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Created November 4, 2016 17:59
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> test
[warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies:
[warn] * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.11.4, 2.11.6, 2.11.0) -> 2.11.7
[warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following:
[warn] ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
[warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
[info] Fast optimizing /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-common/js/target/scala-2.11/reactors-common-test-fastopt.js
[info] + QuadMatrix.remove elements in a rectangle: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 9.485 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.update and apply in random order: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.853 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.remove random elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.043 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.compress the quad tree after removing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 4.016 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.traverse its random dense elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.797 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.traverse its random sparse elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.076 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.copy all from a random sub-block: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.652 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.update and apply rectangle: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.375 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.traverse random elements in a spatial query: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.074 sec
[info] + UnrolledRing.should enqueue elements and traverse them: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.040 sec
[info] + UnrolledRing.should randomly enqueue and dequeue: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.022 sec
[info] + UnrolledRing.should never have more than 2 nodes: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.025 sec
[info] + UnrolledBuffer.should enqueue elements and traverse them: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.021 sec
[info] + Conc.append correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.110 sec
[info] + Conc.Conc.Queue operations: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.056 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue alternating pushHeadTop/pushLastTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.482 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue popLastTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.323 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct popHead: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.133 sec
[info] + Conc.split correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.140 sec
[info] + Conc.<> balance: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.034 sec
[info] + Conc.insert correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.055 sec
[info] + Conc.generated trees: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.046 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushLastTop many times: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.239 sec
[info] + Conc.update correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.593 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue normalized: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.777 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue concat: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.458 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue popHeadTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.444 sec
[info] + Conc.right shake: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.023 sec
[info] + Conc.left shake: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.022 sec
[info] + Conc.unprepend correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.862 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue popHeadTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.264 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue popHeadTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.252 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushHeadTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.035 sec
[info] + Conc.conc buffer correct: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.206 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct pushLast: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.113 sec
[info] + Conc.apply correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.055 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer all combinations of operations correct: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.225 sec
[info] + Conc.<> correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.038 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue pushLastTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.293 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushHeadTop many times: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.225 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue pushHeadTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.279 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct popLast: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.072 sec
[info] + Conc.last correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.009 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue constant amount of work for any operation: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.808 sec
[info] + Conc.head correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.007 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct pushHead: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.112 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushLastTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.031 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue normalized toConqueue: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.306 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue invariants: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.005 sec
[info] + Conc.append balance: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.089 sec
[info] UnrolledRingSpec:
[info] UnrolledRing
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue an element
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue many elements
[info] - should randomly enqueue and dequeue elements
[info] - should traverse the elements using foreach
[info] - should remove elements
[info] UnrolledBufferTest:
[info] - enqueue and dequeue many elements
[info] BinaryHeapSpec:
[info] BinaryHeap
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue an element
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue many elements
[info] - should traverse elements
[info] - should sort elements
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticMDCBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation MDCAdapter implementation.
SLF4J: See for further details.
[info] ::Benchmark HashMatrix::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(size -> 1024): 0
[info] Summary: 1/1 passed.
[info] ::Benchmark QuadMatrix.empty-pool::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(size -> 64): 15
[info] ::Benchmark QuadMatrix.full-pool::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(size -> 64): 0
[info] Summary: 2/2 passed.
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 46 seconds, 162 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 12
[info] Suites: completed 3, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 12, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 19, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 19
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-core/jvm/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[info] + Events.should register observers: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.153 sec
[info] + Events.should deregister observers: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.066 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.remove elements in a rectangle: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 18.093 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.update and apply in random order: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 13.014 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.remove random elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.112 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.compress the quad tree after removing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 27.162 sec
[info] + should be awaited: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 52.265 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.should receive all system events: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.194 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.should send itself messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.219 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.should create another reactor and send it messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.126 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.receive events in the same order they were sent: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.820 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.always receive unreact after getting sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.481 sec
