [unknown]
#ifdef NDEBUG
template <typename T> class TrackedClass {};
#include <assert.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
template <typename T>
class TrackedClass
assert(ti_magic == TC_ALLOCED_MAGIC);
ti_magic = TC_FREED_MAGIC;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> autolock(T::s_tracked_instances_lock);
if (ti_prev_instance == nullptr)
assert(T::s_tracked_instances == static_cast<T *>(this));
T::s_tracked_instances = ti_next_instance;
assert(ti_prev_instance->ti_next_instance ==
static_cast<T *>(this));
ti_prev_instance->ti_next_instance = ti_next_instance;
if (ti_next_instance != nullptr)
assert(ti_next_instance->ti_prev_instance ==
static_cast<T *>(this));
ti_next_instance->ti_prev_instance = ti_prev_instance;
TrackedClass(const TrackedClass&) = delete;
TrackedClass(TrackedClass&&) = delete;
TrackedClass() : ti_magic(TC_ALLOCED_MAGIC),
ti_next_instance(nullptr), ti_prev_instance(nullptr)
void updateMetadata()
gettimeofday(&ti_metadata.tim_timestamp, NULL);
ti_metadata.tim_thread = std::this_thread::get_id();
ti_metadata.tim_stack_depth =
assert(ti_metadata.tim_stack_depth > SKIP_STACK_FRAMES);
ti_metadata.tim_stack_depth -= SKIP_STACK_FRAMES;
memcpy(ti_metadata.tim_stack, &stack[SKIP_STACK_FRAMES],
ti_metadata.tim_stack_depth * sizeof(stack[0]));
void trackInstance()
assert(ti_prev_instance == nullptr);
assert(ti_next_instance == nullptr);
assert(ti_magic == TC_ALLOCED_MAGIC);
ti_prev_instance = nullptr;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> autolock(T::s_tracked_instances_lock);
ti_next_instance = T::s_tracked_instances;
T::s_tracked_instances = static_cast<T *>(this);
if (ti_next_instance != nullptr)
assert(ti_next_instance->ti_prev_instance == nullptr);
ti_next_instance->ti_prev_instance = static_cast<T *>(this);
// Capture up to 24 frames of the stack trace but exclude the first 3
// frames: <updateMetadata, trackInstance, TrackInstance::TrackInstance>.
static constexpr size_t MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 24;
static constexpr size_t SKIP_STACK_FRAMES = 3;
static constexpr uint64_t TC_ALLOCED_MAGIC = 0x4141414141414141;
static constexpr uint64_t TC_FREED_MAGIC = 0x4646464646464646;
// We annotate all of these as having "default" visibility so that there
// we guarantee there is always ever a single copy of them, even in the
// case where it is used in a shared object compiled with
// -fvisibility=hidden.
// WARNING A dlcose of a library using a TrackedClass should invoke
// std::mutex::~mutex on the s_tracked_instances_lock if the library
// had been compiled with -fuse-cxa-atexit. In theory, this should make
// s_tracked_instances_lock unuseable by other threads; in practice, this
// appears to work.
static T *s_tracked_instances
static std::mutex s_tracked_instances_lock
static uint64_t s_tracked_instances_count
uint64_t ti_magic;
T *ti_next_instance;
T *ti_prev_instance;
struct {
std::thread::id tim_thread;
struct timeval tim_timestamp;
size_t tim_stack_depth;
void *tim_stack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH];
} ti_metadata;
template <typename T> std::mutex TrackedClass<T>::s_tracked_instances_lock;
template <typename T> T *TrackedClass<T>::s_tracked_instances(nullptr);
template <typename T> uint64_t TrackedClass<T>::s_tracked_instances_count(0);
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