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Created November 12, 2018 15:42
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Ready-to-use node data structure for Java with examples in jshell
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
public class PNode <K,V> {
// Think of nodes like a family tree...
// - each node has a value associated with it (knowledge of something)
// - value can be null ("I don't know")
// - two nodes (people) can have the same or different knowledge (values)
// - each node has a label (name)
// - two nodes with the same parent can have the same name (why not?)
// - labels can be null (old ancestor whose name is unknown)
// - value and label can BOTH be null, actually
// - children are indexed, so we can refer to them by indices, at least
// - also, value and label can be identical among siblings
// - (think: twins born to the same parents with the same names)
// - just have to "index" them based on time of birth
// - when a child is removed (deceased), its index is not freed
// - will always be "the first child" etc. of its parent
// - child node set to null to maintain node indexing
public K label = null; // nodes have labels for easy searching within tree
public V value = null; // value and label can both be null, because...
// children of a node are held in a List, so nodes are indexed
private List<PNode<K,V>> children = new ArrayList<>();
private PNode<K,V> parent = null;
/// constructors
// create a root node (with no parent)
public PNode(K label, V value) {
this.label = label;
this.value = value;
// parent remains null
// children List begins empty
// create a child node
public PNode(K label, V value, PNode<K,V> parent) {
this.label = label;
this.value = value;
this.parent = parent;
/// methods to add children to, or remove children from, this node
// add child with label and value to children
public PNode<K,V> addChild (K label, V value) {
return addChild(new PNode<K,V>(label, value));
// add a single child
public PNode<K,V> addChild (PNode<K,V> child) {
if (child != null)
return child;
// add multiple children at once
public void addChildren (Collection<PNode<K,V>> children) {
if (children == null || children.size() == 0) return;
for (PNode<K,V> child : children)
// remove a single child
public PNode<K,V> removeChild (PNode<K,V> child) {
if (child == null) return null;
int index = childIndex(child);
if (index >= 0) {
child.parent = null;
this.children.set(index, null);
} return child;
// remove multiple children at once
public void removeChildren (Collection<PNode<K,V>> children) {
if (children == null || children.size() == 0) return;
for (PNode<K,V> child : children)
/// methods to change or remove this node's parent
// set the parent of this node
public boolean setParent (PNode<K,V> parent) {
// if parent = null, call removeParent()
if (parent == null) return removeParent();
// if this is already the parent, do nothing
if (parent.equals(this.parent)) return false;
// otherwise, set new parent
if (this.parent != null)
this.parent = parent;
return true;
// remove this node's parents (make it a root node)
public boolean removeParent() {
// if null parent, return false
if (this.parent == null) return false;
// otherwise, remove this node's parent
// and remove this child from the parent's children (set to null)
PNode<K,V> retval = this.parent.removeChild(this);
return (retval == null) ? false : true;
/// methods to get this node's parent and child(ren)
// get the index of this exact child
public int childIndex (PNode<K,V> child) {
return children.indexOf(child);
// get all children of this node
public List<PNode<K,V>> getChildren() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(children);
// get the parent of this node
public PNode<K,V> getParent() { return parent; }
/// methods to get more distant relatives: descendants, leaves, roots, etc.
// get every node that descends from this node
public List<PNode<K,V>> getDescendants() {
List<PNode<K,V>> descendants = new ArrayList<>();
List<PNode<K,V>> nextGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
List<PNode<K,V>> thisGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
// loop over one generation at a time
while (thisGeneration.size() > 0) {
// add all children in this generation
for (PNode<K,V> child : thisGeneration)
// ...then add all of THEIR children, from the next generation
for (PNode<K,V> child : thisGeneration)
// ...then move from this generation to the next generation
return descendants;
// get all descendants in a particular generation (1 = children, 2 = grandchildren, etc.)
public List<PNode<K,V>> getDescendantsByGeneration (int generation) {
List<PNode<K,V>> descendants = new ArrayList<>();
List<PNode<K,V>> nextGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
List<PNode<K,V>> thisGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> genNum = new ArrayList<>();
Integer currentGen = 1;
// loop over one generation at a time
while (thisGeneration.size() > 0) {
// add all children in this generation
for (PNode<K,V> child : thisGeneration) {
} ++currentGen;
// ...then add all of THEIR children to the next generation
for (PNode<K,V> child : thisGeneration)
// ...then move from this generation to the next generation
// look through all of the descendants...
return IntStream.range(0, descendants.size()).mapToObj(ii ->
// pair the descendants with their generation indices...
new SimpleEntry<Integer, PNode<K,V>>(genNum.get(ii), descendants.get(ii))).
