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Created March 27, 2013 02:43
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Connect PHP Class Stubs
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Named ID that can be included in a list
class AccessLevel
extends NamedIDDeltaOptList
/* Properties */
* The numeric ID/value for the AccessLevel
* @var long
public $ID;
* The name for this AccessLevel
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An account generated for a staff member in the RightNow system. Staff accounts are used by CSRs, sales agents, site administrators, etc.
class Account
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* Hierarchy of managers for the staff member. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccountArray
public $AccountHierarchy;
* Group of flags which enable certain features or special behaviors
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccountOptions
public $Attributes;
* Default country identifier
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Country;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccountCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Display name
* @var string
public $DisplayName;
* Controls the display position of this staff account relative to other members of the same group
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* Format the staff member prefers for email notifications
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $EmailNotification;
* List of email addresses
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\EmailArray
public $Emails;
* Authentication user name
* @var string
public $Login;
* Staff member's manager
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $Manager;
* Staff member's name
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\PersonFullName
public $Name;
* Furigana reading aid for the Name. This field is used in workspaces on the agent console and is only available if the site has at least one Japanese interface.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\PersonName
public $NameFurigana;
* Write-only field used to change the authentication password. It is stored with a one-way encryption in the RightNow system.
* @var string
public $NewPassword;
* Flag indicating whether any notifications are pending. Read-only
* @var bool
public $NotificationPending;
* Date and time when the password is set to expire. Read-only
* @var long
public $PasswordExpirationTime;
* List of phone numbers
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\PhoneArray
public $Phones;
* Profile to which the staff account is assigned
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Profile;
* Sales module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccountSalesSettings
public $SalesSettings;
* Service module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccountServiceSettings
public $ServiceSettings;
* Email signature
* @var string
public $Signature;
* Group to which the staff member is assigned
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $StaffGroup;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Group of flags which enable certain features or special behaviors on an Account
class AccountOptions
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Temporarily locks the staff account. You might choose to do this if, for example, a staff member takes a leave of absence. This will also be set automatically if a staff member has exceeded the number of invalid logins or has an expired password.
* @var bool
public $AccountLocked;
* Forces the staff member to change her password the next time she logs in. Note: This flag remains true until the staff member changes her password.
* @var bool
public $ForcePasswordChange;
* Disables password expiration. This will override any system-wide password expiration configurations.
* @var bool
public $PasswordNeverExpires;
* Permanently disables the staff account (for example, when a staff member leaves your organization). Note: The staff account will continue to appear in the tree of the Staff Accounts management console if the Show Disabled setting is on, but you will not be able to clear the Permanently Disable check box if you edit the account. You can reuse the login name of a permanently disabled staff account for a different staff account.
* @var bool
public $PermanentlyDisabled;
* Prevents the staff account from being assigned to incidents, answers, opportunities, and tasks
* @var bool
public $StaffAssignmentDisabled;
* Prevents the staff account from being included in the list for filters in reports
* @var bool
public $ViewsReportsDisabled;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Sales related information for the account
class AccountSalesSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Default currency ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $DefaultCurrency;
* Sales territory ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Territory;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Service related information for the account
class AccountServiceSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* @var long
public $ScreenPopPort;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Groups all address information
class Address
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* City name
* @var string
public $City;
* Country ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Country;
* Postal code or zip code
* @var string
public $PostalCode;
* State or province ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $StateOrProvince;
* Street address
* @var string
public $Street;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An Analytics Report Definition
class AnalyticsReport
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* The ID of the Analytics Report Definition
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* The columns defined on this report
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnalyticsReportColumnArray
public $Columns;
* The filters defined on this report
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnalyticsReportFilterArray
public $Filters;
* The name of this report
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of language specific display names
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelRequiredArray
public $Names;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public function run(){}
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An Analytics Report Column Definition
class AnalyticsReportColumn
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* The column data type
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $DataType;
* A description
* @var string
public $Description;
* The column heading
* @var string
public $Heading;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An Analytics Report Filter Definition
class AnalyticsReportFilter
extends AnalyticsReportSearchFilter
/* Properties */
* The filter name
* @var string
public $Name;
* The operator
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Operator;
* The string representation of the values for the Operator to apply
* @var array
public $Values;
public static $_metadata = null;
* attributes of this filter
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes
public $Attributes;
* The filter data type
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $DataType;
* The prompt for this filter
* @var string
public $Prompt;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* @var bool
public $Editable;
* @var bool
public $Required;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An Analytics Report Search Filter Definition
class AnalyticsReportSearchFilter
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* The filter name
* @var string
public $Name;
* The operator
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Operator;
* The string representation of the values for the Operator to apply
* @var array
public $Values;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Customer questions and answers maintained in the Knowledge Base
class Answer
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* List of access levels, which determine which end-users can view the answer
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccessLevelArray
