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Last active June 21, 2020 04:16
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PowerShell script for monitoring USB device disconnections
.GUID a164a9e6-875a-4be8-a7ef-a69a35873a52
$global:USBScriptBlock = {
$TestUSB = (Get-CimInstance Win32_USBControllerDevice).Dependent.DeviceID
if ($TestUSB.Count -lt $global:PnpCount) {
[void] $global:USBEvents.TryAdd($TestUSB)
function global:Get-USBEvents {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n--------------------------"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "USB device event triggered"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "--------------------------`n"
Write-Host "Waiting..."
# Brief pause to make sure we're not stopping too early (extreme edge case)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Pause monitoring
Unregister-Event USBDebugging
# Initialize empty objects
$InnerResults = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]]::new()
$global:WorkingData = @()
# Begin processing
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Processing $($USBEvents.Count) events...`n"
while ($USBEvents.TryDequeue([ref]$WorkingData)) {
$BaselineDeviceIds | ForEach-Object {
# Check for missing devices
if (-not $WorkingData.Contains($_) -and -not $InnerResults.ContainsKey($_)) {
$InnerResults.Add($_, $PnpDefinitions[$_])
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Results available in `$Results[$ResultsCount]"
$InnerResults | Out-Host
if ($KeepVal) {
Register-CimIndicationEvent -ClassName Win32_DeviceChangeEvent -SourceIdentifier USBDebugging -Action $global:USBScriptBlock | Out-Null
else {
Unregister-Event USBEventChecker
Write-Host "(If the prompt isn't showing below this, just press Enter)"
Script to monitor for USB device disconnections. Will probably rewrite this using Runspaces if the response time isn't fast enough.
Open a GridView window showing detailed information for all PnP devices on the system.
Not recommended while monitoring is active.
Keep monitoring after getting results.
function global:Start-USBMonitor {
$global:KeepVal = $Keep
if ($PnpDetails) {
# Warning: Lots of data to render, so vertical scrolling is CPU-heavy
Get-PnpDevice | Select-Object -Property * | Out-GridView
# Cleanup from previous runs in current session if run multiple times
if ((Get-Job).Count -gt 0 -or (Get-EventSubscriber).Count -gt 0) {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier USBDebugging -ErrorAction Ignore
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier USBEventChecker -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Job -Name USBDebugging, USBEventChecker -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if (Test-Path Variable:Global:Timer) {
$global:Results = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]]]::new()
$global:ResultsCount = 0
# Get current list of USB devices
$BaselineUSB = Get-CimInstance Win32_USBControllerDevice
$global:BaselineDeviceIds = $BaselineUSB.Dependent.DeviceID
# Initialize hashtable
$global:PnpDefinitions = @{}
# Get PnP device names
Get-PnpDevice | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.DeviceID -in $BaselineDeviceIds) {
$global:PnpDefinitions[$_.DeviceID] = $_.Name
if ($BaselineDeviceIds.Count -ne $PnpDefinitions.Count) {
Write-Warning "Some names could not be resolved."
# Save to variable for speed
[int]$global:PnpCount = $PnpDefinitions.Count
# Setup collection using a thread-safe type as a precaution due to potentially multiple events running very quickly
$global:USBEvents = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[object]]::new()
# Check devices on change event and add to queue for processing if a device is missing
Register-CimIndicationEvent -ClassName Win32_DeviceChangeEvent -SourceIdentifier USBDebugging -Action $global:USBScriptBlock | Out-Null
# ----------------------------------------
if (-not (Test-Path Variable:Global:Timer) -or -not $global:Timer.Enabled) {
# Timer setup (making global to ensure it's always available for the function)
$global:Timer = [System.Timers.Timer]::new(10000)
$global:Timer.AutoReset = $true
# Check queue on timer interval
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $global:Timer -EventName Elapsed -SourceIdentifier USBEventChecker -Action {
if ($USBEvents.Count -gt 0) {
& Get-USBEvents
} | Out-Null
# Activate timer
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Waiting for Win32_DeviceChangeEvent"
Write-Host "Note: Script should be restarted if new devices are added while this is running (you can just run Start-USBMonitoring again)"
Write-Host "Event queue will be checked every 10 seconds."
if ($Keep) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Use the command `"stopit`" to stop monitoring"
function global:stopit {
Unregister-Event USBDebugging -ErrorAction Ignore
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier USBEventChecker -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-Job -Name USBDebugging, USBEventChecker -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if (Test-Path Variable:Global:Timer) {
Write-Host "USB monitoring stopped"
Write-Host -NoNewLine "To run monitoring, type "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Start-USBMonitor"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green "Start-USBMonitor -Keep"
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