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query (raw): bitcoin, kelly-detwil, megawatt, mining, cryptocurrency, electricity, yearly, constraint, cost, energy, pool, datacenter, block, consumption, solving, math, amount, viability, transaction, blockchain, Blockchain input DB: ../ opts: {:min-match 3, :ws-weights nil, :min-cosine 0.8}

  • 6.40117905309144 Blockchain A-Z: Everything You Need to Know About the Game-Changing Tech Beneath Bitcoin
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blocks blocks 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [blockchain-based blockchain 0.862229640851819]
    • [Ethereum blockchain 0.811011158695109]
    • [Hyperledger blockchain 0.7408815156469188]
    • [ledgers blockchain 0.7217416116529473]
    • [decentralized blockchain 0.69926214719331]
    • [IBM datacenter 0.6950800470052123]
    • [Nakamoto blockchain 0.6794024079161266]
    • [open-source blockchain 0.6788939335760378]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
    • [XRP bitcoin 0.6447811744121288]
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    • [smart energy 0.5145294725493101]
    • [hashes blockchain 0.5116945020632644]
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    • [contracts cost 0.4946053100330034]
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    • [Satoshi blockchain 0.46910296048744105]
    • [keys constraint 0.43396575236066376]
    • [Project Blockchain 0.3804576903512785]
  • 6 At $400 Million a Year, Academic Argues Bitcoin Mining Worth the Cost - CoinDesk
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [proof-of-work blockchain 0.6831565721403374]
    • [BTC bitcoin 0.6392579387761184]
    • [equilibrium constraint 0.6221632951303249]
    • [current yearly 0.5299299317715621]
    • [systems datacenter 0.5272313937589077]
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    • [fair cost 0.4726700903514485]
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    • [proof amount 0.47102290131314606]
    • [Requiring amount 0.44616427726211444]
    • [write math 0.43740025997420107]
    • [Aste viability 0.0]
    • [double-spends viability 0.0]
  • 6 The Reason Some Bitcoin Mining Pools Generate Empty Blocks
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [transaction transaction 1]
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    • [blocks blocks 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [miners mining 0.7952695966507254]
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  • 5.6577390995279835 Foreman: What You Need to Know About Blockchain
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchains blockchains 1]
    • [cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [Ethereum blockchain 0.811011158695109]
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    • [require amount 0.5914289097155934]
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    • [applications blockchain 0.544364719799381]
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    • [additional amount 0.5194294105955772]
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    • [abused consumption 0.33135539272512987]
    • [Corella pool 0.2959902333844927]
    • [Turing-complete viability 0.0]
  • 5 Chelan County Increases Electricity Rates For Bitcoin Mining Companies
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [Electricity Electricity 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [prices cost 0.6119624611892694]
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    • [Increases amount 0.4212974383966713]
    • [Companies Blockchain 0.41011698270530905]
    • [sideways block 0.38094223319905346]
    • [Taking amount 0.37971807410875685]
    • [Analysis consumption 0.37339907937178035]
    • [Technical solving 0.3688742513876456]
    • [Chelan megawatt 0.349502540134117]
    • [Washington block 0.32524812376110734]
    • [County yearly 0.31125931886478925]
    • [fo pool 0.30342735315627023]
    • [Related consumption 0.26150952919933984]
    • [Bears yearly 0.2294817044988149]
  • 5 “SPV mining” is the solution, not the problem
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Mining Mining 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [pools pools 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [miners mining 0.7952695966507254]
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    • [Maxwell math 0.3416227852113272]
    • [BRN Blockchain 0.28981283308140754]
    • [PoN viability 0.0]
    • [scriptPub viability 0.0]
  • 5 Here’s Why Blockchains Will Change the World
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [block block 1]
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    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [currency cryptocurrency 0.7159227941433135]
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    • [Digital Blockchain 0.5312345689279332]
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    • [Money Blockchain 0.48630161838581687]
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    • [Szabo Blockchain 0.3826372744054227]
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    • [Alex bitcoin 0.28717778375243613]
    • [Don cost 0.28173647627927234]
    • [Wide Blockchain 0.27658781530909726]
    • [Penguin Blockchain 0.27325297491842404]
  • 4.675132804903745 Bitcoin Miners in Washington to Pay More for Electricity
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Electricity Electricity 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [Utility electricity 0.28702825423716805]
    • [High-Density viability 0.0]
    • [PetaHash viability 0.0]
  • 4.6577390995279835 Archic and Anarchic Chains
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchains blockchains 1]
    • [cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [permissionless blockchain 0.7635687729123412]
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    • [bearer cryptocurrency 0.4010203587226621]
    • [Chains Blockchain 0.30788891677842317]
    • [Anarchic viability 0.0]
  • 4.651129699074435 Why Texas Is A Wind Energy Leader: 6 Reasons
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
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    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [MWh megawatt 0.7249461020527197]
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    • [investment cryptocurrency 0.5566660031695551]
    • [make amount 0.5453725259851421]
    • [Reality Blockchain 0.5314237895658661]
    • [capital mining 0.5272094140994641]
    • [2025 consumption 0.526840701520334]
    • [000 yearly 0.5260929719145389]
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    • [Climate Blockchain 0.45436008703366765]
    • [western mining 0.4471047685283632]
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    • [Leadership Blockchain 0.41515424749917074]
    • [PUCT megawatt 0.40220207157658483]
    • [leader energy 0.3976157618826756]
    • [Texas math 0.3338919947335307]
    • [Texans math 0.3019022725688878]
    • [Corps mining 0.29133108172393735]
  • 4.40117905309144 This Company Is Bringing Ethereum Blockchain Tech To China's Tech Giants — Steemit
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [blockchain-based blockchain 0.862229640851819]
    • [Ethereum blockchain 0.811011158695109]
    • [ConsenSys Blockchain 0.7313753230680332]
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    • [steemit cryptocurrency 0.6599271701046434]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
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    • [Ether cryptocurrency 0.5863147066972075]
    • [Tencent cryptocurrency 0.5374528700749754]
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    • [pain solving 0.42215057162140573]
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    • [Mr viability 0.3756714509324011]
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    • [points electricity 0.3510676172234936]
    • [ot bitcoin 0.3069157370618937]
    • [Keys pool 0.2637333712252048]
    • [ChinaLedger viability 0.0]
    • [Wanxiang viability 0.0]
  • 4 Hinkley Point 'still worth the cost' as price tag soars - BBC News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [50 amount 0.4383613374520607]
    • [government cost 0.43701431460000234]
    • [wholesale cost 0.4160930380573604]
    • [C block 0.3575878957031926]
    • [Somerset block 0.32366207926481894]
    • [NAO Blockchain 0.3230238792767286]
    • [92 yearly 0.31919049724129905]
    • [Point block 0.31558674713921997]
  • 4 The newest way to clean the atmosphere? Make bleach.
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [solve solve 1]
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    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
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    • [authors amount 0.35739495416155204]
    • [Cornell math 0.35325390352685176]
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    • [Bhown viability 0.0]
    • [Abhoyjit viability 0.0]
  • 4 Counting down to the 2016 Bitcoin Halving
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [miners mining 0.7952695966507254]
    • [BTC bitcoin 0.6392579387761184]
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    • [2140 block 0.3705701612351993]
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    • [Day yearly 0.3219859445547627]
    • [2016 yearly 0.31636272343323174]
    • [Kyle block 0.2378453568274155]
    • [Halvening viability 0.0]
  • 4 Bitcoin News for the week of 7/04/16
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [mined mined 1]
    • [blocked blocked 1]
    • [micropayments cryptocurrency 0.7353633603152613]
    • [BitPay blockchain 0.6434451754979945]
    • [supply consumption 0.6387771448065289]
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    • [2016 yearly 0.31636272343323174]
    • [Heifer yearly 0.2941754322806091]
    • [International Blockchain 0.28645502560885]
    • [Argentina mining 0.28450184173163456]
    • [Blockade viability 0.28437391017211405]
    • [Enjoyed math 0.2550579457366442]
    • [Bitfury viability 0.0]
  • 4 Blockchain is the most disruptive invention since the Internet itself - not just in finance
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [ledger blockchain 0.7351737742845152]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
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    • [proof-of-concept blockchain 0.55186131864005]
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    • [adoption viability 0.5279309372643833]
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    • [Hyper Blockchain 0.339910192723767]
    • [Fivver viability 0.0]
  • 4 John McAfee’s MGT Will Launch 2 PH/s Bitcoin Mining Operation
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Mining Mining 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
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    • [10 yearly 0.3358276796312652]
    • [Washington block 0.32524812376110734]
    • [John cost 0.27419735730971995]
    • [petahash viability 0.0]
  • 4 New EDF deal will fix energy for 2 years AND you'll get a £100 Amazon voucher
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
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    • [928 transaction 0.343083905399146]
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    • [3100kwh viability 0.0]
  • 4 Understanding the Lightning Network, Part 1: Building a Bidirectional Bitcoin Payment Channel
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Alice pool 0.2739201248718395]
    • [Bob cost 0.22979689531787884]
    • [multisig-addresses viability 0.0]
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  • 4 Blockchain governance
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 4 Steem Whitepaper (+download) — Steemit
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 4 The Brief History of Bitcoin Mining: How It All Started
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 3.6827381161083004 What cash costs businesses | N26
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 3.6827381161083004 Farm harnesses sun’s power
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Weissflog viability 0.0]
    • [Plowshare viability 0.0]
  • 3.6751328049037455 Ruling may clear Rockford district for solar project
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 3.6751328049037455 How Do I Read My Energy Bill? - Gas & Electricity Guide
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [MPRNs viability 0.0]
  • 3.6577390995279835 Ethereum's Hard Fork is a Lesson for the Bitcoin Community
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [block block 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [Ethereum blockchain 0.811011158695109]
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    • [Jentzsch viability 0.0]
  • 3.6577390995279835 Ethereum and it's post hard-fork bounce! — Steemit
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Block Block 1]
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    • [463000 viability 0.0]
  • 3.6577390995279835 What is This Thing Called Blockchain? (Part 2 of 2)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 3.6577390995279835 Trustless is a Misnomer
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
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  • 3.6577390995279835 Note: Steemit Transaction Numbers are Misleading, It's Not About to Pass Bitcoin in a Meaningful Way — Steemit
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 3.6577390995279835 Altcoin News - AltcoinsNews Charles Hoskinson of Ethereum: ‘I Didn’t Realize [Dash] Evolved This Much’ -
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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  • 3.651129699074435 Coming to Grips With Secular Investing With Northland Power Inc.
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [secular constraint 0.4155297982854979]
    • [Kodak Blockchain 0.3986423764281043]
    • [Advisor Blockchain 0.3340468388692659]
    • [Canada cost 0.31711655907157366]
    • [Northland electricity 0.3059906897141561]
  • 3.651129699074435 How Portugal went 107 hours on only renewable energy (+video)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [EU blockchain 0.39971460265993425]
    • [Portugal amount 0.3129020885937063]
    • [4 consumption 0.2998834508543818]
    • [107 megawatt 0.27915595217364214]
    • [WorldWatch viability 0.0]
  • 3.651129699074435 Environmental Group Recognizes Pittsfield’s Clean Energy Efforts
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [megawatt megawatt 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
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    • [implement constraint 0.540055078326557]
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    • [Hellerstein solving 0.38141122818140244]
    • [Environment Blockchain 0.3764596444089281]
    • [numerous yearly 0.36848145354033734]
    • [Environmental energy 0.3480559456797596]
    • [group amount 0.3407306168487523]
    • [Berkshire pool 0.326589487790882]
    • [Similar pool 0.31453015092989745]
    • [Pittsfield yearly 0.29317241444964154]
    • [McGrath solving 0.2627338332494316]
    • [Massachusetts cost 0.26129745484753597]
  • 3.651129699074435 Changing U.S. energy mix reflects growing use of natural gas, petroleum, and renewables - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [2014 yearly 0.3659085673818707]
    • [Administration yearly 0.3087149371247623]
    • [Michael amount 0.2492963042517635]
  • 3.651129699074435 Changing U.S. energy mix reflects growing use of natural gas, petroleum, and renewables - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [2015 yearly 0.3859388476114744]
    • [2014 yearly 0.3659085673818707]
    • [Michael amount 0.2492963042517635]
  • 3.651129699074435 Killing Coal Means Burying America’s Steel Industry Too - Breitbart
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Hillary bitcoin 0.3344995922085478]
    • [Clinton bitcoin 0.32569225712240596]
    • [39 cost 0.2980046487050379]
  • 3.651129699074435 Changing U.S. energy mix reflects growing use of natural gas, petroleum, and renewables - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
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    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [2014 yearly 0.3659085673818707]
    • [Michael amount 0.2492963042517635]
    • [Kopalek viability 0.0]
  • 3.651129699074435 Proposed solar plant to store power in shipping container-sized batteries | Australia Bulletin
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [20 amount 0.3805609853422224]
    • [Mr viability 0.3756714509324011]
    • [Australia cost 0.3657539805724503]
    • [South cost 0.3500685834771993]
    • [Lyon Blockchain 0.304968057954054]
    • [Green energy 0.30229650954264725]
    • [David amount 0.2797621350783431]
    • [container-sized viability 0.0]
  • 3.6499807604821246 Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [Short-Term constraint 0.3152672028750741]
    • [Outlook Blockchain 0.295808112112841]
    • [Tags consumption 0.22862028266400167]
    • [STEO viability 0.0]
  • 3.647818490891419 Germany’s Energiewende Today – Insights from Industry Members
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
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    • [EVs electricity 0.6104652827594966]
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    • [Energiewende energy 0.5584590205587807]
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    • [77 yearly 0.2914761230384182]
  • 3.6436423362210726 gdamdam/awesome-decentralized-web
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies 1]
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    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [BigchainDB datacenter 0.7420781045864079]
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  • 3 Abu Dhabi’s Masdar Picked to Build Solar Plant in Dubai
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [Dhabi yearly 0.3335421356618794]
    • [Abu yearly 0.31046083447192996]
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    • [Al electricity 0.23364337237971392]
    • [Latif yearly 0.22843715693925246]
    • [800-megawatt viability 0.0]
    • [Masdar-led viability 0.0]
  • 3 BitLicense Is Not a Game Changer as Bitcoin Was Never Truly Anonymous
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
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    • [BitLicense cryptocurrency 0.6847829661727824]
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    • [entire amount 0.4424596099566713]
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  • 3 News Center - Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation - United Kingdom
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
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    • [Mitsubishi Blockchain 0.3159858613592424]
    • [ctory viability 0.0]
    • [e-F viability 0.0]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
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    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
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    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 Hardware Bitcoin Wallets: A Comparison
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [amounts amounts 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
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  • 3 Energy vs. security – the IoT tradeoff
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [energy energy 1]
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  • 3 Stock DD Board Post # 223146
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [CDT megawatt 0.24216627555292408]
    • [Tue transaction 0.21336858425258148]
    • [Spondoolies viability 0.0]
    • [BTCS viability 0.0]
    • [btcflap viability 0.0]
  • 3 How Solar Energy Is Impacting Corporations Across The Country - SRE
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [totaling yearly 0.5419614098693483]
    • [systems datacenter 0.5272313937589077]
    • [SEIA electricity 0.511614089845423]
    • [inter-related constraint 0.5061074608928667]
    • [vendors datacenter 0.5059824568483986]
    • [business datacenter 0.4984970013193857]
    • [lines block 0.49762412133315004]
    • [suppliers cost 0.48427812147117105]
    • [healthy consumption 0.4636420370552473]
    • [open pool 0.4567110856551781]
    • [corporate blockchain 0.44734997574265384]
    • [electricians electricity 0.4464622470287785]
    • [B2B Blockchain 0.4432963497922095]
    • [created amount 0.44225727603590687]
    • [responsible viability 0.4189682083255806]
    • [executives transaction 0.41160305035918093]
    • [Industry Blockchain 0.4093626495271071]
    • [2014 yearly 0.3659085673818707]
    • [Walmart cost 0.3480546797708628]
    • [569 transaction 0.3377188806661056]
    • [Civil mining 0.298960102401093]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
    • [increase consumption 0.6275421627533813]
    • [saving cost 0.6200350697465941]
    • [bills cost 0.5780879098253245]
    • [months yearly 0.540439034400891]
    • [day amount 0.5328888831887844]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
    • [peak consumption 0.5066492910169129]
    • [heat electricity 0.5053398300807492]
    • [summer yearly 0.4943365507578751]
    • [cool pool 0.49244311389649026]
    • [coils electricity 0.49027126928592046]
    • [flow amount 0.48633836505353834]
    • [temperature consumption 0.4797827104284134]
    • [summertime pool 0.4661016024003716]
    • [system constraint 0.46317953965939734]
    • [curtains pool 0.45852062936472976]
    • [air electricity 0.45120145508888077]
    • [conditioner electricity 0.44105456904838664]
    • [vent pool 0.42010027659476656]
    • [furniture pool 0.39705112094497264]
    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [sweltering pool 0.36718398580546846]
    • [Dirty pool 0.24748084013203522]
    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 Google Cuts Its Giant Electricity Bill With DeepMind-Powered AI
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [yearly yearly 1]
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [MWh megawatt 0.7249461020527197]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
    • [AI Blockchain 0.6190073696225118]
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    • [data blockchain 0.5822355274774973]
    • [cooling electricity 0.5565660092747994]
    • [percentage amount 0.5456917528809138]
    • [PUE datacenter 0.5453916105250912]
    • [average cost 0.5324387203128483]
    • [centers datacenter 0.5161415726198393]
    • [DeepMind blockchain 0.5149412964089417]
    • [cut cost 0.5122042453812764]
    • [Hassabis blockchain 0.5012003543776353]
    • [system constraint 0.46317953965939734]
    • [highest yearly 0.4480360389170636]
    • [score math 0.43235459904912166]
    • [Google blockchain 0.4122781127036931]
    • [Atari cryptocurrency 0.4081328894194684]
    • [Typical yearly 0.3603560838250052]
    • [points electricity 0.3510676172234936]
  • 3 Chief Strategist: PC Magazine the Next Cloud Frontier: Blockchain-as-a-Service
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [cloud datacenter 0.7441060197175581]
    • [IBM datacenter 0.6950800470052123]
    • [regtech blockchain 0.6806212032088584]
    • [IoT Blockchain 0.657601950266652]
    • [biometrics blockchain 0.5609214467683359]
    • [throw block 0.5417463763053356]
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    • [Platform Blockchain 0.49961164378758854]
    • [irrelevant constraint 0.48325226745795746]
    • [JPMorgan bitcoin 0.46376887853385224]
    • [Watson datacenter 0.43502216695190227]
    • [ALTO datacenter 0.41658817017261085]
    • [t amount 0.41055918043251827]
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    • [Frontier Blockchain 0.3815569834328991]
    • [Flag mining 0.32515922991623]
    • [Chase transaction 0.3023106804322177]
    • [Mphasis viability 0.0]
    • [Blockchain-as-a-Service viability 0.0]
  • 3 Blockchain Development in Asia Is Booming - Coin News Asia
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [IBM datacenter 0.6950800470052123]
    • [server datacenter 0.6610297921994849]
    • [Innovation Blockchain 0.6152912396497813]
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    • [Entrepreneur Blockchain 0.49609537767164]
    • [initially amount 0.48766018142104106]
    • [security datacenter 0.47317782302672157]
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    • [procedures viability 0.4444350764512262]
    • [Coin Blockchain 0.44000716449733945]
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    • [Bank Blockchain 0.4348877989666979]
    • [Global Blockchain 0.43415595401974183]
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    • [Barclays blockchain 0.40377287721361793]
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    • [Program yearly 0.35546755826379445]
    • [late block 0.34363404558884697]
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    • [Garage Blockchain 0.33797452101132136]
    • [Asia consumption 0.32406902908643415]
    • [outfit pool 0.27819000971257757]
    • [News Blockchain 0.25023106903550074]
  • 3 Regional Facilities Manager in New York, New York, United States
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [solve solve 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Transaction Transaction 1]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
    • [efficiencies cost 0.6355896349635511]
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    • [business datacenter 0.4984970013193857]
    • [planning cost 0.49016592413850923]
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    • [CRE Blockchain 0.4677781368755312]
    • [Facilities pool 0.4602812465622863]
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    • [top-tier cost 0.4325941193212668]
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    • [Project Blockchain 0.3804576903512785]
    • [in-depth solving 0.3798264571081506]
    • [Services datacenter 0.37522901342744136]
    • [ABILITIES solving 0.3682558584725632]
    • [progressive viability 0.3616558854162029]
    • [license yearly 0.3568524273820235]
    • [Advisory Blockchain 0.3108752468864448]
  • 3 Donald Trump May Spell Bitcoin’s Triumph : Juniper Research
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [increasing consumption 0.6350873473307264]
    • [remittance bitcoin 0.5759050434867842]
    • [economic viability 0.5666973451509476]
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    • [billion megawatt 0.509109147418739]
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    • [2016-2021 consumption 0.45887654899185015]
    • [Juniper datacenter 0.4383062667012895]
    • [Dive pool 0.3737187612886752]
    • [Trump math 0.3669755113853119]
    • [publication cryptocurrency 0.36081295906685873]
    • [presidential viability 0.3606118840720629]
    • [elections cryptocurrency 0.3597113538606422]
    • [Deep mining 0.34674083087793933]
    • [Donald math 0.3376288877202675]
    • [Research consumption 0.3366810913183874]
    • [Spell solving 0.32465803882707167]
    • [Windsor pool 0.2908871629797492]
    • [27 transaction 0.2711044638811487]
    • [British consumption 0.2687455191042404]
    • [Holden solving 0.26552862460504817]
    • [Triumph Blockchain 0.250516458169703]
  • 3 What Does ‘Keep It In the Ground’ Really Mean? Read This.
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [turbines megawatt 0.7345890912142491]
    • [gas electricity 0.7247425119142178]
    • [coal electricity 0.714923518834073]
    • [fuel energy 0.7116363943677034]
    • [gasoline electricity 0.688526784185369]
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    • [prices cost 0.6119624611892694]
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    • [fiber energy 0.4653663991344691]
    • [federal amount 0.45831211210979456]
    • [lands mining 0.44001361563354796]
    • [developed viability 0.4320424503305457]
    • [plastic cost 0.4259422687253129]
    • [U amount 0.31901903228094175]
    • [Germany electricity 0.30660419745144984]
    • [Hartnett solving 0.3025328873308656]
    • [K math 0.2730875920047196]
    • [White block 0.2723726602114272]
    • [Eagen viability 0.0]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
    • [increase consumption 0.6275421627533813]
    • [saving cost 0.6200350697465941]
    • [bills cost 0.5780879098253245]
    • [Typically yearly 0.5634234616325056]
    • [months yearly 0.540439034400891]
    • [additional amount 0.5194294105955772]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
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    • [summer yearly 0.4943365507578751]
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    • [conditioner electricity 0.44105456904838664]
    • [vent pool 0.42010027659476656]
    • [furniture pool 0.39705112094497264]
    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [sweltering pool 0.36718398580546846]
    • [tips yearly 0.34964489983077696]
    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [Dirty pool 0.24748084013203522]
    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 WEC Energy Group Inc. (WEC) Plans $0.50 Quarterly Dividend
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [gas electricity 0.7247425119142178]
    • [utility electricity 0.6555619759827574]
    • [natural energy 0.5914703194014583]
    • [stock transaction 0.5875283714109901]
    • [operations mining 0.5500506114441257]
    • [dividend transaction 0.5231346290162707]
    • [dated transaction 0.516463343746236]
    • [Corporation mining 0.4095568140095349]
    • [WPS datacenter 0.4007032555147683]
    • [share cost 0.3878968224174193]
    • [WEC Blockchain 0.35845767338411383]
    • [Wisconsin math 0.34549800820975984]
    • [510 yearly 0.3369566305189985]
    • [10 yearly 0.3358276796312652]
    • [53 mining 0.32991037766518627]
    • [NYSE transaction 0.32642313249234206]
    • [Group Blockchain 0.292713666692639]
    • [61 transaction 0.29217307568616624]
  • 3 Why Renewables Are Not Enough
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [coal electricity 0.714923518834073]
    • [zero-carbon electricity 0.7105505086693632]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
    • [incompatible constraint 0.5955688123835351]
    • [productivity consumption 0.5746869861096875]
    • [levels consumption 0.5645731068484852]
    • [percentage amount 0.5456917528809138]
    • [2050 electricity 0.5426777230902718]
    • [emerging viability 0.5223467211669938]
    • [generation energy 0.5205968335809652]
    • [2030 energy 0.5192886878698502]
    • [global consumption 0.5148433064193448]
    • [economy consumption 0.5143434199493386]
    • [billion megawatt 0.509109147418739]
    • [industry consumption 0.5044432624827487]
    • [heavy amount 0.47378830753510753]
    • [INDCs constraint 0.44653203997660573]
    • [ten yearly 0.4190009522688444]
    • [pre-industrial consumption 0.3952560850731363]
    • [C block 0.3575878957031926]
    • [points electricity 0.3510676172234936]
    • [2 consumption 0.3148766527171349]
    • [Decarbonization viability 0.0]
    • [fossil-fuel-based viability 0.0]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
    • [increase consumption 0.6275421627533813]
    • [saving cost 0.6200350697465941]
    • [bills cost 0.5780879098253245]
    • [months yearly 0.540439034400891]
    • [additional amount 0.5194294105955772]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
    • [peak consumption 0.5066492910169129]
    • [heat electricity 0.5053398300807492]
    • [summer yearly 0.4943365507578751]
    • [cool pool 0.49244311389649026]
    • [coils electricity 0.49027126928592046]
    • [flow amount 0.48633836505353834]
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    • [system constraint 0.46317953965939734]
    • [curtains pool 0.45852062936472976]
    • [air electricity 0.45120145508888077]
    • [offers cost 0.4415768946416076]
    • [conditioner electricity 0.44105456904838664]
    • [vent pool 0.42010027659476656]
    • [furniture pool 0.39705112094497264]
    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [sweltering pool 0.36718398580546846]
    • [tips yearly 0.34964489983077696]
    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [Dirty pool 0.24748084013203522]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 More important than money? Environmental health benefits inspire people to cut back on electricity
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [appliance datacenter 0.6291024544759309]
    • [cost-savings cost 0.6255751322296671]
    • [student math 0.6110576057714979]
    • [pollution consumption 0.6016570673116068]
    • [efficient energy 0.5924035984907194]
    • [usage consumption 0.5831854718468269]
    • [save cost 0.5590512073800109]
    • [period yearly 0.5511531390891542]
    • [environmental viability 0.5417514897390265]
    • [meters megawatt 0.5368501721609503]
    • [smart energy 0.5145294725493101]
    • [doctoral math 0.513119615674272]
    • [cut cost 0.5122042453812764]
    • [multidisciplinary solving 0.4876112416259454]
    • [motivated solving 0.4803580693402586]
    • [study consumption 0.461776421289499]
    • [air electricity 0.45120145508888077]
    • [dishwasher pool 0.44931010694545775]
    • [UCLA math 0.4161179909924468]
    • [neighbor electricity 0.4054137422860505]
    • [experts cost 0.3984752533959759]
    • [back block 0.384749740879857]
    • [trial cost 0.3803552654696721]
    • [pitch pool 0.37061654037304814]
    • [drew amount 0.3420776245561829]
    • [Delmas Blockchain 0.331864328564698]
    • [Residential electricity 0.3257248539139451]
    • [PNAS viability 0.3156915916013649]
    • [Pinto mining 0.23252206206162457]
    • [Anderson solving 0.20633453416688988]
  • 3 Wind Energy…..VERY Little Bang, for your Buck!