public $AccessLevels;
* Last date and time the answer was accessed by an administrator. Read-only
* @var long
public $AdminLastAccessTime;
* Type of storage for answer information
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $AnswerType;
* Another answer with which this one should be associated
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Answer
public $AssignedSibling;
* Staff member or group assigned to the answer
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\GroupAccount
public $AssignedTo;
* Banner flag information
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Banner
public $Banner;
* Categories (common to all sibling answers)
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategoryArray
public $Categories;
* Comments/notes
* @var string
public $Comments;
* File attachments common to all sibling answers
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentSharedArray
public $CommonAttachments;
* Notes common to all sibling answers
* @var string
public $CommonComments;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnswerCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Date on which the answer expires and is set to review status
* @var long
public $ExpiresDate;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentAnswerArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Space-separated list of keywords associated with answer content
* @var string
public $Keywords;
* Language used for the answer text
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Language;
* Date and time when the answer was last accessed. Read-only
* @var long
public $LastAccessTime;
* Date and time when the last notification was generated. Read-only
* @var long
public $LastNotificationTime;
* Answers that have been linked to this one (related answers)
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnswerLinkArray
public $Links;
* Reference number of the answer (a string version of the ID). Read-only
* @var string
public $Name;
* Next (earliest) date and time when a notification will be sent
* @var long
public $NextNotificationTime;
* List of discussion threads
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NoteArray
public $Notes;
* Reference number of the incident that was proposed to create this answer. (Common to all sibling answers.) Read-only
* @var string
public $OriginalReferenceNumber;
* Used to initialize and/or force this answer to a particular ranking in search results
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $PositionInList;
* Products (common to all sibling answers)
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProductArray
public $Products;
* Date on which the answer will be published, or made available to users
* @var long
public $PublishOnDate;
* Description or question portion of the answer
* @var string
public $Question;
* Sibling answers with which this answer is associated. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnswerArray
public $SiblingAnswers;
* Solution or answer portion of the answer
* @var string
public $Solution;
* Current status
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\StatusWithType
public $StatusWithType;
* Title or short summary
* @var string
public $Summary;
* Staff account who last edited the answer. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $UpdatedByAccount;
* URL which will return the answer, if its type is URL
* @var string
public $URL;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Links an answer to related answers
class AnswerLink
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Relative relatedness of the linked answers
* @var long
public $LearnedLinkStrength;
* Static strength of the link
* @var long
public $ManualLinkStrength;
* Answer to which this answer is linked (usually an answer that was viewed after this one). This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Answer
public $ToAnswer;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Notification that should be sent to a contact when an answer has been updated
class AnswerNotification
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Answer that will cause the notification to be sent. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Answer
public $Answer;
* Interface on which the notification was created
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Interface;
* Date and time when notification period began. Read-only
* @var long
public $StartTime;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Banner display flags
class Banner
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Importance of the banner
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $ImportanceFlag;
* Flag text
* @var string
public $Text;
* Staff account that most recently updated the banner flag and/or text. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $UpdatedByAccount;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Notification that should be sent to a contact when a category has been updated
class CategoryNotification
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Category that will cause the notification to be sent. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategory
public $Category;
* Date and time when notification period began
* @var long
public $StartTime;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Channel username.
class ChannelUsername
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Associated communication channel. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Channel;
* The user number ID (string limited to values 0-9) for this communication channel.
* @var string
public $UserNumber;
* The user name for this communication channel.
* @var string
public $Username;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Customers or end users of a site
class Contact
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* Address information
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Address
public $Address;
* Display banner flag information
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Banner
public $Banner;
* A list of usernames for this contact across different communication channels.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ChannelUsernameArray
public $ChannelUsernames;
* Contact type ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $ContactType;
* Set of CRM modules which are available
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\CRMModules
public $CRMModules;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ContactCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Disables contact
* @var bool
public $Disabled;
* List of email addresses
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\EmailArray
public $Emails;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentCommonArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Authentication user name
* @var string
public $Login;
* Marketing module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ContactMarketingSettings
public $MarketingSettings;
* First and last name
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\PersonName
public $Name;
* Furigana reading aid for the Name. This field is used in workspaces on the agent console and is only available if the site has at least one Japanese interface.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\PersonName
public $NameFurigana;
* Write-only field used to change the authentication password. It is stored with a one-way encryption in the RightNow system.
* @var string
public $NewPassword;
* List of notes associated with the contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NoteArray
public $Notes;
* Organization to which contact belongs
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Organization
public $Organization;
* List of phone numbers
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\PhoneArray
public $Phones;
* Sales module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ContactSalesSettings
public $SalesSettings;
* Service module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ContactServiceSettings
public $ServiceSettings;
* Creation source IDs. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyOptList
public $Source;
* Social or professional title (e.g. Mrs. or Dr.)
