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Last active September 26, 2023 07:09
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Numpy-like index/slice accessors for Clojure
(ns numpy-wannabe.core
(:require [clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as str]))
;;;;;;;; Helper Functions
(defn gsub [matcher replacer value]
(str/replace value matcher replacer))
(defn nths [row, columns]
(keep-indexed #(if (.contains columns %1) %2) row))
(defn multi-dimensional? [coll]
(some coll? coll))
;;;;;;; Input normalization
(defn normalize-slice [index coll]
(->> index
; ensure we have 3 components
(gsub #"^([^:]*):([^:]*)$" "$1:$2:")
; default start=0
(gsub #"^:.*" #(str "0" %))
; default end=collection.count
(gsub #"^(.*)::(.*)$" (str "$1:" (count coll) ":$2"))
; default step=1
(gsub #"^(.*):$" "$1:1")))
(defn parse-slice [coll index]
; let's get input to "start:end:step" format
(-> index (normalize-slice coll) (str/split #":"))
; convert to ints
(map edn/read-string)
; numpy's start:end:step matches clojure's range function, perfectly!
(apply range)))
(defn normalize-index [coll neg-index]
(if (neg-int? neg-index)
(+ neg-index (count coll))
(defn np-get-one-dimensional-value [coll index]
(nth coll index))
(defn coll-of-coll? [coll] (and (coll? coll) (coll? (first coll))))
(defn slicing-index? [index] (string? index))
(defn plain-index? [index] (int? index))
(defn nested-index-2d? [coll index] (and (coll? index) (coll-of-coll? coll)))
(defn nested-index-1d? [coll index] (and (coll? index) (not (coll-of-coll? coll))))
(defn minimal-index? [index] (int? index))
(defn transpose [xy]
(apply map vector xy))
(defn np-get-slice [coll index](nths coll (parse-slice coll index)))
(defn np-get-column-list [coll index]
(apply map vector (mapv #(nth coll %) index)))
(defn np-get-value [coll index]
(if-not (neg-int? index)
(slicing-index? index) (np-get-slice coll index)
(plain-index? index) (np-get-one-dimensional-value coll index)
(nested-index-2d? coll index) (np-get-column-list coll index)
(nested-index-1d? coll index) (mapv #(np-get-value coll %) index)
:else (throw (Throwable. (str "Unknown index type " index " " coll))))
(recur coll (normalize-index coll index))))
(defn np-get-r [coll index dimension]
(if (and (coll? index) (empty? index))
(if (and (coll-of-coll? coll) (= dimension 0) (identity (slicing-index? (first index))))
(transpose coll)
(first index))
(rest index)
(inc dimension)
(defn np-get [coll index]
(if-not (coll? index) [index] index)
(ns numpy-wannabe.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[numpy-wannabe.core :refer :all]))
(def one-d [:a :b :c :d :e])
(def two-d [
[0 1 2 3 4 5]
[9 8 7 6 5 4]
[11 22 33 44 55 66]])
(def three-d [
[ [:a :b]
[:c :d]]
[ [:z :y]
[:x :w]]
(deftest index-test
(testing "1d numpy-style indexing/slicing"
; can't use 'are' macro w/ dynamic index argument list
(are [indexes data expected] (= (np-get data indexes) expected)
; convenience for simple accessors without a wrapping vector
3 one-d :d
-1 one-d :e
":" one-d one-d
"1:4" one-d [:b :c :d]
"1:4" one-d [:b :c :d]
":4" one-d [:a :b :c :d]
"1:" one-d [:b :c :d :e]
"0:6:2" one-d [:a :c :e]
1 two-d [9 8 7 6 5 4]
[3] one-d :d
[-1] one-d :e
[1] two-d [9 8 7 6 5 4]
[1 2] two-d 7
[":"] one-d one-d
[[3 2]] one-d [:d :c]
[[3]] one-d [:d]
[1 [1 2]] two-d [8 7]
[1 ":"] two-d [9 8 7 6 5 4]
[":" 1] two-d [1 8 22]
[1 1 0] three-d :x
[":" [1 2]] two-d [[1 2] [8 7] [22 33]]
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