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axel-sirota /
Created June 28, 2023 18:58
Mulesoft Author Talk

Login: ps_navy Pass: RD!jrLP9zg

  1. Show around anypoint , explain

  2. Go and create SQS (explain what it is, save the following attributes: )

Queue URL:

axel-sirota /
Last active June 13, 2023 15:05
(Advanced/Intermediate/Fundamentals) Kubernetes Intallation instructions

(Advanced/Intermediate/Fundamentals) Kubernetes Intallation instructions


Core requirements:

Docker Desktop

With Docker Desktop, you'll get a managed Kubernetes cluster after some initial setup.

axel-sirota /
Last active May 22, 2023 18:50
Instructions to install Anaconda Python both in Mac and Windows

Installing Anaconda Python

Wether you arrive here by chance, or you need to install Python for our Python/ML classes @ DI; here is a solution for you. As in classes we use Jupyter notebooks, the easiest way to have all data packages + jupyter is downloading Anaconda Python, which is a mega dist with python and all the batteries included.


  1. If you come from mac, go to and click as the image shows:


# Installation instructions
## Windows
### Core requirements:
**Azure CLI**:
- The main steps are from
axel-sirota /
Created October 29, 2021 18:30
AutoML Example
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.model_selection
import sklearn.datasets
import sklearn.metrics
import autosklearn.classification
from smac.tae import StatusType
axel-sirota / docker_compose.yaml
Last active March 17, 2021 19:53
MongoDB: Next Steps Live Demos
version: "2"
image: mongo
command: mongod --shardsvr --replSet mongors1 --dbpath /data/db --port 27017
image: mongo
command: mongod --shardsvr --replSet mongors2 --dbpath /data/db --port 27017
image: mongo
// Start the MongoDB Container
docker run --name mongo -d mongo
docker exec -i mongo sh -c 'mongoimport -d oreilly -c students --drop --type json' < students.json
// Check that Mongodb adds a projection on non-used fields
db.students.explain("executionStats").aggregate( [
{ $group: { _id: "$grade", frequency: { $sum: 1 } } },
{ $match: { "frequency": { $gt : 10 } } }