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Created July 26, 2011 14:21
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Asset Association
* Script to run from a rule, associates the device running the rule to the provided model/serialnumber
import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context
import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.*
import com.axeda.drm.sdk.m2m.*
try {
Context ctx = Context.create()
// get the parameters
String serialNumber = parameters.serialNumber
String modelname = parameters.model
// "serial ${serialNumber} and model ${modelname}"
// find the model by name
ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(ctx)
modelFinder.setName modelname
Model model = modelFinder.find()
// get this asset
Device asset = getAsset(ctx, serialNumber, model)
// "asset ${} ${}"
// associate the asset to this one
DeviceAssociation da = associateAsset(ctx, context.device, asset)
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error e.message
return true
// gets an existing asset, or creates it if needed
def Device getAsset(Context ctx, String serial, Model model)
Device asset = null
return null;
DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(ctx)
deviceFinder.setModel model
deviceFinder.setSerialNumber serial
asset = deviceFinder.find()
if (asset ==null)
asset = new Device(ctx, serial, model)
catch (Exception e)
logger.error e.message
return asset;
// ==================
def DeviceAssociation associateAsset(Context ctx, Device source, Device destination)
// "associateAsset ${source} to ${destination}"
DeviceAssociation da = null
da = new DeviceAssociation(ctx,,
catch (Exception e)
logger.error e.message
return da
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