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [Gigawatt megawatt 0.7015621048301963]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
    • [capacity cost 0.612433767115983]
    • [technologies blockchain 0.6114365850151976]
    • [Renewables electricity 0.6095668161928998]
    • [output constraint 0.590941500540353]
    • [Solar energy 0.566286130170497]
    • [dependent constraint 0.5636472007778127]
    • [Gas electricity 0.535152049120898]
    • [generation energy 0.5205968335809652]
    • [Offshore mining 0.5174662786828227]
    • [Wind megawatt 0.5140278471226031]
    • [EIA consumption 0.486607899663184]
    • [installation datacenter 0.47390100359453713]
    • [Onshore mining 0.465357488484073]
    • [nameplate megawatt 0.4650710542642048]
    • [weather datacenter 0.4207895624306915]
    • [Hour yearly 0.34357905472240624]
    • [Fired pool 0.28159680341199234]
  • 3 Eon Electric kicks off ‘Energy Efficiency’ yatra to spread awareness among consumers- Pocket News Alert
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [energy-efficient electricity 0.6431786617172242]
    • [sector mining 0.5610412514247531]
    • [markets cryptocurrency 0.5499868896198663]
    • [street block 0.5377483480165404]
    • [lights electricity 0.5339997315162803]
    • [Efficiency energy 0.5280970600214622]
    • [bulbs electricity 0.4822724841136872]
    • [products consumption 0.47879416398703634]
    • [aware solving 0.4649113024607062]
    • [LED electricity 0.4443979168565767]
    • [spread block 0.4113846940460856]
    • [tubes electricity 0.39211110838635127]
    • [Eon megawatt 0.38487482921536603]
    • [Noida cost 0.360441818206453]
    • [Yatra cryptocurrency 0.3589180240949778]
    • [Uttar cost 0.2951469787207722]
    • [Pradesh megawatt 0.2897580348660651]
    • [Sales solving 0.2807766596872191]
  • 3 Google Uses AI To Cool Data Centers and Slash Electricity Use | NewsFactor Network
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [deployments datacenter 0.6711342006362687]
    • [efficiency energy 0.6660989713360118]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
    • [AI Blockchain 0.6190073696225118]
    • [usage consumption 0.5831854718468269]
    • [data blockchain 0.5822355274774973]
    • [operating datacenter 0.5650795595140373]
    • [PUE datacenter 0.5453916105250912]
    • [scenarios constraint 0.5344609904107865]
    • [centers datacenter 0.5161415726198393]
    • [DeepMind blockchain 0.5149412964089417]
    • [units cost 0.5099015663772225]
    • [cool pool 0.49244311389649026]
    • [Analytics Blockchain 0.491274193699852]
    • [optimization constraint 0.4861917297320227]
    • [healthcare cost 0.48214652779272293]
    • [Content Blockchain 0.4562287106140103]
    • [Systems datacenter 0.42497621384453277]
    • [including yearly 0.4249196039756407]
    • [Google blockchain 0.4122781127036931]
    • [division constraint 0.386269712791584]
    • [Apple blockchain 0.3646822286141797]
    • [Similar pool 0.31453015092989745]
    • [Gao mining 0.3015170736621878]
    • [K math 0.2730875920047196]
    • [Evans viability 0.25640462008415765]
    • [Schubmehl viability 0.0]
  • 3 Tips For Travel to Singapore ~ traveltip
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [block block 1]
    • [electrical electrical 1]
    • [amount amount 1]
    • [volts megawatt 0.6281174355668646]
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    • [nineteen yearly 0.31957427637287494]
    • [Universal Blockchain 0.31913451889837163]
    • [Indian cost 0.27203120574187567]
    • [Vesak viability 0.0]
    • [multi-ancestral viability 0.0]
  • 3 Russian Political Party Proposes to Legalize Bitcoin
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [ledger blockchain 0.7351737742845152]
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    • [Political Blockchain 0.3483639820690237]
    • [news cryptocurrency 0.3446858007794301]
    • [officially yearly 0.3192581494892617]
    • [Proposes megawatt 0.3169712075283785]
    • [Russia bitcoin 0.31559354337218587]
    • [Russian mining 0.3137950499552765]
    • [Legalize yearly 0.26101321924686777]
    • [Party mining 0.2566845202524946]
    • [Boris Blockchain 0.2546234844260582]
  • 3 Announcing the new MultiChain wallet
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
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    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [retrieved datacenter 0.23315155150636177]
    • [MultiChain viability 0.0]
    • [in-node viability 0.0]
  • 3 Minister Gabriel: Bundestag adopts major electricity market reform to make it fit for the energy transition
  • url:,did=772030.html
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Electricity Electricity 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [supply consumption 0.6387771448065289]
    • [capacity cost 0.612433767115983]
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    • [Gabriel amount 0.24537276920814133]
  • 3 Filing of Certain Prospectuses and Communications in Connection With Business Combination Transactions (425)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [transaction transaction 1]
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    • [SolarCity electricity 0.5039062006724574]
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    • [Model constraint 0.3294330730481143]
    • [3 cost 0.32835021791880575]
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  • 3 An Energy Storage Project Gains Traction
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [ARES megawatt 0.3580093604682816]
    • [106 megawatt 0.27614385514772]
  • 3 Google is using its DeepMind AI to reduce data center energy usage - Top news ever
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [yearly yearly 1]
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    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [describes constraint 0.400894410105862]
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    • [Speaking yearly 0.294532952402623]
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  • 3 Real Estate Platform Uses Blockchain for Property Transfer - Helena Bitcoin Mining
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
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    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [estate mining 0.4528842873327563]
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    • [Coins cryptocurrency 0.33651670484222695]
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    • [Ubitquity viability 0.0]
  • 3 Wired - The Worldwide Adoption of Energy Free Lighting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [Global Blockchain 0.43415595401974183]
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    • [770 megawatt 0.35787923311945397]
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    • [10 yearly 0.3358276796312652]
    • [Bulbs electricity 0.288192851537878]
    • [2012 yearly 0.27714440368386]
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  • 3 Variable Speed Pool Pumps: Let the Savings Flow - Pool Pricer
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
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  • 3 Dash Presenting Solution to Decentralized Banking
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [Decentralized Blockchain 0.7281742976919146]
    • [month-to-month yearly 0.647179452912093]
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    • [Banking Blockchain 0.527198999724134]
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    • [d10e viability 0.0]
  • 3 This Is How Banks Will Stop Snoops From Using the Blockchain to Front-Run Their Trades
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchains blockchains 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
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    • [Cooper pool 0.23151511403136776]
  • 3 Developers urged to 'get real' over energy efficiency » Housing »
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Croydon cost 0.25574847878176]
  • 3 Excuses for being completely useless - Regulators (OFGEM; FCA/FSA; OFTEL et al), here are some good excuses for not doing your homework ~ Ripped-off Britons
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [Big Blockchain 0.3512450834672379]
    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [Britons consumption 0.3313937511874776]
    • [3 cost 0.32835021791880575]
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    • [OFTEL viability 0.0]
    • [Ripped-Off viability 0.0]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
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    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 Dog training: Make a dogecoin wallet
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [http block 0.2324221109711546]
    • [DogeBill viability 0.0]
    • [I viability 0.0]
    • [dogecoin viability 0.0]
    • [dogecoin-qt viability 0.0]
  • 3 Dirty power: Sweden wants your garbage for energy
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [solves solves 1]
    • [waste energy 0.6176357833589388]
    • [CO2 electricity 0.5881676056823578]
    • [recycling energy 0.5781326626207872]
    • [tons amount 0.5707152461717631]
    • [landfills electricity 0.5699698438142526]
    • [produce amount 0.5681876984768488]
    • [million yearly 0.5672529769741047]
    • [building block 0.5628434904430706]
    • [sort amount 0.5358535648625241]
    • [putting cost 0.5295288986778113]
    • [import constraint 0.5281652203641519]
    • [municipal mining 0.5164252151130061]
    • [heat electricity 0.5053398300807492]
    • [garbage electricity 0.4868922282199311]
    • [start cost 0.4413707423069288]
    • [district block 0.41590396129091756]
    • [trash block 0.4073012161834629]
    • [neatly constraint 0.3987175723848415]
    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [Sweden yearly 0.3129158795338952]
    • [Swedish yearly 0.3085039420143065]
    • [Sverige mining 0.27488813893908626]
    • [Avfall viability 0.0]
    • [district-heating viability 0.0]
  • 3 Shift to Low-Carbon Economy Could Free Up $1.8 Trillion, Study Says
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [fuels energy 0.7517859295372]
    • [coal electricity 0.714923518834073]
    • [low-carbon energy 0.6926017052436627]
    • [fossil-fuel electricity 0.6817082770975543]
    • [fossil energy 0.6483261367866958]
    • [emissions electricity 0.6258295978287319]
    • [dirtier electricity 0.5758247248030132]
    • [operating datacenter 0.5650795595140373]
    • [trillion cost 0.5243650214733477]
    • [transition constraint 0.514651156449179]
    • [economy consumption 0.5143434199493386]
    • [cut cost 0.5122042453812764]
    • [shifting energy 0.5046573928984673]
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    • [indicating viability 0.48199011183892654]
    • [Initiative Blockchain 0.47150256043019695]
    • [big amount 0.46845763654927497]
    • [policies viability 0.46561504670882053]
    • [Climate Blockchain 0.45436008703366765]
    • [reports yearly 0.4433618558375428]
    • [Celsius electricity 0.4064726019754602]
    • [Oil mining 0.4043120774463342]
    • [target cost 0.3923196836512175]
    • [summit yearly 0.35363998420644677]
    • [5 megawatt 0.34594863214105015]
    • [8 consumption 0.32138051513045535]
    • [Decarbonizing viability 0.0]
    • [petro-states viability 0.0]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
    • [increase consumption 0.6275421627533813]
    • [saving cost 0.6200350697465941]
    • [bills cost 0.5780879098253245]
    • [months yearly 0.540439034400891]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
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    • [heat electricity 0.5053398300807492]
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    • [coils electricity 0.49027126928592046]
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    • [system constraint 0.46317953965939734]
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    • [air electricity 0.45120145508888077]
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    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [sweltering pool 0.36718398580546846]
    • [tips yearly 0.34964489983077696]
    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [Dirty pool 0.24748084013203522]
    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 Sustainable construction: Why wood is good
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [blocks blocks 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [time amount 0.6703996328268769]
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    • [building block 0.5628434904430706]
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    • [state-of-the-art pool 0.4532900018699889]
    • [beautiful pool 0.4477509037945586]
    • [highly amount 0.39629788807989785]
    • [Oak block 0.3548557757248935]
    • [friendly pool 0.341396566319259]
    • [Timber-framed viability 0.0]
    • [374087 viability 0.0]
  • 3 France Solar Roadways! What You Need To Know - SRE
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [amount amount 1]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [structure constraint 0.562610037702688]
    • [existing viability 0.5489723520477625]
    • [generally amount 0.5439233678640348]
    • [panels electricity 0.5301442063494367]
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    • [roads electricity 0.519953678056821]
    • [kw megawatt 0.5067021392243137]
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    • [miles megawatt 0.49076211185174606]
    • [roadways electricity 0.4894671496603728]
    • [installations electricity 0.4892963579894555]
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    • [layer amount 0.4649073125941032]
    • [pavement block 0.44075416893548763]
    • [withstand viability 0.4142247155405857]
    • [productions megawatt 0.38063838080959755]
    • [621 megawatt 0.30069882998654374]
    • [France Blockchain 0.28780627272241616]
    • [Ecology consumption 0.2858911142335757]
    • [French amount 0.2334327076679846]
  • 3 Bitcoin: Satoshipay cooperates with Visa - BitcoinVision
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [block block 1]
    • [amounts amounts 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [sums amount 0.6833651041639935]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
    • [startup cryptocurrency 0.6460569537057728]
    • [payment bitcoin 0.5330131004957465]
    • [providers datacenter 0.5155403842969977]
    • [simple solving 0.4923779560555002]
    • [Collab Blockchain 0.4865519611490149]
    • [Visa Blockchain 0.48121923066128097]
    • [chain mining 0.4710381727118879]
    • [Satoshi blockchain 0.46910296048744105]
    • [Javascript Blockchain 0.4541463926019294]
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    • [content amount 0.44163541310846227]
    • [cooperates yearly 0.4259750686297789]
    • [beginning yearly 0.4244071776103731]
    • [Contracts Blockchain 0.42378388327401445]
    • [card bitcoin 0.414211306805922]
    • [Europe cost 0.35058624607867994]
    • [Berlin Blockchain 0.3210139553611557]
    • [Benn cost 0.22693015113751]
    • [Meinhard viability 0.0]
    • [Macropayments viability 0.0]
    • [Kleinsmiede viability 0.0]
    • [Programmmable viability 0.0]
    • [Satoshipay viability 0.0]
  • 3 The Flipside Bitcoin News #5 - BTC Guild Sale, Mining Farm Up In Flames, Ode to Ben Lawsky » Bitcoin Moxy
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [Decentralised Blockchain 0.6482689668535522]
    • [BTC bitcoin 0.6392579387761184]
    • [half amount 0.5568000455969245]
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    • [organism constraint 0.5002486352546436]
    • [manure electricity 0.4884268654940668]
    • [closure block 0.47195834129060565]
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    • [called block 0.4617946779089097]
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    • [flames electricity 0.40992441706698446]
    • [Cybernetic Blockchain 0.40753961718715614]
    • [send amount 0.39908229506800086]
    • [Foundation Blockchain 0.3850801278663851]
    • [Mr viability 0.3756714509324011]
    • [Passport Blockchain 0.3742918500889423]
    • [Guild yearly 0.30362377569715154]
    • [Ben Blockchain 0.24600142971096886]
    • [Cody pool 0.23461413191950983]
    • [Ellis viability 0.23356603586367888]
    • [Cowboyminers viability 0.0]
    • [BlockchainID viability 0.0]
  • 3 Can India Really Build 100 Gigawatts of Solar?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [megawatts megawatts 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [gigawatts megawatt 0.7838151809756397]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [high-voltage electricity 0.7650378771184023]
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    • [electrification electricity 0.689303993575172]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
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    • [lead-acid electricity 0.6438916846273409]
    • [diesel electricity 0.6084194390512043]
    • [outages electricity 0.6052067855385409]
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    • [project cost 0.46957606548897984]
    • [parks pool 0.44507610866902714]
    • [100 amount 0.4409510691992808]
    • [Bank Blockchain 0.4348877989666979]
    • [India cost 0.36112836099192025]
    • [shadow energy 0.3520937523091237]
    • [World yearly 0.33220952185834407]
    • [Jayakumar solving 0.3163772366204267]
    • [Dr cost 0.2729413883051305]
    • [power-sector viability 0.0]
  • 3 Research delivers insight into the cork flooring blocks market to 2021: consumption volume, value, import, export and sale price analysis - WhaTech
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Consumption Consumption 1]
    • [Cost Cost 1]
    • [Blocks Blocks 1]
    • [Global Blockchain 0.43415595401974183]
    • [Capacity consumption 0.41031725918004214]
    • [Industry Blockchain 0.4093626495271071]
    • [Import consumption 0.40555064449572625]
    • [Export consumption 0.40389033673715313]
    • [Gross consumption 0.40246062629438367]
    • [2011-2016 consumption 0.4017438616630398]
    • [Price cost 0.3986490016369117]
    • [Revenue consumption 0.3863400511907072]
    • [Analysis consumption 0.37339907937178035]
    • [Margin consumption 0.36711459122125234]
    • [Production consumption 0.36399523512752313]
    • [1 yearly 0.3612480226734997]
    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [Volume consumption 0.3308862250568547]
    • [12 yearly 0.30996712487459915]
    • [7 consumption 0.3024082269851072]
    • [Flooring electricity 0.2949327162841809]
    • [Cork block 0.26761761991357214]
  • 3 Bitcoin Block Reward Halving = Upcoming Price Increase! - Trace Mayer Interview » Bitcoin Moxy
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blocks blocks 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
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    • [price cost 0.6406572661854105]
    • [increase consumption 0.6275421627533813]
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    • [upcoming yearly 0.48906676301385393]
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    • [end block 0.48330596708020385]
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    • [intentions constraint 0.45864156884326485]
    • [overly constraint 0.43327092860445665]
    • [free cost 0.43104016954836877]
    • [Trace mining 0.3147156704639411]
    • [Mayor mining 0.29742901907067215]
    • [nil viability 0.0]
    • [PHDs viability 0.0]
    • [I viability 0.0]
  • 3 6 Tips to Cut Electric Costs During Sweltering Summer Months: Eversource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
    • [increase consumption 0.6275421627533813]
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    • [months yearly 0.540439034400891]
    • [additional amount 0.5194294105955772]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
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    • [cool pool 0.49244311389649026]
    • [coils electricity 0.49027126928592046]
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    • [furniture pool 0.39705112094497264]
    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [sweltering pool 0.36718398580546846]
    • [Dirty pool 0.24748084013203522]
    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
    • [eversource viability 0.0]
  • 3 Can India Really Build 100 Gigawatts of Solar?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [megawatts megawatts 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [gigawatts megawatt 0.7838151809756397]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
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    • [electrification electricity 0.689303993575172]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
    • [utility electricity 0.6555619759827574]
    • [lead-acid electricity 0.6438916846273409]
    • [diesel electricity 0.6084194390512043]
    • [outages electricity 0.6052067855385409]
    • [rupees cost 0.5814193524331204]
    • [rural electricity 0.5586604431391132]
    • [financing cost 0.5175029052894377]
    • [government-owned electricity 0.5135193272792759]
    • [areas mining 0.47660753048591376]
    • [parks pool 0.44507610866902714]
    • [100 amount 0.4409510691992808]
    • [Bank Blockchain 0.4348877989666979]
    • [India cost 0.36112836099192025]
    • [shadow energy 0.3520937523091237]
    • [World yearly 0.33220952185834407]
    • [Jayakumar solving 0.3163772366204267]
    • [7 consumption 0.3024082269851072]
    • [Dr cost 0.2729413883051305]
    • [power-sector viability 0.0]
  • 3 With Tesla's Master Plan Part Deux, 'Dis-Integration' Seems A Better Play
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [storage datacenter 0.6605557775703139]
    • [supply consumption 0.6387771448065289]
    • [Powerwall electricity 0.6092854927804157]
    • [quantification viability 0.6049091958492483]
    • [sustainable energy 0.5817842379149502]
    • [benefits amount 0.5732199876721704]
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    • [combination amount 0.5550012725607055]
    • [plan cost 0.5285165720390106]
    • [vehicles electricity 0.5276920552064247]
    • [battery electricity 0.5254543114234558]
    • [derived consumption 0.5194117806226478]
    • [SolarCity electricity 0.5039062006724574]
    • [Tesla Blockchain 0.4568404003159537]
    • [Musk blockchain 0.45326693250102645]
    • [sales cost 0.4469818231299398]
    • [vertical constraint 0.42808328941837775]
    • [MP2 megawatt 0.41120117426241953]
    • [Deux Blockchain 0.3948275064550831]
    • [Part solving 0.3890164294433566]
    • [Master Blockchain 0.27649409250878165]
    • [dis-integration viability 0.0]
  • 3 Sound Solar Systems - One Park Ave. Old Greenwich CT 06870
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [wind electricity 0.6889423172381627]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
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    • [water pool 0.5902859255357795]
    • [benefits amount 0.5732199876721704]
    • [panels electricity 0.5301442063494367]
    • [hot pool 0.5273020781247243]
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    • [expert solving 0.39912791826431127]
    • [Today solving 0.3584750969579385]
    • [call energy 0.34848305114551237]
    • [Evaluation viability 0.3451487366062607]
    • [Commercial Blockchain 0.33748565878023207]
    • [Site datacenter 0.29346336983729127]
    • [Sound megawatt 0.2608200942429422]
    • [203-658-7706 viability 0.0]
  • 3 Dash Across America Tour: Everyday Crypto Advocacy Hits the Road
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [crypto cryptocurrency 0.7441322734311415]
    • [need-bitcoin bitcoin 0.5105712582130072]
    • [Banks Blockchain 0.4328507464418296]
    • [Kokesh bitcoin 0.4304924816324476]
    • [bus electricity 0.41761686356708455]
    • [Solutions Blockchain 0.413683560471087]
    • [family pool 0.39715672055907425]
    • [podcast Blockchain 0.3829935222925842]
    • [tour yearly 0.3640418970463494]
    • [news cryptocurrency 0.3446858007794301]
    • [Arcade Blockchain 0.32843136474045415]
    • [Dash Blockchain 0.32732740808706373]
    • [City yearly 0.3092637629090494]
    • [African yearly 0.3063035841719263]
    • [america cryptocurrency 0.2818097231531526]
    • [Bush cost 0.27741564927763296]
    • [John cost 0.27419735730971995]
    • [Adam Blockchain 0.2506272845524532]
    • [Trial solving 0.2495380355081663]
    • [Blush Blockchain 0.2467666981697026]
    • [Catherine math 0.21581148968404468]
    • [cheapair viability 0.0]
    • [Uncoinventional viability 0.0]
    • [SovereignBTC viability 0.0]
    • [Bleish viability 0.0]
  • 3 Master Plan, Part Deux
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [learning math 0.6822617571222156]
    • [sustainable energy 0.5817842379149502]
    • [million yearly 0.5672529769741047]
    • [volume amount 0.5650741793174333]
    • [companies mining 0.5605317837470358]
    • [true constraint 0.5142241407390747]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
    • [proposed viability 0.5078174687500095]
    • [SolarCity electricity 0.5039062006724574]
    • [proxy constraint 0.4998947055967668]
    • [miles megawatt 0.49076211185174606]
    • [vehicle electricity 0.48862100464778857]
    • [car electricity 0.4717779435342276]
    • [beta cryptocurrency 0.46857935720465255]
    • [app blockchain 0.4678521083814362]
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    • [Tesla Blockchain 0.4568404003159537]
    • [self-driving blockchain 0.43496407796528397]
    • [fleet datacenter 0.4267097211125213]
    • [Deux Blockchain 0.3948275064550831]
    • [Autopilot Blockchain 0.3892827826567129]
    • [Part solving 0.3890164294433566]
    • [phone electricity 0.38892384953343406]
    • [Plan yearly 0.37829313556591]
    • [forward-looking viability 0.37239637755472016]
    • [statement transaction 0.36444321375605243]
    • [Model constraint 0.3294330730481143]
    • [3 cost 0.32835021791880575]
    • [Master Blockchain 0.27649409250878165]
  • 3 Paving the way towards a smart city reality
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
    • [infrastructure datacenter 0.6711259892663209]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
    • [saving cost 0.6200350697465941]
    • [meters megawatt 0.5368501721609503]
    • [smart energy 0.5145294725493101]
    • [offer cost 0.5121330605034399]
    • [intelligent solving 0.4826301110614984]
    • [integrated datacenter 0.4667381710853935]
    • [system constraint 0.46317953965939734]
    • [buildings block 0.45823498462290735]
    • [reality cryptocurrency 0.43084612572296943]
    • [Cities Blockchain 0.4048148819897182]
    • [Plan yearly 0.37829313556591]
    • [South cost 0.3500685834771993]
    • [Schneider megawatt 0.3363128669657281]
    • [Health consumption 0.32802442164862566]
    • [Bajaj Blockchain 0.3273192460474752]
    • [Australian cost 0.31044543328496976]
    • [Adelaide cost 0.30076825015884245]
    • [18 bitcoin 0.28636158531368977]
    • [Deals cost 0.2619921043391172]
    • [SAHMRI viability 0.0]
    • [Haese viability 0.0]
    • [futureproofed viability 0.0]
  • 3 The Mad Rush to Own the Rights to the Blockchain
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [ledger blockchain 0.7351737742845152]
    • [Nakamoto blockchain 0.6794024079161266]
    • [time amount 0.6703996328268769]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
    • [enormous amount 0.656649104950979]
    • [tamper-proof blockchain 0.5939108169879844]
    • [filing transaction 0.55133473633743]
    • [investments viability 0.5504270505563007]
    • [depending amount 0.5470999317894413]
    • [small amount 0.5460964640048075]
    • [make amount 0.5453725259851421]
    • [globally consumption 0.5164219970234428]
    • [impossible constraint 0.5107895122591432]
    • [application blockchain 0.4862818635936139]
    • [Satoshi blockchain 0.46910296048744105]
    • [years cost 0.45626701958821675]
    • [granted amount 0.44554538490983875]
    • [patent block 0.43973531443338343]
    • [explained amount 0.4379050014554687]
    • [fraudulent bitcoin 0.43535957631387817]
    • [successfully viability 0.42853258613506506]
    • [verification blockchain 0.42850435706341955]
    • [originally block 0.37613417854269565]
    • [Bernard Blockchain 0.29875122199198356]
    • [Chao pool 0.2593839484843728]
  • 3 Eon Electric kicks off ‘Energy Efficiency’ yatra to spread awareness among consumers
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electrical electrical 1]
    • [efficiency energy 0.6660989713360118]
    • [energy-efficient electricity 0.6431786617172242]
    • [manufacturing mining 0.5769817453705609]
    • [sector mining 0.5610412514247531]
    • [markets cryptocurrency 0.5499868896198663]
    • [lighting energy 0.5346067020592457]
    • [EON Blockchain 0.5094860817061594]
    • [domestic consumption 0.49825113096405604]
    • [bulbs electricity 0.4822724841136872]
    • [products consumption 0.47879416398703634]
    • [initiative Blockchain 0.4758216912187504]
    • [aware solving 0.4649113024607062]
    • [LED electricity 0.4443979168565767]
    • [regional viability 0.4171196300608107]
    • [spread block 0.4113846940460856]
    • [today solving 0.40044805923818416]
    • [NCR datacenter 0.398945068637925]
    • [Talking solving 0.36340602080165696]
    • [Yatra cryptocurrency 0.3589180240949778]
    • [Director Blockchain 0.3158575629298079]
    • [Sales solving 0.2807766596872191]
    • [Luminaires viability 0.0]
  • 3 Why Bitcoin's 'Nervous System' is Getting an Upgrade
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [coindesk cryptocurrency 0.6614743383224921]
    • [node datacenter 0.6240805862513048]
    • [data blockchain 0.5822355274774973]
    • [TCP datacenter 0.5536499370141218]
    • [Internet Blockchain 0.5406347125398897]
    • [SPV Blockchain 0.5175107816219329]
    • [packets amount 0.4567310699387362]
    • [chip datacenter 0.4379273379679882]
    • [BIP constraint 0.4348777060628827]
    • [Corallo Blockchain 0.42483118506359824]
    • [lost amount 0.4231199626475841]
    • [FIBRE Blockchain 0.41018121986892553]
    • [Core math 0.40555805068356227]
    • [Network Blockchain 0.40455813509372546]
    • [compact constraint 0.40259869948564486]
    • [Processing Blockchain 0.3933342981676764]
    • [org cryptocurrency 0.3625521283405346]
    • [Relay Blockchain 0.3472350661715274]
    • [Maxwell math 0.3416227852113272]
    • [www Blockchain 0.2583743747532132]
    • [bitcoinfibre viability 0.0]
  • 3 The wind, the sun and the PSC
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [megawatt megawatt 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [hydro electricity 0.7514793864257695]
    • [MWh megawatt 0.7249461020527197]
    • [generators electricity 0.7241188778723248]
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    • [hour amount 0.5155347354316365]
    • [Wind megawatt 0.5140278471226031]
    • [farm electricity 0.5119029542117632]
    • [PPL electricity 0.4173755270568508]
    • [PSC megawatt 0.3930861258055455]
    • [Northwestern math 0.3851101207380627]
    • [Commission Blockchain 0.3577831670103458]
    • [Service datacenter 0.35609759805647045]
    • [Montana megawatt 0.3312797793826943]
    • [45 megawatt 0.3260260507306782]
    • [Public Blockchain 0.3133828561308919]
    • [49 transaction 0.30996667106972103]
    • [Commissioner Blockchain 0.29918236306326085]
    • [Koopman Blockchain 0.2941034712307721]
    • [4-1 megawatt 0.2759124778753179]
    • [Kop pool 0.27302912431332077]
    • [Bushman yearly 0.21903762758489598]
    • [PURPA viability 0.0]
    • [Spion viability 0.0]
    • [Greycliff viability 0.0]
  • 3 Why Bitcoin's 'Nervous System' is Getting an Upgrade | ValuBit
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [block block 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [node datacenter 0.6240805862513048]
    • [Ultimately viability 0.6018290952132677]
    • [data blockchain 0.5822355274774973]
    • [TCP datacenter 0.5536499370141218]
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    • [networks datacenter 0.505705284294505]
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    • [Protocol Blockchain 0.46591039012101865]
    • [packets amount 0.4567310699387362]
    • [UDP datacenter 0.4387036196501383]
    • [Corallo Blockchain 0.42483118506359824]
    • [lost amount 0.4231199626475841]
    • [FIBRE Blockchain 0.41018121986892553]
    • [Core math 0.40555805068356227]
    • [compact constraint 0.40259869948564486]
    • [FEC transaction 0.3747872496831303]
    • [relay electricity 0.3483717194336022]
    • [Maxwell math 0.3416227852113272]
    • [Originally megawatt 0.2469371969410956]
  • 3 Master Plan, Part Deux
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [learning math 0.6822617571222156]
    • [sustainable energy 0.5817842379149502]
    • [million yearly 0.5672529769741047]
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    • [companies mining 0.5605317837470358]
    • [true constraint 0.5142241407390747]
    • [low cost 0.510659591191368]
    • [proposed viability 0.5078174687500095]
    • [SolarCity electricity 0.5039062006724574]
    • [proxy constraint 0.4998947055967668]
    • [miles megawatt 0.49076211185174606]
    • [vehicle electricity 0.48862100464778857]
