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Created November 4, 2013 09:39
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Example of specialized HMap, where equality and array instantiation is factored out into a typeclass.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class HMap[@specialized(Int, Long) K, V](
implicit val emptyKey: HMap.Empty[K],
implicit val emptyVal: HMap.Empty[V]
) {
private var keytable: Array[K] = null
private var valtable: Array[V] = emptyVal.newEmptyArray(HMap.initSize)
private var sz = 0
protected def init(ek: HMap.Empty[K], ev: HMap.Empty[V]) {
keytable = emptyKey.newEmptyArray(HMap.initSize)
init(emptyKey, emptyVal)
def foreach[U](f: (K, V) => U) {
var i = 0
while (i < keytable.length) {
val k = keytable(i)
if (k != emptyKey.nil) {
val v = valtable(i)
f(k, v)
i += 1
private def lookup(k: K): V = {
var pos = index(k)
val nil = emptyKey.nil
var curr = keytable(pos)
while (curr != nil && curr != k) {
pos = (pos + 1) % keytable.length
curr = keytable(pos)
if (curr == nil) emptyVal.nil
else valtable(pos)
private def insert(k: K, v: V): V = {
var pos = index(k)
val nil = emptyKey.nil
var curr = keytable(pos)
assert(k != nil)
while (curr != nil && curr != k) {
pos = (pos + 1) % keytable.length
curr = keytable(pos)
val previousValue = valtable(pos)
keytable(pos) = k
valtable(pos) = v
val added = curr == nil
if (added) {
sz += 1
private def delete(k: K): V = {
var pos = index(k)
val nil = emptyKey.nil
var curr = keytable(pos)
while (curr != nil && curr != k) {
pos = (pos + 1) % keytable.length
curr = keytable(pos)
if (curr == nil) emptyVal.nil
else {
val previousValue = valtable(pos)
var h0 = pos
var h1 = (h0 + 1) % keytable.length
while (keytable(h1) != nil) {
val h2 = index(keytable(h1))
if (h2 != h1 && before(h2, h0)) {
keytable(h0) = keytable(h1)
valtable(h0) = valtable(h1)
h0 = h1
h1 = (h1 + 1) % keytable.length
val v = valtable(h0)
keytable(h0) = emptyKey.nil
valtable(h0) = emptyVal.nil
sz -= 1
private def checkResize() {
if (sz * 1000 / HMap.loadFactor > keytable.length) {
val okeytable = keytable
val ovaltable = valtable
val ncapacity = keytable.length * 2
keytable = emptyKey.newEmptyArray(ncapacity)
valtable = emptyVal.newEmptyArray(ncapacity)
sz = 0
var pos = 0
val nil = emptyKey.nil
while (pos < okeytable.length) {
val curr = okeytable(pos)
if (curr != nil) {
insert(curr, ovaltable(pos))
pos += 1
private def before(i: Int, j: Int) = {
val d = keytable.length >> 1
if (i <= j) j - i < d
else i - j > d
private def index(k: K): Int = {
val hc = k.##
math.abs(scala.util.hashing.byteswap32(hc)) % keytable.length
def apply(key: K): V = lookup(key) match {
case `emptyVal`.nil => throw new NoSuchElementException("key: " + key)
case v => v
def get(key: K): Option[V] = lookup(key) match {
case `emptyVal`.nil => None
case v => Some(v)
def contains(key: K): Boolean = lookup(key) match {
case `emptyVal`.nil => false
case v => true
def update(key: K, value: V): Unit = insert(key, value)
def remove(key: K): Boolean = delete(key) match {
case `emptyVal`.nil => false
case v => true
def clear() {
var pos = 0
val nil = emptyKey.nil
while (pos < keytable.length) {
if (keytable(pos) != nil) {
val k = keytable(pos)
val v = valtable(pos)
keytable(pos) = emptyKey.nil
valtable(pos) = emptyVal.nil
sz -= 1
pos += 1
def size: Int = sz
object HMap {
def apply[@specialized(Int, Long) K: Empty, V: Empty]() = new HMap[K, V]
val initSize = 16
val loadFactor = 450
abstract class Empty[@specialized(Int, Long) T] {
val classTag: ClassTag[T]
val nil: T
def newEmptyArray(sz: Int): Array[T]
implicit def emptyRef[T >: Null <: AnyRef: ClassTag]: Empty[T] = new Empty[T] {
val classTag = implicitly[ClassTag[T]]
val nil = null
def newEmptyArray(sz: Int) = new Array[T](sz)
implicit val emptyLong: Empty[Long] = new Empty[Long] {
val classTag = implicitly[ClassTag[Long]]
val nil = Long.MinValue
def newEmptyArray(sz: Int) = Array.fill[Long](sz)(nil)
implicit val emptyInt: Empty[Int] = new Empty[Int] {
val classTag = implicitly[ClassTag[Int]]
val nil = Int.MinValue
def newEmptyArray(sz: Int) = Array.fill[Int](sz)(nil)
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val hm = new HMap[Int, String]
hm(0) = "zero"
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