[info] + executed by at most one thread at a time: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.626 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.should play ping-pong with another reactor: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.359 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.receive many events through different sources: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.083 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.should receive many events: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.041 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.not process any events after sealing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.052 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.not process events sent by itself and others after getting sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.723 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.ReactorScheduled before event, ReactorPreempted after event: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.471 sec
[info] + terminated after all its channels are sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.088 sec
[info] + NewThreadSystem.a ring of isolates should correctly propagate messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.750 sec
[info] + ECSystem.should play ping-pong with another reactor: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.154 sec
[info] + ECSystem.not process any events after sealing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.074 sec
[info] + ECSystem.a ring of isolates should correctly propagate messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.045 sec
[info] + ECSystem.always receive unreact after getting sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.382 sec
[info] + ECSystem.should create another reactor and send it messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.015 sec
[info] + terminated after all its channels are sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.041 sec
[info] + executed by at most one thread at a time: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.690 sec
[info] + ECSystem.should receive all system events: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.004 sec
[info] + ECSystem.receive many events through different sources: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.039 sec
[info] + ECSystem.should receive many events: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.017 sec
[info] + ECSystem.ReactorScheduled before event, ReactorPreempted after event: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.420 sec
[info] + ECSystem.receive events in the same order they were sent: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.360 sec
[info] + ECSystem.not process events sent by itself and others after getting sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.729 sec
[info] + ECSystem.should send itself messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.091 sec
[info] + executed by at most one thread at a time: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.525 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.should create another reactor and send it messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.009 sec
[info] + terminated after all its channels are sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.027 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.should receive many events: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.015 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.not process events sent by itself and others after getting sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.668 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.receive events in the same order they were sent: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.375 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.receive many events through different sources: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.021 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.always receive unreact after getting sealed: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.435 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.should receive all system events: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.003 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.should send itself messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.048 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.ReactorScheduled before event, ReactorPreempted after event: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.342 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.a ring of isolates should correctly propagate messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.030 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.not process any events after sealing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.997 sec
[info] + DefaultJvmSchedulerSystem.should play ping-pong with another reactor: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.057 sec
[info] + PiggybackSystem.should send itself messages: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.063 sec
[info] NetTest:
[info] - resource string should be resolved
[info] - resource string should throw an exception
[info] IVarSpec:
[info] - be assigned
[info] - be unreacted
[info] - throw
[info] - be created empty
[info] SignalSpec:
[info] - changes
[info] - diffPast
[info] - zip
[info] - past2
[info] - aggregate
[info] - be constant
[info] - be mapped
[info] - be diffed past
[info] - be zipped
[info] - reflect changes
[info] - be aggregated
[info] - triple zip
[info] - syncWith
[info] - zip many
[info] ReactorSystemTest:
[info] - system should return without throwing
[info] - system should return without throwing and use custom name
[info] - system should throw when attempting to reuse the same name
[info] - system should create a default channel for the reactor
[info] - system should create a system channel for the reactor
[info] - system should schedule reactor's ctor for execution
[info] - system should invoke the ctor with the Reactor.self set
[info] - reactor should ensure the ReactorStarted event
[info] - reactor should process an event that arrives after the first batch
[info] - reactor should process an event that arrives during the first batch
[info] - reactor should process an event that arrives during the first event
[info] - reactor should process two events that arrive during the first event
[info] - reactor should process 100 incoming events
[info] - reactor should terminate after sealing its channel
[info] - reactor should be able to open a new channel
[info] - reactor should get ReactorScheduled events
[info] - reactor should get ReactorPreempted events
[info] - Reactor.self should be correctly set
[info] - after termination and before ReactorTerminated reactor name must be released
[info] - after the reactor starts, its channel should be looked up
[info] - channel resolution reactor should look up channels when asked
[info] - channel await reactor should await channels when asked
[info] - channel await reactor should await a channel that appears later
[info] - existing channel listeners must be preserved after spawn failures
[info] - existing channel listeners must be preserved after terminations
[info] ClockTest:
[info] - periodic timer should fire 3 times
[info] - timeout should fire exactly once
[info] - countdown should accumulate 45
[info] CustomServiceTest:
[info] - custom service should be retrieved
[info] ChannelsTest:
[info] - existing channel should be awaited
[info] - non-existing channel should be awaited
[info] JvmReactorSystemTest:
[info] - reactor should terminate on ctor exception
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at io.reactors.Platform$Reflect$.instantiate(Platform.scala:119)
at io.reactors.Proto.create(Proto.scala:25)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.checkFresh(Frame.scala:218)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:330)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$Worker.loop(JvmScheduler.scala:293)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception thrown in ctor (THIS IS OK)!
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at io.reactors.concurrent.CtorExceptionReactor.<init>(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:49)
... 12 more
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception during termination (THIS IS OK)!
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at io.reactors.concurrent.TerminationExceptionReactor$$anonfun$21.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:57)
at io.reactors.concurrent.TerminationExceptionReactor$$anonfun$21.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:54)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:36)
at io.reactors.Events$$anon$1.react(Events.scala:134)
at io.reactors.Events$Push$class.reactAll(Events.scala:1133)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.reactAll(Events.scala:1347)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1352)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1350)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.checkTerminated(Frame.scala:306)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:336)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$Worker.loop(JvmScheduler.scala:293)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$
Exception in thread "Thread-13194" java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception during termination (THIS IS OK)!