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    • [beta cryptocurrency 0.46857935720465255]
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    • [Tesla Blockchain 0.4568404003159537]
    • [self-driving blockchain 0.43496407796528397]
    • [fleet datacenter 0.4267097211125213]
    • [Deux Blockchain 0.3948275064550831]
    • [Autopilot Blockchain 0.3892827826567129]
    • [Part solving 0.3890164294433566]
    • [phone electricity 0.38892384953343406]
    • [Plan yearly 0.37829313556591]
    • [forward-looking viability 0.37239637755472016]
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    • [Model constraint 0.3294330730481143]
    • [3 cost 0.32835021791880575]
    • [Master Blockchain 0.27649409250878165]
  • 3 Hot Tub Heating Systems in Cape Girardeau MO | Indoor Pool Guide
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [Pool Pool 1]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
    • [Jacuzzi pool 0.6913252688591557]
    • [heater electricity 0.6159614952909243]
    • [hottub pool 0.582915782132607]
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    • [pump electricity 0.561899456571395]
    • [environmental viability 0.5417514897390265]
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    • [Spa pool 0.45044552299239987]
    • [Heating electricity 0.45022430879234077]
    • [Systems datacenter 0.42497621384453277]
    • [Tub pool 0.42127169981242624]
    • [guide cryptocurrency 0.34869008122335343]
    • [MO yearly 0.3010944307386214]
    • [Hot pool 0.2893411762896032]
    • [Cape constraint 0.2582219889956]
    • [Covers yearly 0.25817884913470235]
    • [Girardeau yearly 0.24539248227133117]
    • [Home yearly 0.21863466667996262]
  • 3 Soft Forks, Censorship, and Stake
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
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    • [Flying megawatt 0.23316682814635598]
    • [soft-fork viability 0.0]
  • 3 Complaints Against Coinbase’s Practice of Tracking Transactions Resurface
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Transactions Transactions 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [blocking blocking 1]
    • [Coinbase bitcoin 0.7669460943665847]
    • [currency cryptocurrency 0.7159227941433135]
    • [wallets bitcoin 0.5819320037251283]
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    • [statement transaction 0.36444321375605243]
    • [Tracking solving 0.32864289017418247]
    • [post amount 0.303617995301822]
    • [Bruce megawatt 0.21775221173781092]
    • [Resurface viability 0.0]
  • 3 Are there any true anonymous cryptocurrencies?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Transactions Transactions 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [miners mining 0.7952695966507254]
    • [Monero cryptocurrency 0.744323093284995]
    • [cryptography blockchain 0.7211127317438806]
    • [zero-knowledge blockchain 0.6851109560487586]
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    • [digital blockchain 0.5793489998553517]
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    • [anonymity cryptocurrency 0.4156816832122799]
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    • [Maxwell math 0.3416227852113272]
    • [10 yearly 0.3358276796312652]
    • [2 consumption 0.3148766527171349]
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    • [Ring mining 0.2687302600415125]
    • [CoinJoin viability 0.0]
    • [CryptoNote viability 0.0]
    • [ZeroCash viability 0.0]
  • 3 Improving energy efficiency in hospitals
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
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    • [facility pool 0.48434054865811377]
    • [system constraint 0.46317953965939734]
    • [audit yearly 0.44551093561371397]
    • [hospitals cost 0.43231609898550827]
    • [Management Blockchain 0.39443541490109196]
    • [Healthcare Blockchain 0.3880748424047838]
    • [CHFM datacenter 0.34040436655233824]
    • [Clinic datacenter 0.30968842324635026]
    • [Midland megawatt 0.3093359003330486]
    • [Memorial cost 0.28554216165477286]
    • [Cleveland block 0.26238841880446717]
    • [Star energy 0.25005440072708285]
    • [Hermann yearly 0.23162802625728424]
    • [Suárez viability 0.0]
    • [SASHE viability 0.0]
  • 3 EIA Study Reaffirms CPP's Impact on U.S. Economy
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [prices cost 0.6119624611892694]
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    • [households electricity 0.5867152304216131]
    • [higher cost 0.5686017032805097]
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    • [study consumption 0.461776421289499]
    • [EPA consumption 0.4298852260486819]
    • [stupid math 0.4271905636895422]
    • [CPP yearly 0.40326973501881525]
    • [families cost 0.39873945164599844]
    • [Low consumption 0.3505542969611865]
    • [American cost 0.32460406409889414]
    • [McConnell megawatt 0.32044281712277284]
    • [22 bitcoin 0.2829233176004603]
  • 3 What's cost got to do with it?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
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    • [storage datacenter 0.6605557775703139]
    • [techno-economic viability 0.6295977285471286]
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    • [Gigafactory megawatt 0.5828837009839822]
    • [engineering math 0.5794879302832413]
    • [manufacturing mining 0.5769817453705609]
    • [BEV electricity 0.5577231670655445]
    • [vehicles electricity 0.5276920552064247]
    • [battery electricity 0.5254543114234558]
    • [Li-ion megawatt 0.49226327347730847]
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    • [Tesla Blockchain 0.4568404003159537]
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    • [electrode energy 0.4190643294194328]
    • [Chemical mining 0.35357405494632144]
    • [7 consumption 0.3024082269851072]
    • [mit Blockchain 0.2871371179104822]
    • [Thinner consumption 0.2822442202196715]
    • [Sakti viability 0.0]
  • 3 How to save electricity intelligently and smartly: Sunil Sood - Citizen Matters, Bangalore News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [smartly amount 0.35874004139055]
  • 3 How to Mine Bitcoins with a USB Miner on a Mac (Block Erupter Sapphire) » Bitcoin Moxy
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [Block Block 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [miner mining 0.7429389917023227]
    • [tools solving 0.4829497135257651]
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    • [install block 0.40880031942461387]
    • [-u constraint 0.40792966023684113]
    • [brew consumption 0.4007055955599983]
    • [USB datacenter 0.38868277938017765]
    • [homebrew cryptocurrency 0.38313344273146316]
    • [Xcode constraint 0.37806211378782045]
    • [3333 block 0.3524274435489934]
    • [-p constraint 0.35078127233949374]
    • [Sapphire transaction 0.3103987645149483]
    • [bfgminer viability 0.0]
    • [allhow2s viability 0.0]
    • [erupter viability 0.0]
  • 3 Home Energy Management Systems Are Poised to Have an Outsized Affect on Energy Sustainability Efforts - Schneider Electric Blog
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
    • [utility electricity 0.6555619759827574]
    • [reduce cost 0.6379728084979704]
    • [saving cost 0.6200350697465941]
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    • [approach solving 0.5869221610372997]
    • [metering electricity 0.5823317425909832]
    • [sustainability viability 0.5659850225198019]
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    • [Schneider megawatt 0.3363128669657281]
    • [Roy mining 0.22297454984365983]
    • [TechNavio viability 0.0]
    • [HEMS viability 0.0]
  • 3 Dash Introduces Decentralized Banking Resolution
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [month-to-month yearly 0.647179452912093]
    • [banking blockchain 0.6188802285806716]
    • [cost-effective cost 0.6067111294385524]
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    • [Ryan pool 0.2592274916766929]
    • [Diaz megawatt 0.25485173915008347]
    • [Taylor blockchain 0.2207042815949699]
    • [Decentralizing viability 0.0]
    • [de-funded viability 0.0]
    • [d10e viability 0.0]
  • 3 Eversource Offers Ways To Keep Cool Ahead Of Heat Wave
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [block block 1]
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    • [filters block 0.3922169536799947]
    • [Dirty pool 0.24748084013203522]
    • [Seal mining 0.2323761842641252]
  • 3 ONC Kicks Off Blockchain Whitepaper Contest
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
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    • [CA datacenter 0.28179111615546576]
  • 3 A $2.1-million light switch underway on Victoria’s streets
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [3 cost 0.32835021791880575]
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    • [4 consumption 0.2998834508543818]
  • 3 State Awards Framingham $250,000 For Clean Energy Project -
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
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    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [projects cost 0.5112897255711296]
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    • [Act Blockchain 0.3833776108315719]
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    • [Communities Blockchain 0.34477769389031626]
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    • [Green energy 0.30229650954264725]
    • [Massachusetts cost 0.26129745484753597]
    • [Framingham datacenter 0.2479348362608721]
  • 3 Your Company’s Energy Data Is an Untapped Resource
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [facilities pool 0.5672083607891287]
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    • [Noesis viability 0.0]
  • 3 McAfee’s new cybersecurity firm John McAfee Global Technologies seeks to secure cryptocurrency products
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [ShapeShift cryptocurrency 0.6876940612068017]
    • [wallets bitcoin 0.5819320037251283]
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    • [McAfee bitcoin 0.3678441043099266]
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    • [Erik Blockchain 0.2926125543001217]
    • [Voorhees block 0.28814518605810907]
    • [John cost 0.27419735730971995]
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    • [Ver Blockchain 0.24139972855765784]
    • [DVasive viability 0.0]
  • 3 Unlock value with demand side response energy management
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cost cost 1]
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    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [Response Blockchain 0.299792263342868]
    • [Usama electricity 0.19435679655230828]
    • [Sapru viability 0.0]
  • 3 Storj and Counterparty Create a New Lightning Based Payments Technology
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [Storj blockchain 0.7336127323464985]
    • [Counterparty Blockchain 0.6744342859719038]
    • [Payments Blockchain 0.6088051478869774]
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    • [Technology Blockchain 0.5010324486944732]
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    • [Lightning datacenter 0.3029309724370578]
    • [SJCX viability 0.0]
  • 3 Astrophysical Constraints on Singlet Scalars at LHC [CL]
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [viability viability 1]
    • [constraints constraints 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [Phenomenology Blockchain 0.36235077248254577]
    • [High block 0.3214997552988715]
    • [Astrophysical Blockchain 0.3154086836859838]
    • [Cosmology bitcoin 0.312471240876952]
    • [CL Blockchain 0.199407269556277]
    • [anti-fermions viability 0.0]
  • 3 General Electric Earnings Preview
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
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    • [Q1 cost 0.36075952927784016]
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    • [P mining 0.31927081170116645]
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    • [E block 0.2790211030602082]
  • 3 The Crazy-Tiny Next Generation of Computers — Backchannel
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
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    • [Dutta cryptocurrency 0.2430294536882296]
    • [Kristofer viability 0.18483013445955304]
    • [Pister viability 0.0]
  • 3 Why Central Banks Will Fail at Digital Currency
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [Reserve bitcoin 0.3659095809517822]
    • [Coins cryptocurrency 0.33651670484222695]
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    • [Austrian yearly 0.28133838381828946]
    • [Brothers Blockchain 0.2558613045280031]
    • [Adam Blockchain 0.2506272845524532]
    • [Ludwin viability 0.0]
  • 3 Bitcoin Regulations Not Welcomed by Everyone in Bitcoin Community
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
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    • [Carolina yearly 0.25540981381390443]
    • [READ block 0.2418375822516669]
    • [bitcoin-based viability 0.0]
  • 3 Aluna Crypto Currency & Trading: Bitcoin & Altcoins Trading: A Complete Guide of How To Ride this Cryptocurrency Rocket to the Moon! Tutorial of Trading Strategy Insights, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis Frameworks & Tools.
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Bitcoins Bitcoins 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Decentralized Blockchain 0.7281742976919146]
    • [Altcoins cryptocurrency 0.6851822446993043]
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    • [February yearly 0.3406698431326841]
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    • [twitter megawatt 0.2494306987940865]
    • [onemanatatime viability 0.0]
  • 3 More businesses, homes turn to solar energy to tame power costs
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [River-based viability 0.0]
    • [Sh18 viability 0.0]
  • 3 Check out this property to rent on Zoopla!
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [Electricity Electricity 1]
    • [monthly yearly 0.7880947317566496]
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    • [Framework Blockchain 0.48935219270879493]
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    • [Zoopla transaction 0.39148871791811074]
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    • [Additional mining 0.2678107312964368]
    • [contact block 0.25580596901343955]
    • [Evening yearly 0.2553035428465971]
    • [Portico block 0.240449102589201]
    • [noon-5pm consumption 0.23576776361723759]
  • 3 Hope for Utilities with Decreasing Electricity Sales
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [GWh megawatt 0.7331061319635479]
    • [infrastructure datacenter 0.6711259892663209]
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    • [rate cost 0.567380050449951]
    • [GDP consumption 0.5422989668334878]
    • [worldwide yearly 0.5403008415228143]
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    • [hours amount 0.4875482929777145]
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    • [Utilities electricity 0.45459265469855786]
    • [connected datacenter 0.4480124933804386]
    • [sales cost 0.4469818231299398]
    • [base amount 0.4144496542173199]
    • [Source Blockchain 0.38736248403115564]
    • [Information Blockchain 0.38318118483339797]
    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [382 transaction 0.33172524894884875]
    • [Administration yearly 0.3087149371247623]
    • [Jan yearly 0.28256849174637627]
    • [terawatt viability 0.0]
    • [ISO-New viability 0.0]
    • [Vrins viability 0.0]
  • 3 Improving energy efficiency in hospitals
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [reducing cost 0.6374952442738178]
    • [efficient energy 0.5924035984907194]
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    • [Healthcare Blockchain 0.3880748424047838]
    • [CHFM datacenter 0.34040436655233824]
    • [Clinic datacenter 0.30968842324635026]
    • [Midland megawatt 0.3093359003330486]
    • [Memorial cost 0.28554216165477286]
    • [Cleveland block 0.26238841880446717]
    • [Star energy 0.25005440072708285]
    • [Hermann yearly 0.23162802625728424]
    • [Suárez viability 0.0]
    • [SASHE viability 0.0]
  • 3 Math Plus Academy Makes Kids Love Learning
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [solve solve 1]
    • [Math Math 1]
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    • [Raj constraint 0.2711492129394393]
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  • 3 How Solar Energy Is Impacting Corporations Across The Country - SRE
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [B2B Blockchain 0.4432963497922095]
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    • [2014 yearly 0.3659085673818707]
    • [Walmart cost 0.3480546797708628]
    • [569 transaction 0.3377188806661056]
    • [Civil mining 0.298960102401093]
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  • 3 One straw at a time?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [solve solve 1]
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    • [Lauren math 0.2422446814504913]
    • [Singer cost 0.2137137276204566]
    • [I viability 0.0]
  • 3 General Electric Earnings Preview
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [mining mining 1]
    • [Electric Electric 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [cumulative yearly 0.6175669375033027]
    • [industrial mining 0.6083633226787524]
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    • [U amount 0.31901903228094175]
    • [12 yearly 0.30996712487459915]
    • [E block 0.2790211030602082]
  • 3 Banks, tech companies move on from bitcoin to blockchain
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Guastella viability 0.0]
    • [Chavez-Dreyfuss viability 0.0]
  • 3 Changing U.S. energy mix reflects growing use of natural gas, petroleum, and renewables
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [Energy Energy 1]
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    • [coal electricity 0.714923518834073]
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    • [Hubbert electricity 0.43296409018621446]
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    • [2015 yearly 0.3859388476114744]
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    • [Review viability 0.2763168179141356]
    • [Michael amount 0.2492963042517635]
  • 3 Solar’s Latest Subsidy Is Squeezing Down Costs -- And Companies
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Energy Energy 1]
    • [megawatts megawatts 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [Enel electricity 0.4843157580627042]
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    • [SunEdison electricity 0.4457765147078893]
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    • [Dong megawatt 0.3526741456289471]
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    • [Werner constraint 0.2734424895351206]
    • [Venturini energy 0.25701103049355967]
    • [Liebreich viability 0.0]
  • 3 How To Produce Electricity From Solar Energy | Clean Energy Ideas
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [semi-conductive viability 0.0]
  • 3 Developers urged to 'get real' over energy efficiency » Housing »
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [HUB Blockchain 0.3774891173826734]
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    • [Docks datacenter 0.3388310569931134]
    • [MPs electricity 0.3387484363293172]
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    • [Victoria cost 0.28453563048038316]
    • [nil viability 0.0]
  • 3 With Tesla's Master Plan Part Deux, 'Dis-Integration' Seems A Better Play
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [electric electric 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [Musk blockchain 0.45326693250102645]
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    • [Part solving 0.3890164294433566]
    • [Master Blockchain 0.27649409250878165]
    • [dis-integration viability 0.0]
  • 3 How FinTech Is Changing Business (and Bank Accounts)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [cryptocurrencies cryptocurrencies 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [FinTech Blockchain 0.7825486460972718]
    • [Coinbase bitcoin 0.7669460943665847]
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    • [McAuley amount 0.26046869121287913]
    • [Payfirma viability 0.0]
  • 3 All you need to know about Hinkley Point - BBC News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
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    • [electricity electricity 1]
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    • [Hinkley megawatt 0.49731074130495395]
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    • [Smaller constraint 0.35624226256158426]
    • [92 yearly 0.31919049724129905]
    • [Macron Blockchain 0.29632968002326315]
    • [French amount 0.2334327076679846]
    • [delay-strewn viability 0.0]
  • 3 Dynegy Inc. (NYSE:DYN) Given Average Rating of “Buy” by Brokerages
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [energy energy 1]
    • [megawatt megawatt 1]
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    • [Dynegy transaction 0.47470303601070474]
    • [300 yearly 0.46814724794179385]
    • [Deutsche Blockchain 0.4542334781632375]
    • [Citigroup transaction 0.45195987991229286]
    • [research transaction 0.43612507758131513]
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    • [DYN transaction 0.3946277817762225]
    • [29th transaction 0.3832135386086039]
    • [June yearly 0.37713123518586134]
    • [906 transaction 0.3667918132323841]
    • [475 megawatt 0.3574016134347621]
    • [Finally viability 0.35457220105982534]
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    • [10 yearly 0.3358276796312652]
    • [SunTrust blockchain 0.33118197559304074]
    • [NYSE transaction 0.32642313249234206]
    • [45 megawatt 0.3260260507306782]
    • [upgraded cost 0.3253648484373068]
    • [2 consumption 0.3148766527171349]
    • [4th transaction 0.31268287593674293]
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    • [Ladenburg Blockchain 0.3014816392661575]
    • [Thalmann Blockchain 0.2990224478691966]
    • [ratings transaction 0.2799098686038116]
  • 3 Empowered with IoT, Will Blockchain Lead to More Freedom or Less?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [ledger blockchain 0.7351737742845152]
    • [technology blockchain 0.6583752570063544]
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    • [Aadhar cryptocurrency 0.36205794551592724]
    • [Unwitting yearly 0.3463306779301944]
    • [victims block 0.34073539055113683]
    • [flawless pool 0.3249651508241852]
    • [Toasters electricity 0.3038669953197677]
    • [Fraiche Blockchain 0.2674765165518588]
    • [Crème viability 0.0]
    • [Duccini viability 0.0]
    • [I viability 0.0]
  • 3 GWCL will push for 21% tariff increase
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [cost cost 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [monthly yearly 0.7880947317566496]
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    • [PURC electricity 0.47216166603021065]
    • [GH amount 0.44879196564359275]
    • [amid mining 0.43958194949790347]
    • [100-day yearly 0.4351269986836528]
    • [Impact Blockchain 0.43267803676222066]
    • [Regulatory Blockchain 0.43137532225885494]
    • [irregular yearly 0.40846078360402877]
    • [Ghana electricity 0.362100302520734]
    • [1 yearly 0.3612480226734997]
    • [Commission Blockchain 0.3577831670103458]
    • [April yearly 0.34253171686347045]
    • [35 amount 0.33506865673417047]
    • [High block 0.3214997552988715]
    • [21 bitcoin 0.2854128598959234]
    • [06 mining 0.2763132490489638]
    • [HIPIP viability 0.0]
    • [GWCL viability 0.0]
    • [005m viability 0.0]
  • 3 3 fleet telematics-solution options to save you money on fuel costs
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [fuel energy 0.7116363943677034]
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    • [1 yearly 0.3612480226734997]
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    • [Reports consumption 0.3016278075564538]
    • [SynX viability 0.0]
  • 3 When Considering Offsite Renewables Find a Trusted Energy Advisor - Edison Energy
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [costs costs 1]
    • [renewables electricity 0.792501776098121]
    • [solar electricity 0.7772587978277227]
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    • [on-line cryptocurrency 0.3898892548445099]
    • [Edison megawatt 0.3709613249819151]
    • [advisor viability 0.369656392359009]
    • [trusted viability 0.3642489661367054]
  • 3 A Brief History of Bitcoin Forks
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [block block 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [miners mining 0.7952695966507254]
    • [hashing blockchain 0.540903184316965]
    • [SPV Blockchain 0.5175107816219329]
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    • [8 consumption 0.32138051513045535]
    • [Build Blockchain 0.3206426672613542]
    • [post-fork viability 0.0]
    • [bips viability 0.0]
    • [pre-0 viability 0.0]
    • [pre-fork viability 0.0]
  • 3 Virtual trials make the case for Local Energy
  • 3 Another amazing year of energy saving with Student Switch Off @ Sustainability
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [students math 0.6691550859905173]
    • [reductions cost 0.6390262576970909]
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    • [000 yearly 0.5260929719145389]
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    • [academics math 0.4833364869399061]
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    • [2015 yearly 0.3859388476114744]
    • [UK cost 0.37708046750821816]
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    • [Club pool 0.34118174171070137]
    • [Switch constraint 0.30249405584239414]
    • [16 amount 0.2896547307852483]
    • [Night yearly 0.26968191443214173]
  • 3 Banks, tech companies move on from bitcoin to blockchain - Times of India
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [math math 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [Blockchain Blockchain 1]
    • [ledger blockchain 0.7351737742845152]
    • [currency cryptocurrency 0.7159227941433135]
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    • [Consulting Blockchain 0.42485664337875173]
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    • [Cambrian mining 0.36383524573769765]
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    • [Solanki transaction 0.26655349231453945]
    • [Craig viability 0.21260648837451515]
    • [astella viability 0.0]
  • 3 In the Future, Ownerless Companies Will Live on the Blockchain
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [Nakamoto blockchain 0.6794024079161266]
    • [DAO cryptocurrency 0.6534077062913306]
    • [Andreessen Blockchain 0.6101875447941938]
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    • [Singularity Blockchain 0.5753624553036581]
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    • [managing solving 0.47915706264494706]
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    • [Marc Blockchain 0.3971741652189729]
    • [University math 0.3770707917382126]
    • [inventor blockchain 0.3684759078407951]
    • [invented math 0.34828431801753057]
    • [Pierce block 0.28395781838089723]
    • [Brock block 0.2813177494053646]
    • [network-owned viability 0.0]
    • [ownerless viability 0.0]
    • [machine-powered viability 0.0]
  • 3 The Top 10 Ways Emerging Tech Will Transform Insurance - Life & Health ADVISORLife & Health ADVISOR
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [Bitcoin Bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [currencies cryptocurrency 0.6852784312766678]
    • [assessing viability 0.6307076707168421]
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    • [Digital Blockchain 0.5312345689279332]
    • [Insurer Blockchain 0.5303227979611888]
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    • [Emerging Blockchain 0.4980195166145813]
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    • [Notify mining 0.3359711232360164]
    • [10 yearly 0.3358276796312652]
    • [Required math 0.2815882462228317]
  • 3 Google is using its highly intelligent computer brain to slash its enormous electricity bill
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [consumption consumption 1]
    • [energy energy 1]
    • [electricity electricity 1]
    • [servers datacenter 0.7199291843323847]
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    • [AI Blockchain 0.6190073696225118]
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    • [pumps electricity 0.5186333072556079]
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    • [Google blockchain 0.4122781127036931]
    • [wrote amount 0.3177068301307324]
    • [Gao mining 0.3015170736621878]
    • [Evans viability 0.25640462008415765]
  • 3 KILTR posted in Life and Style on KILTR
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [bitcoins bitcoins 1]
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [cryptocurrency cryptocurrency 1]
    • [currency cryptocurrency 0.7159227941433135]
    • [Scotcoin cryptocurrency 0.6753802471591702]
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    • [print cost 0.39651933086305363]
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    • [media cryptocurrency 0.36354567188633397]
    • [West block 0.3454401304441285]
    • [Scotland cost 0.2971680538921268]
    • [Elizabeth block 0.27274700204980273]
    • [Arlington pool 0.2722223918021933]
    • [Stone block 0.2682088220522987]
    • [Destiny Blockchain 0.2676802273995668]
    • [Scottish yearly 0.26634955421135914]
    • [scot pool 0.24617433867702576]
    • [Kenny energy 0.19966821114126082]
    • [nil viability 0.0]
    • [I viability 0.0]
  • 3 It's called 'blockchain' and it could be a game changer
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [blockchain blockchain 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transact transact 1]
    • [ledger blockchain 0.7351737742845152]
    • [power energy 0.6668782279887623]
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    • [financial blockchain 0.5505113699006527]
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    • [changer Blockchain 0.45773750327778956]
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    • [game cryptocurrency 0.4338616317797984]
    • [ASX cryptocurrency 0.4295478545531288]
    • [transparent blockchain 0.4223960449377861]
    • [science-and-technology consumption 0.3989109824139498]
    • [similar solving 0.3724424592405707]
    • [London blockchain 0.34173227329027983]
    • [Chalmers solving 0.3128984030614932]
    • [australia cryptocurrency 0.30749307291573647]
    • [Jim mining 0.2783918819891817]
    • [Teague solving 0.2777823480637262]
    • [Review viability 0.2763168179141356]
    • [Dr cost 0.2729413883051305]
    • [Vanessa pool 0.2713977663991667]
    • [Glenn viability 0.2355719506969906]
    • [Stevens math 0.19024974178885407]
    • [internet-technology viability 0.0]
  • 3 lademocraziaenergetica: Bitcoin Improvement Proposal: Hard Fork to Return Seized Silk Road Bitcoin to Ross Ulbricht
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [block block 1]
    • [bitcoin bitcoin 1]
    • [transactions transactions 1]
    • [BTC bitcoin 0.6392579387761184]
    • [output constraint 0.590941500540353]
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    • [Ulbricht bitcoin 0.4873226130496078]
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    • [exploited mining 0.45963812521836583]
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    • [created amount 0.44225727603590687]
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    • [performed yearly 0.39546211355598415]
    • [Road block 0.38940776160308976]
    • [custom block 0.38591070817232276]
    • [seized block 0.3763540900712299]
    • [991 transaction 0.35308297348411216]
    • [Track Blockchain 0.3232299542293008]
    • [Silk block 0.31636058562334823]
    • [Ross block 0.2928257607256828]
    • [original constraint 0.2799230893593504]
    • [173 megawatt 0.27894439771545587]
    • [ASAP pool 0.2724857646744997]
    • [http block 0.2324221109711546]
    • [pubkeys viability 0.0]
    • [UTXOs viability 0.0]
  • 3 Why Are You a High Risk Merchant?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [transaction transaction 1]
    • [amounts amounts 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [swimming pool 0.7929826349624097]
    • [money amount 0.6348546516870611]
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    • [SaaS datacenter 0.5832511180589368]
    • [chargebacks transaction 0.5778611282007526]
    • [recurring yearly 0.5673237279180904]
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    • [payments bitcoin 0.5475814772873163]
    • [months yearly 0.540439034400891]
    • [process amount 0.5072609251345283]
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    • [brand-new yearly 0.3695687185281261]
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    • [6 yearly 0.33386265902607914]
    • [PSP Blockchain 0.330057068086982]
    • [classified amount 0.3198925979557022]
