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Unique Binary Search Trees

Constructing Unique Binary Search Trees

Q: Via Quora

Given the set of keys {6, 7, 1, 4, 2}, how many unique binary search trees of height 2 are possible? Draw the trees. Assume that the height of the root-node is zero.


There are 6 unique Binary Search Trees (BST) of height 2 that can be constructed from the key set $\{ 6, 7, 1, 4, 2 \}$ when all keys are used. Furthermore, there are 36 total BSTs of height 2 that can be constructed from said key set.

Let’s understand how and why.

Designing a Programmatic Approach

  1. An approach to this problem is to first calculate every possible permutation of the keys which should give you $5! = 5 \cdot 4 \cdot 3 \cdot 2 \cdot 1 = 120$ permutations.

  2. Then attempt to construct a BST for every single permutation. However, once the height of the current BST exceeds a specified height limit, we halt and skip the current iteration.

  3. The steps hitherto generate all BSTs of the specified height based on the permutated sequences
    of the original keys. However, different sequences can still produce the same BST. To address this, we ensure to perform level-oriented traversal i.e. Breadth-First Search (BFS), for every BST and then filter and verify if the traversal results had been obtained earlier or not.

  4. The resulting collection of BSTs will be unique, consisting of all elements in the original set of keys, with the exact height specified.

  5. We now introduce a tree printing heuristic that illustrates each BST.

Implementation (see

This is a factorial time algorithm (proportional to the size of the original keys), implementing a brute-force technique in constructing unique BSTs based off a permutation of keys. Furthermore, this particular pattern is known as backtracking - halting a specific iteration within an algorithm when an unwanted condition is encountered while exploring every other possible conditional case.

Fun Fact: The resulting BSTs from this particular key set are all AVL-compliant!


All BSTs of height 2 = 36
       / \        
      /   \       
     /     \      
    2       7   
   / \              
  1   4         

       / \        
      /   \       
     /     \      
    2       7   
   /       /        
  1       6     

       / \        
      /   \       
     /     \      
    1       6   
     \       \      
      2       7 

       / \        
      /   \       
     /     \      
    2       6   
   /         \      
  1           7 

       / \        
      /   \       
     /     \      
    1       6   
           / \      
          4   7 

       / \        
      /   \       
     /     \      
    1       7   
     \     /        
      2   6     

Number of unique BSTs of height 2 from set of keys <6, 7, 1, 4, 2> = 6

Further Reading & Improvements

Brute-force and factorial time algorithms should be avoided as much as possible in favor for an algorithmically correct and efficient alternative when feasible. For a potentially efficient solution exploiting combinatorial evaluation, consider this StackOverflow post on a similar question.

Given the set of keys {6, 7, 1, 4, 2}, how many unique binary search trees of height 2
are possible? Draw the trees. Assume that the height of the root-node is zero.
From Quora:
import itertools
from typing import Union, List
class BST:
# Composition Pattern: Nested private Node instance cannot exist independent of BST object
class _Node:
__slots__ = "_key", "_value", "_parent", "_left", "_right", "_height"
def __init__(self, key, value, parent):
self._key = key
self._value = value
self._parent = parent
self._left = None
self._right = None
self._height = 0
def key(self):
return self._key
def value(self):
return self._value
def right(self):
return self._right
def left(self):
return self._left
def height(self):
return self._height
def parent(self):
return self._parent
# BST methods and properties (deletion not implemented)
def __init__(self):
self._root: Union[BST._Node, None] = None
self._size = 0
def root(self):
return self._root
def size(self):
return self._size
def empty(self):
return self._size == 0
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _update_height(self, subtree: _Node): # Required by tree-printing heuristic
if (not subtree.left) and (not subtree.right):
subtree._height = 0
elif subtree.left and not subtree.right:
subtree._height = 1 + subtree.left.height
elif subtree.right and not subtree.left:
subtree._height = 1 + subtree.right.height
else: # Both subtrees are present
subtree._height = 1 + max(subtree.left.height, subtree.right.height)
def insert(self, key, value):
max_height = 0
if self.empty():
self._root = self._Node(key, value, None)
self._size = 1
subtree, max_height =, key, value, 0)
if subtree.key == key:
subtree._value = value # Key already present in tree, update only value
return max_height
elif key < subtree.key:
subtree._left = self._Node(key, value, subtree)
else: # key > subtree.key
subtree._right = self._Node(key, value, subtree)
self._size += 1
while subtree:
subtree = subtree.parent
return max_height
def search(self, subtree: _Node, key, value, max_height: int):
if subtree.key == key and subtree.value == value:
return subtree, max_height # Successful search
elif key < subtree.key:
if subtree.left:
return, key, value, max_height+1)
elif key > subtree.key:
if subtree.right:
return, key, value, max_height+1)
return subtree, max_height # Unsuccessful search
def _bfs(self, level: List[_Node], traversed: List[List[_Node]]):
if len(level) > 0:
next_level, this_level = [], []
for node in level:
if node: this_level.append(node.value)
if node.left: next_level.append(node.left)
if node.right: next_level.append(node.right)
del level # Free memory
self._bfs(next_level, traversed)
def traverse(self):
values = []
self._bfs([self._root], values)
return values
def print_pretty_tree(start_node):
"""From GitHub:"""
space_symbol = r" "
spaces_count = 4 * 2 ** start_node.height
out_string = r""
initial_spaces_string = space_symbol * spaces_count + "\n"
if not start_node:
return "Tree is empty"
height = 2 ** start_node.height
level = [start_node]
while len([i for i in level if (not i is None)]) > 0:
level_string = initial_spaces_string
for i in range(len(level)):
j = int((2 * i + 1) * spaces_count / (2 * len(level)))
level_string = (level_string[:j]
+ (str(level[i].value) if level[i] else space_symbol)
+ level_string[j+1:])
out_string += level_string
# create next level
level_next = []
for i in level:
level_next += ([i.left, i.right] if i else [None, None])
# add connection to the next nodes
for w in range(height - 1):
level_string = initial_spaces_string
for i in range(len(level)):
if not level[i] is None:
shift = spaces_count // (2 * len(level))
j = (2 * i + 1) * shift
level_string = level_string[:j - w - 1] + (
'/' if level[i].left else
space_symbol) + level_string[j - w:]
level_string = level_string[:j + w + 1] + (
'\\' if level[i].right else
space_symbol) + level_string[j + w:]
out_string += level_string
height = height // 2
level = level_next
return out_string
def get_unique_bsts(keys: set, max_height: int):
permutations = itertools.permutations(keys) # All possible permutations of keys
unique_bsts = set() # Unique BSTs of height max_height based on given keys
bfs_values = list() # BFS sequence of keys to verify structural uniqueness
non_unique_bsts = set() # [Optional] All BSTs of height max_height
for keys in permutations:
bst = BST()
height = 0
for k in keys:
height = bst.insert(k, k)
if height > max_height-1: # Max height exceeded; halt BST construction
if height == max_height-1:
bfs_val = bst.traverse()
# print(bfs_val) # BFS sequence for all BSTs having a height of max_height
if bfs_val not in bfs_values:
unique_bsts.add(bst) # BSTs filtered for uniqueness
print(f"All BSTs of height {max_height} = {len(non_unique_bsts)}")
for tree in unique_bsts: print(print_pretty_tree(tree.root))
return len(unique_bsts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
f"Number of unique BSTs of height 2 from set of keys <6, 7, 1, 4, 2> = "
f"{get_unique_bsts(keys={6, 7, 1, 4, 2}, max_height=2)}"
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