// only accept descendants from the desired generation...
filter(pair -> pair.getKey() == generation).map(pair -> pair.getValue()).
// and return them as a list
public List<PNode<K,V>> getLeaves() {
List<PNode<K,V>> leaves = new ArrayList<>();
List<PNode<K,V>> nextGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
List<PNode<K,V>> thisGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
// similar to getDescendants(), but...
while (thisGeneration.size() > 0) {
// ...we only add children if they have no children themselves
for (PNode<K,V> child : thisGeneration)
if (child.isLeaf())
// that's it!
for (PNode<K,V> child : thisGeneration)
// everything else is the same
return leaves;
public List<PNode<K,V>> getAncestors() {
List<PNode<K,V>> ancestors = new ArrayList<>();
PNode<K,V> ancestor = this.parent;
// only roots and leaves can be null
while (ancestor != null) {
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return ancestors;
public PNode<K,V> getRoot() {
PNode<K,V> ancestor = this;
while (!ancestor.isRoot())
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return ancestor;
/// other methods: isRoot, isLeaf, print tree, etc.
// returns true if this is a root node
public boolean isRoot() { return (this.parent == null); }
// returns true if this is a leaf node
public boolean isLeaf() { return (this.children.size() == 0); }
// print the tree with default arguments
public void printTree() { printTree(0, 10, "", false); }
// print the tree with desired number of levels above and below this node
public void printTree(int nLevelsUp, int nLevelsDown) {
if (nLevelsUp < 0 || nLevelsDown < 0) {
System.err.println("nLevelsUp and nLevelsDown must both be >= 0");
printTree(nLevelsUp, nLevelsDown, "", false);
// private method to print tree; some code here based on
private void printTree (int nLevelsUp, int nLevelsDown, String indent, boolean isTail) {
// start with any node on the tree
PNode<K,V> node = this;
// find eldest allowed node using nLevelsUp
for (int ii = 0; ii < nLevelsUp; ++ii) {
if (node.parent != null) {
node = node.parent;
} else {
// get generation of eldest allowed node
int gen = node.getAncestors().size();
String treeLabel = (node == null ? "<null>" :
(node.label == null ? "<no label>" : node.label.toString()));
// useless ternary operator left here in case formatting changes later
System.out.printf(" %3d %s|-- %s%n", gen, indent, treeLabel);
if(nLevelsDown > 0){
for (int ii = 0; ii < children.size() - 1; ii++) {
if (children.get(ii) == null) continue;
children.get(ii).printTree(0, nLevelsDown-1, indent + (isTail ? " " : "| "), false);
if (children.size() > 0 && children.get(children.size()-1) != null) {
children.get(children.size() - 1)
.printTree(0, nLevelsDown-1, indent + (isTail ? " " : "| "), true);
} // end class PNode
PNode<String, Integer> n01 = new PNode<>("n01_label", 123);
PNode<String, Integer> n02 = new PNode<>("n02_label", 234);
PNode<String, Integer> n03 = new PNode<>("n03_label", 345);
PNode<String, Integer> n04 = new PNode<>("n04_label", 456);
PNode<String, Integer> n05 = new PNode<>("n05_label", 567);
PNode<String, Integer> n06 = new PNode<>("n06_label", 678);
PNode<String, Integer> n07 = new PNode<>("n07_label", 789);
PNode<String, Integer> n08 = new PNode<>("n08_label", 890);
n01.addChildren(Arrays.asList(n02, n03))
n02.addChildren(Arrays.asList(n04, n05))
n03.addChildren(Arrays.asList(n06, n07))
System.out.println("\n\nOriginal tree:\n");
System.out.println("\n\nTree after orphaning n05:\n");
System.out.println("\n\nn05 tree after orphaning n05:\n");
System.out.println("\n\nTree after n01 adopts n05:\n");
jshell> /open
jshell> /open
Original tree:
0 |-- n01_label
1 | |-- n02_label
2 | | |-- n04_label
2 | | |-- n05_label
3 | | |-- n08_label
1 | |-- n03_label
2 | |-- n06_label
2 | |-- n07_label
Tree after orphaning n05:
0 |-- n01_label
1 | |-- n02_label
2 | | |-- n04_label
1 | |-- n03_label
2 | |-- n06_label
2 | |-- n07_label
n05 tree after orphaning n05:
0 |-- n05_label
1 | |-- n08_label
Tree after adopting n05:
0 |-- n01_label
1 | |-- n02_label
2 | | |-- n04_label
1 | |-- n03_label
2 | | |-- n06_label
2 | | |-- n07_label
1 | |-- n05_label
2 | |-- n08_label
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