    • [Madonna pool 0.2620135656872995]

query (raw): freediving, training, plan, CO2, neck, weight, constant, O2, minutes, breath, hold, weight, static, weight, dynamic, train, apnea, pool, suit, holding, swimming, Carl, Atkinson input DB: ../ opts: {:min-match 3, :ws-weights nil, :min-cosine 0.8}

  • 3.6524567106830585 Five Minutes Fitness - Pickering Personal Training
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [breathing breathing 1]
    • [minutes minutes 1]
    • [training training 1]
    • [hour minutes 0.8077479252112372]
    • [timer minutes 0.6539164969790776]
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    • [fitness training 0.6001576254079863]
    • [focus dynamic 0.560734836659739]
    • [ll plan 0.5486180372853626]
    • [feel breath 0.5437680042454706]
    • [part plan 0.5406078806388298]
    • [heavy constant 0.5370350044656417]
    • [focusing dynamic 0.5320427555792405]
    • [entire plan 0.5265991818776222]
    • [invaluable training 0.5205405527044417]
    • [moving holding 0.5166961301886588]
    • [Pickering Atkinson 0.5133067390174201]
    • [challenge dynamic 0.4937137316857751]
    • [dream plan 0.49178552586001995]
    • [great dynamic 0.4735084351781696]
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    • [started minutes 0.4391232494389616]
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    • [Don plan 0.4040213591169591]
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    • [10 minutes 0.4009879441716454]
    • [rep weight 0.37494625703011486]
    • [5 minutes 0.35582235064750956]
    • [Choose minutes 0.3360599882653184]
    • [Sound freediving 0.26414214123546587]
    • [I dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 Health And Fitness: 10 Acupressure Points for Relieving Headaches and Migraines
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [breathe breathe 1]
    • [neck neck 1]
    • [minutes minutes 1]
    • [sinus apnea 0.7322265113440382]
    • [migraines apnea 0.7154311487857916]
    • [finger neck 0.7047438209672079]
    • [pain apnea 0.6696542676590718]
    • [stiffness neck 0.669045593510992]
    • [headaches apnea 0.6304840340892385]
    • [acupressure apnea 0.5936074953420852]
    • [thumb neck 0.5781993251193052]
    • [eye neck 0.550388554825853]
    • [stimulating dynamic 0.53509081214724]
    • [provide training 0.5039590121841957]
    • [deeply breath 0.49764868106397775]
    • [rushing breath 0.48548125204882475]
    • [pressure constant 0.48046596814631787]
    • [point constant 0.4787363706280041]
    • [drilling swimming 0.4669412754916692]
    • [relief breath 0.46320366609615854]
    • [index static 0.4422835361107764]
    • [bigger dynamic 0.4406954651893171]
    • [bamboo swimming 0.4289339597571277]
    • [apply suit 0.4031139574938491]
    • [firm suit 0.3873723127944937]
    • [1 weight 0.2711183723307236]
  • 3 Villa Casa Albryna Lanzarote Rural Retreat
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Swimming Swimming 1]
    • [minute minute 1]
    • [Pool Pool 1]
    • [patio pool 0.6456962590276186]
    • [relaxing swimming 0.6236989157384992]
    • [facing holding 0.5415989308094001]
    • [drive train 0.5274774786166396]
    • [south train 0.4983563790690337]
    • [retreat plan 0.4807263810891659]
    • [Lanzarote swimming 0.48029171602661375]
    • [Teguise pool 0.4056091255588374]
    • [departure plan 0.38974819221102397]
    • [Texas Atkinson 0.3796808066418974]
    • [Casa pool 0.37847618736979205]
    • [WiFi pool 0.3703738344846743]
    • [Arrecife swimming 0.3519850761714252]
    • [Towels pool 0.3503534621179534]
    • [Rancho pool 0.3081125304310807]
    • [Table pool 0.2917163466265352]
    • [Rural Atkinson 0.27592016186295654]
    • [6 CO2 0.26701099164356695]
    • [Fence train 0.25159747065073634]
    • [Albryna dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 8 Chores That Are Not Worth Your Time, Hire Someone Else
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [swimming swimming 1]
    • [planning planning 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [Scott Carl 0.599649405430435]
    • [finances plan 0.5561889767712771]
    • [40-hour training 0.5386534990406966]
    • [grass swimming 0.5371842513877325]
    • [professional training 0.5370601725270582]
    • [cost plan 0.5285165720390108]
    • [figure plan 0.5125594709349589]
    • [Halliwell Atkinson 0.5105959833026896]
    • [opportunity dynamic 0.5103022569435175]
    • [driveway pool 0.4817812522213682]
    • [outsource plan 0.47937018788258656]
    • [seek hold 0.4725695590578678]
    • [cleaning pool 0.46093013039792735]
    • [task training 0.45964647389890373]
    • [money plan 0.4558461185544906]
    • [employee training 0.4497404545092437]
    • [chores constant 0.4475429141703857]
    • [hourly constant 0.43763296807191754]
    • [salaried training 0.4323760266903642]
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    • [family plan 0.4069353383517637]
    • [earns holding 0.39797678944433545]
    • [blog plan 0.39326623662341403]
    • [parents swimming 0.3809228719224518]
    • [overconfident weight 0.36762435947336464]
    • [contributor constant 0.34906457166900295]
    • [25 minutes 0.3308187470146669]
    • [Mowing CO2 0.3286710003602721]
    • [Financial hold 0.304169557889823]
    • [8 weight 0.27162103078413696]
    • [VIRTUAL-article-sponsoredlinks dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 Help! Which hotel is best?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [swimming swimming 1]
    • [minutes minutes 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [beach swimming 0.757249663697085]
    • [5-minute minutes 0.7066259238534206]
    • [sea swimming 0.6123352682449392]
    • [walk train 0.6043098185040191]
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    • [Skiathos swimming 0.5299103391204281]
    • [hillside train 0.4929695829995437]
    • [offering dynamic 0.4899000264216023]
    • [accommodation pool 0.4887251734919531]
    • [hotels pool 0.48320649134439403]
    • [boutique pool 0.4549537617197411]
    • [Aegean swimming 0.43024465498794645]
    • [views pool 0.3758020653563525]
    • [free plan 0.34765473393608576]
    • [Wi-Fi swimming 0.3416992661137012]
    • [Town Atkinson 0.3335475044088182]
    • [Megali dynamic 0.0]
    • [Koukounaries dynamic 0.0]
    • [Ammos dynamic 0.0]
    • [Kolios dynamic 0.0]
    • [Kanapitsa dynamic 0.0]
    • [Platanias dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 WWFreshBox by Aussie Farmers Direct + a Recipe for Pasta with Kale, Bacon and Mushrooms
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [minutes minutes 1]
    • [plans plans 1]
    • [weight weight 1]
    • [2-3 minutes 0.5584801909810445]
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    • [kale weight 0.4031898177012744]
    • [aussie neck 0.38435158853283863]
    • [mushrooms minutes 0.38340675233264626]
    • [Bacon Atkinson 0.3731986563024986]
    • [olive neck 0.36702332163516543]
    • [tsp minutes 0.34817313775802106]
    • [farmers constant 0.33168901749483093]
    • [WW Atkinson 0.3284326420745163]
    • [Spice Atkinson 0.2997431921686532]
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    • [Adventuress dynamic 0.0]
    • [WWFreshbox dynamic 0.0]
    • [freshbox dynamic 0.0]
    • [200gms dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 Fontana author remembers wonderful days of swimming in the summer
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [swimming swimming 1]
    • [suits suits 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
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    • [lake swimming 0.6894803473419683]
    • [aquatic swimming 0.6684628555385151]
    • [sand swimming 0.6633010005017121]
    • [backyard pool 0.6432725703234543]
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    • [city train 0.585882198150709]
    • [roads train 0.5824374667377258]
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    • [shimmy neck 0.544292739091832]
    • [waves breath 0.5375978628486574]
    • [umbrella suit 0.5333808814504504]
    • [great dynamic 0.4735084351781696]
    • [Fontana Atkinson 0.465170325145817]
    • [Erie Atkinson 0.4252752316646373]
    • [Mirror O2 0.391707282068482]
    • [Midwestern dynamic 0.33771604406777544]
    • [Mom breath 0.3252409616512231]
    • [Pacific swimming 0.3043623408041894]
  • 3 Why Tri: A Triathlon Beginners Series - Eat 2 Save Your Life
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Swim Swim 1]
    • [Train Train 1]
    • [plan plan 1]
    • [bike train 0.6316237438686477]
    • [triathlete freediving 0.5805585506665323]
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    • [love breath 0.44978617883270416]
    • [Triathlon swimming 0.44389759578079246]
    • [line train 0.4347178824699599]
    • [began holding 0.42616053118730207]
    • [Beginners freediving 0.4203582530667893]
    • [mini swimming 0.39765725502746924]
    • [tri train 0.395119957666842]
    • [series dynamic 0.37314045824446657]
    • [Race freediving 0.3484121987893096]
    • [Day train 0.29052289674027965]
    • [P2C dynamic 0.0]
    • [I dynamic 0.0]
    • [Cervello dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 Setting Realistic Goals to Realize Your Dreams
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [minutes minutes 1]
    • [plan plan 1]
    • [weight weight 1]
    • [mins minutes 0.7950324283980225]
    • [constantly constant 0.6744942063946081]
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    • [realistic plan 0.5347770715384764]
    • [30 minutes 0.5188644499287524]
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    • [earlier plan 0.4959733927545159]
    • [starting plan 0.4826112057986126]
    • [happier breath 0.4649954867151016]
    • [Yup breath 0.43743366509896103]
    • [talked holding 0.4329063555932178]
    • [small constant 0.4187676972201182]
    • [reward constant 0.4038154171281428]
    • [mini swimming 0.39765725502746924]
    • [m minutes 0.39227794882264005]
    • [newsletter constant 0.35535837785114954]
    • [submission hold 0.34087129829742563]
    • [Set plan 0.3369819659408601]
    • [Resolutions plan 0.27884920395071927]
    • [I dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 Pan Pacific Hotels Group to open flagship Beijing hotel in 2017
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [swimming swimming 1]
    • [Suites Suites 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [strategic plan 0.6069388513409344]
    • [cities train 0.4903161699995728]
    • [operates holding 0.46565863320111944]
    • [location train 0.4620244137528069]
    • [attract dynamic 0.4535533916569209]
    • [flagship dynamic 0.4284663854554967]
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    • [Tianjin train 0.40126469995775527]
    • [Group hold 0.3952789118015944]
    • [affluent pool 0.35498988785524505]
    • [Hotels O2 0.34389753827866604]
    • [Beijing train 0.34381827441147017]
    • [Level O2 0.33861297086212766]
    • [Ningbo train 0.3209873826878192]
    • [Pan swimming 0.31350478130156945]
    • [Pacific swimming 0.3043623408041894]
    • [Investments holding 0.29070390158588955]
    • [China hold 0.27836418440468885]
    • [14 minutes 0.2757636932186343]
    • [Forbidden freediving 0.2570224884750512]
    • [brand-defining dynamic 0.0]
    • [Huitong dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 4 Celebrity Homes We Want
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [suite suite 1]
    • [swimming swimming 1]
    • [pool pool 1]
    • [terrace pool 0.6982509010301525]
    • [Mark Carl 0.6300059431130399]
    • [bedrooms pool 0.5906615159305338]
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    • [guesthouse pool 0.4938523862636142]
    • [staircase pool 0.4937642475986143]
    • [Matthew Carl 0.4932499762831422]
    • [Hamptons pool 0.4907939456712213]
    • [master plan 0.4832004459889632]
    • [mansion pool 0.4525059947044626]
    • [chandelier pool 0.4517208249417046]
    • [Wahlberg Atkinson 0.4485149808307796]
    • [Jen Carl 0.44141375336358185]
    • [celebrity suit 0.44136795179191546]
    • [brighten breath 0.4263345249093441]
    • [Aniston Atkinson 0.4094287645580625]
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    • [Beyonce Atkinson 0.38774515871067894]
    • [McConaughey Carl 0.380745303248023]
    • [décor dynamic 0.0]
    • [000sf dynamic 0.0]
  • 3 Weight Loss Myths Uncovered
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Weight Weight 1]
    • [plans plans 1]
    • [Training Training 1]
    • [mid-section neck 0.7341877054633081]
    • [stomach breath 0.7152069534041813]
    • [diet weight 0.7138609750734852]
    • [fat weight 0.6942205794288346]
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    • [eat weight 0.5288417260164097]
    • [appropriately suit 0.5235332246091092]
    • [real constant 0.5218875104310194]
    • [empty static 0.516798056300523]
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    • [human constant 0.5000603905919866]
    • [bad constant 0.4630142011591848]
    • [untruths breath 0.4378200298685173]
    • [trimmer neck 0.43775212020632537]
    • [half-truths constant 0.40491824830796475]
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    • [Adopt plan 0.36170764514677867]
    • [Essel holding 0.3411389611397393]
    • [spot-reduce dynamic 0.0]
    • [spot-reduction dynamic 0.0]
    • [I dynamic 0.0]

query (raw): shooting, deaths, Zimmerman, officer, shot, Diego, Police, enforcement, officers, heroic, Traffic-related, Officers, Memorial, Fund, efforts, killed, SanDiegoPD, July, tweeted, Friday, death, torso, underwent, morning, ChiefZimmerman, motorcycle, crashes input DB: ../ opts: {:min-match 3, :ws-weights nil, :min-cosine 0.8}

  • 8.666147146083027 July 21: Law Enforcement Officers Killed on This Day in History
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Death Death 1]
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [Monday Friday 0.9209188259165265]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [Tuesday Friday 0.8972151184815472]
    • [Wednesday Friday 0.892999182405416]
    • [Saturday Friday 0.8505055483291194]
    • [Sunday Friday 0.8118460095923946]
    • [Sheriff Police 0.707270032327385]
    • [Patrolman Police 0.6493771212912808]
    • [Gunfire Police 0.6152573880434659]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [21 July 0.5894677139225546]
    • [EOW Police 0.573388977038607]
    • [Deputy Police 0.5598630027838585]
    • [County Police 0.49623710586352315]
    • [TX Memorial 0.42068661490685605]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
  • 5.82597880931988 Gunman signals ‘horrendous acts of violence’ in manifesto
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [Wednesday Friday 0.892999182405416]
    • [injured killed 0.8322596969137733]
    • [wounded killed 0.8226670791669239]
    • [Sunday Friday 0.8118460095923946]
    • [deputies officers 0.768812885504792]
    • [noon morning 0.7311612027574422]
    • [slain killed 0.6955035665596832]
    • [sheriff officers 0.6536935510283497]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [nightly morning 0.5814803028886372]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [vigil shooting 0.539929350680928]
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    • [protests officers 0.5275428992087233]
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    • [organized efforts 0.44090705729458946]
    • [photos shot 0.43880230668756764]
    • [Gerald officer 0.4290430276089858]
    • [Herbert heroic 0.42027533241370363]
    • [AP Police 0.40712121411592267]
    • [La Diego 0.3617346334181223]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
    • [Karama Police 0.3461824101504145]
  • 5.335875066436133 Police shoot caretaker - World News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [wounded killed 0.8226670791669239]
    • [Sunday Friday 0.8118460095923946]
    • [sniper shooting 0.7149691749900157]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [provoked killed 0.5664549788224779]
    • [protest officers 0.5633476085230431]
    • [weeks morning 0.5558891165728541]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [widespread efforts 0.5236433037975645]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [lying shot 0.5103351801183676]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [amid death 0.43611287430790047]
    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
    • [world heroic 0.41306286959778254]
    • [latest Friday 0.3896356707813237]
    • [37 killed 0.3422070288594087]
  • 5.183966550363606 Police shoot autistic man's caretaker as he lies in street
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Monday Friday 0.9209188259165265]
    • [wounded killed 0.8226670791669239]
    • [Sunday Friday 0.8118460095923946]
    • [authorities enforcement 0.6842577628559646]
    • [scene shooting 0.6456959209438371]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [47-year-old shot 0.6019553909109896]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [weeks morning 0.5558891165728541]
    • [earlier morning 0.5544548180204711]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [lying shot 0.5103351801183676]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
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    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
    • [find morning 0.4066771151260741]
  • 5.183966550363606 Miami Police shoot unarmed black man as he lies on street with hands up - Firstpost
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Monday Friday 0.9209188259165265]
    • [wounded killed 0.8226670791669239]
    • [Sunday Friday 0.8118460095923946]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
    • [authorities enforcement 0.6842577628559646]
    • [scene shooting 0.6456959209438371]
    • [captured shot 0.6240607221073998]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [purportedly killed 0.5222167773913223]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [lying shot 0.5103351801183676]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
    • [nil Police 0.0]
  • 5 Update: Black therapist says police shot him with his hands raised
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
    • [departments officers 0.6892692555561928]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [aftermath death 0.5899355997777291]
    • [blacks officers 0.5731771464790896]
    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [Eugene Zimmerman 0.5065096254851693]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [patient underwent 0.4490238674801926]
    • [therapist officer 0.4441414992532544]
    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 5 In the Circle: Finding Community in Hard Times
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [deaths deaths 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [Philando shooting 0.5928746953503369]
    • [Center Memorial 0.5808637631666674]
    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [oppression heroic 0.5641172190385556]
    • [Alton shooting 0.5361935026203156]
    • [needed efforts 0.5331028597845928]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
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    • [co-facilitator Police 0.0]
  • 5 'Wrong must be corrected' for black man killed by police
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [death death 1]
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    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Muflahi officer 0.5525654967831435]
    • [harm death 0.546328873888763]
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    • [Bridgewater Zimmerman 0.36975899781637134]
    • [hospitality efforts 0.3302631158687432]
    • [Jupiter torso 0.3071829233930328]
  • 5 17-Year Old Being Charged As Adult in Shooting Death of Gage Bruce - Skagit Breaking: Community News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [death death 1]
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    • [juvenile Zimmerman 0.4774220376533616]
    • [teens morning 0.46291524406932627]
    • [2015 July 0.4562893869139351]
    • [Vernon Memorial 0.4416432186417906]
    • [Avenue Memorial 0.44060720548169985]
    • [Bruce Zimmerman 0.4389001031911895]
    • [parties efforts 0.4190050431876727]
    • [Skagit Diego 0.4179614256135124]
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    • [homies morning 0.3828897961047953]
    • [Gage Diego 0.3722194863244618]
    • [Burlington Diego 0.35010616789962223]
    • [Cruz-Garcia Police 0.0]
    • [Maiben Police 0.0]
  • 5 Dispatches: US Police Killings Witnessed Around the World
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
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    • [shoot shoot 1]
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    • [breathe torso 0.5281164725575439]
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    • [Lavisha Police 0.0]
  • 5 Watch: a black female police officer passionately condemns "racist" police shootings
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
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  • 5 Black therapist lying on ground with hands up shot by police
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
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    • [police police 1]
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    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
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    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 5 Can Justice Reform Efforts Survive Dallas?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [Huckabee Zimmerman 0.4470444141655742]
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    • [Order Officers 0.4048700945452795]
  • 4.848091483927474 Police shoot autistic man's black caretaker as he lies on the street - Indian24News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
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    • [XkSQdA4RTi Police 0.0]
    • [Stochu Police 0.0]
  • 4.833159522517246 Florida Cop Shot Black Man with His Hands Up
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
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    • [police police 1]
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    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
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    • [mira shot 0.307618530981122]
  • 4.7974475397767415 Black therapist says police shot him with his hands raised
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
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    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
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    • [Shut shot 0.3416317051091934]
  • 4.7974475397767415 Shoney’s to Honor America’s Men and Women in Blue with a Free Meal on Wednesday, July 27
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [Wednesday Friday 0.892999182405416]
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    • [27 July 0.5330322070962933]
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    • [Shoneys Police 0.0]
  • 4.7974475397767415 Woman Shot Inside Alton Police Officer’s Car Identified
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Wednesday Friday 0.892999182405416]
    • [Hicks Zimmerman 0.6336900358285488]
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    • [Hayes Zimmerman 0.537298050020256]
    • [Alton shooting 0.5361935026203156]
    • [feeling morning 0.5311052878669491]
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    • [20 July 0.4992495715542929]
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    • [full morning 0.408236173473941]
    • [Joan Memorial 0.390418697870087]
    • [Watch shot 0.3618021157529267]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 4.677755039885111 Fresno video shows police murder of Dylan Noble - World Socialist Web Site
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
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    • [Dylan Zimmerman 0.500265777118752]
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    • [stations officers 0.40592214548524075]
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    • [8 Friday 0.3283636647200849]
    • [Noble Zimmerman 0.320919281127207]
  • 4.6590939432910945 Police, firefighters turn out for Mansfield boy's wish
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [Sunday Friday 0.8118460095923946]
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    • [meeting morning 0.4782429561131421]
    • [17 July 0.47519337535251516]
    • [Make-A-Wish Fund 0.4529100161879579]
    • [Rhode Diego 0.43820475369955353]
    • [Massachusetts Zimmerman 0.4289470196664642]
    • [granted enforcement 0.416365500277592]
    • [Mansfield Zimmerman 0.40910072291449995]
    • [Island Memorial 0.31793378788168386]
    • [Salvatoriello Police 0.0]
    • [Sellon Police 0.0]
  • 4.6590939432910945 The Latest: Long line of mourners at visitation for Gerald
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
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    • [lone shot 0.6135460355629841]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Deputy Police 0.5598630027838585]
    • [Jackson Zimmerman 0.5339383623419552]
    • [Montrell Officers 0.529914526446524]
    • [Garafola officers 0.5001299772416454]
    • [Mourners killed 0.49744960214233475]
    • [caskets officers 0.465386655806294]
    • [Ganem Zimmerman 0.4628790460364409]
    • [city killed 0.4452807810239732]
    • [Brad officer 0.4438010678885117]
    • [Matthew officer 0.44135138814006736]
    • [Gerald officer 0.4290430276089858]
    • [East Police 0.32653413622563293]
  • 4.549657481978892 Man shot as police serve warrant in Waco
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [afternoon morning 0.8629383020512159]
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    • [called tweeted 0.483886430880416]
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    • [supremacist enforcement 0.4636958716172024]
    • [Gober shot 0.4538608355656118]
    • [Avenue Memorial 0.44060720548169985]
    • [white officers 0.4250408141455224]
    • [Street Friday 0.41786065316770443]
    • [Hillcrest Memorial 0.4089243508859393]
    • [Waco Memorial 0.37886150683343955]
    • [Swanton Memorial 0.35777142511120397]
    • [based underwent 0.3324663293283059]
  • 4.497194521802003 Trump says America in crisis — and he'll fix it 'fast' |
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Julie Julie 1]
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    • [night morning 0.8148834268070234]
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    • [judgment death 0.4461249844830124]
    • [divisions efforts 0.44224718011127556]
    • [stage underwent 0.4407612928497297]
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    • [NATO enforcement 0.4284847868139824]
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    • [convention Diego 0.4048171998562565]
    • [businessman tweeted 0.40103383637450285]
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    • [Pace Diego 0.3879220126689644]
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    • [Topeka Memorial 0.370023287295572]
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    • [Hillary enforcement 0.3426994316146793]
    • [lesbians heroic 0.3389775116652628]
  • 4.479603438507448 The Latest: Poland confirms 2 citizens died in Nice attack
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [84 killed 0.5014630330608169]
    • [national enforcement 0.5002748815490299]
    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
    • [handled enforcement 0.48043540010995256]
    • [Bastille killed 0.4766029350029687]
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    • [Cazeneuve officers 0.4113989984036163]
    • [Bernard Zimmerman 0.4033160691106517]
    • [Latest July 0.3976324018648122]
    • [Hollande Friday 0.355066686770793]
    • [interior motorcycle 0.35502339754684853]
    • [Poland Memorial 0.3407240966434517]
    • [Polish heroic 0.33289268107681563]
    • [French heroic 0.32148000356669637]
  • 4.479603438507448 AP News - Records: Minnesota officer may have interacted with Castile
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [died killed 0.8040173605029945]
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    • [November July 0.6489288033164826]
    • [robbery Police 0.630988939092439]
    • [Jeronimo Police 0.610228715590181]
    • [Kauser officer 0.6087048708912611]
    • [Yanez officers 0.5957962303512352]
    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [stop efforts 0.5320333034124461]
    • [suggested tweeted 0.5298625102315813]
    • [Anthony Zimmerman 0.5155732026745848]
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    • [St Memorial 0.47983769281474026]
    • [traffic enforcement 0.4662961236257226]
    • [years death 0.4564377013866435]
    • [record Friday 0.45632747413953617]
    • [2011 July 0.4418809798715813]
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    • [release death 0.38916986577826557]
    • [live death 0.3438398726740819]
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  • 4.474369508277682 News from The Associated Press
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [bicycle motorcycle 0.800755883999885]
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    • [Chief officer 0.6174914204925543]
    • [riots killed 0.5838015800248137]
    • [open-carry enforcement 0.5781454330213044]
    • [presence efforts 0.5606849852581192]
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    • [Michael Zimmerman 0.5234122232389695]
    • [circled shot 0.5133459501649394]
    • [Poverty Fund 0.5121413892361693]
    • [John Memorial 0.501473229728816]
    • [prayers morning 0.4944910122189353]
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    • [Selaty Zimmerman 0.45304664306127107]
    • [half morning 0.44985666532570406]
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  • 4.344936180405501 A Land Where the Rivers Flow into the Heavens at Night
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [memorial memorial 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
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    • [heroes heroic 0.7911981978769771]
    • [soldiers officers 0.7216846077911276]
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    • [21 July 0.5894677139225546]
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    • [monument Memorial 0.5685529534483585]
    • [fighters killed 0.556766730839793]
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    • [Guardian tweeted 0.49283704404577267]
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    • [newspaper morning 0.46573629953531953]
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    • [Read tweeted 0.3872620133769558]
    • [notifications morning 0.38533693218753134]
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    • [Bosnia heroic 0.3418036477658026]
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    • [Shahids Police 0.0]
    • [Zavidovic Police 0.0]
  • 4 Veterans among fallen in recent police shootings
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [comrades heroic 0.6892479827274517]
    • [Reservist Officers 0.6561462700859565]
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    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [atrocities deaths 0.599814978761974]
    • [Army Officers 0.5984923774862417]
    • [battle heroic 0.5795020878074847]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [protest officers 0.5633476085230431]
    • [buddies motorcycle 0.5008575800548744]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [oath officers 0.49879729095358205]
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    • [Race Memorial 0.38523664465143814]
    • [names tweeted 0.3819053387298804]
    • [Leaving Officers 0.3247602988425565]
  • 4 Shooting of autistic man's caretaker renews pain of recent police violence
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
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    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [responding officers 0.5354478326007035]
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    • [La Diego 0.3617346334181223]
  • 4 North Miami shooting: Police accidentally shot man, says union
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
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    • [shoot shoot 1]
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    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [Rivera Diego 0.514679903299246]
    • [released Friday 0.5048076339542773]
    • [fire shooting 0.4956810678664552]
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    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 4 Florida police shoot unarmed black therapist who was trying to calm patient
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [guns enforcement 0.5441950869801968]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
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    • [Herald officer 0.40703920192958815]
    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 4 Violence taking heavy emotional toll on police officers