* @var string
public $Title;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public function ResetPassword(){}
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Marketing related information for the contact
class ContactMarketingSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Contact lists in which the contact is included
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $ContactLists;
* ID of preferred format for sending emails to the contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $EmailFormat;
* Marketing opt-in flag
* @var bool
public $MarketingOptIn;
* Marketing organization name
* @var string
public $MarketingOrganizationName;
* Alternate marketing organization name
* @var string
public $MarketingOrganizationNameAlt;
* Feedback opt-in flag
* @var bool
public $SurveyOptIn;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Sales related information for the contact
class ContactSalesSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Date when the first opportunity associated with the contact was closed. Read-only
* @var long
public $AcquiredDate;
* ID of the staff account for the sales rep assigned to the contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $SalesAccount;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Service related information for the contact
class ContactServiceSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Answer notifications to which the contact is subscribed
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AnswerNotificationArray
public $AnswerNotifications;
* Category notifications to which the contact is subscribed
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\CategoryNotificationArray
public $CategoryNotifications;
* Product notifications to which the contact is subscribed
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ProductNotificationArray
public $ProductNotifications;
* SLA Instances associated with the contact. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\SLAInstanceArray
public $SLAInstances;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Group of flags indicating the modules that are applicable for an object
class CRMModules
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Indicates that the marketing module is applicable
* @var bool
public $Marketing;
* Indicates that the sales module is applicable
* @var bool
public $Sales;
* Indicates that the service module is applicable
* @var bool
public $Service;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* The base class for the CustomFields object
class CustomFields
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Email address and associated information
class Email
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Email address string
* @var string
public $Address;
* Address type (e.g. Primary or Alt1). This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $AddressType;
* Associated public email certificate, used to encrypt outgoing email.
* @var string
public $Certificate;
* Disables the email address
* @var bool
public $Invalid;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A file that is attached to or associated with another object
class FileAttachment
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* MIME content type for file contents (e.g. text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg)
* @var string
public $ContentType;
* Date and time when file was associated with object. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Name to be used for file when it is saved to disk
* @var string
public $FileName;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Length of file data in bytes. Read-only
* @var long
public $Size;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* A URL to this file
* @var string
public $URL;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public function getAdminURL(){}
public function setFile(){}
public function makeFile(&$tmp_filepath = null){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* File attachment that includes fields specific to answers
class FileAttachmentAnswer
extends FileAttachmentCommon
/* Properties */
* MIME content type for file contents (e.g. text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg)
* @var string
public $ContentType;
* Date and time when file was associated with object. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Name to be used for file when it is saved to disk
* @var string
public $FileName;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Length of file data in bytes. Read-only
* @var long
public $Size;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* A URL to this file
* @var string
public $URL;
public static $_metadata = null;
* Text describing file contents
* @var string
public $Description;
* Short display name
* @var string
public $Name;
* Disables display of file attachment when associated answer is viewed. If the Private flag is not set, this flag hides the attachment.
* @var bool
public $Disabled;
* Causes the file attachment's contents to be included in keyword indexing of the answer
* @var bool
public $Indexed;
* Disallows display of the file attachment to end-users
* @var bool
public $Private;
/* Instance Methods */
public function getAdminURL(){}
public function setFile(){}
public function makeFile(&$tmp_filepath = null){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* File attachment that includes additional fields used for attachments to several different classes
class FileAttachmentCommon
extends FileAttachment
/* Properties */
* MIME content type for file contents (e.g. text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg)
* @var string
public $ContentType;
* Date and time when file was associated with object. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Name to be used for file when it is saved to disk
* @var string
public $FileName;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Length of file data in bytes. Read-only
* @var long
public $Size;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* A URL to this file
* @var string
public $URL;
public static $_metadata = null;
* Text describing file contents
* @var string
public $Description;
* Short display name
* @var string
public $Name;
/* Instance Methods */
public function getAdminURL(){}
public function setFile(){}
public function makeFile(&$tmp_filepath = null){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* File attachment that includes fields specific to incidents
class FileAttachmentIncident
extends FileAttachmentCommon
/* Properties */
* MIME content type for file contents (e.g. text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg)
* @var string
public $ContentType;
* Date and time when file was associated with object. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Name to be used for file when it is saved to disk
* @var string
public $FileName;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Length of file data in bytes. Read-only
* @var long
public $Size;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* A URL to this file
* @var string
public $URL;
public static $_metadata = null;
* Text describing file contents
* @var string
public $Description;
* Short display name
* @var string
public $Name;
* Disallows display of the file attachment to end-users
* @var bool
public $Private;
/* Instance Methods */
public function getAdminURL(){}
public function setFile(){}
public function makeFile(&$tmp_filepath = null){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* File attachment that includes fields specific to attachments shared by sibling answers
class FileAttachmentShared
extends FileAttachment
/* Properties */
* MIME content type for file contents (e.g. text/plain, audio/mp3, image/jpg)
* @var string
public $ContentType;
* Date and time when file was associated with object. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Name to be used for file when it is saved to disk
* @var string
public $FileName;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Length of file data in bytes. Read-only
* @var long
public $Size;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* A URL to this file
* @var string
public $URL;
public static $_metadata = null;
* Disables display of file attachment when associated answer is viewed. If the Private flag is not set, this flag hides the attachment.