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at io.reactors.concurrent.TerminationExceptionReactor$$anonfun$21.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:57)
at io.reactors.concurrent.TerminationExceptionReactor$$anonfun$21.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:54)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:36)
at io.reactors.Events$$anon$1.react(Events.scala:134)
at io.reactors.Events$Push$class.reactAll(Events.scala:1133)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.reactAll(Events.scala:1347)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1352)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1350)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.checkTerminated(Frame.scala:306)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:336)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$Worker.loop(JvmScheduler.scala:293)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$
Exception in thread "Thread-13191" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at io.reactors.Platform$Reflect$.instantiate(Platform.scala:119)
at io.reactors.Proto.create(Proto.scala:25)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.checkFresh(Frame.scala:218)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:330)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$Worker.loop(JvmScheduler.scala:293)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception thrown in ctor (THIS IS OK)!
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at io.reactors.concurrent.CtorExceptionReactor.<init>(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:49)
... 12 more
[info] - reactor does not raise ReactorDied events after ReactorTerminated
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception thrown (THIS IS OK)!
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at io.reactors.concurrent.RunningExceptionReactor$$anonfun$22.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:64)
at io.reactors.concurrent.RunningExceptionReactor$$anonfun$22.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:63)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:36)
at io.reactors.Events$$anon$1.react(Events.scala:134)
at io.reactors.Events$Push$class.reactAll(Events.scala:1133)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.reactAll(Events.scala:1347)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1352)
at io.reactors.EventQueue$UnrolledRing.dequeue(EventQueue.scala:112)
at io.reactors.Connector.dequeue(Connector.scala:58)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.drain$1(Frame.scala:236)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processEvents(Frame.scala:258)
[info] - reactor should terminate on exceptions while running
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:333)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$Worker.loop(JvmScheduler.scala:293)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$
Exception in thread "Thread-13197" java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception thrown (THIS IS OK)!
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at io.reactors.concurrent.RunningExceptionReactor$$anonfun$22.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:64)
at io.reactors.concurrent.RunningExceptionReactor$$anonfun$22.applyOrElse(jvm-reactor-system-tests.scala:63)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:36)
at io.reactors.Events$$anon$1.react(Events.scala:134)
at io.reactors.Events$Push$class.reactAll(Events.scala:1133)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.reactAll(Events.scala:1347)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1352)
at io.reactors.EventQueue$UnrolledRing.dequeue(EventQueue.scala:112)
at io.reactors.Connector.dequeue(Connector.scala:58)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.drain$1(Frame.scala:236)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processEvents(Frame.scala:258)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:333)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$Worker.loop(JvmScheduler.scala:293)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Dedicated$
[info] - piggyback scheduler should throw an exception if called from a reactor
[info] EventsSpec:
[info] - closed emitter immediately unreacts
[info] - onReaction
[info] - onReaction with early unsubscribe
[info] - onEventOrDone
[info] - onEvent
[info] - onMatch
[info] - on
[info] - onDone
[info] - onDone unsubscribe
[info] - onExcept
[info] - recover
[info] - lift try
[info] - ignoreExceptions
[info] - scanPast
[info] - scanPast with Int
[info] - reducePast
[info] - incremental
[info] - toEmpty
[info] - toSignal
[info] - toSignal unreacts observers when done
[info] - toCold
[info] - toCold unsubscribes with zero subscribers
[info] - toCold unreacts observers when done
[info] - toCold used with zip removes subscriptions
[info] - count
[info] - mutate
[info] - mutate2
[info] - mutate3
[info] - after
[info] - after with Int
[info] - after unsubscribes
[info] - until
[info] - until unsubscribes
[info] - once
[info] - once with early unreact
[info] - once unsubscribes
[info] - filter
[info] - collect
[info] - map
[info] - sample
[info] - group by
[info] - batch
[info] - takeWhile
[info] - takeWhile unsubscribes early
[info] - dropAfter
[info] - dropWhile
[info] - take
[info] - mux
[info] - unreacted
[info] - unreacted unsubscribes early
[info] - union
[info] - concat
[info] - sync
[info] - postfix union
[info] - postfix concat
[info] - postfix first
[info] - postfix first with early subscription
[info] - ivar
[info] - ivar with exception
[info] - toRCell
[info] - possibly
[info] - get
[info] - sliding
[info] RCellSpec:
[info] - filtered
[info] - propagate the exception when filtered
[info] - be mapped
[info] - propagate the exception when mapped
[info] - be counted
[info] - emit once
[info] - not propagate exceptions after it emitted once
[info] - be scanned past
[info] - propagate the exception when scanned past
[info] - come after
[info] - propagate exceptions even before the first event
[info] - not propagate exceptions from that after the first event
[info] - never come after
[info] - propagate exceptions until the end event
[info] - occur until
[info] - union
[info] - propagate both exceptions to union
[info] - concat
[info] - propagate both exceptions to concat
[info] - be synced
[info] - be muxed
[info] - be higher-order union
[info] - be higher-order concat
[info] - collect accurately
[info] - be taken while
[info] - be taken while until exception
[info] - react to unreactions
[info] - throw from an onEvent
[info] - throw from onDone
[info] - throw from onExcept
[info] - throw from onReaction
[info] - throw from onReactUnreact
[info] - throw from onMatch
[info] - throw from on
[info] - recover from errors
[info] - ignore all incoming exceptions
[info] - empty cell
[info] ::Benchmark Emitter.onX::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] ::Benchmark Emitter.toSignal::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 4
[info] ::Benchmark Emitter.<combinators>::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 29
[info] Summary: 3/3 passed.
