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Aaron Evans axaaronevans

  • Automox
  • Libby, MT
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* rabbithole.js
* There are 100 holes, all in a row, and a long tunnel connecting them.
* A rabbit lives down there, and you're trying to catch him.
* The rabbit starts down 1 one of the holes, but you don't know which.
* Every time you look down into a hole the rabbit moves.
* But he only moves one hole -- either left or right.
* How can you find the rabbit? And how long will it take?
import json
import re
data = """
{TopicPartition(topic='policy_result', partition=0):
[ConsumerRecord(topic='policy_result', partition=0,
offset=3, timestamp=1642648776263, timestamp_type=0,
value=b'\n$02c144aa-6ca7-49c0-afb8-4276dbd93705\x12\x0fTest Automation\x1a\x0bPolicyEvent \x03*\xb4\x01\n(\x12\x87\x01\x08\x83\x03\x12$febcda78-33be-4272-854e-371b85213086\x18\x01*\rsimple-alwaysZIAuthority company shake yard play. No kid after ahead source fish decide.`\x010\x03', headers=[], checksum=None, serialized_key_size=1, serialized_value_size=255, serialized_header_size=-1)]}