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [TWEET TWEET 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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    • [Sheriff Police 0.707270032327385]
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    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Maj Police 0.5557431131424626]
    • [state enforcement 0.5322010179847433]
    • [Thibodeaux Zimmerman 0.49367138968270347]
    • [Parish Police 0.4870498275667806]
    • [emotional heroic 0.46461384673546197]
    • [learn efforts 0.43525341191620986]
    • [Opelousas shot 0.3864662696255889]
    • [Lafayette Memorial 0.38377581054635634]
    • [La Diego 0.3617346334181223]
    • [Balan tweeted 0.3437928930015457]
    • [CONNECT crashes 0.2532660873678298]
  • 4 Unarmed Therapist Shot by Police While Trying to Calm Autistic Man
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
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    • [Rinaldo shot 0.5140238815812492]
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    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [nmpdnews Police 0.0]
  • 4 Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [policing policing 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
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    • [Remember morning 0.3729329178373477]
    • [Pence tweeted 0.3694490350576079]
    • [aren enforcement 0.35477003701646753]
  • 4 A Fallacy of Composition
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [policing policing 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [racial enforcement 0.5634026869227146]
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    • [Fryer Zimmerman 0.4971581104678075]
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    • [Eastville Police 0.3214082283307997]
  • 4 PD Editorial: Officer safety and a plea to stop vigilante justice
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [Morning Morning 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [uniformed officers 0.7721307337540471]
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    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [outrage tweeted 0.5535118342701236]
    • [drew shot 0.5198235188575268]
    • [Pennie officer 0.5196302670338403]
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    • [Justice Police 0.5067004607613955]
    • [Crowell Zimmerman 0.5020738330800032]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [back torso 0.49514086249798067]
    • [Louisiana enforcement 0.47117172839295807]
    • [Cleveland Diego 0.4551642294799149]
    • [running morning 0.4493506482851075]
    • [show morning 0.423143140251]
    • [invited tweeted 0.42261494318526843]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [nil Police 0.0]
    • [Schreeder Police 0.0]
  • 4 Florida police department uses black men’s mugshots for target practice
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [agencies enforcement 0.6791381074363151]
    • [department officer 0.6653115408857525]
    • [Deant shot 0.6382486093104015]
    • [suspect shooting 0.6044753132491325]
    • [firearms enforcement 0.5929082252359134]
    • [Guard Officers 0.5729063030676068]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [staff officers 0.5287033021324123]
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    • [Beach Memorial 0.40560965855175285]
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    • [Woody shot 0.38681021418857053]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [range torso 0.3506418724532083]
    • [WTVJ-TV Police 0.0]
  • 4 Over a hundred protesters detained in Armenian capital as injuries top 50
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shots shots 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [conflict enforcement 0.5248040414028359]
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    • [debris crashes 0.4889392590617555]
    • [acquisition efforts 0.4870431421973652]
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    • [Yerevan Police 0.4287503365687699]
    • [Sefilian officers 0.4286147560960549]
    • [protected enforcement 0.4222798427560814]
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    • [136 killed 0.2905765408820718]
  • 4 Police Shooting Range Used Mug Shots Of Black Men For Target Practice
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Killed Killed 1]
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    • [Sgt Police 0.6348649220141733]
    • [Garner Zimmerman 0.6243293929068244]
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    • [Guard Officers 0.5729063030676068]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
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    • [Valerie Zimmerman 0.4714741338236159]
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    • [Black Zimmerman 0.38178898758422963]
    • [agent officer 0.36093673723739766]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [range torso 0.3506418724532083]
    • [Men torso 0.33410074222843367]
    • [I Police 0.0]
    • [Katerman Police 0.0]
  • 4 ICYMI: Across PA, coverage of McGinty's proposal to double funding for the COPS program to hire and train local law enforcement | Katie McGinty: Democrat for Senate, Pennsylvania
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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    • [federal enforcement 0.6999988932422495]
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    • [build efforts 0.4954470157363762]
    • [stronger efforts 0.4831132266694226]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
    • [ties efforts 0.47003818855254126]
    • [Katie Zimmerman 0.4673911746327752]
    • [McGinty Zimmerman 0.45661558922184875]
    • [Oriented Officers 0.4069799421012013]
    • [hiring officers 0.40506121534944145]
    • [Pat Zimmerman 0.40381497600896954]
    • [Toomey Zimmerman 0.38512861563704726]
    • [Call Police 0.36958672472292103]
    • [candidate tweeted 0.36945993923698933]
  • 4 North Miami police allegedly shoot black man as he held hands up while lying on the ground
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [kill kill 1]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
    • [suspects officers 0.7116063744689441]
    • [deadly killed 0.6932883708516905]
    • [cop officers 0.67067920737952]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [legal enforcement 0.6179015914163972]
    • [force enforcement 0.596275385694857]
    • [Klinger officer 0.5794059673370565]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [disparities enforcement 0.542981499428389]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [Scott Zimmerman 0.5012026798951368]
    • [ProPublica enforcement 0.495766106311163]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [Graham Zimmerman 0.47172768221488415]
    • [standards efforts 0.4661186767748227]
    • [WSVN shot 0.4525746508341342]
    • [home morning 0.4485104508541227]
    • [Walter Memorial 0.44008807183014115]
    • [group efforts 0.43222379813868306]
    • [objectively heroic 0.4104143465212123]
    • [reasonable enforcement 0.3763806654445533]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [v Police 0.28670078429399654]
    • [vox tweeted 0.28168926844768233]
  • 4 2 more black men killed by police in U.S. amid nationwide protests
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [waistband torso 0.7214431764320837]
    • [Sacramento Diego 0.6997530396431209]
    • [fired shot 0.6731360983067766]
    • [Braziel shooting 0.6556660141760811]
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    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Turner Zimmerman 0.5976222995073143]
    • [spokesman tweeted 0.5802325005499391]
    • [knife torso 0.5660424769777429]
    • [men officers 0.549143855073394]
    • [arrive morning 0.5366956644807616]
    • [Alton shooting 0.5361935026203156]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [Houston Diego 0.5111274176890553]
    • [Alva shooting 0.4999863399266681]
    • [Heinlein heroic 0.4864381835685264]
    • [erratic crashes 0.42007876157128476]
    • [behaviour efforts 0.393477753978187]
    • [Black Zimmerman 0.38178898758422963]
    • [gas officers 0.352681756271949]
  • 4 Dallas sniper wanted to kill white officers
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [Officers Officers 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [cops officers 0.7851063658466764]
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    • [gunfire shooting 0.6458298277364095]
    • [gun shooting 0.6323001953593163]
    • [detonate killed 0.5580494868419379]
    • [Assassins heroic 0.5097864648905178]
    • [whites officers 0.508662644920015]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [report Friday 0.4875886091334229]
    • [wanted efforts 0.48387235756055424]
    • [Thompson Zimmerman 0.4838076502369588]
    • [Johnson Zimmerman 0.48295688912746065]
    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
    • [recently Friday 0.4612586645752674]
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    • [group efforts 0.43222379813868306]
    • [Brent Zimmerman 0.4043896940866628]
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    • [Black Zimmerman 0.38178898758422963]
    • [Times Police 0.3321950743968703]
    • [Power Friday 0.23694919158416008]
  • 4 Miami police shoot unarmed caregiver as he lies on ground beside autistic patient (VIDEOS)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Memorial Memorial 1]
    • [Shooting Shooting 1]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
    • [Unarmed Officers 0.6300948836625919]
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    • [Attorney Police 0.572758219340144]
    • [Hospital Memorial 0.5693040072832408]
    • [on-scene officers 0.5548433012257724]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Eugene Zimmerman 0.5065096254851693]
    • [Rundle Zimmerman 0.48420226996593807]
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    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
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    • [Miami-Dade Zimmerman 0.4471769368325391]
    • [State Police 0.4463295734315267]
    • [therapist officer 0.4441414992532544]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 4 Miami police shot black therapist Charles Kinsey as he cared for autistic patient
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [Alton shooting 0.5361935026203156]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
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    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
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  • 4 CTCentral - News from the Associated Press
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killings killings 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
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    • [Jhonata shot 0.6125267569614036]
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    • [Mattos Zimmerman 0.5015041500552152]
    • [units officers 0.48083489850779054]
    • [bang shot 0.4495585851329843]
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    • [Alves Zimmerman 0.422341867858379]
    • [Veiga Police 0.4210390326879921]
    • [bags motorcycle 0.41654702753040534]
    • [Janeiro Diego 0.4049919878096116]
    • [UPP Police 0.4045855996480751]
    • [slums deaths 0.3897371281395971]
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    • [paper morning 0.33685014200681374]
    • [Rio Diego 0.33403720348037114]
  • 4 Florida Police Shoot Black Man With His Hands Up As He Tries
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [FDLE enforcement 0.5877609712094056]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [Rivera Diego 0.514679903299246]
    • [Eugene Zimmerman 0.5065096254851693]
    • [County Police 0.49623710586352315]
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    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [mira shot 0.307618530981122]
  • 4 France orders Nice policing inquiry after July 14 attack - World | The Star Online
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
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    • [killing killing 1]
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    • [time morning 0.5656039252394697]
    • [government enforcement 0.5580092328681003]
    • [order efforts 0.5518716599645459]
    • [Brian Zimmerman 0.5359537415357957]
    • [lied killed 0.5259307279925518]
    • [plunged deaths 0.5157889686574719]
    • [Nice killed 0.5113359787580002]
    • [Tunisian killed 0.5037854967661722]
    • [sea-front killed 0.5027983224093641]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
    • [inquiry officers 0.4613697609636889]
    • [foreigners officers 0.45035780631789146]
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    • [facing death 0.42293593179038674]
    • [arrangements efforts 0.4095164266069164]
    • [elections efforts 0.3961799488689728]
    • [Socialist heroic 0.37509664500461093]
    • [Adolphe heroic 0.37427623402164023]
    • [central Friday 0.36879953289874434]
    • [Hollande Friday 0.355066686770793]
    • [delivery efforts 0.34634936470771344]
    • [Love death 0.3110666843875838]
    • [Colrat Police 0.0]
  • 4 Olomoinfo: Footage shows police shoot an autistic man’s black carer in North Miami, Florida (Video)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [footage shot 0.6244171138045537]
    • [Authorities Police 0.6232505366171747]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [confirmed tweeted 0.5512142636508586]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Rinaldo shot 0.5140238815812492]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [facility underwent 0.47175364829969585]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
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    • [therapist officer 0.4441414992532544]
    • [WSVN-TV Zimmerman 0.4340277513162541]
    • [health enforcement 0.42719096371557896]
    • [show morning 0.423143140251]
    • [carer officer 0.4017891403009288]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 4 Rio security push crumbles as murders, police killings rise
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killings killings 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [gunfire shooting 0.6458298277364095]
    • [Jhonata shot 0.6125267569614036]
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    • [program efforts 0.5333305592455654]
    • [Mattos Zimmerman 0.5015041500552152]
    • [units officers 0.48083489850779054]
    • [bang shot 0.4495585851329843]
    • [Janaina death 0.43262894270492397]
    • [Alves Zimmerman 0.422341867858379]
    • [Veiga Police 0.4210390326879921]
    • [bags motorcycle 0.41654702753040534]
    • [Janeiro Diego 0.4049919878096116]
    • [UPP Police 0.4045855996480751]
    • [slums deaths 0.3897371281395971]
    • [de Diego 0.36755082441596154]
    • [affluent killed 0.3401244717593941]
    • [paper morning 0.33685014200681374]
    • [Rio Diego 0.33403720348037114]
  • 4 Hairstylists are Required to Attend Significantly More Training Than Cops
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [cops officers 0.7851063658466764]
    • [January July 0.7132106676571895]
    • [hours morning 0.6975055748374693]
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    • [time morning 0.5656039252394697]
    • [hair torso 0.5195681162712751]
    • [Carolina Zimmerman 0.4550928391552548]
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    • [Illinois enforcement 0.41306469524165834]
    • [required enforcement 0.4118980105836852]
    • [cut shot 0.4103849116972535]
    • [cosmetologist officer 0.4092152686503338]
    • [basic enforcement 0.3736342939871847]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [hairstylists officers 0.3504699744014412]
    • [licensed motorcycle 0.3375369282827415]
    • [POST tweeted 0.3106597414194918]
    • [1000 deaths 0.29133835669695946]
    • [1 deaths 0.28930699786230296]
  • 4 News from the Associated Press » Traverse City Record-Eagle
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killings killings 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [gunfire shooting 0.6458298277364095]
    • [Jhonata shot 0.6125267569614036]
    • [community efforts 0.5923743863857976]
    • [shootouts shot 0.5775345559372027]
    • [budgets efforts 0.5620126073728973]
    • [Cano Zimmerman 0.551562222996526]
    • [program efforts 0.5333305592455654]
    • [Mattos Zimmerman 0.5015041500552152]
    • [units officers 0.48083489850779054]
    • [bang shot 0.4495585851329843]
    • [Janaina death 0.43262894270492397]
    • [Alves Zimmerman 0.422341867858379]
    • [Veiga Police 0.4210390326879921]
    • [bags motorcycle 0.41654702753040534]
    • [Janeiro Diego 0.4049919878096116]
    • [UPP Police 0.4045855996480751]
    • [slums deaths 0.3897371281395971]
    • [de Diego 0.36755082441596154]
    • [affluent killed 0.3401244717593941]
    • [paper morning 0.33685014200681374]
    • [Rio Diego 0.33403720348037114]
  • 4 Dispatch
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killings killings 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [gunfire shooting 0.6458298277364095]
    • [Jhonata shot 0.6125267569614036]
    • [community efforts 0.5923743863857976]
    • [shootouts shot 0.5775345559372027]
    • [budgets efforts 0.5620126073728973]
    • [Cano Zimmerman 0.551562222996526]
    • [program efforts 0.5333305592455654]
    • [Mattos Zimmerman 0.5015041500552152]
    • [units officers 0.48083489850779054]
    • [bang shot 0.4495585851329843]
    • [Janaina death 0.43262894270492397]
    • [Alves Zimmerman 0.422341867858379]
    • [Veiga Police 0.4210390326879921]
    • [bags motorcycle 0.41654702753040534]
    • [Janeiro Diego 0.4049919878096116]
    • [UPP Police 0.4045855996480751]
    • [slums deaths 0.3897371281395971]
    • [de Diego 0.36755082441596154]
    • [affluent killed 0.3401244717593941]
    • [paper morning 0.33685014200681374]
    • [Rio Diego 0.33403720348037114]
  • 4 Divided by Race, United by Pain
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [criminal enforcement 0.6931404036297354]
    • [Chief officer 0.6174914204925543]
    • [justice enforcement 0.6083958748773539]
    • [force enforcement 0.596275385694857]
    • [Philando shooting 0.5928746953503369]
    • [Reynolds Zimmerman 0.5892736051310901]
    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [openhearted heroic 0.5608305676673386]
    • [Deputy Police 0.5598630027838585]
    • [girlfriend shot 0.5362627088248227]
    • [stood shot 0.5232843290261469]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [mayor officers 0.48831741361871384]
    • [Referring tweeted 0.47511140160238746]
    • [faulty crashes 0.46857318202936404]
    • [connections efforts 0.4532602827644888]
    • [Heights shooting 0.45293815917090663]
    • [Minn Zimmerman 0.4419277489878488]
    • [Separate Officers 0.4357445968369537]
    • [Anna Memorial 0.3898481814506698]
    • [Race Memorial 0.38523664465143814]
    • [United Diego 0.37553783596772705]
    • [Dae Police 0.35099037260627947]
    • [Aziz tweeted 0.3493757231486746]
    • [Divided heroic 0.3178474852592827]
    • [Diamond Fund 0.30475262324170393]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 4 Black therapist in Miami says police shot him with his hands raised
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [Assistant Officers 0.5129483039259378]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [Sir tweeted 0.44951490080464346]
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    • [Cellphone Officers 0.4327185715673201]
    • [haven morning 0.42534161148654753]
    • [Herald officer 0.40703920192958815]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 4 Florida parking enforcement officer writes poem for Dallas
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [heroes heroic 0.7911981978769771]
    • [brave heroic 0.755111426822874]
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    • [men officers 0.549143855073394]
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    • [true heroic 0.5233554452203961]
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    • [Fla Diego 0.4740210364554307]
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    • [speak tweeted 0.44356027701606915]
    • [women heroic 0.4427486218595161]
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    • [parks motorcycle 0.41094785406137146]
    • [write morning 0.39967740189326667]
    • [titled tweeted 0.39144104713249955]
    • [Tallahassee Diego 0.3888212006820026]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
    • [Put Officers 0.3352790913420375]
    • [Frame torso 0.31680918307804135]
    • [b tweeted 0.3063970785803267]
  • 4 US Marshal describes moment Eric Frein was captured
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [ambush killed 0.6915507724718559]
    • [Frein Police 0.6781882409262022]
    • [officials officers 0.6290221624882985]
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    • [Cpl Officers 0.5483143118737197]
    • [Trooper Officers 0.5344263621573906]
    • [capture shot 0.5334416821189595]
    • [state enforcement 0.5322010179847433]
    • [Eric Zimmerman 0.527284387588819]
    • [County Police 0.49623710586352315]
    • [Action Fund 0.4731898939063012]
    • [Douglass Zimmerman 0.45702423016109117]
    • [intense heroic 0.45244653705515064]
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    • [Dickson Zimmerman 0.43313169125719314]
    • [news tweeted 0.4303792286914597]
    • [Pike Memorial 0.3975223733083073]
    • [Pennsylvania Diego 0.3962983228161104]
    • [Serbian heroic 0.3895201830130001]
    • [Malkowski Police 0.0]
  • 4 Why black men fear that any police encounter could go awry
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [fatally killed 0.7528310571204317]
    • [deadly killed 0.6932883708516905]
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    • [force enforcement 0.596275385694857]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
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    • [28-year-old shot 0.5648284069180287]
    • [men officers 0.549143855073394]
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    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
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    • [Brazelton Zimmerman 0.47866830038815933]
    • [Washington Zimmerman 0.4679493132030911]
    • [Drago Zimmerman 0.45258377738707145]
    • [D Memorial 0.3442064930128462]
    • [org Fund 0.3440249992628161]
    • [C Zimmerman 0.3110451751551433]
    • [ap efforts 0.27802392582142377]
  • 4 joshua10nbed
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [days morning 0.6227372016350023]
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    • [states enforcement 0.5186600437784854]
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    • [leave morning 0.45743339890880125]
    • [Rights Fund 0.44912846849425414]
    • [honest heroic 0.44870554550385]
    • [Paul tweeted 0.4334800366150852]
    • [Bill Fund 0.3717166994503044]
    • [average deaths 0.3588419292595098]
    • [10 Friday 0.33640085982320606]
    • [So-Dayi Police 0.0]
    • [non-attorney Police 0.0]
    • [gey Police 0.0]
    • [10-Officer Police 0.0]
  • 4 The Uber Talks Blog
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [killed killed 1]
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    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
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  • 4 The Dallas Police Department Has Been a Model for Reducing Officer-Involved Shootings
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [Morning Morning 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [24 July 0.5945338381121859]
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    • [2014 July 0.4530349426042624]
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    • [2012 July 0.4302062911899832]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
  • 4 Oak Brook moms launch blue ribbon sale to support police
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
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    • [5K Memorial 0.4596748343942516]
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    • [Road Memorial 0.4548708623632857]
    • [15 July 0.4482150361629441]
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    • [Brook Zimmerman 0.3556172038534573]
    • [40 Friday 0.3138106574255012]
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    • [Kmoch Police 0.0]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 4 Police killing of second black man in two days sparks outrage
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
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    • [Reynolds Zimmerman 0.5892736051310901]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [AltonSterling tweeted 0.5548910873053278]
    • [PhilandoCastile tweeted 0.5519414853200613]
    • [Alton shooting 0.5361935026203156]
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    • [DelrawnSmall Police 0.0]
  • 4 The unarmed Latinos killed by police in 2015
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Latino Diego 0.4043595379914813]
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    • [Navas shot 0.3776994055340953]
    • [Muna Zimmerman 0.3088832462891001]
    • [Simental Police 0.0]
    • [Villalpando Police 0.0]
    • [Zambrano-Montes Police 0.0]
  • 4 Shocking video shows white US cop shooting at black teen driver SEVEN TIMES at point blank range
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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  • 4 Cop aimed at autistic man, not therapist: Union
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [responds tweeted 0.5227647518751134]
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    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
  • 4 KEVIN FOLEY: Right-wing pundits promote hate, not healing
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
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    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
  • 4 AP Wire News - - Middletown, NY
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killings killings 1]
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    • [Veiga Police 0.4210390326879921]
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    • [Janeiro Diego 0.4049919878096116]
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  • 4 Some Hopefully Timely and Relevant Thoughts about Racism in America
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
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    • [killed killed 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
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    • [evangelical heroic 0.3227986278331401]
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  • 4 Police Killed More Black Americans Last Year Than Terrorists Did On 9/11
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [deaths deaths 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [considerably efforts 0.4555481685297588]
    • [Walter Memorial 0.44008807183014115]
    • [reduced underwent 0.4358700461055158]
    • [2012 July 0.4302062911899832]
    • [11 July 0.42515201858192797]
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    • [5 shooting 0.28525420895628245]
    • [215 Fund 0.27775437118526003]
    • [KilledByPolice Police 0.0]
  • 4 Over half of blacks in Georgia who are shot by police are unarmed or shot in the back: report
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [knew shot 0.5199208740708052]
    • [Director Fund 0.5120109682028957]
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    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [Green Fund 0.3322815509792711]
    • [sootings Police 0.0]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 4 Exculsive video shows police with guns drawn moments before North Miami shooting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [Shooting Shooting 1]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
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    • [Attorney Police 0.572758219340144]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [guns enforcement 0.5441950869801968]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
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    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [potential efforts 0.526773493357992]
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    • [Bower Zimmerman 0.4404178608752578]
    • [group efforts 0.43222379813868306]
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    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [10 Friday 0.33640085982320606]
  • 3.848091483927474 Video Shows Brutal Arrest Of Black Schoolteacher In Austin
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [killed killed 1]
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    • [police police 1]
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    • [Myers Zimmerman 0.5361117705071524]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
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    • [2 Zimmerman 0.283762827123384]
    • [4 Fund 0.262581225574378]
    • [texas Diego 0.2516112907900447]
    • [Schoolteacher Police 0.0]
  • 3.848091483927474 North Miami police officer shoots autistic man's caretaker as he lies in street - SaintPetersBlog
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Monday Friday 0.9209188259165265]
    • [authorities enforcement 0.6842577628559646]
    • [scene shooting 0.6456959209438371]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [47-year-old shot 0.6019553909109896]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [lying shot 0.5103351801183676]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
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    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [wrong shot 0.43760090470700375]
    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [Republished tweeted 0.27689920820866804]
    • [nil Police 0.0]
  • 3.848091483927474 South Florida police shoot autistic man's caretaker as he lies in street with his hands up
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Monday Friday 0.9209188259165265]
    • [leg torso 0.7534614132005795]
    • [authorities enforcement 0.6842577628559646]
    • [scene shooting 0.6456959209438371]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [47-year-old shot 0.6019553909109896]
    • [firearms enforcement 0.5929082252359134]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [Assistant Officers 0.5129483039259378]
    • [wandered morning 0.5017366376099295]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [interview morning 0.48768547327992506]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [lies heroic 0.4522349155788634]
    • [Miami-Dade Zimmerman 0.4471769368325391]
    • [State Police 0.4463295734315267]
    • [haven morning 0.42534161148654753]
    • [find morning 0.4066771151260741]
    • [mobile efforts 0.3773841766363612]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Unsure if fake bomb was real, cops drive it away from crowd
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [SUV motorcycle 0.6883331981737963]
    • [helmet motorcycle 0.6689497036745476]
    • [die death 0.63901340936956]
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    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Bratton Police 0.5761315975773041]
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    • [showed underwent 0.5506753006870223]
    • [evaluation underwent 0.541540731779378]
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    • [Cybulski Officers 0.5179213417636642]
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    • [Meneses Police 0.4934239186423296]
    • [surrounded killed 0.4858686605127532]
    • [Aubry officer 0.48228270221626535]
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    • [Square Memorial 0.45499081721952117]
    • [lights morning 0.44741101311768344]
    • [object torso 0.40625582638955193]
    • [Armani motorcycle 0.37358095870955577]
    • [52 Friday 0.3562477190369814]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
    • [Times Police 0.3321950743968703]
    • [JPeterDonald Police 0.0]
    • [yOsg14RTl7 Police 0.0]
    • [EMS-type Police 0.0]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Nice truck attack: Driver had accomplices, planned for months
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [authorities enforcement 0.6842577628559646]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [NZT Friday 0.6516216017035371]
    • [transparency efforts 0.6128214364521339]
    • [security enforcement 0.6037817214632252]
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    • [attacks killed 0.5777415041676005]
    • [measure efforts 0.5437204534931458]
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    • [Nice killed 0.5113359787580002]
    • [Tunisian killed 0.5037854967661722]
    • [National Memorial 0.4882856708922324]
    • [lacking heroic 0.4733391284872212]
    • [Bouhlel killed 0.4576177849437871]
    • [14 July 0.4539797294260042]
    • [State Police 0.4463295734315267]
    • [promenade shot 0.4402943106997013]
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    • [Minister Police 0.42588188825560885]