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 minute, 18 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 155
[info] Suites: completed 10, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 155, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 164, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 164
[warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies:
[warn] * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.11.4, 2.11.6, 2.11.0, 2.11.1) -> 2.11.7
[warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following:
[warn] ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
[warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
[info] Compiling 10 Scala sources to /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-protocols/jvm/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[info] RemoteTest:
[info] - UDP transport should send events correctly
[info] - UDP transport should send and receive events correctly
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 second, 615 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 2
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2
[info] + RMap.emit updates: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.161 sec
[info] + RMap.emit modified on collected values: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.106 sec
[info] + RMap.collectValue: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.272 sec
[info] + RMap.RMap.apply: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.272 sec
[info] + RMap.emit adds: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.082 sec
[info] + RHashSet.basic ops: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.118 sec
[info] + RHashSet.traverse: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.097 sec
[info] + RContainer.fold: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.154 sec
[info] + RContainer.union primitives: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.213 sec
[info] + RContainer.forall: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.042 sec
[info] + RContainer.update the size: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.025 sec
[info] + RContainer.exists: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.020 sec
[info] + RContainer.union references: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.367 sec
[info] + RContainer.count: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.059 sec
[info] + with initial elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.003 sec
[info] + to Double: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.084 sec
[info] + RContainer.filter: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.097 sec
[info] + RContainer.commutative fold: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.119 sec
[info] + RContainer.reduce: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.024 sec
[info] + eagerly evaluated: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.019 sec
[info] + OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.028 sec
[info] + OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.015 sec
[info] + RContainer.collect: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.022 sec
[info] + RContainer.sizes: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.013 sec
[info] + OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.028 sec
[info] + RBinaryHeap.react to head changes: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.097 sec
[info] + RHashMap.contain elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.077 sec
[info] + RHashMap.subscribe to many keys: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.124 sec
[info] + RHashMap.subscribe to non-existing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.052 sec
[info] + RCatamorph.balanced CommuteCatamorph: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.284 sec
[info] + RCatamorph.balanced MonoidCatamorph: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.248 sec
[info] + RFlatHashMap.contain many elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.070 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect removal of signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.079 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.064 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.String Monoid: remove signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.181 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect removing and adding: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.056 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect removal of signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.039 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect addition of new signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.016 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.037 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect addition of new signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.028 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.String Monoid: add signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.145 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect removing and adding: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.027 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect removal of signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.046 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect removing and adding: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.024 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect addition of new signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.013 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.015 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.traverse all elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.930 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.copy all elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 9.961 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.traverse all elements from a random sub-block: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.272 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.contain diagonal elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.037 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.remove elements from an array: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 7.188 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.copy all from a random sub-block: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.257 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.copy all elements from half-empty: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 7.915 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.contain block elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 5.634 sec
[info] RHashSetSpec:
[info] - be empty
[info] - contain a single element
[info] - contain two elements
[info] RHashMapSpec:
[info] A RHashMap
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should contain a single element
[info] - should contain two elements
[info] - should contain several elements
[info] - should subscribe to a specific key
[info] RQuadMatrixSpec:
[info] - disallow clear after asMap
[info] RFlatHashMapSpec:
[info] A RFlatHashMap
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should contain a single element
[info] - should contain two elements
[info] - should contain several elements
[info] SignalCatamorphSpec:
[info] A SignalCatamorph using Int Monoids
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should accurately reflect a single signal
[info] - should accurately reflect two signals
[info] - should accurately reflect many signals
[info] - should accurately reflect addition of new signals
[info] - should accurately reflect removal of signals
[info] - should accurately reflect signals being removed and added
[info] A SignalCatamorph using String Monoids
[info] - should correctly reflect signals
[info] - should correctly reflect many added signals
[info] - should correctly reflect removing signals
[info] A SignalCatamorph using Int Commutes
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should accurately reflect a single signal
[info] - should accurately reflect two signals
[info] - should accurately reflect many signals
[info] - should accurately reflect addition of new signals
[info] - should accurately reflect removal of signals
[info] - should accurately reflect signals being removed and added
[info] A SignalCatamorph using Int Abelians
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should accurately reflect a single signal
[info] - should accurately reflect two signals
[info] - should accurately reflect many signals
[info] - should accurately reflect addition of new signals
[info] - should accurately reflect removal of signals
[info] - should accurately reflect signals being removed and added
[info] RHashMatrixSpec:
[info] - disallow clear after asMap
[info] ::Benchmark RMap.<combinators>::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] Summary: 1/1 passed.