* @var bool
public $Disabled;
* List of language specific display names
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelRequiredArray
public $Names;
* Disallows display of the file attachment to end-users
* @var bool
public $Private;
/* Instance Methods */
public function getAdminURL(){}
public function setFile(){}
public function makeFile(&$tmp_filepath = null){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Bundle of staff account and staff group.
class GroupAccount
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Staff account
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $Account;
* Staff group. Caller should only set the account or the group, not both. Setting the account will automatically populate the appropriate group. Set the group if assignment is being made to any account in that group.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $StaffGroup;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Customer incident or issue
class Incident
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* Staff member or group to which the incident is assigned
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\GroupAccount
public $AssignedTo;
* Display banner flag information
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Banner
public $Banner;
* List of time billed entries tracking work on the incident
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\TimeBilledArray
public $BilledMinutes;
* Service Category
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategory
public $Category;
* RightNow Chat queue to which the incident is assigned to. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $ChatQueue;
* Date and time at which the incident was closed. Read-only
* @var long
public $ClosedTime;
* List of custom fields values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\IncidentCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Service Disposition
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceDisposition
public $Disposition;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentIncidentArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Relative due date that is required to conform to the SLA. If SLAs have not been implemented, this would apply to the default response requirements. Read-only
* @var long
public $InitialResponseDueTime;
* Date and time when a response was sent to the customer corresponding to a status change to a type other than unresolved. Read-only
* @var long
public $InitialSolutionTime;
* ID of associated interface
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Interface;
* ID of associated language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Language;
* Date and time when the last response was sent to the contact. Read-only
* @var long
public $LastResponseTime;
* ID of mailbox from which incident was created
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Mailbox;
* ID of associated marketing outbound email. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Mailing;
* ID of associated organization
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Organization
public $Organization;
* List of secondary (not primary) contacts
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ContactArray
public $OtherContacts;
* Primary contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Contact
public $PrimaryContact;
* Service Product
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProduct
public $Product;
* Queue to which the incident is assigned
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Queue;
* Reference number generated by the system when the incident is created. Serves as the name for the incident
* @var string
public $ReferenceNumber;
* Number of minutes it took to resolve the incident past the SLA's resolution requirement. Read-only
* @var long
public $ResolutionInterval;
* Number of minutes it took to respond to the incident past the SLA's response requirement. Read-only
* @var long
public $ResponseInterval;
* Assigned severity level
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Severity;
* Emotive index computed from contact-generated threads. Read-only
* @var long
public $SmartSenseCustomer;
* Emotive index computed from staff-generated threads. Read-only
* @var long
public $SmartSenseStaff;
* Creation source IDs. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyOptList
public $Source;
* Current status
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\StatusWithType
public $StatusWithType;
* Short description
* @var string
public $Subject;
* List of customer and staff discussion threads, or notes. This list can only be appended. It is not possible to retroactively remove or update discussion threads.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ThreadArray
public $Threads;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Group of flags controlling which data values are inherited by a task from associated object (e.g. an incident or opportunity)
class InheritOptions
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Inherit contact value from associated object
* @var bool
public $InheritContact;
* Inherit organization value from associated object
* @var bool
public $InheritOrganization;
* Inherit assigned account value from associated object
* @var bool
public $InheritStaffAssignment;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class InterfaceValue
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* The interface
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Interface;
* The text that will be used on this interface.
* @var string
public $Value;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* String that is language-specific, allowing localization. Labels will be assembled in a list that is associated with one particular text field.
class Label
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Label text
* @var string
public $LabelText;
* Language ID. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Language;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Strings that are language-specific, allowing localization of fields. Like the Label class, but the label text cannot be empty or null. Labels will be assembled in a list that is associated with one particular text field
class LabelRequired
extends Label
/* Properties */
* Label text. Must be a non-empty string
* @var string
public $LabelText;
* Language ID. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Language;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Monetary value that consists of currency, exchange rate, and value.
class MonetaryValue
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Currency ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Currency;
* Exchange rate in effect when the value was set. This is used to convert the value to other currencies.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $ExchangeRate;
* Numeric value, stored in 1/1000ths of a unit - i.e. 1 USD would have a value of 1000
* @var double
public $Value;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
class NamedID
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ID value
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Named ID that can be included in a list
class NamedIDDelta
extends NamedID
/* Properties */
* ID value. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Named ID that can be included in a list
class NamedIDDeltaOptList
extends NamedID
/* Properties */
* ID value. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Named ID that holds a hierarchical value (e.g. service category or sales product). Similar to a NamedID, but the parent hierarchy is provided as a convenience for retrieval and to allow for the disambiguation of leaf names if they are not unique.
class NamedIDHierarchy
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ID value
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* List of the parents of the entry, in order from root to immediate parent
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedReadOnlyIDArray
public $Parents;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
class NamedIDHierarchyLabel
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ID value
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* List of the parents of the entry, in order from root to immediate parent
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedReadOnlyIDArray
public $Parents;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
class NamedIDHierarchyOptList
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ID value
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* List of the parents of the entry, in order from root to immediate parent
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedReadOnlyIDArray
public $Parents;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
class NamedIDLabel
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ID value
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* An ID which has an associated name string. These IDs can be set by either value or name. If the name cannot uniquely determine the value, an error is generated.