    • [boulevard motorcycle 0.4169766291392839]
    • [Cazeneuve officers 0.4113989984036163]
    • [Francois Friday 0.411238088200418]
    • [Interior Police 0.40805282642070795]
    • [Molins shooting 0.39271384241002394]
    • [French heroic 0.32148000356669637]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Video of deadly HPD shooting of Alva Braziel to be released Thursday
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [armed officers 0.7163804971796403]
    • [Braziel shooting 0.6556660141760811]
    • [gun shooting 0.6323001953593163]
    • [HPD Police 0.6275324228227966]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Turner Zimmerman 0.5976222995073143]
    • [husband death 0.589637327040328]
    • [Lopez Zimmerman 0.5721530538439838]
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    • [calm morning 0.5492007174770511]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [Houston Diego 0.5111274176890553]
    • [Alva shooting 0.4999863399266681]
    • [stay morning 0.49267318774109886]
    • [conference Friday 0.48499720681594594]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
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    • [Expletive tweeted 0.4348606433544343]
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    • [Nikita shot 0.3466672122467079]
    • [Copyright Fund 0.3215635801180917]
    • [KPRC2 Police 0.0]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3.8331595225172457 ‘He missed’: Florida officer who shot therapist was aiming for man with autism, police say
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [armed officers 0.7163804971796403]
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    • [attorney officer 0.5412743855221387]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
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    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [called tweeted 0.483886430880416]
    • [911 motorcycle 0.48302615456542675]
    • [opened Friday 0.4675402748193796]
    • [leave morning 0.45743339890880125]
    • [WSVN shot 0.4525746508341342]
    • [Miami-Dade Zimmerman 0.4471769368325391]
    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
    • [release death 0.38916986577826557]
    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Houston police release videos from deadly shooting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
    • [deadly killed 0.6932883708516905]
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    • [completed underwent 0.5745908185970721]
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    • [Community Fund 0.5203073166580661]
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    • [Houston Diego 0.5111274176890553]
    • [Montalvo officer 0.5011177540355287]
    • [pointing shot 0.4985614296876655]
    • [conference Friday 0.48499720681594594]
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  • 3.8331595225172457 Police union says officers accidentally shot Miami man
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
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    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [fired shot 0.6731360983067766]
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    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [Rivera Diego 0.514679903299246]
    • [Eugene Zimmerman 0.5065096254851693]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [union officers 0.4953728845312618]
    • [abuse death 0.4889657219196293]
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    • [press morning 0.43585590833099985]
    • [run shot 0.41448726882199466]
    • [answers efforts 0.36946795094756446]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast'
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Julie Julie 1]
    • [death death 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [destruction death 0.6335216437987541]
    • [partners efforts 0.6161668643418461]
    • [criticizing tweeted 0.5856869953187268]
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    • [Hennessey Zimmerman 0.4500452078044047]
    • [divisions efforts 0.44224718011127556]
    • [stage underwent 0.4407612928497297]
    • [Republican enforcement 0.4332278765717165]
    • [NATO enforcement 0.4284847868139824]
    • [Kansas Diego 0.4177746099761169]
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    • [younger heroic 0.38704927402115574]
    • [United Diego 0.37553783596772705]
    • [election efforts 0.37530030105389267]
    • [Topeka Memorial 0.370023287295572]
    • [America efforts 0.367091092889461]
    • [fifteen morning 0.3616424870635803]
    • [U enforcement 0.3547365985290683]
    • [Clinton Zimmerman 0.35425854124860345]
    • [details Police 0.34972828729250793]
    • [childcare Fund 0.34623098346505315]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Trump says America in crisis _ and he'll fix it 'fast'
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Julie Julie 1]
    • [death death 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [destruction death 0.6335216437987541]
    • [criticizing tweeted 0.5856869953187268]
    • [Josh Zimmerman 0.562490920001325]
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    • [pledge tweeted 0.5137760135977151]
    • [readiness efforts 0.5124300688247613]
    • [disavowed tweeted 0.4719770794418553]
    • [Cleveland Diego 0.4551642294799149]
    • [applause tweeted 0.45155768702760446]
    • [Hennessey Zimmerman 0.4500452078044047]
    • [stage underwent 0.4407612928497297]
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    • [Kansas Diego 0.4177746099761169]
    • [convention Diego 0.4048171998562565]
    • [businessman tweeted 0.40103383637450285]
    • [voters enforcement 0.39496664692563355]
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    • [general efforts 0.3885789604086323]
    • [Pace Diego 0.3879220126689644]
    • [United Diego 0.37553783596772705]
    • [election efforts 0.37530030105389267]
    • [Topeka Memorial 0.370023287295572]
    • [America efforts 0.367091092889461]
    • [fifteen morning 0.3616424870635803]
    • [Clinton Zimmerman 0.35425854124860345]
    • [childcare Fund 0.34623098346505315]
  • 3.8331595225172457 Bishop T.D.Jakes Hosts 'Conversations With America' To Discuss Tension Between The Public And Law Enforcement - Christian Blog
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [memorial memorial 1]
    • [Thursday Friday 0.9127757241060072]
    • [bomb killed 0.6291938346861655]
    • [protesting officers 0.5918603572622133]
    • [Reynolds Zimmerman 0.5892736051310901]
    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [fear death 0.5556637266617541]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [heard tweeted 0.5242288985942957]
    • [began morning 0.523382422495074]
    • [named killed 0.5149897440027316]
    • [Meyerson Zimmerman 0.5073769705968483]
    • [remote-controlled motorcycle 0.5066957264575421]
    • [interfaith enforcement 0.5043036988517715]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [congregation officers 0.4684569892292949]
    • [Falcon officer 0.4573082862679475]
    • [Heights shooting 0.45293815917090663]
    • [Bishop Memorial 0.44426556596946853]
    • [Rawlings officers 0.43968511238039454]
    • [President efforts 0.4359535167769172]
    • [Texas Diego 0.4355181318352989]
    • [vet underwent 0.43009043701426874]
    • [town-hall officers 0.427231987572409]
    • [invited tweeted 0.42261494318526843]
    • [Symphony Memorial 0.4206641472908019]
    • [Jakes Zimmerman 0.4169272406584023]
    • [blog tweeted 0.3943504729114994]
    • [Potter Diego 0.38273956949052834]
    • [selling motorcycle 0.3677613075619555]
    • [America efforts 0.367091092889461]
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    • [D Memorial 0.3442064930128462]
    • [CDs motorcycle 0.3353313571457345]
    • [T Zimmerman 0.27825182865909637]
  • 3.8206555875996893 Man held in San Diego homeless attacks had criminal record
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [Diego Diego 1]
    • [San Diego 0.9059004291861712]
    • [Union-Tribune Diego 0.7055812172454087]
    • [arrest Police 0.6789616255506943]
    • [upper-body torso 0.6526100834922692]
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    • [suffered underwent 0.6280335322675954]
    • [attacks killed 0.5777415041676005]
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    • [reported deaths 0.5583649100430026]
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    • [pleaded death 0.5277793623030265]
    • [bodies torso 0.5249419501841516]
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    • [Guerrero Diego 0.5111732974301167]
    • [homeless killed 0.4862764736456742]
    • [bit morning 0.4244775709155599]
    • [housing Fund 0.4027173353915738]
    • [subsidized Fund 0.3856602931715049]
    • [http July 0.32975620737620087]
    • [Alpha Fund 0.32650828059618253]
    • [ly efforts 0.32145912266152205]
    • [3 Zimmerman 0.28384295743807014]
  • 3.8049949688318567 Editor's View: All lives matter
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [Tuesday Friday 0.8972151184815472]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
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    • [community efforts 0.5923743863857976]
    • [Aug July 0.5816960191020071]
    • [note Friday 0.5667871886359789]
    • [Dustin Zimmerman 0.5504498436777998]
    • [deserve heroic 0.5210805026311429]
    • [thought morning 0.5159078043545201]
    • [Project Fund 0.5125317030999973]
    • [Peace Fund 0.5062474997982427]
    • [Night Friday 0.5021249797806046]
    • [fire shooting 0.4956810678664552]
    • [National Memorial 0.4882856708922324]
    • [sadder heroic 0.4859974545157768]
    • [rocked killed 0.4613056585035309]
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    • [peers officers 0.45137419729440265]
    • [owner officer 0.4492220325937706]
    • [Chambersburg Memorial 0.4488758555689707]
    • [positive efforts 0.43669439027172136]
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    • [reality heroic 0.42439428276411817]
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    • [pizza morning 0.3987129181365071]
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    • [party death 0.3532572061176938]
    • [visit morning 0.3313823335923564]
    • [Factory motorcycle 0.31909313039373777]
    • [Direct Fund 0.30422319347589716]
    • [dhaluska Police 0.0]
    • [Haluska Police 0.0]
  • 3.7974475397767415 Black Man Says He Was Shot By North Miami Police While Lying On The Ground
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [office office 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Wednesday Friday 0.892999182405416]
    • [statement tweeted 0.613359275107037]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
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    • [assure efforts 0.5344894585863491]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [visited killed 0.5276564433132717]
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    • [faced death 0.45659649105942035]
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    • [tells tweeted 0.44910859682297377]
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    • [answers efforts 0.36946795094756446]
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    • [7 July 0.343318831258164]
    • [Channel July 0.2766585217458703]
  • 3.7974475397767415 Florida Police Shoot Unarmed Black Man Helping Mental Health Patient
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Wednesday Friday 0.892999182405416]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
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    • [patting torso 0.6317679093831894]
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    • [assault killed 0.5561025791558211]
    • [on-scene officers 0.5548433012257724]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
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    • [physically torso 0.5179314349748413]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
    • [news tweeted 0.4303792286914597]
    • [127th Memorial 0.42343569681862614]
    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [7 July 0.343318831258164]
  • 3.717554295269248 I can’t respect you and won’t interact with you if you can’t admit police brutality is happening
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3.692656203107006 Updated: Man injured after collapse of building in Birkirkara
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [police police 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [tweet tweet 1]
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    • [2016 July 0.6263620005862698]
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    • [steps efforts 0.5715406539478969]
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    • [Council Fund 0.48974523389011854]
    • [National Memorial 0.4882856708922324]
    • [Updated July 0.470365798382367]
    • [Alfred heroic 0.4700824454318046]
    • [PM Friday 0.468893207691362]
    • [Tesla motorcycle 0.4349581195701806]
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    • [Rector death 0.41319935432433785]
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    • [Camilleri Zimmerman 0.3801600075522048]
    • [pill morning 0.36873181496482355]
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    • [Vella officer 0.34367111341357753]
    • [Malta Diego 0.3376277705703413]
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    • [Editorial Diego 0.3067772143117605]
    • [Euro July 0.29192300823545303]
    • [Birkirkara heroic 0.28859997770856066]
    • [Khalifa Zimmerman 0.28141287031149803]
    • [anti-morning Police 0.0]
  • 3.6777550398851107 BREAKING: HUGE Move Made By Texas AGAINST Black Lives Matter
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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    • [Act enforcement 0.49079300345727983]
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    • [Association Officers 0.47314529263720095]
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  • 3.6777550398851107 AGAIN? Florida Police Shoots Black Man Lying On His Back With His Hands Up - Naijastuffs
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
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  • 3.6691717454309956 Click here to support Australian Speedway World Cup Team by Mark Lemon
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
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    • [Australia efforts 0.3461312953301164]
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    • [SWC Friday 0.33393255542435046]
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    • [speedwayworldcup Police 0.0]
  • 3.6640349992847576 Labour minister claims Jeremy Corbyn attempted to use his father to 'bully' him
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [office office 1]
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    • [Corbyn tweeted 0.3683130386324087]
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    • [Labour heroic 0.3204764591492106]
    • [Eagle officer 0.2992736701829609]
  • 3.6590939432910945 Obama: 'Attacks on police are an attack on all of us'
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [Mayor Police 0.5230831486936066]
    • [Edwards Zimmerman 0.5164816523855924]
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    • [m morning 0.4502557335903824]
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  • 3.6464439159902025 6-year-old shot in Knoxville dies at hospital | RabbleVID
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
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    • [died killed 0.8040173605029945]
    • [pic tweeted 0.7096568478142389]
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    • [21 July 0.5894677139225546]
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    • [vigil shooting 0.539929350680928]
    • [6-year-old killed 0.5300529689668981]
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    • [Sykes Zimmerman 0.4961463927882884]
    • [WPXI Friday 0.49202314754632953]
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    • [Thomas Zimmerman 0.4513973913533842]
    • [Knoxville Diego 0.44091375264756044]
    • [Allen Zimmerman 0.4395632793629798]
    • [Goldsmith Police 0.30820153985169985]
    • [Marlisa Police 0.0]
    • [RabbleVID Police 0.0]
    • [WPXIMarlisa Police 0.0]
  • 3.6464439159902025 Grandad facing manslaughter charge in Thailand claims he has been beaten, robbed and sexually assaulted in jail
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [police police 1]
    • [memory memory 1]
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    • [Dave Zimmerman 0.40336835661055015]
    • [Thailand Diego 0.32367606132830257]
    • [French heroic 0.32148000356669637]
    • [N July 0.29204932245433524]
  • 3 Oklahoma Police Officer Shoots and Kills Family Dog With An AR-15 - TOTPI
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
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    • [McNiel officer 0.48361580875647353]
    • [10-year-old killed 0.47856153699502363]
    • [Opie Zimmerman 0.4706068474649538]
    • [fence shot 0.4678777844265095]
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    • [FOX Diego 0.43828585090442007]
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    • [Eli Zimmerman 0.41246374083038156]
    • [Vickie Zimmerman 0.4014728320666538]
    • [tag tweeted 0.3743955461833039]
  • 3 Timeline: The Bastille Day Attack in Nice
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [office office 1]
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    • [Mohamed killed 0.48447411643329324]
    • [Promenade shooting 0.48003627501857987]
    • [Bastille killed 0.4766029350029687]
    • [Anglais killed 0.46885307745700816]
    • [Bouhlel killed 0.4576177849437871]
    • [emergency officers 0.4549359040423811]
    • [miles killed 0.4355416006886186]
    • [Minister Police 0.42588188825560885]
    • [show morning 0.423143140251]
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    • [Cazeneuve officers 0.4113989984036163]
    • [Interior Police 0.40805282642070795]
    • [km Memorial 0.3434137569599259]
    • [des Memorial 0.30480336875785313]
    • [1 deaths 0.28930699786230296]
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    • [2 Zimmerman 0.283762827123384]
  • 3 As racial tensions rise, African American officers stand at the crossroads
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Phoenix Diego 0.5821981909662075]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
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    • [Jackson Zimmerman 0.5339383623419552]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [Parish Police 0.4870498275667806]
    • [Advertiser Police 0.4731798847214767]
    • [Vance Zimmerman 0.47011321206849044]
    • [Church Memorial 0.4331562147720135]
    • [Place Memorial 0.37140029723139406]
    • [Daily morning 0.3684189972275574]
    • [Eastern Friday 0.28769407215930043]
    • [Godbee Police 0.0]
  • 3 Will Dallas And Baton Rouge Set Back Police Reform Efforts?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [Lives Police 0.4629298513622853]
    • [Wichita Memorial 0.4338592771974467]
    • [Wenzel Memorial 0.43012361090099205]
    • [concede heroic 0.42438328485949783]
    • [Hispanics enforcement 0.40657137187895676]
    • [Cunningham Zimmerman 0.38091290012146345]
    • [Ladda Police 0.0]
  • 3 As violence rises, so must our support of the police
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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  • 3 Johnstown, PA is more than just heroin
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [effort effort 1]
    • [Shootings Shootings 1]
    • [departments officers 0.6892692555561928]
    • [Foundation Fund 0.6761501724273308]
    • [2016 July 0.6263620005862698]
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    • [Downtown Memorial 0.4183651830246683]
    • [hockey motorcycle 0.4114853198519774]
    • [full morning 0.408236173473941]
    • [Jimmy Zimmerman 0.4080564807639043]
    • [Graduate Officers 0.40679692626150876]
    • [Weekly July 0.39921811313043676]
    • [Johnstown Memorial 0.38330132187259003]
    • [outline torso 0.3827590997288841]
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    • [2008 July 0.3648761664966672]
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    • [book morning 0.31123416636057394]
    • [9-20 Police 0.0]
    • [Spisak Police 0.0]
    • [Hagins Police 0.0]
    • [Mccort Police 0.0]
    • [Kecia Police 0.0]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3 Mumbai Dalit teen killed for being in love with girl from upper caste; police arrest 7 accused, girl sent to juvenile home | India Live Today
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [murder death 0.7269353795238549]
    • [father death 0.5983482244054054]
    • [Nerul Police 0.5815789702605964]
    • [apologise tweeted 0.5795428579810187]
    • [honour heroic 0.571644782622785]
    • [16-year-old shot 0.5710596008425661]
    • [Shahaji death 0.5414102548880311]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [boy shot 0.5298098904266042]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [Sonawane Police 0.5236071042791376]
    • [picked shot 0.5214687572041515]
    • [girl shot 0.48217674936724103]
    • [juvenile Zimmerman 0.4774220376533616]
    • [movie shooting 0.4658424065318715]
    • [Swapnil officer 0.46345937105342505]
    • [gate morning 0.4495979729059216]
    • [home morning 0.4485104508541227]
    • [village killed 0.4462557651677135]
    • [Sairat heroic 0.43812358553936676]
    • [Delhi Police 0.38835602211121945]
    • [Dalit killed 0.3726578536296318]
    • [Mumbai Police 0.3502661820503619]
    • [sections torso 0.3327984214160204]
    • [362 deaths 0.31386487635961113]
    • [Dharave Police 0.0]
  • 3 sydneymarie97
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
    • [day morning 0.7292930659579209]
    • [mourn death 0.6443981774188328]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [killers killed 0.6043324966648008]
    • [pissed tweeted 0.5579194966404626]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [cross-legged torso 0.5004202170225382]
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    • [StopPoliceBrutality tweeted 0.4941139560597741]
    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
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    • [NorthMiamiPoliceDepartment shot 0.4722305314828343]
    • [Gods heroic 0.46156970424660076]
    • [brown torso 0.45391610251109304]
    • [white officers 0.4250408141455224]
    • [FUCKING tweeted 0.4025974202230908]
    • [GUN killed 0.3765333838634883]
    • [DIDNT tweeted 0.3650884975037898]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [im tweeted 0.2786873706427363]
    • [MILES motorcycle 0.2674778237041248]
    • [SHOULDNT Police 0.0]
  • 3 Union mad police victims have voice at DNC, not cops' widows
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [efforts efforts 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [courageous heroic 0.7111957623870665]
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    • [Commissioner Police 0.6140228208418586]
    • [violence deaths 0.6065568916570346]
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    • [Fraternal Officers 0.5889431221363927]
    • [Brown Zimmerman 0.5872755409586183]
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    • [McNesby officers 0.49037119405653207]
    • [Ramsey Zimmerman 0.4858385726917729]
    • [Nesby Zimmerman 0.4715135990160593]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
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    • [Order Officers 0.4048700945452795]
    • [convention Diego 0.4048171998562565]
    • [safe morning 0.3840449400349477]
    • [Clinton Zimmerman 0.35425854124860345]
  • 3 Up North Down South: ‘Killer’ robots can save lives
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [policing policing 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [armed officers 0.7163804971796403]
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    • [sort heroic 0.5036329043070884]
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    • [deliver efforts 0.4820641187570421]
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    • [Claymore heroic 0.33881032591651666]
    • [MARCbots Police 0.0]
    • [accident-related Police 0.0]
  • 3 Gunman signals 'horrendous acts of violence' in manifesto
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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  • 3 Conservatives Blame Obama And Hillary Clinton For Dallas Shooting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [Officers Officers 1]
    • [Shooting Shooting 1]
    • [criminal enforcement 0.6931404036297354]
    • [ideals heroic 0.6215408726413327]
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    • [Suspect Police 0.4888019103647224]
    • [Heather Zimmerman 0.48636672711565787]
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    • [Clinton Zimmerman 0.35425854124860345]
    • [Hillary enforcement 0.3426994316146793]
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    • [Record Officers 0.275224531873904]
  • 3 The Latest State Investigating Black Man”s Shooting by Cops
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
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  • 3 Huron police purchase body cameras for patrol officers
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [patrol officers 0.7238152606474118]
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    • [body torso 0.6713756012453129]
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    • [Huron Memorial 0.3722055543243295]
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    • [upgrade crashes 0.3280812413592621]
    • [3 Zimmerman 0.28384295743807014]
    • [Spinsby Police 0.0]
    • [Freng Police 0.0]
  • 3 How environmental injustice connects to police violence.
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [death death 1]
    • [premature death 0.6514792687926124]
    • [Garner Zimmerman 0.6243293929068244]
    • [DOJ enforcement 0.6105797051577427]
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    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Brown Zimmerman 0.5872755409586183]
    • [embodiment heroic 0.578449187616475]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Dillon Zimmerman 0.5755773582417303]
    • [injustice heroic 0.5536740631682654]
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    • [Ferguson Zimmerman 0.5320262342645363]
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    • [Island Memorial 0.31793378788168386]
  • 3 Unaccountable Police Unions Endanger Minorities and Everyone Else | Libertarian
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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    • [agencies enforcement 0.6791381074363151]
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    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
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    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [protect enforcement 0.5513800605145807]
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    • [Fryer Zimmerman 0.4971581104678075]
    • [powerless heroic 0.49524132077826144]
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    • [Binding death 0.2104702507243359]
  • 3 Dartford - Robber jailed
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [August July 0.761224127231181]
    • [innocent killed 0.6964385068879062]
    • [Constable Police 0.691608115101345]
    • [robbery Police 0.630988939092439]
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    • [Detective Police 0.5994917755020793]
    • [lorry killed 0.5750605382308656]
    • [Smith Zimmerman 0.5426078104057872]
    • [26 July 0.5413181141794724]
    • [19 July 0.528949426540932]
    • [DC Diego 0.5257438643381082]
    • [robber officer 0.5168891996390294]
    • [stole killed 0.5065993764822088]
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    • [Avenue Memorial 0.44060720548169985]
    • [Coates Zimmerman 0.42806987504228594]
    • [individual heroic 0.42322791519728165]
    • [Daniel Zimmerman 0.41846714142174196]
    • [Carlton Diego 0.4160142605531544]
    • [Charlene Zimmerman 0.40890334374924203]
    • [connected killed 0.33942108186174513]
    • [Dartford Police 0.3142635924084539]
    • [Greenhithe Police 0.0]
  • 3 ABD calls on Government to end speed awareness courses
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [funding funding 1]
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    • [drivers motorcycle 0.6041859322478663]
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    • [Brookman Zimmerman 0.5390947496331776]
    • [safety enforcement 0.4908423393646744]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
    • [skills efforts 0.45595738677222253]
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    • [Lawson Zimmerman 0.3663707553883669]
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    • [courses officers 0.2867481485734168]
    • [abd heroic 0.25511836038788277]
    • [NDORS Police 0.0]
  • 3 Why Are So Many Black Americans Killed By Police?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [suspects officers 0.7116063744689441]
    • [crime enforcement 0.6195306732881221]
    • [Criminal Police 0.6003693672158598]
    • [encounters heroic 0.5783231383947466]
    • [Payne Zimmerman 0.5617133506451244]
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    • [Justice Police 0.5067004607613955]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [Fryer Zimmerman 0.4971581104678075]
    • [racism enforcement 0.48221397520048725]
    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
    • [disparity deaths 0.47748583851765014]
    • [Goff Diego 0.4730078030071252]
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    • [white officers 0.4250408141455224]
    • [bias efforts 0.42098738805898417]
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    • [data enforcement 0.3994511790155221]
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    • [share efforts 0.36431637520502025]
  • 3 The Latest: Long line of mourners at visitation for Gerald |
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [gunman shooting 0.7229110013965506]
    • [Sheriff Police 0.707270032327385]
    • [ambush killed 0.6915507724718559]
    • [funeral death 0.6264572644544742]
    • [lone shot 0.6135460355629841]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Deputy Police 0.5598630027838585]
    • [Jackson Zimmerman 0.5339383623419552]
    • [Montrell Officers 0.529914526446524]
    • [Gavin shot 0.5105906938613717]
    • [Garafola officers 0.5001299772416454]
    • [Mourners killed 0.49744960214233475]
    • [caskets officers 0.465386655806294]
    • [Ganem Zimmerman 0.4628790460364409]
    • [city killed 0.4452807810239732]
    • [Brad officer 0.4438010678885117]
    • [Matthew officer 0.44135138814006736]
    • [Gerald officer 0.4290430276089858]
    • [Long Officers 0.3878168522649899]
    • [East Police 0.32653413622563293]
  • 3 Friends Charge Police Staged Officers' Visits
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [Robinson Zimmerman 0.6151081991781235]
    • [Commissioner Police 0.6140228208418586]
    • [undercover officers 0.5882537863268281]
    • [Bratton Police 0.5761315975773041]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [Dwyer Zimmerman 0.5042198341385031]
    • [Wheeler Zimmerman 0.5034803538473361]
    • [disturbed killed 0.48721605817102065]
    • [half-brother death 0.4869802025217994]
    • [profoundly heroic 0.4805901965635751]
    • [transit enforcement 0.4685118285590984]
    • [subway motorcycle 0.43276768944111355]
    • [Giuliani Zimmerman 0.4289452839218028]
    • [bedside morning 0.39392719151921146]
    • [O Zimmerman 0.32342904219002055]
    • [Del-Debbio Police 0.0]
  • 3 Clifton mayor, in rare public commentary, decries attacks on police officers - Community News -
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [stricter enforcement 0.5991410171849548]
    • [Cops Police 0.5928649604792681]
    • [threw shot 0.5927800959124565]
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    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [targeted efforts 0.5510228687270933]
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    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [mayor officers 0.48831741361871384]
    • [stronger efforts 0.4831132266694226]
    • [made underwent 0.4550872618029992]
    • [Samra killed 0.4125028144717837]
    • [James Zimmerman 0.39379392041213435]
    • [Clifton Memorial 0.34451840555570595]
    • [language enforcement 0.3259919708908967]
    • [Anzaldi Police 0.0]
  • 3 Swathi murder case, DNA analysis of blood samples would give evidence to connect the missing links  | India Live Today
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [murder death 0.7269353795238549]
    • [scene shooting 0.6456959209438371]
    • [Investigation Police 0.6312885002259879]
    • [bus motorcycle 0.6175092571998982]
    • [crucial efforts 0.6101848894516253]
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    • [24 July 0.5945338381121859]