[info] ::Benchmark RHashMap::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] ::Benchmark RFlatHashMap::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] ::Benchmark RHashMatrix::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] ::Benchmark QuadMatrix::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] ::Benchmark RContainer.<combinators>::
[info] cores: 8
[info] hostname: zephyr
[info] name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] osArch: amd64
[info] osName: Linux
[info] vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] version: 25.91-b14
[info] Parameters(numEvents -> 10000): 0
[info] Summary: 5/5 passed.
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 52 seconds, 420 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 38
[info] Suites: completed 6, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 38, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 53, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 53
[info] + ServerProtocols.should stream events from the server: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.237 sec
[info] + RouterProtocols.round-robin router: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.720 sec
[info] + RouterProtocols.random router: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.335 sec
[info] + RouterProtocols.hash: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.361 sec
[info] + RouterProtocols.DRR: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.547 sec
[info] + Patterns.throttle: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 5.285 sec
[info] RouterProtocolsSpec:
[info] - default router with single channel
[info] - round robin should work correctly when targets change
[info] BackpressureProtocolsSpec:
[info] ConversionsSpec:
[info] - Traversable#toEvents
[info] - Future#toIVar
[info] ServerProtocolsSpec:
[info] - request a reply from the server
[info] - request a reply from a server reactor
[info] - request a reply from a maybe-server reactor
[info] PatternsSpec:
[info] + QuadMatrix.traverse its random dense elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1 min 35.328 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.traverse its random sparse elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.424 sec
[info] - throttle
[info] - retry regular
[info] + QuadMatrix.copy all from a random sub-block: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.115 sec
[info] - retry linear
[info] + QuadMatrix.update and apply rectangle: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 9.106 sec
[info] + QuadMatrix.traverse random elements in a spatial query: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.280 sec
[info] - retry exponential
[info] + Conc.append correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.318 sec
[info] + Conc.Conc.Queue operations: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.296 sec
[info] - retry random exponential
[info] StreamingLibraryTest:
[info] - streaming map
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 minute, 14 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 13
[info] Suites: completed 6, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 13, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 16, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 16
[info] DirectBackpressureTest:
[info] DirectReactorTest:
[info] - reactor defined with direct
[info] - reactor terminate after first message
[info] - reactor terminate after n messages
[info] - reactors play ping-pong
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 minute, 15 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 4
[info] Suites: completed 2, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 4, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 4, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 4
[info] DebuggerTest:
Starting ChromeDriver 2.23.409687 (c46e862757edc04c06b1bd88724d15a5807b84d1) on port 13592
Only local connections are allowed.
Using PPAPI flash.
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.config.RapidoidInitializer | Starting Rapidoid... | version = 5.1.9 | mode = dev | profiles = [default, dev] | process = 15166@zephyr | java = 1.8.0_91 | dir = /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.setup.App | Inferring application root | main = io.reactors.debugger.DebuggerTest | package = io.reactors.debugger
INFO | server | | Server started | address = | port = 9500 | I/O workers = 8 | accept = non-blocking
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = GET | path = / | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = html(() -> (predefined response))
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/state | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/breakpoint/add | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/breakpoint/list | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/breakpoint/remove | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/repl/get | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/repl/eval | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | org.rapidoid.http.impl.HttpRoutesImpl | Registering handler | setup = web-debugger-test-system | verbs = POST | path = /api/repl/close | roles = [] | tx = NONE | handler = json((Req) -> ...)
INFO | main | | Shutting down the server...
INFO | main | | The server is down.
[info] - test basic debugger scenarios
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 1 minute, 31 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1
[info] Reactors:
[info] - simple reactor
[info] ReactorsTopLevel:
[info] - top-level reactor
[info] ReactorChannels:
[info] - channel creation
[info] Schedulers:
[info] - custom global execution context scheduler
[info] Lifecycle:
[info] - lifecycle throws an exception
at tutorial.LifecycleReactor$$anonfun$2.applyOrElse(schedulers.scala:212)
at tutorial.LifecycleReactor$$anonfun$2.applyOrElse(schedulers.scala:204)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:36)
at io.reactors.Events$$anon$1.react(Events.scala:134)
at io.reactors.Events$Push$class.reactAll(Events.scala:1133)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.reactAll(Events.scala:1347)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1352)
at io.reactors.Events$Emitter.react(Events.scala:1350)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.processBatch(Frame.scala:334)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.isolateAndProcessBatch(Frame.scala:192)
at io.reactors.concurrent.Frame.executeBatch(Frame.scala:165)
at io.reactors.JvmScheduler$Executed$$anon$
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
[info] WhyReactors:
[info] Setup:
[info] GettingStarted:
[info] - hello world
[info] UseCases:
[info] ReactorSystemServices:
[info] - logging service
[info] - clock service
[info] - channels service
[info] ReactorSystemServicesCustomService:
[info] - custom shutdown service
[info] EventStreams:
[info] - emitter react
[info] - emitter lifecycle
[info] - onX family
[info] - onEvent square sum
[info] - functional square sum
[info] - filter and union
[info] - mux and union
[Fri Nov 04 18:46:45 CET 2016 | reactor-1 <1>] Test reactor started!