class NamedIDOptList
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ID value
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* NamedID in which the ID is read-only. Used for hierarchies, where caller can specify the parents by name, but cannot specify the parent IDs.
class NamedReadOnlyID
extends NamedID
/* Properties */
* ID value. Read-only
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Note text associated with objects in the system like contacts and organizations
class Note
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Channel through which the note was created
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Channel;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Note text
* @var string
public $Text;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Sales opportunity with a contact or organization
class Opportunity
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* Full manager hierarchy of staff accounts for the salesperson that was assigned to the opportunity at the time of assignment. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\AccountArray
public $AccountHierarchy;
* Assigned sales representative
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $AssignedToAccount;
* Banner display flag
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Banner
public $Banner;
* Campaign that created the opportunity, if applicable. This value and the survey are mutually exclusive; one or both must be null. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Campaign;
* Date and time the opportunity was closed
* @var long
public $ClosedTime;
* Monetary value when opportunity was closed
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $ClosedValue;
* Associated cost of sale
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $CostOfSale;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OpportunityCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentCommonArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Date on which the opportunity is forecasted to close
* @var long
public $ForecastCloseDate;
* Date on which the sales representative initially made contact with the organization
* @var long
public $InitialContactDate;
* Interface with which the opportunity is associated
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Interface;
* Date and time the lead was rejected
* @var long
public $LeadRejectDateTime;
* Comments entered when the lead was rejected
* @var string
public $LeadRejectDescription;
* Reason the lead was rejected
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $LeadRejectReason;
* Date and time at which the opportunity was lost
* @var long
public $LostTime;
* Committed status of the manager-forecasted value
* @var bool
public $ManagerCommit;
* Manager-forecasted value
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $ManagerValue;
* Descriptive name
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of associated notes
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NoteArray
public $Notes;
* Associated organization
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Organization
public $Organization;
* Other non-primary associated contacts
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OpportunityContactDeltaArray
public $OtherContacts;
* Primary contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OpportunityContact
public $PrimaryContact;
* List of sales quotes
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\QuoteArray
public $Quotes;
* Recall date and time
* @var long
public $RecallTime;
* Return value
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $ReturnValue;
* Committed status of the sales representative-forecasted value
* @var bool
public $SalesRepresentativeCommit;
* Sales representative-forecasted value
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $SalesRepresentativeValue;
* Creation source IDs. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyOptList
public $Source;
* Current stage of opportunity handling process, along with its associated strategy
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\StageWithStrategy
public $StageWithStrategy;
* Current status and associated status type
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\StatusWithType
public $StatusWithType;
* Brief summary description
* @var string
public $Summary;
* Survey that created the opportunity, if applicable. This value and the campaign are mutually exclusive; one or both must be null. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Survey;
* Associated sales territory
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyLabel
public $Territory;
* Full territory hierarchy of sales territories for the territory that was assigned to the opportunity at the time of assignment. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabelArray
public $TerritoryHierarchy;
* Win/loss description
* @var string
public $WinLossDescription;
* Win/loss reason
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $WinLossReason;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Represents the primary contact associated with an opportunity
class OpportunityContact
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Contact's ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Contact
public $Contact;
* Contact's role in opportunity process
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $ContactRole;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Secondary contact associated with an opportunity
class OpportunityContactDelta
extends OpportunityContact
/* Properties */
* Contact's ID. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Contact
public $Contact;
* Contact's role in opportunity process
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $ContactRole;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Business organization
class Organization
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* List of associated addresses
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\TypedAddressArray
public $Addresses;
* Banner display flag
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Banner
public $Banner;
* Group of flags indicating which modules are enabled for organization
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\CRMModules
public $CRMModules;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OrganizationCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentCommonArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Industry with which the organization is associated
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Industry;
* Authentication user name
* @var string
public $Login;
* Business name
* @var string
public $Name;
* Furigana reading aid for the Name field. This field is used in workspaces on the agent console and is only available if the site has at least one Japanese interface.
* @var string
public $NameFurigana;
* Write-only field used to set the authentication password. It is stored with a one-way encryption in the RightNow system.