    • [Nungambakkam Police 0.5498455548693748]
    • [Forensic Police 0.5349211143192731]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [weapon shooting 0.521099697928013]
    • [case death 0.5021774776348097]
    • [friend death 0.49939491815963405]
    • [blood torso 0.489542850417633]
    • [railway motorcycle 0.47634956620356833]
    • [evidence efforts 0.4730560666689136]
    • [official tweeted 0.4634661814412781]
    • [Ramkumar Police 0.4171718723677358]
    • [analysis efforts 0.4135096279454608]
    • [Swathi Police 0.41227158858479424]
    • [request enforcement 0.40536941447935465]
    • [Chennai Officers 0.3803582381269873]
    • [Science Memorial 0.36293344774113157]
    • [DNA underwent 0.35361374324108147]
    • [samples underwent 0.34403400389179517]
    • [P Zimmerman 0.3357543112139971]
    • [thehindu enforcement 0.32666685949344737]
    • [Koyambedu Police 0.0]
  • 3 Poor cardio cops: Police fail nearly 2,000 fitness tests
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [policing policing 1]
    • [constable Police 0.6688270925139415]
    • [action efforts 0.5163990938588507]
    • [resulting efforts 0.5020423453906357]
    • [rate deaths 0.48083669046636884]
    • [territorial enforcement 0.4738438041312987]
    • [fewer deaths 0.47193809300606576]
    • [country efforts 0.4663080089980478]
    • [female heroic 0.4551284798770297]
    • [positions torso 0.43995940401386796]
    • [including deaths 0.4298620835629128]
    • [poor efforts 0.42813503013948745]
    • [show morning 0.423143140251]
    • [advice efforts 0.4144132204696249]
    • [https July 0.4087440901630767]
    • [Jo tweeted 0.4007152648150393]
    • [highest deaths 0.39333997361038425]
    • [fitness motorcycle 0.3878101798694046]
    • [pass shot 0.3861940967728583]
    • [Cardio torso 0.3843001022884045]
    • [test crashes 0.3767443640567436]
    • [fare motorcycle 0.37045163657255153]
    • [bleeps crashes 0.3620833734482238]
    • [43 Friday 0.3342233900154362]
    • [CollegeofPolice Police 0.0]
    • [15-meter Police 0.0]
  • 3 Video shows trooper jumping on car hood before firing and killing driver
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [SUV motorcycle 0.6883331981737963]
    • [troopers officers 0.6815208411621014]
    • [fired shot 0.6731360983067766]
    • [officer-involved officers 0.6655011742730227]
    • [carjacked motorcycle 0.6318396307450647]
    • [surveillance enforcement 0.6270269414791386]
    • [Sanchez Zimmerman 0.5700612225939046]
    • [Diaz Diego 0.5415651992257484]
    • [jumped shot 0.5362804958728177]
    • [station Police 0.530401320792645]
    • [Carraway Zimmerman 0.5246093626798314]
    • [Eugene Zimmerman 0.5065096254851693]
    • [Altima motorcycle 0.5004023718304531]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [south morning 0.4610834578138495]
    • [Eloi death 0.4602048378451656]
    • [Kia motorcycle 0.45435480695211355]
    • [Miami-Dade Zimmerman 0.4471769368325391]
    • [U-turn efforts 0.43843477699062827]
    • [FHP Police 0.4383317405554971]
    • [Northwest Diego 0.3728151798473993]
    • [gas officers 0.352681756271949]
    • [Shuman Zimmerman 0.3200829894771915]
  • 3 Attacks on police create staffing problems in Colorado
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [body torso 0.6713756012453129]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [armor torso 0.5991249841988122]
    • [Fraternal Officers 0.5889431221363927]
    • [fear death 0.5556637266617541]
    • [Colorado Diego 0.5339742417648206]
    • [M-16 motorcycle 0.5197708974476635]
    • [resigned tweeted 0.5000079170543046]
    • [recent efforts 0.48804039937954624]
    • [Howard Zimmerman 0.4846764584268785]
    • [Mike tweeted 0.4741898127834489]
    • [frighteningly heroic 0.46052953764197957]
    • [years death 0.4564377013866435]
    • [Fletcher Zimmerman 0.4495513027944079]
    • [create efforts 0.43551300237432616]
    • [area morning 0.4324275151816861]
    • [DENVER Diego 0.42508174923250575]
    • [carry killed 0.4098695892576998]
    • [retire death 0.4086526963421387]
    • [Order Officers 0.4048700945452795]
    • [hire motorcycle 0.39306534075238864]
    • [common crashes 0.3732401641493188]
    • [Springs Memorial 0.3729280802630418]
    • [52 Friday 0.3562477190369814]
    • [pool shot 0.3392355709268073]
    • [Violette heroic 0.3313592271549472]
    • [38 killed 0.3299023221116607]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3 Unarmed Man Shot By Police While Lying On His Back (Video)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
    • [departments officers 0.6892692555561928]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Rinaldo shot 0.5140238815812492]
    • [squad officers 0.5042545908247861]
    • [rescue heroic 0.4925274166558872]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [WSVN shot 0.4525746508341342]
    • [m morning 0.4502557335903824]
    • [home morning 0.4485104508541227]
    • [thinking efforts 0.44762687396031925]
    • [therapist officer 0.4441414992532544]
    • [group efforts 0.43222379813868306]
    • [Herald officer 0.40703920192958815]
    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3 Cedric ‘The Entertainer’ hosts Black Hollywood to stand up for justice; Cedric ‘The Entertainer’, Omar Epps, Marlon Wayans, Tasha Smith and Megan Good lead Black Hollywood movement to stand united in support of ending the senseless violence
  • 3 France: Truck attacker had accomplices, planned for months
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [authorities enforcement 0.6842577628559646]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [officials officers 0.6290221624882985]
    • [days morning 0.6227372016350023]
    • [security enforcement 0.6037817214632252]
    • [prosecutor officers 0.5981419825438483]
    • [attacks killed 0.5777415041676005]
    • [measure efforts 0.5437204534931458]
    • [convictions death 0.5409056159726706]
    • [acknowledged efforts 0.5368078645716668]
    • [Nice killed 0.5113359787580002]
    • [Tunisian killed 0.5037854967661722]
    • [84 killed 0.5014630330608169]
    • [National Memorial 0.4882856708922324]
    • [Promenade shooting 0.48003627501857987]
    • [Bastille killed 0.4766029350029687]
    • [previous underwent 0.4684925023810799]
    • [Bouhlel killed 0.4576177849437871]
    • [14 July 0.4539797294260042]
    • [closed-off officers 0.4515609514712662]
    • [Minister Police 0.42588188825560885]
    • [Cazeneuve officers 0.4113989984036163]
    • [Interior Police 0.40805282642070795]
    • [Molins shooting 0.39271384241002394]
    • [Paris Diego 0.36669039552811566]
    • [People morning 0.3625825720951135]
    • [French heroic 0.32148000356669637]
  • 3 Int'l organisations remained closed Wednesday
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [offices offices 1]
    • [hours morning 0.6975055748374693]
    • [attack killed 0.6847552159472083]
    • [Policemen Police 0.6319283973824237]
    • [Development Fund 0.6147320113034558]
    • [citizens enforcement 0.611775208767234]
    • [senior officer 0.6105123999818083]
    • [security enforcement 0.6037817214632252]
    • [measures efforts 0.597774166775434]
    • [employees officers 0.5818028091662573]
    • [commissioner officer 0.5732949064486206]
    • [Bank Fund 0.5606026987560846]
    • [start morning 0.5595805468993221]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [international efforts 0.5126495493174593]
    • [20 July 0.4992495715542929]
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    • [official tweeted 0.4634661814412781]
    • [remaining officers 0.4617006597732934]
    • [closed Friday 0.4547693737898479]
    • [Gulshan killed 0.4457159662582298]
    • [Bangladeshi killed 0.42670501679952066]
    • [Dhanmondi Police 0.42144377452416426]
    • [World Fund 0.41162397034255205]
    • [school officers 0.38755569241391]
    • [Uttara Police 0.3824942960545172]
    • [located killed 0.32818528362901167]
    • [Asian Fund 0.3060756834165894]
    • [Alo Police 0.29982353367379805]
    • [Regular Officers 0.27884063555333466]
    • [Assaduzzaman Police 0.0]
    • [Prothom Police 0.0]
  • 3 Police and citizens, like nation as a whole, should stand united
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [deaths deaths 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [de-escalation enforcement 0.6673337600359687]
    • [department officer 0.6653115408857525]
    • [citizens enforcement 0.611775208767234]
    • [robbed killed 0.6088817506718553]
    • [involved efforts 0.5529671775636774]
    • [techniques efforts 0.5364145895013919]
    • [hatred heroic 0.5359874671791125]
    • [shape torso 0.5291865935633409]
    • [residents officers 0.5221250535921402]
    • [agency efforts 0.5149313161702938]
    • [nation efforts 0.5053890207669743]
    • [incite enforcement 0.5007995393540079]
    • [Metro Police 0.49307567532789925]
    • [media efforts 0.492792172569856]
    • [hurt killed 0.4821636669509297]
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    • [Joe Diego 0.4385899799149488]
    • [positive efforts 0.43669439027172136]
    • [Area Officers 0.4345714936854719]
    • [Commands Officers 0.4295432279595954]
    • [fairly morning 0.41961142854347083]
    • [shapers torso 0.41938976071273404]
    • [outlets efforts 0.3829720007749766]
    • [boil morning 0.38085540356675945]
    • [hold Friday 0.3548060189947889]
    • [undivided efforts 0.34829043198748016]
    • [monthly Friday 0.3187893095048995]
    • [LVMPD Police 0.0]
  • 3 Everything that's wrong with police training, in one chart
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [kill kill 1]
    • [shooter shooting 0.7884420880291142]
    • [incidents deaths 0.7707743359592875]
    • [hours morning 0.6975055748374693]
    • [agencies enforcement 0.6791381074363151]
    • [ultimately efforts 0.6736419187065599]
    • [de-escalation enforcement 0.6673337600359687]
    • [feet torso 0.645733977936445]
    • [Chief officer 0.6174914204925543]
    • [21 July 0.5894677139225546]
    • [Bland Zimmerman 0.5748915137945364]
    • [regimens underwent 0.5695897533723779]
    • [Metropolitan Police 0.5447768125558367]
    • [attorney officer 0.5412743855221387]
    • [policy efforts 0.541137084846143]
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    • [issues efforts 0.509839323969464]
    • [decisions efforts 0.507453488901695]
    • [porch morning 0.49826263368350165]
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    • [split-second shot 0.4764072531124132]
    • [mental-health enforcement 0.4748654092443272]
    • [situation efforts 0.4709515552518252]
    • [traffic enforcement 0.4662961236257226]
    • [30 July 0.4586524614873944]
    • [brandishes heroic 0.4560280147701913]
    • [group efforts 0.43222379813868306]
    • [zone morning 0.42595562853444946]
    • [learning efforts 0.41507074757935275]
    • [Andrea Zimmerman 0.40573239480646683]
    • [lopsided heroic 0.3890147814435685]
    • [newest Diego 0.3799838292815021]
    • [Fusion July 0.3223778179275859]
    • [Current July 0.3119344107111629]
    • [C Zimmerman 0.3110451751551433]
  • 3 White House To Reassess Obama Ban On Military Gear For Police
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
    • [vehicles motorcycle 0.6941302597066424]
    • [gear motorcycle 0.6338140372809536]
    • [organization efforts 0.6233167731792149]
    • [legal enforcement 0.6179015914163972]
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    • [military officers 0.6155094693688168]
    • [armored motorcycle 0.6083941705962713]
    • [grenade killed 0.588770961573895]
    • [ensure efforts 0.5865737055138396]
    • [riots killed 0.5838015800248137]
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    • [urged efforts 0.5397393131508682]
    • [noting efforts 0.5281394590893399]
    • [enhance efforts 0.5272892062171658]
    • [Local Police 0.47722015304582205]
    • [Pasco officer 0.4706666604450256]
    • [equipment motorcycle 0.4568255716967376]
    • [Obama Zimmerman 0.4557015563990871]
    • [White Zimmerman 0.4160772812200946]
    • [launcher shot 0.39288085911340287]
    • [ban enforcement 0.3914049191553982]
    • [House Friday 0.3663029890450781]
  • 3 Tone Madison - Why Wisconsin (and your state) doesn't need a Blue Lives Matter bill
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [policing policing 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [non-accidental death 0.7013962411302963]
    • [gunfire shooting 0.6458298277364095]
    • [officials officers 0.6290221624882985]
    • [crime enforcement 0.6195306732881221]
    • [violence deaths 0.6065568916570346]
    • [Brown Zimmerman 0.5872755409586183]
    • [oppression heroic 0.5641172190385556]
    • [protect enforcement 0.5513800605145807]
    • [County Police 0.49623710586352315]
    • [Matter enforcement 0.48859351002359963]
    • [Lives Police 0.4629298513622853]
    • [Gossage Zimmerman 0.4540445933582805]
    • [Madison Zimmerman 0.4495991779993316]
    • [Steffen Zimmerman 0.44311981718553767]
    • [hate death 0.4411872944312296]
    • [bill enforcement 0.4326150377372344]
    • [mapping crashes 0.3932140467234064]
    • [Wisconsin Zimmerman 0.38986284928468734]
    • [Rep Diego 0.3382230055119165]
    • [Blue Memorial 0.33412398613716454]
    • [Tone morning 0.2894463153379012]
  • 3 Letter writer: What can white people do to support people of color?
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [police police 1]
    • [killings killings 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [federal enforcement 0.6999988932422495]
    • [agencies enforcement 0.6791381074363151]
    • [brutality enforcement 0.633987785247488]
    • [legislation enforcement 0.6253773167348999]
    • [practices efforts 0.6050242681948793]
    • [support efforts 0.5914399046909702]
    • [increasingly efforts 0.5904964893429422]
    • [unjustly officers 0.576437853833908]
    • [anti-discrimination enforcement 0.5539073066916169]
    • [local enforcement 0.5327866631008163]
    • [institutions efforts 0.5320621409172148]
    • [train motorcycle 0.5299942656011556]
    • [plagues death 0.5177880593089822]
    • [culture heroic 0.4891350760994638]
    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
    • [change efforts 0.45676508200141896]
    • [demonstrations officers 0.45523177808705023]
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    • [racists officers 0.4538141209857626]
    • [attending Memorial 0.43371451528726973]
    • [white officers 0.4250408141455224]
    • [American heroic 0.40112863960641565]
    • [K tweeted 0.29509359720582995]
  • 3 Video: Three French soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Libya -
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [crash crash 1]
    • [soldiers officers 0.7216846077911276]
    • [2016 July 0.6263620005862698]
    • [Twitter tweeted 0.5747023931691718]
    • [nighclub July 0.5444858685624325]
    • [helicopter motorcycle 0.5258088593588]
    • [Facebook tweeted 0.4737592819033442]
    • [Limelight July 0.41775366866269115]
    • [Libya killed 0.40414770642911485]
    • [Nightlife Friday 0.3880799537838726]
    • [Photos death 0.3784205744903983]
    • [Belfast Friday 0.3768516581246938]
    • [Northern Police 0.37569297798031165]
    • [Video shooting 0.3675246743728762]
    • [Google efforts 0.35231664574631677]
    • [Ireland Fund 0.34685439485862213]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [Shared Fund 0.33327906009271485]
    • [Circus motorcycle 0.3320075332775487]
    • [French heroic 0.32148000356669637]
    • [Villa shot 0.28918631253214194]
    • [Email efforts 0.22404492714589352]
  • 3 RS members want extension of date for filing of asset
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [office office 1]
    • [funds funds 1]
    • [senior officer 0.6105123999818083]
    • [failing efforts 0.6069101639982226]
    • [members officers 0.5960877051050898]
    • [grants Fund 0.5920347477191854]
    • [NGOs efforts 0.5722316108344595]
    • [government enforcement 0.5580092328681003]
    • [today morning 0.536516946837354]
    • [trustees Fund 0.5289593939772893]
    • [means efforts 0.5212652371836045]
    • [act enforcement 0.517879602250673]
    • [corrupt enforcement 0.5111867820093718]
    • [agreed efforts 0.4973934818485955]
    • [assets Fund 0.49211707009991806]
    • [31 July 0.4888845176010641]
    • [bearers heroic 0.487804216089862]
    • [urgently efforts 0.4843250135811953]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
    • [things efforts 0.4664861979651196]
    • [disclosure enforcement 0.46160155927424884]
    • [foreign enforcement 0.43821245514110335]
    • [disclose enforcement 0.4375761426429377]
    • [Aga Fund 0.3493226583665403]
    • [domain enforcement 0.34665716315233563]
    • [Pal tweeted 0.31431368872863913]
    • [Rajya Friday 0.3088004379155997]
    • [Anu officer 0.2889831528479306]
    • [Sabha Officers 0.286112091487424]
    • [Lok tweeted 0.2613044892336177]
  • 3 The Latest: Feds aware of North Miami police shooting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [arms torso 0.7057374672556999]
    • [responded tweeted 0.6864918250375306]
    • [suicide death 0.6680923004971765]
    • [gun shooting 0.6323001953593163]
    • [Chief officer 0.6174914204925543]
    • [standoff officers 0.577720354904193]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [threatening death 0.5261235113671533]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [lying shot 0.5103351801183676]
    • [talking tweeted 0.5095596949835383]
    • [raised Fund 0.5068556727688327]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [commit enforcement 0.48464123872356213]
    • [911 motorcycle 0.48302615456542675]
    • [autistic shot 0.4729288496993913]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [patient underwent 0.4490238674801926]
    • [call morning 0.43920063428035344]
    • [coax shot 0.436091921694205]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 3 CFO Atwater's Dollars & Sense
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [offices offices 1]
    • [continue efforts 0.677913275156553]
    • [perpetrators officers 0.6395761120206703]
    • [crimes deaths 0.6355255630431829]
    • [mission efforts 0.6319649490364414]
    • [believed killed 0.6198318218745588]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [suspected killed 0.6088385396245318]
    • [arson Police 0.6054548839792413]
    • [reported deaths 0.5583649100430026]
    • [work efforts 0.5445760061301872]
    • [Forensic Police 0.5349211143192731]
    • [intelligence enforcement 0.5254245640598042]
    • [vision efforts 0.495225604468737]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [ll morning 0.48941974047610937]
    • [commit enforcement 0.48464123872356213]
    • [catch morning 0.48300245182250867]
    • [units officers 0.48083489850779054]
    • [acts death 0.4755288601603865]
    • [fraud enforcement 0.47114377933260954]
    • [CFOs officers 0.47093140291752666]
    • [change efforts 0.45676508200141896]
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    • [ve morning 0.4324511369423791]
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    • [Atwater Zimmerman 0.37634780880408386]
    • [share efforts 0.36431637520502025]
    • [adjust torso 0.3440142078969178]
    • [1 deaths 0.28930699786230296]
  • 3 ‘Don’t Hurt My Child’ Mother Says in Graphic New Video of Fatal Police Shooting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [Office Office 1]
    • [fatal deaths 0.7443516918687125]
    • [ill death 0.5777567021990881]
    • [dashcam Police 0.5755010745124708]
    • [Attorney Police 0.572758219340144]
    • [Hall Memorial 0.5722500774244198]
    • [Rosen Zimmerman 0.5539390599021508]
    • [Taser officers 0.5447623331727572]
    • [broomstick torso 0.5432109575170495]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [Florida Diego 0.49203966312666303]
    • [conference Friday 0.48499720681594594]
    • [family death 0.4848605771514946]
    • [mentally torso 0.4732369790561292]
    • [scared death 0.46924458896130566]
    • [m morning 0.4502557335903824]
    • [State Police 0.4463295734315267]
    • [press morning 0.43585590833099985]
    • [Gardens Memorial 0.4344855939723006]
    • [releasing tweeted 0.3742924458193432]
  • 3 Baton Rouge cops killer described his actions as ‘necessary evil’ in manifesto
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [cops officers 0.7851063658466764]
    • [wrote tweeted 0.6281399148395798]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
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    • [Edmonson shooting 0.5404638910986582]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [self-described tweeted 0.49232573424210047]
    • [letter tweeted 0.4835417420802944]
    • [conclusively death 0.4799563074040913]
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    • [Karama Police 0.3461824101504145]
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  • 3 Chicago police officer shot, hospitalized; suspect dead
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [Officers Officers 1]
    • [dead killed 0.7537326473537]
    • [surgery underwent 0.7339550041574114]
    • [surgical underwent 0.6521537679414859]
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    • [Chicago Diego 0.5673683086036504]
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    • [Residents Officers 0.3967081547396537]
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    • [tract underwent 0.39169599038788194]
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    • [Bristol Diego 0.33096231250349445]
  • 3 Baton Rouge readies for funerals of 3 slain police officers
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [fatally killed 0.7528310571204317]
    • [slain killed 0.6955035665596832]
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    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
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    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Trey Zimmerman 0.5651373047084665]
    • [Tullier officer 0.5433002831137251]
    • [Superman heroic 0.5087013414234763]
    • [Garafola officers 0.5001299772416454]
    • [Mourners killed 0.49744960214233475]
    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
    • [caskets officers 0.465386655806294]
    • [Ganem Zimmerman 0.4628790460364409]
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    • [Gerald officer 0.4290430276089858]
    • [service efforts 0.4277649348581002]
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  • 3 Unarmed therapist shot by police while trying to calm man with autism
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
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    • [investigating Police 0.5562810542729163]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [reporters morning 0.551466511092766]
    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [MiamiHerald Police 0.5416109925293303]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Rinaldo shot 0.5140238815812492]
    • [PD Police 0.47728208675201783]
    • [Fla Diego 0.4740210364554307]
    • [Charles Zimmerman 0.4712528828088851]
    • [autism Zimmerman 0.4451634725578737]
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    • [videos shooting 0.44195080762798805]
    • [behavior efforts 0.41341817601743486]
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    • [release death 0.38916986577826557]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [nmpdnews Police 0.0]
  • 3 Everything We Know So Far About the Canadian Police Shooting of an Anonymous ‘Comrade’ | VICE | United States
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [tweet tweet 1]
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    • [comrade heroic 0.6414750729545385]
    • [RCMP officers 0.5887910128533419]
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    • [government enforcement 0.5580092328681003]
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    • [mask torso 0.4996049518952723]
    • [McIntyre Zimmerman 0.4953229750846244]
    • [Dawson Diego 0.4765550804978421]
    • [sites efforts 0.47452185520524226]
    • [Creek Memorial 0.4400957033375594]
    • [Canadians deaths 0.42466803488010185]
    • [Anonymous Police 0.39657200055148945]
    • [VICE Police 0.3862542354708016]
    • [Anon July 0.3473036593959093]
    • [Canada Diego 0.3343867893948705]
    • [dam efforts 0.32408945006985745]
    • [C Zimmerman 0.3110451751551433]
    • [BC Diego 0.2987847002142446]
    • [include underwent 0.2895609959178935]
    • [Hydro Fund 0.2875980336613359]
    • [IIOBC Police 0.0]
  • 3 Dallas police to be outfitted with 'sponge guns' as less lethal option
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [Morning Morning 1]
    • [patrol officers 0.7238152606474118]
    • [Pinkston Zimmerman 0.6363002002928142]
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    • [Ramirez Zimmerman 0.6093159319952046]
    • [involving deaths 0.5581181773230123]
    • [guns enforcement 0.5441950869801968]
    • [Jeff Zimmerman 0.5145658670651643]
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    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [Gerardo Diego 0.4841558934142279]
    • [Ron Zimmerman 0.4835989104859821]
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    • [apiece shot 0.4343095477171469]
    • [sponge torso 0.4301033580041318]
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    • [Lethal Officers 0.36898852291838063]
    • [Safer Police 0.36467761818537064]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [800 deaths 0.3314504848796823]
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    • [100 Fund 0.31889960535596834]
    • [Cotner Police 0.0]
  • 3
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Officer Officer 1]
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [Memorial Memorial 1]
    • [vehicle motorcycle 0.7869893228978329]
    • [robbery Police 0.630988939092439]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
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    • [plaque Memorial 0.5199104392225694]
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    • [Minard officer 0.5087469095093661]
    • [Shivers shot 0.49845956697565036]
    • [Hollywood Diego 0.49654796093922177]
    • [Coleman Zimmerman 0.49293227360154945]
    • [4-12-99 Police 0.48719095807921203]
    • [silver-colored torso 0.4823992627052833]
    • [formed underwent 0.41629057682339965]
    • [8-30-1973 Zimmerman 0.399593868911537]
    • [10-11-1971 Zimmerman 0.35636721006178107]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
    • [1926 Memorial 0.35188477924724315]
    • [Rio Diego 0.33403720348037114]
    • [Podium motorcycle 0.30876857083700643]
  • 3 Police Log: Multiple Accidents Send Seven To Hospital, Driver Arrested With Veritable Pharmacy | Tewksbury Today
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [Officers Officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [vehicle motorcycle 0.7869893228978329]
    • [accident crashes 0.7056928665648858]
    • [arrested killed 0.6929028708828308]
    • [responded tweeted 0.6864918250375306]
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    • [Hospital Memorial 0.5693040072832408]
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    • [19 July 0.528949426540932]
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    • [resident officer 0.4968250833420556]
    • [called tweeted 0.483886430880416]
    • [17 July 0.47519337535251516]
    • [outstanding heroic 0.4591386680260109]
    • [General Officers 0.4585256280011646]
    • [emergency officers 0.4549359040423811]
    • [Road Memorial 0.4548708623632857]
    • [Salem Diego 0.4488397198121023]
    • [Tewksbury Zimmerman 0.4413915232682532]
    • [Street Friday 0.41786065316770443]
    • [12 July 0.4091406991468146]
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    • [Lowell Zimmerman 0.38551074416302944]
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    • [495 motorcycle 0.31938233445553277]
    • [Full Memorial 0.3058595414389873]
  • 3 Shooting highlights police trouble spotting autism traits
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Aledda officer 0.5893232162299417]
    • [allegedly officers 0.5874802739807686]
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    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [clinical underwent 0.5263485065426017]
    • [Jr Zimmerman 0.5091259825520017]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [Becerra Zimmerman 0.4903120862844411]
    • [metal motorcycle 0.4797872304571083]
    • [Society Fund 0.4759420565832816]
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    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [Spring Zimmerman 0.32042031215754607]
  • 3 Today in History
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [death death 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
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    • [prison death 0.6033903182032492]
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    • [inmate death 0.5733589959662481]
    • [Jeffrey Zimmerman 0.5710588139559145]
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    • [22 July 0.5443418011565954]
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    • [militant killed 0.5237445183147386]
    • [Dahmer Zimmerman 0.5016685920350858]
    • [84 killed 0.5014630330608169]
    • [Holmes Zimmerman 0.465564508212214]
    • [Colin Zimmerman 0.45662765144968676]
    • [David Zimmerman 0.4518250463035804]
    • [Chuck Zimmerman 0.4154082195694599]
    • [musician death 0.4073131067027436]
    • [Actor-comedian shot 0.3956213869555365]
    • [Rhythm-and-blues tweeted 0.38771735762098186]
    • [Singer Zimmerman 0.3790127730788682]
    • [Actor shot 0.3749729408453013]
    • [49 killed 0.3651746322268495]
    • [Rock Memorial 0.35708908091123387]
    • [53 crashes 0.35325394686788114]
    • [Gen officers 0.3443367492036016]
    • [76 Friday 0.32510054004466893]
    • [Spade Zimmerman 0.30751661511472816]
    • [Actress shot 0.30428138039340924]
  • 3 Lawmakers, law enforcement discuss violence against officers
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [Sheriff Police 0.707270032327385]
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    • [Polk Zimmerman 0.5194185625671794]
    • [Assaulting Police 0.5119862956841446]
    • [simply efforts 0.5080524368692813]
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    • [Senator tweeted 0.40884898233402023]
    • [Arnott Zimmerman 0.39867867495729714]
    • [discussion efforts 0.39481640864916834]
    • [Springfield Zimmerman 0.38184051822852333]
  • 3 Missouri senator, former sheriff slams shootings of police
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [body torso 0.6713756012453129]
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    • [protecting enforcement 0.5734169355872126]
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    • [Randles Zimmerman 0.539761619873652]
    • [Reed Zimmerman 0.5370782443185862]
    • [criticized tweeted 0.534666715389742]
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    • [Kayla Zimmerman 0.47831697562605385]
    • [Lives Police 0.4629298513622853]
    • [peaceful enforcement 0.45961369907195754]
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    • [hate death 0.4411872944312296]
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    • [Parson Zimmerman 0.4218501174403487]
    • [Senate officers 0.4200372488508507]
    • [changing efforts 0.4007784911571187]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
  • 3 - Live stream of Eyewitness News, Good Morning Northland and Breaking News Broadcasts
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Shot Shot 1]
    • [Killed Killed 1]
    • [Shooting Shooting 1]
    • [Foundation Fund 0.6761501724273308]
    • [Scholarship Fund 0.5645178530704271]
    • [Accident Police 0.5256792194522504]
    • [Cloquet Memorial 0.5253544320209872]
    • [Suspect Police 0.4888019103647224]
    • [50th Memorial 0.487847856417465]
    • [Week July 0.485831809090133]
    • [Rice Zimmerman 0.4767356732127867]
    • [17 July 0.47519337535251516]
    • [PM Friday 0.468893207691362]
    • [ATV motorcycle 0.46589182518129824]
    • [Outages crashes 0.4645132443374557]
    • [Colten Memorial 0.45263906021292344]
    • [Foy officer 0.42497906109320566]
    • [Thousands killed 0.4208978667256774]
    • [Lake Memorial 0.4102876959013206]
    • [Man heroic 0.40232174919460795]
    • [Residents Officers 0.3967081547396537]
    • [Superior Officers 0.37495005734039405]
    • [Duluth Zimmerman 0.37204957597740007]
    • [Young Fund 0.35528144093789427]
    • [Celebrating Memorial 0.34931651517082013]
    • [Encounter Memorial 0.3444537923406928]
    • [7 July 0.343318831258164]
    • [Athletes Officers 0.3310440068518955]
    • [Persist Officers 0.32491447202722407]
    • [Home Friday 0.3160973038578541]
    • [Forecast Fund 0.30557913678014464]
    • [Mobile Fund 0.2456863640909284]
    • [WDIO Police 0.0]
    • [Airlifted Police 0.0]
  • 3 France orders inquiry into policing on night of Nice attack
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [policing policing 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [tweeted tweeted 1]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [security enforcement 0.6037817214632252]