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 13 seconds, 78 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 17
[info] Suites: completed 12, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 17, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 20, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 20
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue alternating pushHeadTop/pushLastTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1 min 41.366 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue popLastTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.049 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct popHead: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.269 sec
[info] + Conc.split correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.399 sec
[info] + Conc.<> balance: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.092 sec
[info] + Conc.insert correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.201 sec
[info] + Conc.generated trees: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.152 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushLastTop many times: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.555 sec
[info] + Conc.update correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.108 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue normalized: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 10.294 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue concat: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 3.510 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue popHeadTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 4.078 sec
[info] + Conc.right shake: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.159 sec
[info] + Conc.left shake: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.143 sec
[info] + Conc.unprepend correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 25.287 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue popHeadTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.879 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue popHeadTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.933 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushHeadTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.432 sec
[info] + Conc.conc buffer correct: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.334 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct pushLast: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.356 sec
[info] + Conc.apply correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.139 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer all combinations of operations correct: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.664 sec
[info] + Conc.<> correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.192 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue pushLastTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.105 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushHeadTop many times: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.258 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue pushHeadTop constant work: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 2.361 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct popLast: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.295 sec
[info] + Conc.last correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.081 sec
[info] + Conc.lazy conqueue constant amount of work for any operation: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 11.138 sec
[info] + Conc.head correctness: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.070 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue buffer correct pushHead: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.242 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue pushLastTop: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.406 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue normalized toConqueue: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.895 sec
[info] + Conc.conqueue invariants: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.076 sec
[info] + Conc.append balance: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.328 sec
[info] UnrolledRingSpec:
[info] UnrolledRing
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue an element
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue many elements
[info] - should randomly enqueue and dequeue elements
[info] - should traverse the elements using foreach
[info] - should remove elements
[info] + UnrolledRing.should enqueue elements and traverse them: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.025 sec
[info] + UnrolledRing.should randomly enqueue and dequeue: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.028 sec
[info] + UnrolledRing.should never have more than 2 nodes: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.029 sec
[info] UnrolledBufferTest:
[info] - enqueue and dequeue many elements
[info] + UnrolledBuffer.should enqueue elements and traverse them: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.030 sec
[info] BinaryHeapSpec:
[info] BinaryHeap
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue an element
[info] - should enqueue and dequeue many elements
[info] - should traverse elements
[info] - should sort elements
[info] TimerTest:
[info] - be scheduled once
[info] ScalaCheck
[info] Passed: Total 50, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 50
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 6 minutes, 27 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 13
[info] Suites: completed 4, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 13, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 13, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 13
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-core/js/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[info] Fast optimizing /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-core/js/target/scala-2.11/reactors-core-test-fastopt.js
[info] IVarSpec:
[info] - be assigned
[info] - be unreacted
[info] - throw
[info] - be created empty
[info] SignalSpec:
[info] - changes
[info] - diffPast
[info] - zip
[info] - past2
[info] - aggregate
[info] - be constant
[info] - be mapped
[info] - be diffed past
[info] - be zipped