* @var string
public $NewPassword;
* List of associated notes
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NoteArray
public $Notes;
* Number of employees
* @var long
public $NumberOfEmployees;
* Hierarchy of parent organizations. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OrganizationArray
public $OrganizationHierarchy;
* Parent organization
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Organization
public $Parent;
* Sales module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OrganizationSalesSettings
public $SalesSettings;
* Service module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\OrganizationServiceSettings
public $ServiceSettings;
* Creation source IDs. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyOptList
public $Source;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Sales related information for the organization
class OrganizationSalesSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Date on which the first opportunity associated with the organization was closed. Read-only
* @var long
public $AcquiredDate;
* Assigned sales representative
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $SalesAccount;
* Total revenue generated by the organization
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $TotalRevenue;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Service related information for the organization
class OrganizationServiceSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Service level agreement (SLA) instances associated with the organization. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\SLAInstanceArray
public $SLAInstances;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A person's first and last name where both are required
class PersonFullName
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Given or first name
* @var string
public $First;
* Surname or last name
* @var string
public $Last;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A person's first and last name
class PersonName
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Given or first name
* @var string
public $First;
* Surname or last name
* @var string
public $Last;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A phone number and its ancillary data
class Phone
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Free-form phone number
* @var string
public $Number;
* Type of phone number (e.g. Home, Mobile, Office, etc.). This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $PhoneType;
* Automatically populated with the numerical data from the Number; i.e. if Number contained "1 (406) 522-4200", this field would contain "14065224200". Read-only
* @var string
public $RawNumber;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Notification that should be sent to a contact when a product has been updated
class ProductNotification
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Product that will cause the notification to be sent. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProduct
public $Product;
* Date and time when notification period began
* @var long
public $StartTime;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Sales quote associated with an opportunity
class Quote
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Value of the sales representative's forecasted quote
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $AdjustedTotal;
* Comment text
* @var string
public $Comment;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\QuoteCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Discount percentage
* @var long
public $DiscountPercent;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Forecast status
* @var bool
public $Forecasted;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* List of individual product line items that make up the quote
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\QuoteLineItemArray
public $LineItems;
* Descriptive name
* @var string
public $Name;
* Date and time on which the quoted offer ends
* @var long
public $OfferEndTime;
* Date and time on which the quoted offer starts
* @var long
public $OfferStartTime;
* Effective price schedule
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $PriceSchedule;
* Date and time on which the quote was sent
* @var long
public $SentTime;
* Email addresses of the contact to whom the quote was sent. Read-only
* @var string
public $SentTo;
* Current status
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Status;
* Template used to generate the quote
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Template;
* Total price of the quote, in the sales rep's default currency
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $Total;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Product line item in a quote
class QuoteLineItem
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Edited product description
* @var string
public $AdjustedDescription;
* Edited product name
* @var string
public $AdjustedName;
* Edited product part number
* @var string
public $AdjustedPartNumber;
* Adjusted product price
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $AdjustedPrice;
* Sales rep's forecasted total value
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $AdjustedTotal;
* Comments/notes associated with line item
* @var string
public $Comment;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\QuoteLineItemCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Discount applied to the adjusted price
* @var long
public $DiscountPercent;
* Position of the line item in the quote
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* Primary key identifier. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ID;
* Original product description. Read-only
* @var string
public $OriginalDescription;
* Original product name. Read-only
* @var string
public $OriginalName;
* Original product part number. Read-only
* @var string
public $OriginalPartNumber;
* Original product price. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $OriginalPrice;
* SalesProduct ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Product;
* Product quantity
* @var long
public $Quantity;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Product available to customers and organizations through quotes or offer advisor
class SalesProduct
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* Number of times an offer for the product was accepted through offer advisor
* @var long
public $AcceptCount;
* List of interfaces on which the sales product is visible
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $AdminVisibleInterfaces;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\SalesProductCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* List of descriptions, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelArray
public $Descriptions;
* Indicates that the sales product is temporarily disabled and will not be displayed
* @var bool
public $Disabled;
* Display position relative to other sales products within the same folder in the product catalog
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* Excludes the product from being available to offer advisor
* @var bool
public $ExcludeFromOfferAdvisor;
* Folder of product catalog in which the sales product is located
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyLabel
public $Folder;
* Product name in the current interface's language. Read-only
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of names, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelRequiredArray
public $Names;
* Text string which identifies the product (e.g. SKU, model number)
* @var string
public $PartNumber;
* Number of times the product was offered through offer advisor
* @var long
public $RespondCount;
* List of associated price schedules
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\SalesProductScheduleArray
public $Schedules;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A price schedule for a sales product
class SalesProductSchedule
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Associated comments/notes
* @var string
public $Comment;
* Product's price in this schedule
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\MonetaryValue
public $Price;
* Schedule ID. This is part of the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Schedule;
* Date on which schedule ends
* @var long
public $ScheduleEndDate;
* Date on which schedule starts. This is part of the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $ScheduleStartDate;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Hierarchical service category
class ServiceCategory
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* List of interfaces on which the category is available for admin use
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $AdminVisibleInterfaces;
* List of all parents in the hierarchy, from the root to the immediate parent. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategoryArray
public $CategoryHierarchy;
* List of descriptions, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelArray
public $Descriptions;
* Display position relative to other categories with the same parent
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* List of interfaces on which the category is available for end user use
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $EndUserVisibleInterfaces;
* Name in the current interface's language. Read-only
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of names, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelRequiredArray
public $Names;
* Parent category in the hierarchy
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategory
public $Parent;
* Category-Product Linking
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProductDeltaArray
public $ProductLinks;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A Product's category linking