    • [administration efforts 0.5922131539273463]
    • [attacks killed 0.5777415041676005]
    • [cordoned officers 0.5696971453000925]
    • [time morning 0.5656039252394697]
    • [government enforcement 0.5580092328681003]
    • [order efforts 0.5518716599645459]
    • [Brian Zimmerman 0.5359537415357957]
    • [lied killed 0.5259307279925518]
    • [plunged deaths 0.5157889686574719]
    • [Nice killed 0.5113359787580002]
    • [Tunisian killed 0.5037854967661722]
    • [sea-front killed 0.5027983224093641]
    • [public enforcement 0.47720093930049856]
    • [inquiry officers 0.4613697609636889]
    • [foreigners officers 0.45035780631789146]
    • [centers efforts 0.4457160821327481]
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    • [President efforts 0.4359535167769172]
    • [facing death 0.42293593179038674]
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    • [Hollande Friday 0.355066686770793]
    • [delivery efforts 0.34634936470771344]
    • [France crashes 0.3363928848573959]
    • [Love death 0.3110666843875838]
  • 3 Release of video of police shooting will cast spotlight on Chicago
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [office office 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [departments officers 0.6892692555561928]
    • [ongoing efforts 0.6814372781880891]
    • [fired shot 0.6731360983067766]
    • [dash-cam Police 0.6613409826570079]
    • [investigation enforcement 0.5975094729673384]
    • [Chicago Diego 0.5673683086036504]
    • [Maxey Zimmerman 0.5415472020859725]
    • [attorney officer 0.5412743855221387]
    • [video shot 0.5204269267733093]
    • [County Police 0.49623710586352315]
    • [union officers 0.4953728845312618]
    • [Valderrama Diego 0.44574630457706893]
    • [controversial death 0.4452981061641171]
    • [McDonald shooting 0.4329703568530856]
    • [Herbert heroic 0.42027533241370363]
    • [release death 0.38916986577826557]
    • [Dyke shot 0.37232898302369827]
    • [Cook Diego 0.338794759914579]
    • [Van Zimmerman 0.29630395859961306]
  • 3 Text - H.R.2137 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Federal Law Enforcement Self-Defense and Protection Act of 2015
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [funding funding 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [off-duty officers 0.7176385344159711]
    • [assaulted killed 0.6890749090509354]
    • [firearm enforcement 0.5374853932429589]
    • [27 July 0.5330322070962933]
    • [lack efforts 0.5283020551981192]
    • [Federal Officers 0.5203324868626803]
    • [concealed enforcement 0.4991322009326678]
    • [due underwent 0.4924269639869598]
    • [Act enforcement 0.49079300345727983]
    • [furlough officers 0.4857909687878508]
    • [18 July 0.4737508901722247]
    • [Self-Defense Officers 0.47307856857130703]
    • [begins morning 0.4668635232261018]
    • [term efforts 0.3830568442378898]
    • [Protecting Fund 0.36735271752844934]
    • [covered shot 0.3586136751643806]
    • [587 crashes 0.34253483716663924]
    • [title heroic 0.33933943968162306]
    • [4 Fund 0.262581225574378]
  • 3 Police shoot black caretaker as he lies in the street
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Gunman shooting 0.5859590760814424]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Protests Police 0.5265133164487078]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
    • [cellphone shot 0.49944887095523094]
    • [ground shot 0.4982276705631439]
    • [Cuevas Zimmerman 0.49786768301037554]
    • [caretaker officer 0.4706612330688981]
    • [lies heroic 0.4522349155788634]
    • [convenience enforcement 0.447793842817442]
    • [Shocking Police 0.439651845973377]
    • [wrong shot 0.43760090470700375]
    • [store officer 0.37807547086196]
    • [Video shooting 0.3675246743728762]
    • [resume morning 0.35080539157372864]
  • 3 A timeline of the killing of Taliyah Marsman and her mother Sara Baillie
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [mother death 0.6021341870910466]
    • [Marsman death 0.5251995350291341]
    • [Downey Zimmerman 0.5095303175658156]
    • [conference Friday 0.48499720681594594]
    • [Calgary Diego 0.464984832109645]
    • [30 July 0.4586524614873944]
    • [Taliyah death 0.45562127229648597]
    • [14 July 0.4539797294260042]
    • [m morning 0.4502557335903824]
    • [home morning 0.4485104508541227]
    • [news tweeted 0.4303792286914597]
    • [Baillie Police 0.4177890335734995]
    • [12 July 0.4091406991468146]
    • [13 July 0.4037171186921826]
    • [Sara Zimmerman 0.39831805403806797]
    • [Chestermere shooting 0.38370474123685633]
    • [Queen Memorial 0.3783256930547043]
    • [hold Friday 0.3548060189947889]
    • [p morning 0.3391314481618422]
    • [10 Friday 0.33640085982320606]
    • [Dairy Officers 0.31413929305225496]
  • 3 The Latest: DiCaprio foundation pledges donation to France
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [charity Fund 0.5872731823353288]
    • [Rey Diego 0.5760455677925358]
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    • [Day Memorial 0.5514660532874558]
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    • [84 killed 0.5014630330608169]
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    • [people killed 0.48085119683928434]
    • [Bastille killed 0.4766029350029687]
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    • [women heroic 0.4427486218595161]
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    • [DiCaprio Fund 0.43648071268434424]
    • [attending Memorial 0.43371451528726973]
    • [Cazeneuve officers 0.4113989984036163]
    • [Bernard Zimmerman 0.4033160691106517]
    • [Actors heroic 0.3791133322772804]
    • [Hollande Friday 0.355066686770793]
    • [interior motorcycle 0.35502339754684853]
    • [Polish heroic 0.33289268107681563]
    • [French heroic 0.32148000356669637]
  • 3 Coming Home to Roost: American Militarism, War Culture, and Police Brutality
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [enforce enforce 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [law enforcement 0.7959328085305135]
    • [unarmed killed 0.7348641355597892]
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    • [departments officers 0.6892692555561928]
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    • [force enforcement 0.596275385694857]
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    • [PTSD deaths 0.47532584698790914]
    • [objectified heroic 0.47367713974330056]
    • [objectification heroic 0.45998847983215724]
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    • [Balko enforcement 0.44419105601276415]
    • [mental heroic 0.4340208725277023]
    • [working-class heroic 0.426614143695809]
    • [white officers 0.4250408141455224]
    • [class officers 0.28899138803079877]
  • 3 There’s More To The Harvard Racial Bias Study Than Right-Wing Media Are Reporting
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [lethal deaths 0.5807574728060826]
    • [African-Americans officers 0.5795041514802197]
    • [blacks officers 0.5731771464790896]
    • [racial enforcement 0.5634026869227146]
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    • [Fryer Zimmerman 0.4971581104678075]
    • [surprising heroic 0.49673049857188967]
    • [reports deaths 0.4709900289005177]
    • [16 July 0.46304195244589075]
    • [results efforts 0.4506259651926909]
    • [11 July 0.42515201858192797]
    • [white officers 0.4250408141455224]
    • [Reilly Zimmerman 0.42114553651968295]
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    • [study deaths 0.4168988539707974]
    • [lower torso 0.40296806460973633]
    • [American heroic 0.40112863960641565]
    • [Bret Zimmerman 0.39891210867671195]
    • [Fox Diego 0.3907731159870915]
    • [7 July 0.343318831258164]
    • [O Zimmerman 0.32342904219002055]
    • [HUME Police 0.0]
  • 3 Austin cop's sure shot stopped crazed gunman | Fox News
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shots shots 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [rampage shooting 0.6887687922957103]
    • [Chief officer 0.6174914204925543]
    • [pistol shooting 0.5903318351244435]
    • [hit shot 0.5850604464381228]
    • [Maj Police 0.5557431131424626]
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    • [Austin Diego 0.5098733226857659]
    • [John Memorial 0.501473229728816]
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    • [Johnson Zimmerman 0.48295688912746065]
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    • [downtown morning 0.46114518582104624]
    • [Special Officers 0.45037763044402107]
    • [bad shot 0.4412431100194533]
    • [Art Memorial 0.43089281328781537]
    • [square torso 0.40260232818569175]
    • [radio morning 0.37382552978686623]
    • [buildings officers 0.3665607025170041]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [33 July 0.3335866657920432]
    • [100 Fund 0.31889960535596834]
    • [Plaster torso 0.3087733192480194]
    • [2 Zimmerman 0.283762827123384]
    • [McQuilliams Police 0.0]
  • 3 US officials fear violence will break out at GOP convention
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
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    • [investigators officers 0.6052614796225444]
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    • [Ratcliffe Zimmerman 0.5404370023801904]
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    • [Jeh enforcement 0.5030282152209472]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [close Friday 0.489599268276868]
    • [National Memorial 0.4882856708922324]
    • [Johnson Zimmerman 0.48295688912746065]
    • [Comey enforcement 0.4808282864303533]
    • [loud morning 0.4740665416571471]
    • [spotlight efforts 0.46656168511824797]
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    • [conventions enforcement 0.431716631191164]
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    • [Security enforcement 0.4182385221349414]
    • [voices heroic 0.40870675741803847]
    • [related death 0.3985618523207105]
  • 3 CapWealth Advisors LLC Decreases Stake in PepsiCo Inc. (PEP)
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [funds funds 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [September July 0.7392369675654148]
    • [Advisors Fund 0.629567022134527]
    • [BlackRock Fund 0.571653465599971]
    • [snack morning 0.5555651573102173]
    • [13th Friday 0.5501630974785136]
    • [businesses efforts 0.5381506593866742]
    • [CapWealth Fund 0.5165771219075288]
    • [NYSE Friday 0.4631135961068148]
    • [LLC Fund 0.462279996214161]
    • [AJO Fund 0.44161840217520787]
    • [LP Fund 0.3996020180638277]
    • [PepsiCo Fund 0.39926720752016437]
    • [shares officer 0.39009191438208135]
    • [Africa efforts 0.3849228905586165]
    • [stock Friday 0.38221532771207034]
    • [quarter deaths 0.37645714385098233]
    • [food morning 0.3677173741515096]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
    • [beverage morning 0.35759389830368354]
    • [PEP Fund 0.35636595425109585]
    • [Asia efforts 0.3481285591499973]
    • [Sub-Saharan Fund 0.34166598615880855]
    • [Middle Fund 0.29178640973991316]
    • [ratings crashes 0.2884458281898015]
  • 3 Prosecutor charges man in Kansas police officer’s death
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [Prosecutors Police 0.5754071284760023]
    • [Melton Officers 0.5642440405977058]
    • [assault killed 0.5561025791558211]
    • [attorney officer 0.5412743855221387]
    • [aggravated death 0.5388704982776445]
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    • [Sipple officers 0.5082834514299934]
    • [charged officers 0.4994693903005088]
    • [Lewis Zimmerman 0.4899298935474469]
    • [conference Friday 0.48499720681594594]
    • [Ayers Zimmerman 0.47742520409060046]
    • [capital Fund 0.4760948936905172]
    • [district officers 0.4530897408913028]
    • [news tweeted 0.4303792286914597]
    • [Kansas Diego 0.4177746099761169]
    • [discharge officers 0.41632070085994194]
    • [Lancaster Zimmerman 0.3731675836086679]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
  • 3 Lawyer: Man shot by cops while lying down with hands up
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [armed officers 0.7163804971796403]
    • [footage shot 0.6244171138045537]
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    • [told tweeted 0.5442885359201662]
    • [attorney officer 0.5412743855221387]
    • [Miami Diego 0.5409727157258251]
    • [discharged officer 0.535532617283409]
    • [Kinsey shot 0.531575606179349]
    • [Mr tweeted 0.5270476681132156]
    • [Rivera Diego 0.514679903299246]
    • [lying shot 0.5103351801183676]
    • [released Friday 0.5048076339542773]
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    • [opened Friday 0.4675402748193796]
    • [WSVN shot 0.4525746508341342]
    • [therapist officer 0.4441414992532544]
    • [Union Fund 0.4328066262606396]
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    • [shows shot 0.41448345375917056]
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    • [Napoleon shot 0.38312883802309083]
    • [North Police 0.3602786421400256]
  • 3 For black families, hard questions from children over U.S. police killings
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [fatal deaths 0.7443516918687125]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [13-year-old killed 0.5754451159627143]
    • [blacks officers 0.5731771464790896]
    • [racial enforcement 0.5634026869227146]
    • [men officers 0.549143855073394]
    • [Simmons Zimmerman 0.545220332120264]
    • [disparities enforcement 0.542981499428389]
    • [Ferguson Zimmerman 0.5320262342645363]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [Families Fund 0.5143434868609078]
    • [African-American officers 0.4667035338951042]
    • [children death 0.45208474298850904]
    • [home morning 0.4485104508541227]
    • [news tweeted 0.4303792286914597]
    • [parents officers 0.4186672050330287]
    • [television shooting 0.3594999126084801]
    • [Unaeze Police 0.0]
  • 3 'Sheer brutality': Police detail Baton Rouge shooting scene
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
    • [car motorcycle 0.7736417998587869]
    • [gunman shooting 0.7229110013965506]
    • [sheriff officers 0.6536935510283497]
    • [scene shooting 0.6456959209438371]
    • [brutality enforcement 0.633987785247488]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Dabadie officers 0.5706762230058269]
    • [Tullier officer 0.5433002831137251]
    • [Edmonson shooting 0.5404638910986582]
    • [Gautreaux officers 0.5125203246046763]
    • [Garafola officers 0.5001299772416454]
    • [sheer heroic 0.4926845483303937]
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    • [called tweeted 0.483886430880416]
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    • [East Police 0.32653413622563293]
  • 3 #PhilandoCastile: Man Dies In Falcon Heights Police Shooting Captured On Facebook Live [Warning Graphic Video] - Music Fest TV
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [killed killed 1]
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    • [police police 1]
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    • [Reynolds Zimmerman 0.5892736051310901]
    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
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    • [Valerie Zimmerman 0.4714741338236159]
    • [bellowing heroic 0.46625708763689]
    • [Falcon officer 0.4573082862679475]
    • [Heights shooting 0.45293815917090663]
    • [God death 0.4317307201582099]
    • [Lavish Zimmerman 0.4219166650317574]
    • [opens Friday 0.38668595092566815]
    • [permeate enforcement 0.36694574011596204]
    • [Live July 0.3552941502325814]
    • [Don morning 0.3425740623715801]
    • [O Zimmerman 0.32342904219002055]
    • [stream morning 0.3164468105490476]
    • [K tweeted 0.29509359720582995]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3 White House to review ban on military gear for police - police leaders
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [vehicles motorcycle 0.6941302597066424]
    • [gear motorcycle 0.6338140372809536]
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    • [military-grade enforcement 0.5668074386590525]
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    • [enhance efforts 0.5272892062171658]
    • [safety enforcement 0.4908423393646744]
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    • [Local Police 0.47722015304582205]
    • [Pasco officer 0.4706666604450256]
    • [equipment motorcycle 0.4568255716967376]
    • [White Zimmerman 0.4160772812200946]
    • [launcher shot 0.39288085911340287]
    • [ban enforcement 0.3914049191553982]
    • [House Friday 0.3663029890450781]
    • [review enforcement 0.3255157932899822]
  • 3 Austin Police Department, my personal experience
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [shoot shoot 1]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [honesty heroic 0.5822832300697615]
    • [APD Police 0.5735322777404419]
    • [captain officer 0.5642783858981772]
    • [cadet officer 0.528783961232151]
    • [obey enforcement 0.5225268547558372]
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    • [entered underwent 0.4860333394140503]
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    • [facility underwent 0.47175364829969585]
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    • [Watch shot 0.3618021157529267]
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    • [Majerouses Police 0.0]
    • [I Police 0.0]
  • 3 Man leaves dog in hot car, charged with cruelty to animals - News - The Litchfield County Times
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [vehicle motorcycle 0.7869893228978329]
    • [car motorcycle 0.7736417998587869]
    • [arrested killed 0.6929028708828308]
    • [judicial enforcement 0.6542655888168505]
    • [claimed killed 0.6528635221936655]
    • [wrote tweeted 0.6281399148395798]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [Aug July 0.5816960191020071]
    • [Petco Diego 0.5705375605451278]
    • [Martin Zimmerman 0.5632659871996285]
    • [earlier morning 0.5544548180204711]
    • [court enforcement 0.5391200993940057]
    • [state enforcement 0.5322010179847433]
    • [beginning morning 0.527022154362798]
    • [slightly torso 0.5114256274183894]
    • [stages underwent 0.5025784393187868]
    • [dog motorcycle 0.5015396667855854]
    • [Road Memorial 0.4548708623632857]
    • [Farm Memorial 0.4271445864462124]
    • [Terrell Zimmerman 0.42698056228511916]
    • [11 July 0.42515201858192797]
    • [Street Friday 0.41786065316770443]
    • [J Zimmerman 0.416614532384099]
    • [12 July 0.4091406991468146]
    • [open Friday 0.40810923810573485]
    • [approximately deaths 0.40121513927710395]
    • [Torrington Memorial 0.39908203626831545]
    • [records enforcement 0.385356209299513]
    • [Bethlehem Memorial 0.35097282010107655]
    • [50 Friday 0.3163393575593567]
    • [1 deaths 0.28930699786230296]
    • [Rajok Police 0.0]
    • [Torringford Police 0.0]
  • 3 Standard Digital News - 10 Poisonous Foods We Like to Eat
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [Morning Morning 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [22nd Friday 0.6652023207229043]
    • [2016 July 0.6263620005862698]
    • [Koinange July 0.5524166712558228]
    • [Jeff Zimmerman 0.5145658670651643]
    • [Tukuza July 0.5084602134646822]
    • [Chairman Fund 0.4492399717802562]
    • [Jomo morning 0.42179341851955965]
    • [Hassan killed 0.38391906935224535]
    • [Kenyatta morning 0.37973438958316896]
    • [Issack Officers 0.37770168456800013]
    • [KTN morning 0.3731657696398495]
    • [Uhuru heroic 0.36561222372764196]
    • [Express July 0.36555033364056544]
    • [Kenya Fund 0.36471517486939986]
    • [IEBC officers 0.35857674355587876]
    • [Live July 0.3552941502325814]
    • [10 Friday 0.33640085982320606]
    • [Raila officers 0.332655256462909]
    • [Poisonous deaths 0.30206543676910635]
    • [Odinga officers 0.2991539754326026]
    • [Hot Memorial 0.29078081279497653]
  • 3 Unaccountable Police Unions Endanger Minorities and Everyone Else
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shootings shootings 1]
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [laws enforcement 0.6890611010016676]
    • [agencies enforcement 0.6791381074363151]
    • [cop officers 0.67067920737952]
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    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
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    • [Fryer Zimmerman 0.4971581104678075]
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  • 3 Prosecutor charges man in Kansas police officer's death
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [shooting shooting 1]
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    • [assault killed 0.5561025791558211]
    • [attorney officer 0.5412743855221387]
    • [aggravated death 0.5388704982776445]
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    • [Sipple officers 0.5082834514299934]
    • [Lewis Zimmerman 0.4899298935474469]
    • [conference Friday 0.48499720681594594]
    • [Ayers Zimmerman 0.47742520409060046]
    • [capital Fund 0.4760948936905172]
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    • [Kansas Diego 0.4177746099761169]
    • [discharge officers 0.41632070085994194]
    • [Lancaster Zimmerman 0.3731675836086679]
    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
  • 3 Exclusive: White House to review ban on military gear for police - police leaders
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
    • [vehicles motorcycle 0.6941302597066424]
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    • [enhance efforts 0.5272892062171658]
    • [Drawbaugh Zimmerman 0.4843218743813897]
    • [Local Police 0.47722015304582205]
    • [Pasco officer 0.4706666604450256]
    • [equipment motorcycle 0.4568255716967376]
    • [White Zimmerman 0.4160772812200946]
    • [launcher shot 0.39288085911340287]
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    • [review enforcement 0.3255157932899822]
    • [Firstpost killed 0.28092525234621957]
  • 3 The Dallas Shooting Suspect Had Military Experience
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [July July 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
    • [Angeles Diego 0.7010668239435692]
    • [gunmen killed 0.6540992720501712]
    • [2016 July 0.6263620005862698]
    • [military officers 0.6155094693688168]
    • [suspect shooting 0.6044753132491325]
    • [Army Officers 0.5984923774862417]
    • [standoff officers 0.577720354904193]
    • [Micah killed 0.5714508030421516]
    • [time morning 0.5656039252394697]
    • [prolonged death 0.5314589182820533]
    • [defense enforcement 0.5122616982764128]
    • [Dallas officers 0.5005057729635777]
    • [Johnson Zimmerman 0.48295688912746065]
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    • [official tweeted 0.4634661814412781]
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    • [multiple enforcement 0.3732114568388887]
    • [Company Fund 0.3516803772801164]
    • [Ready Fund 0.3430757443988726]
    • [Individual Officers 0.3383815259911506]
    • [8 Friday 0.3283636647200849]
    • [284th Police 0.0]
  • 3 Dear white Americans, we can hear your silence this week
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [deaths deaths 1]
    • [police police 1]
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    • [murders deaths 0.7130785530151058]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [lives death 0.5645321152280967]
    • [injustice heroic 0.5536740631682654]
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    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [black shot 0.5064369859720951]
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    • [Facebook tweeted 0.4737592819033442]
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  • 3 Former St. Anthony police chief gave damning interview weeks ago
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [cops officers 0.7851063658466764]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
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    • [Philando shooting 0.5928746953503369]
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    • [Castile shooting 0.5658901574989247]
    • [weeks morning 0.5558891165728541]
    • [council officers 0.5429558046835905]
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    • [Anthony Zimmerman 0.5155732026745848]
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    • [damning tweeted 0.4917526927739979]
    • [interview morning 0.48768547327992506]
    • [gave morning 0.4829232679912449]
    • [St Memorial 0.47983769281474026]
    • [Facebook tweeted 0.4737592819033442]
    • [Live July 0.3552941502325814]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [Ohl Police 0.0]
    • [Lindeke Police 0.0]
  • 3 Bricks still being sold for Veteran’s Plaza
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [effort effort 1]
    • [memory memory 1]
    • [death death 1]
    • [Foundation Fund 0.6761501724273308]
    • [goal efforts 0.6369640018697801]
    • [Civil Officers 0.540324343174201]
    • [earmarked Fund 0.5274369754072347]
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    • [plaza Memorial 0.49483595611140124]
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    • [date July 0.474348524900137]
    • [15 July 0.4482150361629441]
    • [served officer 0.44716255406084476]
    • [Jefferson Zimmerman 0.4431465401386036]
    • [Gass tweeted 0.44298970316908387]
    • [Creek Memorial 0.4400957033375594]
    • [call morning 0.43920063428035344]
    • [1812 Memorial 0.4382318420728924]
    • [Linda Zimmerman 0.43469063191891105]
    • [vet underwent 0.43009043701426874]
    • [000 killed 0.42385260118520063]
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    • [lines efforts 0.37083788427753506]
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    • [City Police 0.3558553097472297]
    • [Mossy torso 0.34583204818510827]
    • [purchasers officers 0.32501224242748156]
    • [110 Friday 0.30623783282322226]
    • [Bricks Officers 0.2979425400816325]
  • 3 breaking News: Hands Up! They Shoot! - News Paper
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [shot shot 1]
    • [Shoot Shoot 1]
    • [truck motorcycle 0.6533190249948481]
    • [man shot 0.6077733377718832]
    • [agitators officers 0.5839920880474164]
    • [toy motorcycle 0.5541739455516047]
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    • [stories heroic 0.4975820350402669]
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    • [world heroic 0.41306286959778254]
    • [Hands Officers 0.4085133209267272]
    • [top shot 0.3870978131977954]
    • [paper morning 0.33685014200681374]
    • [News July 0.3345503838734986]
    • [incriminates Police 0.0]
  • 3 AP News : The Latest: Long line of mourners at visitation for Gerald
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officer officer 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [gunman shooting 0.7229110013965506]
    • [Sheriff Police 0.707270032327385]
    • [funeral death 0.6264572644544742]
    • [lone shot 0.6135460355629841]
    • [Baton officers 0.606257082841604]
    • [Rouge officers 0.5767868041555545]
    • [Deputy Police 0.5598630027838585]
    • [Jackson Zimmerman 0.5339383623419552]
    • [Montrell Officers 0.529914526446524]
    • [Gavin shot 0.5105906938613717]
    • [Garafola officers 0.5001299772416454]
    • [Mourners killed 0.49744960214233475]
    • [Parish Police 0.4870498275667806]
    • [caskets officers 0.465386655806294]
    • [Ganem Zimmerman 0.4628790460364409]
    • [city killed 0.4452807810239732]
    • [Brad officer 0.4438010678885117]
    • [Matthew officer 0.44135138814006736]
    • [Gerald officer 0.4290430276089858]
    • [Long Officers 0.3878168522649899]
    • [East Police 0.32653413622563293]
  • 3 'Someone Else Was Killed By The Police On My Timeline. What Can I Do?'
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [killing killing 1]
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    • [Prosecutor Police 0.6976465470451018]
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    • [actions efforts 0.6218549588878212]
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    • [stopped morning 0.5811753022131468]
    • [month Friday 0.5794890791228463]
    • [incarceration death 0.5664128159477436]
    • [Alton shooting 0.5361935026203156]
    • [matters enforcement 0.5306055884655203]
    • [protests officers 0.5275428992087233]
    • [accountable officers 0.5264351141680176]
    • [Sterling shooting 0.5214722857791283]
    • [tangible efforts 0.50995027341596]
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    • [creating efforts 0.5035293344697025]
    • [Scott Zimmerman 0.5012026798951368]
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    • [Lives Police 0.4629298513622853]
    • [Research Fund 0.45545364895240337]
    • [Cleveland Diego 0.4551642294799149]
    • [obligated officers 0.45456126426708726]
    • [Walter Memorial 0.44008807183014115]
    • [feel morning 0.43785070641913537]
    • [comfortable torso 0.4145071186876423]
    • [Syllabus Police 0.41287809460715225]
    • [Benbow Memorial 0.3913186331310665]
    • [Black Zimmerman 0.38178898758422963]
    • [GroupMe tweeted 0.37530305289188726]
    • [Reading Memorial 0.3272472021450488]
  • 3 Trains disrupted by Narathiwat bomb
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [motorcycle motorcycle 1]
    • [killed killed 1]
    • [police police 1]
    • [chief officer 0.781294533776831]
    • [soldiers officers 0.7216846077911276]
    • [attack killed 0.6847552159472083]
    • [gun shooting 0.6323001953593163]
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    • [squad officers 0.5042545908247861]
    • [region efforts 0.47472549708868383]
    • [passed killed 0.4545318689090181]
    • [water morning 0.4511091876503852]
    • [15 July 0.4482150361629441]
    • [festival shooting 0.4367481727805541]
    • [restive killed 0.43188509119476626]
    • [kilograms killed 0.41182224952436497]
    • [Narathiwat killed 0.40902595438674194]
    • [Ramadan morning 0.39832144478286374]
    • [Crown Memorial 0.3631416795068574]
    • [Yaha shot 0.3606904520523191]
    • [Yala killed 0.3507451802809594]
    • [10 Friday 0.33640085982320606]
    • [Sungai morning 0.32396862512205626]
    • [Sata Friday 0.32040853747245224]
    • [Manop Police 0.0]
    • [Kolok Police 0.0]
    • [Assuwan Police 0.0]
    • [Bannang Police 0.0]
  • 3 Sandy Springs Police Mark 10 Years of Protecting Community
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [Police Police 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [enforcement enforcement 1]
    • [Sergeants Officers 0.644458131662278]
    • [Department Police 0.6103010041255899]
    • [Miller Zimmerman 0.5923535452324111]
    • [Davis Zimmerman 0.5903725890628466]
    • [Kalish Zimmerman 0.5854416681799972]
    • [Sandy Zimmerman 0.5630013741997472]
    • [Smith Zimmerman 0.5426078104057872]
    • [Force Officers 0.5414534590457898]
    • [McGinnis Zimmerman 0.5341173065328719]
    • [Scott Zimmerman 0.5012026798951368]
    • [Chandler Zimmerman 0.4891048420347851]
    • [Matt Zimmerman 0.4582317678955144]
    • [Executive Officers 0.44468941170245124]
    • [Mark tweeted 0.4446466598080469]
    • [Forrest Zimmerman 0.44273722841596963]
    • [Bohannon Zimmerman 0.42154094411177406]
    • [Brenda Zimmerman 0.42019301784419805]
    • [Stein Zimmerman 0.41711345466507443]
    • [Amanda Zimmerman 0.4106393317724845]
    • [Plympton Zimmerman 0.399100845407234]
    • [Bertrand heroic 0.39734392501763727]
    • [Springs Memorial 0.3729280802630418]
    • [7 July 0.343318831258164]
    • [10 Friday 0.33640085982320606]
    • [365 Diego 0.24567987065435581]
    • [GCIC Police 0.0]
    • [Tiffanye Police 0.0]
    • [SSPD Police 0.0]
    • [Eskew Police 0.0]
    • [Nable Police 0.0]
  • 3 Drunk, Fighting Jetstar Passengers Could Face $100,000 Bill
  • url:
  • word-word best matches:
    • [morning morning 1]
    • [officers officers 1]
    • [Friday Friday 1]
    • [armed officers 0.7163804971796403]
    • [mid-air torso 0.5895940016650442]
    • [reported deaths 0.5583649100430026]
    • [men officers 0.549143855073394]
    • [plane crashes 0.5461523341742655]
    • [fight efforts 0.5430403208219343]
    • [brawl killed 0.5410151559244948]
    • [arrive morning 0.5366956644807616]
    • [9News Police 0.5275740830539427]
    • [flight crashes 0.5244132133666839]
    • [started morning 0.5234925906817128]
    • [diverting efforts 0.5091664744278944]
    • [passengers motorcycle 0.5046610958824413]
    • [re-routing crashes 0.5013082476829932]
    • [back torso 0.49514086249798067]
    • [Airport Police 0.4348611994452235]
    • [required enforcement 0.4118980105836852]
    • [https July 0.4087440901630767]
    • [Gona motorcycle 0.3812973536544007]
    • [Jetstar motorcycle 0.37163391391342]
    • [bound enforcement 0.3636133455777816]
    • [Bali morning 0.356648046971991]
    • [Rai shot 0.3138106067629649]
    • [Australian Friday 0.3057757735185324]
    • [au tweeted 0.2536012822555407]
    • [JetstarAirways Police 0.0]
    • [9Today Police 0.0]
    • [elisebaker9 Police 0.0]
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