[info] - reflect changes
[info] - be aggregated
[info] - triple zip
[info] - syncWith
[info] - zip many
[info] ReactorSystemTest:
[info] - system should return without throwing
[info] - system should return without throwing and use custom name
[info] - system should throw when attempting to reuse the same name
[info] - system should create a default channel for the reactor
[info] - system should create a system channel for the reactor
[info] - system should schedule reactor's ctor for execution
[info] - system should invoke the ctor with the Reactor.self set
[info] - reactor should ensure the ReactorStarted event
[info] - reactor should process an event that arrives after the first batch
[info] - reactor should process an event that arrives during the first batch
[info] - reactor should process an event that arrives during the first event
[info] - reactor should process two events that arrive during the first event
[info] - reactor should process 100 incoming events
[info] - reactor should terminate after sealing its channel
[info] - reactor should be able to open a new channel
[info] - reactor should get ReactorScheduled events
[info] - reactor should get ReactorPreempted events
[info] - Reactor.self should be correctly set
[info] - after termination and before ReactorTerminated reactor name must be released
[info] - after the reactor starts, its channel should be looked up
[info] - channel resolution reactor should look up channels when asked
[info] - channel await reactor should await channels when asked
[info] - channel await reactor should await a channel that appears later
[info] - existing channel listeners must be preserved after spawn failures
[info] - existing channel listeners must be preserved after terminations
[info] ClockTest:
[info] - periodic timer should fire 3 times
[info] - timeout should fire exactly once
[info] - countdown should accumulate 45
[info] CustomServiceTest:
[info] - custom service should be retrieved
[info] ChannelsTest:
[info] - existing channel should be awaited
[info] - non-existing channel should be awaited
[info] EventsSpec:
[info] - closed emitter immediately unreacts
[info] - onReaction
[info] - onReaction with early unsubscribe
[info] - onEventOrDone
[info] - onEvent
[info] - onMatch
[info] - on
[info] - onDone
[info] - onDone unsubscribe
[info] - onExcept
[info] - recover
[info] - lift try
[info] - ignoreExceptions
[info] - scanPast
[info] - scanPast with Int
[info] - reducePast
[info] - incremental
[info] - toEmpty
[info] - toSignal
[info] - toSignal unreacts observers when done
[info] - toCold
[info] - toCold unsubscribes with zero subscribers
[info] - toCold unreacts observers when done
[info] - toCold used with zip removes subscriptions
[info] - count
[info] - mutate
[info] - mutate2
[info] - mutate3
[info] - after
[info] - after with Int
[info] - after unsubscribes
[info] - until
[info] - until unsubscribes
[info] - once
[info] - once with early unreact
[info] - once unsubscribes
[info] - filter
[info] - collect
[info] - map
[info] - sample
[info] - group by
[info] - batch
[info] - takeWhile
[info] - takeWhile unsubscribes early
[info] - dropAfter
[info] - dropWhile
[info] - take
[info] - mux
[info] - unreacted
[info] - unreacted unsubscribes early
[info] - union
[info] - concat
[info] - sync
[info] - postfix union
[info] - postfix concat
[info] - postfix first
[info] - postfix first with early subscription
[info] - ivar
[info] - ivar with exception
[info] - toRCell
[info] - possibly
[info] - get
[info] - sliding
[info] RCellSpec:
[info] - filtered
[info] - propagate the exception when filtered
[info] - be mapped
[info] - propagate the exception when mapped
[info] - be counted
[info] - emit once
[info] - not propagate exceptions after it emitted once
[info] - be scanned past
[info] - propagate the exception when scanned past
[info] - come after
[info] - propagate exceptions even before the first event
[info] - not propagate exceptions from that after the first event
[info] - never come after
[info] - propagate exceptions until the end event
[info] - occur until
[info] - union
[info] - propagate both exceptions to union
[info] - concat
[info] - propagate both exceptions to concat
[info] - be synced
[info] - be muxed
[info] - be higher-order union
[info] - be higher-order concat
[info] - collect accurately
[info] - be taken while
[info] - be taken while until exception
[info] - react to unreactions
[info] - throw from an onEvent
[info] - throw from onDone
[info] - throw from onExcept
[info] - throw from onReaction
[info] - throw from onReactUnreact
[info] - throw from onMatch
[info] - throw from on
[info] - recover from errors
[info] - ignore all incoming exceptions
[info] - empty cell
[info] + Events.should register observers: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.613 sec
[info] + Events.should deregister observers: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.347 sec
[info] ScalaJsPlatformTest:
[info] - configuration parser
[info] - configuration parser fallback
[info] ScalaCheck
[info] Passed: Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 9 seconds, 787 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 151
[info] Suites: completed 9, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 151, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 151, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 151
[info] Compiling 6 Scala sources to /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-protocols/js/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[info] Fast optimizing /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-remote/js/target/scala-2.11/reactors-remote-test-fastopt.js
[info] Fast optimizing /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-container/js/target/scala-2.11/reactors-container-test-fastopt.js
[info] Fast optimizing /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors-protocols/js/target/scala-2.11/reactors-protocols-test-fastopt.js
[info] + RMap.emit updates: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.152 sec
[info] + RMap.emit modified on collected values: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.080 sec
[info] + RMap.collectValue: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.434 sec
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 16 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] No tests were executed.