class ServiceCategoryDelta
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ServiceCategory ID. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategory
public $ServiceCategory;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Hierarchical service disposition
class ServiceDisposition
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* List of interfaces on which the disposition is available for admin use
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $AdminVisibleInterfaces;
* List of descriptions, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelArray
public $Descriptions;
* Display position relative to other dispositions with the same parent
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* List of all parents in the hierarchy, from the root to the immediate parent. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceDispositionArray
public $DispositionHierarchy;
* Name in the current interface's language
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of names, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelRequiredArray
public $Names;
* Parent disposition in the hierarchy
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceDisposition
public $Parent;
* Disposition-Product Linking
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProductDeltaArray
public $ProductLinks;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A Product's disposition linking
class ServiceDispositionDelta
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ServiceDisposition ID. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceDisposition
public $ServiceDisposition;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Hierarchical service product
class ServiceProduct
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* List of interfaces on which the category is available for admin use
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $AdminVisibleInterfaces;
* Product-Category Linking
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceCategoryDeltaArray
public $CategoryLinks;
* List of descriptions, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelArray
public $Descriptions;
* Display position relative to other products with the same parent
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* Product-Disposition Linking
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceDispositionDeltaArray
public $DispositionLinks;
* List of interfaces on which the category is available for end user use
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDDeltaOptListArray
public $EndUserVisibleInterfaces;
* Name in the current interface's language
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of names, one for each supported language
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\LabelRequiredArray
public $Names;
* Parent product in the hierarchy
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProduct
public $Parent;
* List of all parents in the hierarchy, from the root to the immediate parent. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProductArray
public $ProductHierarchy;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A Category or disposition's product linking
class ServiceProductDelta
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* ServiceProduct ID. This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\ServiceProduct
public $ServiceProduct;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Instance of a Service Level Agreement (SLA). An instance is created when a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is associated with a contact or organization.
class SLAInstance
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Date on which instance became active. Read-only
* @var long
public $ActiveDate;
* Date on which instance is scheduled to expire. Read-only
* @var long
public $ExpireDate;
* SLA from which instance was created. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $NameOfSLA;
* Number of chat incidents remaining. Read-only
* @var long
public $RemainingFromChat;
* Number of CSR incidents remaining. Read-only
* @var long
public $RemainingFromCSR;
* Number of email incidents remaining. Read-only
* @var long
public $RemainingFromEmail;
* Number of web self-service incidents remaining. Read-only
* @var long
public $RemainingFromWeb;
* Total number of incidents remaining. Read-only
* @var long
public $RemainingTotal;
* Current state
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $StateOfSLA;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Stage an opportunity has reached in the strategy designated for its business process
class StageWithStrategy
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Current stage
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Stage;
* Associated strategy. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Strategy;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Status of an object with its associated status type
class StatusWithType
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Current status
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Status;
* Associated type. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $StatusType;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Task information
class Task
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* Assigned staff account
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $AssignedToAccount;
* Associated text comments
* @var string
public $Comment;
* Completion date and time
* @var long
public $CompletedTime;
* Associated contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Contact
public $Contact;
* List of custom field values
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\TaskCustomFields
public $CustomFields;
* Due date and time
* @var long
public $DueTime;
* List of file attachments
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\FileAttachmentCommonArray
public $FileAttachments;
* Group of flags defining which data is inherited from associated objects
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\InheritOptions
public $Inherit;
* Marketing module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\TaskMarketingSettings
public $MarketingSettings;
* Descriptive name
* @var string
public $Name;
* List of discussion threads
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NoteArray
public $Notes;
* Associated organization
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Organization
public $Organization;
* Percentage of work completed
* @var long
public $PercentComplete;
* Planned completion date and time
* @var long
public $PlannedCompletionTime;
* Relative priority
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Priority;
* Sales module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\TaskSalesSettings
public $SalesSettings;
* Service module specific settings
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\TaskServiceSettings
public $ServiceSettings;
* Start date and time
* @var long
public $StartTime;
* Current status
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\StatusWithType
public $StatusWithType;
* Template for business process
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $TaskTemplate;
* Type identifier, such as incident task. Works in conjunction with the inherit options to determine from which associated object to inherit data.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $TaskType;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Marketing related information for the task
class TaskMarketingSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Associated campaign
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Campaign;
* Associated marketing document
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Document;
* Associated mailing
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Mailing;
* Associated survey
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Survey;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Sales related information for the task
class TaskSalesSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Associated opportunity
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Opportunity
public $Opportunity;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Service related information for the task
class TaskServiceSettings
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Associated answer
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Answer
public $Answer;
* Associated incident
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Incident
public $Incident;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Incident discussion thread entry. Since thread lists are append-only, there is not a key field or set of fields that identify an entry for delete or update
class Thread
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Associated staff account. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $Account;
* Associated communication channel
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $Channel;
* Associated contact
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Contact
public $Contact;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Relative display order for threads with the same created time. Read-only
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* Type
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $EntryType;
* Entry text
* @var string
public $Text;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Work time applied to incidents through the Time Billed feature
class TimeBilled
extends ConnectObject
/* Properties */
* Staff member who billed the time. This is part of the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\Account
public $Account;
* Associated billable task
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $BillableTask;
* Date and time on which work was performed. This is part of the key for the list entry.
