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Created July 27, 2020 01:41
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Docker Orchestration
Takes declared state, and works to make that happen across a cluster.
Node - 'kubelet' runs pods and talks 2 master. Node = Computer
Pod - runs 1+ containers, exists on node
Service - handles requests using LB
Deployment - defines desired state
Replication Controller - manages deployment state, ensures health, maintains history,
Deployment Yamls specify spec for kubernetes deployment.
ports section
port -> accessible port within the cluster
*targetPort* -> Port that a request on 8080 from within the cluster gets forwarded to.
nodePort -> Port thats accessible outside the cluster, it gets mapped to 'port' as well
replicas specify the number of pods
kubernetes automatically replaces failed hardware - even if its a manual action.
minikube start
kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployments
minikube dashboard
Install Minikube (GUI)
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