[info] + RMap.RMap.apply: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.438 sec
[info] + RMap.emit adds: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.104 sec
[info] + RHashSet.basic ops: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.253 sec
[info] + RHashSet.traverse: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.513 sec
[info] RHashSetSpec:
[info] - be empty
[info] - contain a single element
[info] - contain two elements
[info] + RContainer.fold: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.238 sec
[info] + RContainer.union primitives: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.532 sec
[info] + RContainer.forall: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.056 sec
[info] + RContainer.update the size: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.045 sec
[info] + RContainer.exists: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.045 sec
[info] + RContainer.union references: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.393 sec
[info] + RContainer.count: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.076 sec
[info] + with initial elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.009 sec
[info] + to Double: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.200 sec
[info] + RContainer.filter: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.164 sec
[info] RouterProtocolsSpec:
[info] - default router with single channel
[info] - round robin should work correctly when targets change
[info] BackpressureProtocolsSpec:
[info] ConversionsSpec:
[info] - Traversable#toEvents
[info] - Future#toIVar
[info] ServerProtocolsSpec:
[info] - request a reply from the server
[info] - request a reply from a server reactor
[info] - request a reply from a maybe-server reactor
[info] + RContainer.commutative fold: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 27.418 sec
[info] + RContainer.reduce: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.113 sec
[info] + eagerly evaluated: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.111 sec
[info] PatternsSpec:
[info] - throttle
[info] - retry regular
[info] - retry linear
[info] - retry exponential
[info] - retry random exponential
[info] StreamingLibraryTest:
[info] - streaming map
[info] + OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.201 sec
[info] + OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.122 sec
[info] + RContainer.collect: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.062 sec
[info] + RContainer.sizes: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.061 sec
[info] + OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.230 sec
[info] + RBinaryHeap.react to head changes: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.189 sec
[info] + RHashMap.contain elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.230 sec
[info] + RHashMap.subscribe to many keys: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.437 sec
[info] + RHashMap.subscribe to non-existing: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.221 sec
[info] RHashMapSpec:
[info] A RHashMap
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should contain a single element
[info] - should contain two elements
[info] - should contain several elements
[info] - should subscribe to a specific key
[info] + RCatamorph.balanced CommuteCatamorph: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.787 sec
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 19 seconds, 847 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 13
[info] Suites: completed 6, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 13, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 13, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 13
[info] + RCatamorph.balanced MonoidCatamorph: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1.572 sec
[info] RQuadMatrixSpec:
[info] - disallow clear after asMap
[info] + RFlatHashMap.contain many elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.298 sec
[info] RFlatHashMapSpec:
[info] A RFlatHashMap
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should contain a single element
[info] - should contain two elements
[info] - should contain several elements
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect removal of signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.217 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.107 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.String Monoid: remove signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.162 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect removing and adding: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.128 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect removal of signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.095 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect addition of new signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.129 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.151 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Monoid: reflect addition of new signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.079 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.String Monoid: add signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.128 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect removing and adding: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.201 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect removal of signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.100 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect removing and adding: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.151 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Commute: reflect addition of new signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.067 sec
[info] + SignalCatamorph.Int Abelian: reflect signals: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.156 sec
[info] SignalCatamorphSpec:
[info] A SignalCatamorph using Int Monoids
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should accurately reflect a single signal
[info] - should accurately reflect two signals
[info] - should accurately reflect many signals
[info] - should accurately reflect addition of new signals
[info] - should accurately reflect removal of signals
[info] - should accurately reflect signals being removed and added
[info] A SignalCatamorph using String Monoids
[info] - should correctly reflect signals
[info] - should correctly reflect many added signals
[info] - should correctly reflect removing signals
[info] A SignalCatamorph using Int Commutes
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should accurately reflect a single signal
[info] - should accurately reflect two signals
[info] - should accurately reflect many signals
[info] - should accurately reflect addition of new signals
[info] - should accurately reflect removal of signals
[info] - should accurately reflect signals being removed and added
[info] A SignalCatamorph using Int Abelians
[info] - should be empty
[info] - should accurately reflect a single signal
[info] - should accurately reflect two signals
[info] - should accurately reflect many signals
[info] - should accurately reflect addition of new signals
[info] - should accurately reflect removal of signals
[info] - should accurately reflect signals being removed and added
[info] RHashMatrixSpec:
[info] - disallow clear after asMap
[info] + RHashMatrix.traverse all elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1 min 25.203 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.copy all elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1 min 11.395 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.traverse all elements from a random sub-block: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 14.388 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.contain diagonal elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 0.106 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.remove elements from an array: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 1 min 2.887 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.copy all from a random sub-block: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 14.461 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.copy all elements from half-empty: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 42.388 sec
[info] + RHashMatrix.contain block elements: OK, passed 200 tests.
[info] Elapsed time: 53.205 sec
[info] ScalaCheck
[info] Passed: Total 54, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 54
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 6 minutes, 27 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 38
[info] Suites: completed 6, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 38, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 38, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 38
[info] Fast optimizing /home/axel22/workspaces/scala/super-storm-enroute/reactors/reactors/js/target/scala-2.11/reactors-test-fastopt.js
[info] JsReactors:
[info] - use JS scheduler
[info] WhyReactors:
[info] Setup:
[info] GettingStarted:
[info] - hello world
[info] UseCases:
[info] ReactorSystemServices:
[info] - logging service
[info] - clock service
[info] - channels service
[info] ReactorSystemServicesCustomService:
[info] - custom shutdown service
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 4 seconds, 943 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 6
[info] Suites: completed 7, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 6, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 6, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 6
[success] Total time: 946 s, completed Nov 4, 2016 6:58:23 PM
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