* @var long
public $BillTime;
* Associated comments
* @var string
public $Comment;
* Number of minutes billed
* @var long
public $Minutes;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* Physical address
class TypedAddress
extends Address
/* Properties */
* City name
* @var string
public $City;
* Country ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDOptList
public $Country;
* Postal code or zip code
* @var string
public $PostalCode;
* State or province ID
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $StateOrProvince;
* Street address
* @var string
public $Street;
public static $_metadata = null;
* Address type (e.g. mailing, street, etc.). This is the key for the list entry.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDLabel
public $AddressType;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
* A variable is a predefined shortcut for entering information instead of a long string of text.
class Variable
extends RNObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
* Primary key identifier
* @var long
public $ID;
* Associated name
* @var string
public $LookupName;
* Creation date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $CreatedTime;
* Last updated date and time. Read-only
* @var long
public $UpdatedTime;
* The position of the variable in the variable list
* @var long
public $DisplayOrder;
* List of all parent folders in the hierarchy, from the root to the immediate parent. Read-only
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\NamedIDHierarchyLabel
public $Folder;
* List of values, one for each supported interface.
* @var RightNow\Connect\v1_1\InterfaceValueArray
public $InterfaceValues;
* The name of the variable
* @var string
public $Name;
* Indicates if the text should be indexed for searching on the customer portal.
* @var bool
public $SearchIndexable;
public static $_metadata = null;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class RNObject
extends ConnectObject
/* Class Constants */
const FetchOptionsNone = '';
const ProcessingOptionsNone = '';
const SuppressExternalEvents = 65536;
const SuppressRules = 131072;
const SuppressAll = 196608;
/* Properties */
public $ID;
public $LookupName;
public $CreatedTime;
public $UpdatedTime;
private static $_primarys;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function fetch(){}
public static function find(){}
public static function first(){}
public function save(){}
public function destroy(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class ROQL
/* Instance Methods */
public static function query(){}
public static function queryObject(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class ConnectAPI
/* Class Constants */
const AuthOptNone = '';
const AuthOptTransient = 1;
const AuthOptAll = 1;
/* Instance Methods */
public static function commit(){}
public static function rollback(){}
public static function getNamedValues(){}
public static function getClassNames(){}
public static function getPrimaryClassNames(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class ConnectAPIError
extends ConnectAPIErrorBase
/* Class Constants */
const ErrorMisc = '';
const ErrorInvalidAccess = 1;
const ErrorInvalidField = 2;
const ErrorInvalidLogin = 3;
const ErrorInvalidID = 4;
const ErrorIncomplete = 5;
const ErrorQueryTimeout = 6;
const ErrorUnknown = 7;
const ErrorInvalidRequest = 8;
const ErrorConstraint = 20;
const ErrorTypeMismatch = 21;
const SeverityAbortImmediatly = -1;
const SeverityError = '';
const SeverityRetryable = 1;
/* Properties */
protected $message = '';
protected $code = '';
protected $file;
protected $line;
/* Instance Methods */
final private function __clone(){}
public function __construct($message = null, $code = null, $previous = null){}
final public function getMessage(){}
final public function getCode(){}
final public function getFile(){}
final public function getLine(){}
final public function getTrace(){}
final public function getPrevious(){}
final public function getTraceAsString(){}
public function __toString(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class ConnectAPIErrorFatal
extends ConnectAPIErrorBase
/* Class Constants */
const ErrorMisc = '';
const ErrorInvalidAccess = 1;
const ErrorInvalidField = 2;
const ErrorInvalidLogin = 3;
const ErrorInvalidID = 4;
const ErrorIncomplete = 5;
const ErrorQueryTimeout = 6;
const ErrorUnknown = 7;
const ErrorInvalidRequest = 8;
const ErrorConstraint = 20;
const ErrorTypeMismatch = 21;
const SeverityAbortImmediatly = -1;
const SeverityError = '';
const SeverityRetryable = 1;
/* Properties */
protected $message = '';
protected $code = '';
protected $file;
protected $line;
/* Instance Methods */
final private function __clone(){}
public function __construct($message = null, $code = null, $previous = null){}
final public function getMessage(){}
final public function getCode(){}
final public function getFile(){}
final public function getLine(){}
final public function getTrace(){}
final public function getPrevious(){}
final public function getTraceAsString(){}
public function __toString(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class Marketing
extends ConnectObject
/* Instance Methods */
public static function ExecuteMarketingFlow(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class Mailing
extends ConnectObject
/* Instance Methods */
public static function SendMailingToContact(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
namespace RightNow\Connect\v1_1;
class Marketing
extends ConnectObject
/* Instance Methods */
public static function ExecuteMarketingFlow(){}
public static function getMetadata(){}
public static function getRelations(){}
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